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May 14, 1940 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-05-14

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T[fk§bAY ' MAi' 14; 1040


Patrons Named
For Graduates'
Formal Friday
Music Will Be Furnished
By George Kavanaugh
In Rackham Ballroom
Patrons and patronesses have
been announced for the second an-
nual graduate formal to be held from
9:30 p.m. to 1 a.m., Friday in the
Rackham ballroom and on the roof
The list includes the names of Dean
and Mrs. C. S. Yoakum, Dean and
Mrs. Peter Okkelberg,, Mr. and Mrs.
D. B. Gooch and Prof. and Mrs.
Arno H. Bader.
George Kavanaugh and his orches-
tra will furnish the music for the
dance and will feature sweet and
swing music and vocal and saxophone
solos. They have recently appeared
at Eastwood Park, Hotel Webster
Hall and the Saks Show Bar in De-
Sale of tickets will continue from
6:30 p.m. to 8:15 p.m. in the lobbies
of the League, the Union, and the
Rackham School until the day of the
dance. Tickets are available for
facultysmembers aswell as graduate
students and one member of each
couple must have graduate standing
in the University.


To Play For Graduates


Chapter House
Activity Notes
Theta Xi
Newly elected officers of Theta Xi
fraternity are: John H. Harwood,
'41E; president; John R. Henry, '41E,
vice-president; Donn G. Kipka, '41,
secretary; R. Raymond Allen, '41E,
treasurer; George D. Gotchall, '42E,
house manager; Rendel W. Smith,
'42E, steward.
Zeta Tau Alpha
Edith Ely, '41Ed, of Pikesville, Md.,
has been pledged by Zeta Tau Alpha.
Alpha Delta Pi
Alpha Delta Pi will hold a tea
from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. today in honor
of Mrs. Sidney R. Stanard, of Web-
ster Groves, Mo., grand president
of the sorority.
Pattie Main, '41, Marian Combe,
'41, Jo Ann Taylor, '42, and Lois Gish,
'42, were present at a province con-
vention of national Alpha Delta Pi
May 10 through May 12 at Lake For-
est, Ill.
Publicity Applicants
To Be Interviewed
Interviewing for publicity chair-
man of the League will be held from
3 p.m. to 5 p.m. today in the Under-
graduate Office of the League, Doris
Merker, '41, chairman of Judiciary
Council announced.
Both those who have made ap-
pointments and those who have not
will be considered at this time. Pub-
licity chairman is the last League
Council position to be filled, as an-
nouncement of the other Council posi-
tions were made at the Installation

Beach Clothes
Are Practical
And Flattering
Forgetting the past snowy May
days and looking ahead to sunnier
hours, we undauntedly report that
beach clothes are hitting a new high
in serviceability.
Gone are the days of frilly, be-
ruffled pajamas in weird designs that
couldn't be worn away from the
sands for fear of sending urban resi-
dents scurrying to shelte4 in certain-
ty that the women from Mars had
New trends in summer fashion news
display a marked tendency towards
conservatism. Play clothes for the
beach are practicably designed so that
with the addition of a matching skirt
or jacket the 1940 edition of woman-
hood can dash to the city suitably
One early style show featured a:
quaint copen print in a chintz play
suit with a detachable pleated skirt.
Seasonal pastels are carried out in
the colors of a plaid pique three-
piece suit. The blouse has collar-
less lapels, buttons down the front,
and when worn with the skirt, with
white spectators for an evening date,
makes a smart outfit.
Especially nice for the vacationer
who likes something a little different
is a wnite cotton playsuit, edged in
red rick-rack, which is just right for
the tennis court. A scarlet pinafore
with a front bow and deep. pockets
may bt worn over it for street occa-
If you must be practical about a
beach robe this season the designers
had just you in mind when they
fashicned a' robe 'ut of white terrya
cloth with an attachable hood and,
white terry scuffs that may be ob-
tamed to match. When the leaves be-
gin to fall, back to the dorm the robe,
will come to serve as that needed
hcasecoat for Sunday morning break-t
For informality during the comingj
months a stunning slacks set is flat-
tering. To lounge in the deck chair
or to sprawl beside the grill at a
picnic these are practical and com-
fortable. But the secret of goodlook-t
ing slacks are the tailored details
so be certain they are well-made outr
of material that will not bag after the
first sitting.

