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May 30, 1940 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1940-05-30

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Tito Vuolo Frowns On Modern Miss;
Insists "Woman s Place Is In Home

ier VeIe

"The woman's place is in the home,"
uttered Tito Vuolo in his Italianized
English as he slumped back in his
chair in the enclosed garden of the
Hathaway Kale, who was sitting
across from Tito knitting, flashing
her needles and eyes simultaneous-
ly, sat up straight and retorted with
all the vigor of a woman scorned,
"The woman's place is wherever she
wants to be."
Tito is the one who plays so well
the Italian character role in this
week's Dramatic Season presentation,
"The World We Make." Miss Kale
plays the part of sally and in next
week's play, "Boyd's Shop," will take
the role of Mrs. Clotworthy. Although
this is Vuolo's first visit to Ann Arbor
it is Miss Kale's third trip and ac-
cording to her she feels like she is part
of the dramatic institution here.
A Woman Shouldn't Know Too Much
"A woman is supposed to be a wife
and a mother, and is not supposed to
know too much. It is all right if she
knows a little, but when she knows
too much then she is always out and
she doesn't make a good wife and
doesn't have time to be a mother,"
Tito continued, and then he paused
to remark. "You know, I have trav-
eled all over this country and this is
the first place that I have been in
that I haven't been able to get a
dish of Italian spaghetti. I'm prac-
tically starved."
"But I object," came back Miss
Kale, "In these times a woman has
to get out and fight for herself.
You can't stymie a girl by keeping
her in the home. Maybe she has
got her freedom but she still has to
fight for it. I think the main reason
that men don't want woman to be in
their world is that they take the jobs
away from them."
Girls Should Come In At 8:30
"But why should they work?
They're supposed to be raising chil-
dren." Tito claimed. "Everytime I
buy one something I have to buy
them all, but I have a family that
tays home with me, and," he said
emphasizing with his fist, "my girls

all come in at 8:30. They don't stay
out late."
"Oh, you are a tyrant!" burst forth
Miss Kale. "You can't do a thing
like that. Those girls have a right
to go out.|"
"i'll take them out," came back
Tito, "but they aren't going to grow

always come back to where I started
from. I go in circles. I have been
walking around here for 10 days and
I still am where I started from."
"Come now," said Miss Kale. "Keep
on the same subject. What do you
think of the college girls here? I
think they are getting more attrac-
tive. Only I can't get used to rolling
up the sleeves on their sweaters the
way they do.'
The Women-Oh!
"Oh!" and "Ah!" Tito ejaculated,
"They are all right, but they are us-
ing me. The other day a girl came
up to me and had me translate a
book for her, and then : found out.
I did 1- r talian or her. You see
what tluy dio whn thy don't stay
"I don't think we ever did that at
Smith," remarked Miss Kale, "but I
do think that the coeds out here
have improved from the ones I have
seen in former years. And I do think
that they have a right to go to col-
She's A Sweet Girl
As Miss Kale got up to go into re-
hearsal, Tito turned and said, "By
Golly, you know, she's a sweet girl!"
Then Tito took a letter out of his
pocket that he had received from one
of his daughters back home in the
East. After reading a few lines he
repeated, "Yes, she's a sweet girl."


"My girls all come in at 8:30-"
up to be uppity things like some I've
"Humph!" muttered Miss Kale,
"take the University here, for ex-1
ample, what would you have here if
you took all the women's buildings
and places away or if you took the
women away?"
It's My Own Opinion
"Well, what I think is my own opin-
ion," retorted Tito, "but it doesn't
harm anybody. I like Ann Arbor, it
is a nice place. It is quiet and nobody
is in a hurry. Why, in New York,
when I buy something in a store I
have to shove my way through and
even thenImight get pushed away
from the counter. And the walking
around here is a pleasure except I

