They really should have stayed home and studied. They should have
prepared their next week's assignments. They should have had their eight
hours sleep. They should have written that letter home telling about school
and asking for money, instead of wiring for it at the last minute with none
of the preferred build-up. But did they? NO!
So here we are, pounding away, tliinking up trite sayings, quips of all
kinds-and why? Because they went to the Union, they went to the League,
they coked, they walked, they moiied,'and there you are.
Fr'instance-at the Union Friday night were among
r many, Carrine Dolman and Dick Bell, Jean Pheniger
and Harold Bruner, Jim Tobin and Do Gilliam. The
cider and doughnuts "on the house" caused a mild
'9stampede in which Kris Lee and Carl Culver were not
exactly on the losing end. Practically lost in the shuffle
were Bill Caruthers and Katherine Morse, Charles Can-
field and Jeanne Maddy, and Marg Hubbard and Chase
Sandersen. A certain member of Bill Sawyer's band
made even those smothie freshmen chortle with glee,
well, we think it was glee, as he crooned under a green
frosh hat "If I Only Had A Brain." How that strikes
home. Or have you noticed?
They Do A Lot Of Dancing!
"Jumpin' Jive" claimed the attention of all too many, not mentioning
any names. Non-committal observers were Bob O'Brien and Pat Saxton,
Bill Mahlman and Ruth Ausberger and Carolyn Denfield and Fred Culver.
What did we tell you? People, people (and students) everywhere. Oh well,
to continue.
To say the League was a busy place that same Friday night would
be putting it mildly; yes, mildly. Jerry Fink and Kay Dye, Ken Heininger
and Shirley Todt, Lee Chrisman and Vievia Hoelscher will vouch for us. And
the new dance floor was a big success. Just ask Pat Mac Farland and
Johnnie Shaney, or Harry Hillaker and Ruth Kinsey, or if you still persist,
we refer you to Jack Cooney and Margaret McQuillan, and Barbara Zapp
and Bill Wallace.
Then came Saturday, the most sought-after day of the week, or is it?
Anyway, whatever way you look at it, there were
lots of people around, innumerable, to be precise. ss
We will start this time with the movie. Many,
many men (and one or two women) were storming
the portals of a certain theatre (advertising forbid-
den) all too eager to laugh at the idiosynd'racies of
the opposite sex. Sometime, we hope, they may
make a movie-but we're getting off the subject.
Back to the Union. Ed Glan and Marjorie Mc-
Coy, Jack Statts and Isabel Ross, Andy Pauinich and
Mildred Curtis were there, ding, laughing, ap-
plauding, and, well, just generally approving. Also answering the roll-call
(changing our style a bit) were Woodrow Rankin and Pat Walpole, Phil
Van Nordstrand and lean Brown and Jim George and Betty Coward.
Pat Loughead and Jack Odell, Tom Armstrong and Lois Sharbach, Bob
Wheaton and Ruth Fitzpatrick, Ted Omber and Adele Bartholomew, War-
ren King and Phemia Haymans, and Al Pfaller, and Dorothy Robinson were
all a part of the Sigma Phi Epsilon delegation. Nancy Surgenor and Les
Goda, Dotty Boyer and Bud Whitely, and you an you and you were there,
which just about sums it up.
Are You Good At Riddles?
Again the League was crowded, no favoritism shown at all between the
men and the women's respective ballrooms. Helen Weissman and Leonard
Rosenman, Berta Lette, and Jack Gelder, Pat Young and Howard Egert were
attempting, in a way, to solve the various riddles which adorned the walls
of said ballroom. Harriet Vicary and Larry Rinek admitted their defeat in
guessing where the columns in the art school gardens come from. Say,
where do they come from! Give up? From a bank building torn down
some time ago. Heh, heh.
Margot Thom and Tom Harmon, Marian Price and Roman Burnor, Sue
Flanngam and Harry Clarke, not to mention us, were at the movies Sunday.
Well, that ends the weekend, so now let us delve back further into the
week and see how we students occupied ourselves in between casses, cok-
ink, etc. Sensations of the week were the
freshman mixers. "Men stay in line, women
move up 35 places," upon which all moved up
the said 35 places and found themselves with
the same persons they started with-which
explains pretty well that circle two-steps and
square dances do when mixed together. But
Selenah Stroh, Olga Gruhzit, Bob Crane (ad-
viser), Nancy Worrell, Pat Young, Betty Baer,
Mary Louise Porter and many other freshmen
(and advisers) claim it was very much fun
and why don't we have more.
Among others present were Millie Radford,
who did a neat square dance, Jack Grady, who
swung his "laady" with dexterity, and Jim Duthie, who was an ardent cham-
pion of mixers, but yea. Advisers
chatting with advisers were Pattie-
Mathews, Dodie Nichols, Jane Els-
path, Claire Ford and Sally Redner. YDC A
Freshmen meeting freshmen were
Gladys Burdick, Carol Lewis, David
Anslin, Jeanne Morris and Dick Stern.
ter and Harriet Thom, staid and dig-
nified seniors, being very vexed about
completing those deferred hours of
Morgan Attends Meeting
Robert 0. Morgan, assistant secre-
tary of the Alumni Association, at-
ended an organizational meeting of
he University of Michigan Club of
Port Huron last night. Plans for the Over the Parrot-338 So. State
year were discussed.
Call us for the best U of M. bands
Also Nationally-known Orchestras
206 Nichols Arcade Dial 3937
Betty Stout, '41, and Barbara John-
son, '40, were named as the two new
Assembly social chairman by As-
sembly Council yesterday, Mary
Frances Reek, '40, Assembly presi-
dent announced.
Miss Stout and Miss Johnson will
work with Panhellenic, Congress and
Interfraternity Council on all-cam-
pus tea dances, Sunday night League
suppers, exchange dinners and all
other social activities which these
groups sponsor together.
These two positions were created
this year because of a lack which was
felt by the Council in dealing with
the other orgaiaizations. But this
year the Assembly Council feels that
two more positions could be suitably
Petitioning for the Assembly So-
cial Committee by all independent
women who are interested in assist-
ing with the social activities will open
tomorrow and continue through
Thursday, Oct. 5 at 5 p.m. in the
Undergraduate office of the League.
Work will begin right after positions
are announced.
Eligibility cards must be obtained
before women can participate, Miss
Reek stated.
Social Committee
Meets At League
Women who wish to work on the
social committee of the League for
the coming year are urged to attend
314 S. Stote St. (opposite Kresge's)
CiMi-n 19(1Q nt n dd1 S