Ruthvens Head
Forestry Ball
Patron's List
'Log Drive' To Be Opened
To All Students Friday
At WAB; Carey To Play
President and Mrs. Ruthven
will head the list of patrons and
patronesses who have beendinvited
by the foresters to attend their
fourth annual dance to be held from
9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Friday, David G.
Reid, '40 F&C, general chairman,
announced today.
Completing the lists are Dean Alice
Lloyd, Dean and Mrs. S. T. Dana,
and Dean and Mrs W. B. Rea, Prof.
and Mrs. S. A. Graham, Prof. end
Mrs. W. E. Kynoch, Prof. and M\lrs.
D. M. Matthews, Prof. and Mrs. W. F.
Ramsdell, Prof. and Mrs. L. J. Young,
Prof, Dow W. Baxter, Prof. Robert C.
Craig, Jr., Prof. and Mrs. E. C.
O'Roke, Prof. and Mrs. H. M. Wright,
Prof. and Mrs. W. S. Bromley, Prof.
and Mrs. Shirley Allen, and Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Murray.
Special guests for the "Log Drive"
will be Dr, P. A. Lindquic, Dr. and
Mrs. C. B. McVay, Miss Mabel G.
Fain, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lindblad,
Miss Ina Rankin, and Miss Myrna O.
Ray Carey and his Campus Knights
wil play for the dance, which will be
semi-formal. The Women's Athletic
Building will be the scene of the af-
fair, given each May by the Univer-
sity of Michigan Forestry Club.
Tickets are still available in the
)fifce of the Forestry School in Nat-
ural Science Building, Jim Halligan,
'40F&C, publicity chairman said.
'hey will also be sold at the door Fri-
Alice Palmer
Acclaimed As
Great Educator
Credited with assisting in laying
the foundations of three great col-
leges, Wellesley, Radcliffe, and the
University of Chicago, Alice Free-
man Palmer, '76, deserves mention
among our honored alumnae for be-
ing one of the first pioneer women
At that time, when but few colleges
opened their doors to women, Miss
Freeman, not yet 17, entered Michi-
gan as one of the first subjects of
that doubtful experiment, co-educa-
tion. An honor graduate, Miss Free-
man taught in public school for a
short while before she was appoint-
ed professor of history at Wellesley
College where, at the age of 26, she
was promoted to the presidency. In
1888, however, she resigned her emin-
ent position to become the wife of
Prof. George H. Palmer of Harvard
Was Dean Of Women
As a member of the Massachusetts
State Board of Education her ideas.
and magnetic personality spread;
throughout the country. At the open-
ing of the University of Chicago she
held the position of first Dean of1
Her experience was of great value
to others for she wrote many bpoks
about women in education, lectured,1
and by her work as president of the
Society of Collegiate Alumnae carried
her message to young women, par-
ents, and educators all over the coun-
Mrs. Palmer always felt that she
owed much of her development to her

years in Ann Arbor. Her husband
has said in his biography of her,
"From the University of Michigan
came many of the best ideals of col-
lege structure which subsequently en-
tered into the foundation of Welles-
ley. She was always a firm believer
in co-education."
Professor Hale of Chicago once de-
clared, "It was Mrs. Palmer's con-
viction that the normal form of edu-
cation for both sexes is that in which
the natural relations are carried
without break through the four years
of higher intellectual work. That
such a woman, with her personal ex-
perience of Ann Arbor, Wellesley,
Radcliffe, and Harvard, should have
this belief is a fact to be reckoned
As a lecturer Mrs. Palmer ranked
high. President James B. Angell who
became great friends with Mrs. Pal-
mer while she was a student here
afterwards testified that "Few speak-
ers have in so large measure as she
that magnetic, unanalyzable power,
divinely given now and then to some
fortunate individual, of captivating,
charming, and holding complete pos-
session of assemblies from the first
to the last utterance."
Died In 1902 In Paris
Alice Freeman Palmer died in
Paris in 1902 after a brief illness. In
1920 she was chosen for the New
York University Hall of Fame in tri-
bute of her fine work in education.
Her husband four years later cre-
ated in commemoration of one of the