Public Service Positions Offer
Muiy Oppftlmties To Women

What are the chances and advan-
tages of a woman obtaining a job
in the federal government service?
Lawrence J. O'Rourke, director of
research for the United States Civil
Service Commission, assures college
graduates that there are increasing
opportunities to enter government
work, and to do independent reseach
study, often at better salaries than
those paid beginners in industry.
Public Service Positions Open
At the present time about one-fifth
of the 900,000 persons on the Gov-
-ernment payroll are women, Secre-
tary of Labor Frances Perkins has
said. Despite depression reports
which continue to hover overhead,
government authorities vouch that
there are many public service posi-
tions open to college women if they
have the necessary qualifications.
Ambitious women must possess cer-
tain requisites for the kind of work
they choose, advised Miss Perkins.
Speaking from experience as the first
woman in the President's Cabinet,
she held that specific competence is
Character And Conscience Count
"The young women graduates in
the statistical courses in the econom-
ics departments of various colleges
always are the first to be employed
by the Government," she observed.
Secretary Perkins specified that
the standards which certain positions
demand can be judged appropriately
by civil service examinations. She
added, however, that equally rele-
vant are the attributes of character
and conscience, for responsibilities'

don't result from a "terrific" person-
ality or a pretty face.
Women must possess the ability to
"take it" in public office in order to
succeed, she maintained. Graduates
rise to positions of leadership, she has
discovered in her many years of ex-
perience, because they are trusted
more, rather than because they are
Openings for positions in public
service fields, official Washington re-
ports show, are varied and almost
unlimited. According to the reports,
the majority of jobs are found in
the clerical and secretarial depart-
ments, but bureaus such as the Unit-
ed States Department of Agriculture
welcome women, both professional
and non-professional. This is shown
by the 5,000 college-trained women
who have professional positions in
the land-and-resource management
and related activities, some of them
Enterprising Women Can Succeed
Excellent opportunities for gov-
ernment clerical workers to advance
to positions of administrative respon-
sibility were called to attention by
Dr. O'Rourke.
Miss Mary Anderson, Chief of the
Women's Bureau, has affirmed that
among the government posts women
are filling with a greater degree of
success than men are inspection jobs
in the Wage and Hour Administra-
Statistics reveal that about 87 per
cent of the women employed by the
Federal Government receive less than
$3,200 a year. The enterprising wo-
man, however, has before her ample
opportunity for advancement, if she
'has the necessary qualifications.

Long Shorts
To Be Worn
This Seasont
Longer days hail the shorts season,1
a season for every variety of com-I
fortable play clothes conceivable, withI
a range of selection wide enough to,
satisfy divergent tastes and hetro-
genious needs.
Along with the longer torso trend
comes the longer shorts move. This
paradoxicallysstated model is tailored;
in slacks fashion, and becuf fed to
draw the eye to a starting focal point
just above the knee. In these you{
can be free for sports and yet pre-
serve that vestige of modesty.
Adding to the mannish air of the
longer shorts, a tailored jacket is{
suitable for festive competition on
the tennis courts or on the lake. Mat-
ching jackets complement a pair of
shorts as beautifully as they do a'
campus skirt, while a colorful blouse
underneath brightens the total ef-
Shorts, however, stay true to their
name with a few of the styles. For
instance, the ballerina skirt-shorts
are a maze of fullness and folds over
matching tights. They're usually
worn with halter tops, but present a
beguiling effect with high neck jack-
ets. Then there's still a place for
the traditional plain shorts with one
pleat in the back and one in front
to take care of the fitting.
Judith Schaafsma
Wins AtPing-Pong
Celluloid balls proved facile in the
hands of Judith Schaafsma Grad.,
who triumphed over Mildred Mc-
Donald, '41, Monday to win the an-
nual women's intramural ping pong
Miss Schaafsma won two games
straight in the finals, 21-14, 21-16,
dropped one, 15-21, to Miss McDon-
ald, and then took the winning score
of 21-19 to claim the title.
In the semi-finals, Miss Schaafs-
ma beat Evelyn Kruvine, '42, to the
tune of 21-11, 21-14. Miss McDonald,
in her semi-finals match, beat Mary
Knoblouch, 22-19, lost one 14-21, and
took the decisive game with 21-10.
Complete Service
for the