Debut Attracts
Festive Crowd
First-nighters thronged the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre last night,
meeting for a few minutes' talk be-
fore the curtain went up on George
Bernard Shaw's "Pygmalion," and
again during the intermissions.
Mayor and Mrs. Walter Sadler
came forward to greet Mrs. Lucille
Walz as she met arrivals near the
theatre foyer. Prof. and Mrs. Arthur
Hackett stood watching the light-
ning flashes through the window, as
they discussed the anticipated pro-
duction. Mrs. Hackett appeared in a
black embroidered dress, with a white
wrap over her shoulders.
Dean and Mrs. Wilbur R. Humph-
reys paused to exchange comments
with Dean Alice Lloyd, who was
wearing a lovely dress of gold chif-
fon with gray paisley figures banded
across it. The first intermission
found Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Quirk,
Jr., of Ypsilanti, in conversation with
Mady Christians, discussing the fine
performance of Miss Chatterton.
Miss Christians had chosen a black
satin gown to contrast with her hair,
and Mrs. Quirk wore gray figured
chif fon.
Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Christian
were seen smiling at some comment
of Whitford Kane's, whom they in-
troduced to Prof. and Mrs. Charles
Koella. Mrs. Koella had chosen gray
chiffon for the opening night.;
Anne Dahl and Bill Sawyer seemed
to be enjoying the comments of Dick
McKelvey and Sen. and Mrs. George
P. McCallum.

Seniors Place E
Dance Tickets
On Sale Today
Sixty-Seventh Annual Ball
To Be Held June 14;
Glenn Miller Will Play
Tickets for Senior Ball, the last
dance for the grave ones before grad-;
uation, will be on sale from 2 p.m.
to 5 p.m. today in the League and*
Men and women may purchase
tickets in the Union, and women
only in the League, where there will
be 100 tickets on sale. Price of
the tickets is $4; group buying will
be limited to 15. Tickets will be sold!
only to those bearing senior identi-
fication cards, Richard Adams, chair-
man, announced.
Chairmen Announced
In charge of tickets in the League
will be Anne Hawley, patrons chair-
man; on duty in the Union will be
Eugene Klein, tickets chairman.
Glenn Miller and his band will fur-
nish the music for the sixty-seventh
annual ball which is to be held from
10 p.m. to 2 a.m., Friday, June 14,
in the Intramural Building.
Committee Named
Other members of the central com-
mittee are Richard Abbott, favors
and programs; James Barnard, build-
ing; Helen Brady and John Thorn-
hill, publicity; Lee Chrisman, music;
Sally Connery, co-chairman of pa-
trons with Miss Hawley; Annabel
Dredge and James Wills, decorations;
Harold Goldman, secretary and fi-
nance; and Muriel Schmitz, project.



... of cabbages
and kings .. .
Attention in Europe last week-end was focused on war warnings while
here in Ann Arbor we were oh so busy listening to music. Wars may come
and go over there but over here we have our May Festivals. Music held
the limelight with Hill Auditorium being the favorite meeting place. Fri-
day night. holding our breath while Lily Pons was on her way to high C,
Tom and I looked around to see Jean Anderson and Robert Morse sitting
just a few rows in front. And amidst the crowd thronging out we said hello
to Carolyn Denfield, Katherine Gainey, Harold Spurway and Gerald Hatch.
Tom had his portable along so while dashing to the Union to take in
the last few numbers we listened to the latest
news flashes. On the way we met Ethel Wein-
traub and Jules Aisner who trotted along with
us. Who was there? Let's see-there were
Peg Vicroy and Claude Womer, Shirley Alt-
fl feld and Tiny Dana and Betty Ann Chauf'
and Henry Orr. Elizabeth Kimball and Dwight
Adams were sitting next to Virginia Soule and
Jack Nichols. Hilda Snyder was watching Sid
Weinberg in the skit from "Four Out of Five,"
which was a feature of the Mimes "Ham-
Dram" dance being held there. Laura Kat-
zenel and Marty Dworkis were catching much
attention with their shag exhibition.
Union Competed With Chi Psi Formal .. .
The Union was fun but we had promised to drop in at the Chi Psi
house where their spring formal was in full swing. Down State Tom, me
and the portable went . . . I was beginning to get jealous of the radio. It
was only a little thing but, gee, it had all the attention that I wasn't get-
ting. Not that I wasn't interested in the war, too, but after all, it is over
there. Iowever, at the Chi Psi's we finally checked the thing and exchanged
a dance with Bud Crawford and Mim Wendell. Janice' Cross and Dale
Parshall were busy talking and I'll bet my A in philosophy it wasn't about
the war., Libby Moe and Jim Cole were getting ready to leave by the time
we saw them but we did manage to say a few words to them. Oh, I almost
forgot to tell you that Charlene Pike and Bob Palmer were there too.
It was much too late after visiting with the Chi Psi's to wander in at
the Phi Epsilon Pi houseparty for I had to make curfew. Tom? Well, he
was absorbed in his news broadcasts, happy in the thought that Monday
his only battlefield would be that English bluebook. And so we hurried hom*.
We met Jean Brodie, Johnnie Sykes, Barbara Finsterwald and Dick
Unger and made apologies for not having had time to pay them a visit at
the Phi Ep house.
Saturday Plus Sun Equals Tennis . .
Saturday we really had good intentions to spend the afternoon with
the books but the wonderful weather which
signified that spring has come to Ann
Arbor at last lured us to the tennis courts
where we watched Mim Rubin and Jack
spitalny play a fast game of tennis. Strain-
ing our eyes on a far court we saw Louise
Rich and Les Spurberg volleying it out.
That night, getting an early start and
minus the radio, we made the Lloyd House in the West Quad our first stop.
Everything was gay there. Elaine Richards and Bob Matthews were en-
joying their dance as were Marilyn MacRitchie and Tom O'Connor. Met
Barbara Strongmiller, who said she was with Bob Morrow. Homer Bigelow
was looking quite impressed by his date. Barbara Stuber, so Tom and I
decided not to irrude, with our greetings.
We wanted to go to the Alpha Omega house and see how the dents
were coning on with their dance but not being in formal clothes we com-
promised by peeking in through the porch windows so that we would be
able to see who was there. We didn't want to miss a thing. Sylvia Pritzker
was listening to the orchestra with Harry Gus. Margarete Mink was look-
ing happy with Bernie Cott, and Rose Friedenberg and Don Simon were
Picnics Many And Peppy
Sundy was a day of picnics. Biggest of all
was the Inter-Cooperative's who held their
outing at Saline Valley Farms. Asked to come
along we played ping pong with Jean Hen-
drian and John Funk and watched Dink
K Schuman and Peter Murray play baseball
rwith Bill Smith, Gene Wood, Bob Smith,
-Ruth Eddy, Sidona Hirshaut and Bill Ga-
lusha. Among other picnickers were Marian