Outrage of the Century was an-
ounced recently when the freshman
segment of the University populace1
was told that . they would have
THREE examinations Saturday. p
Not all the freshmen are affected---r
just those taking the introductoryr
courses in the three groups required
for graduation. Seems there was a
conflict between History 12 and
English 2, and since Zoology andr
Botany were already scheduled for
Saturday afternoon, History was1
left in its original position--the
morning--and English found a spe-
cial niche from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Pity the Freshmen
Upper classmen have long grum-
bled about two exams Saturday when
classes go through Friday or eve,,
Saturday morning if one doesn't
have an exam then, but instead of
voicing their objection they have
contented themselves with crossing
their fingers and hoping that it
wouldn't happen to them personally.
But this is different. Not only are
freshman courses fewer in number
and therefore apt to catch a greater
number by such an exam schedule,
but it is a well known fact that there
is no such thing as a freshman pipe
in which a cursory glance suffices
for review.
For those students who are caught
by this arrangement, Saturday
spells nothing less than calamity.
Nine hours of writing is just
too much. Writers' cramp is
bound to develop into paralysis, and
stiff necks are bad enough after
bending over an arm chair desk for
three hours, let alone nine.
Professors, Attention!
Professors who persist in ignoring
the student's side of the case are
nothing short of inhumane. We agree
that we're to be treated as adults
when we come to college, and fresh-
men don't want to be babied any
more than the rest of us, but any
English instructor who expects a
group of worn out freshmen to write
a good extemporaneous paper after
six previous hours of examination
is expecting more than the laws of
common sense and psychology per-
Perhaps professors are just being
modest and contending that students
don't learn anything in their courses
worth reviewing anyway, but unless
they are, I submit that the present
examination schedule for freshmen
violate the whole philosophy of ed-
ucation on which this University is
Cheever Residents
Honored At Dance
A dinner-dance given Sunday eve-
ning at Alpha Rho Chi, architects'
fraternity, honored Adelia Cheever
On display was much of the recent
works of the hosts, who showed their
skill and entertained at the same
time. The evening was spent in
dancing, ping-pong and bridge. Mrs.
Holly Dobbins and Mr. and Mrs.
George B. Brigham, Jr., were chap-
erons at he affair which was ar-
ranged by John Kely, '40A, and
Wesley Olds, '40A.

Golf Winners
Of Final Match
A re Annuouncedl
Pitch and Putt Club members were
given the first opportunity to ap-
plaud the winners of the Women's
Spring Golf Tournament Tuesday,
May 28, when their names were an-
nounced by Mrs. Stewart Hanley,
coach of the women's golf team.
Capturing the top honor of medal-
ist, was Donelda Schaible, '42, with
a score of 95. Virginia Fry, '42, was
runner-up with a 99. Other winners
were Margaret Edwards, Grad., 104;
Betty R. Jackson, '40, 105; Jean
Deron, '43, 107, and Jeanne Goman,
'41, 108.
The officers who will direct the
activities of the Pitch and Putt Club
next year were also announced. They
are as follows: Margery Allison,
'41, president: Edith Longyear, '42,
recording secretary, and Anna Jean
Williams, '42, corresponding secre-
Program committee members in-
clude Jean Doren, Josephine Jack-
son, '43, Edith Longyear, Donelda
Schaible and Anna Jean Williams,
The tournament was sponsored by
the Pitch and Putt Club and all
women in the University who were
interested in golf as a game or inter-
ested in trying out for the golf were
invited to participate.
~~ ~a
Bring- ToClose
Carefree Days
Legs climbing walls, twisting
around chairs, legs being sat upon
or entwining about each other are
not effects of a "pink elephant" po-
tion, but merely prove that finals
are upon us.
As the end of every happy, care-
free semester draws to a close, stark
reality jumps out from around a dim
distant corner to bring all the little
boys and all the little girls back to
Every student has his own patent-
ed system for cramming and BWOC's
and BMOC's astwell as all the little
WOC's and little MOC's are guilty
of adhering to this distinctly col-
legiate habit.sStudents working for
A's as well as those trying to pass
courses cram.
Upon observation and years of
sad experience, the cub reporter is
able to present to its public the start-
ling facts of cramming.
Most people find that comfort
must be attained in order to be able
to concentrate, and that is where
the legs come into the picture. Dif-
ferent schools of thought on the
question present many possible solu-
tions to the problem. Lie flat, or
the floor or on a bed-on your back
or on your stomach. The difficult3
here is that sleep is apt to overtak
the student.
Lie on the bed or on the floo
with the feet propped against th
wall. (In this case one must la
on the back). Others sit Indian
style or with legs thrown over th
backs of chairs, while the more con
servative type will remain sittini
upright at a desk.

Records show that Senior Ball, the
last social event of the year, is also
the oldest among traditional Michi-
gan dances; the first mention of a
social affair for the seniors appears
in the Chronicle, a bi-monthly pub-
lication before the days of The Daily.
An 1870 issue of the Chronicle
announces a reception given by the
president of the University for the
graduation class. The reception of
the 19th century slowly evolved into
a reception followed by a dance, and
then became the senior ball we know.
Originally this dance was given
during graduation week for the ex-
press purpose of excluding under-
classmen. However, these lowlier ele-
ments of the campus edged their way
into the affair, in their typical man-
ner. The 1934 Senior Ball commit-
tee decided to reestablish the custom
of a dance restricted to Seniors.
However, this year, as others, there
will be a goodly representation from
the underclassmen.
Grand March Abolished
In 1911 the "awkward and clum-
sy" institution of the grand march
was abolished. By 1931, the dance
had grown to such proportions that
it was necessary to give two dances,
one in the regular manner, and the
other using the Union Ballroom or-
chestra for the overflow.
One of the more democratic and
practical traditions on campus is the
practice of forbidding corsages at
these dances, and others throughout
the year.
Until recently the senior dances
were held in the Union. In 1934
southern ferns and cut flowers were
banked over the orchestra shell and
fireplace. The following year the
featured orchestra was Kay Kyser,

rs ,and ,oon
Dr. and Mrs. Harry C. Wills of
Grand Rapids have announced the
engagement of their daughter, Eliz-
abeth Ann, '38, to Bernard S. Carter,
Jr., of Detroit, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Bernard S. Carter, of Boston, Mass.
Miss Wills was a member of Theta
Sigma Phi, honorary journalistic
fraternity, and is employed as society
editor of The Grand Rapids Press.
Mr. Carter studied at Summerfield
School, Oxford, England, and is a
graduate of Brooks School at North
Andover, Mass.
Mr. and Mrs. Francis A. Jimerson
of Athens, Pa., have announced the
forthcoming marriage of their,
daughter Helen, '41, to John Myers
Cook, '40, son of Mr. and ,Mrs. Syd-
ney P. Cook of Ann Arbor. The
wedding will take place June 22 at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jimerson.
The couple plan to make their
home in Chicago, Ill., where Mr.
Cook will be employed after receiv-
ing his bachelor's degree from the
University in June.
'- -


for those
There's nothing like a new dress
to "pick you up" and to give
you a new outlook on life!
Sheers, ginghams, spun rayons,
and cottons will make you a new

the originator of the practice of sing-
ing the song titles, the committee
proudly announced.
School colors have always been the
favorite in decorations. Maize and
blue were draped over a large '36
the next year, with the whole arrange-
ment set up behind the orchestra,
which was that of Ted Weems, feat-
uring his whistler, Elmo Turner.
The Intramural Building was first
used in 1937, when Jan Garber was
selected to play "because of his pop-
ularity as a college dance band." A
wise chairman announced that the
decorations would be fairly plain be-
cause ventilation space would be
Dance Featured Busse
Henry Busse and his band played
at the Intramural Building the fol-
lowing year. Originally, it had been
planned to use the Union Ballroom,
but the extensive sale of tickets ne-
cessitated the use of the larger build-
ing. The walls and ceiling were draped
in maize and blue-a cooler June
than the previous year, no doubt.
Last year found the innovation of
a catch-phrase for the dance, "Sym-
phony in Blue". Carrying out the
theme were huge musical notes in
blue against a silver back drop, with
a draped ceiling. Bob Crosby's or-
chestra played against a background
of black with coral draped in silver
satin with a huge clef.
But these are all in the past, and
as the seniors tell us this year, "Life
Begins with Forty." The name of the
band alone promises well for the
dance, and as a setting for the smooth
swing of Glenn .Miller there will be
a classic effect of tall white columns,
which are to be huge diplomas tied
in the school colors.


Senior Ball, Last Social Event,
Is Oldest Of Traditional Dances


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A Ro11ing Stone
Gathers No Moss
H We all know it's because it keeps
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the merchandise in our store never has an even
slightly "mossy" look. It never stays around on
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gone tomorrow, we hope! If not, down goes
the price; and it may even wind up as a month-
end item.
It's this rapid turnover that enables us to give
you the best values for your money. And why?
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the finest, the freshest, and the newest of mer-
Shop Early for

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who are leaving us for good, may we say,
and to those who will be back again-
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