Junior Honor
Society Taps
11 Sophomores
Wearing the traditional brown and
yellow skirts and sweaters and big
yellow hair ribbons, the members of
Wyvern, junior women's honor so-
ciety tapped eleven sophomores dur-
ing the supper hour last night,
The women tapped included Jane
Baits, Agnes Crow, Betty Fariss, Har-
riet Heames, Mary Hayden, Louise
Keatley, Marnie Gardner, Shirley
Silver, Rosebud Scott, Peggy Sanford
and Donelda Schaible. Each one
will be seen today wearing the brown
and yellow costume of her sisters.
Service, Scholarship Important
The purpose of the society is the
furtherance of relationships between
the women of the junior and fresh-
man classes. The women selected
were chosen on the basis of their
service to the University coupled
with at least average scholarship,
Miss Baits, who is affiliated with
Delta Gamma will serve next year as
a junior member of Judiciary Coun-
cil. She worked on costumes for
Soph Cararet, as costumes chairman
for Frosh Project, as costumes chair-
man for the Theater Arts committee
and served this year as an orienta-
tion advisor.
Miss Crow worked on Frosh Frolic,
was on the publicity committee of
Frosh Project, served this year as
an orientation advisor and was Gen-
eral Chairman of Soph Cabaret. She
is affiliated with Pi Beta Phi.
Headed Freshman Project
A member of Kappa Alpha Theta
sorority, Miss Fariss acted as General
Chairman of Freshman Project, as
orientation advisor this year, worked
on the finance and decorations com-
mittees of Soph Cabaret and as a
Gargoyle section manager.
Miss Heames worked on both the
hostess and decorations committees
of Soph Cabaret. She is affiliated
with Collegiate Sorosis.
President of Crop and Saddle and
a member of the social committee of
the League, Miss Hayden also worked
on Soph Cabaret. She is affiliated
with Alpha Phi.
Miss Keatley, who is a member of
Gamma Phi Beta sorority has worked
on the Frosh Project and the League
Social Committee. She acted as an
orientation advisor this year and as
booth and expibit chairman of Soph
Acted As Orientation Advisor
Miss Gardner is affiliated with Pi
Beta Phi. She worked on the Frosh
Project decorations committee, the
League social committee, the tickets
and music committees of Soph Cab-
aret and acted as an orientation ad-
visor this year.
Miss Silver, who will act next year
as General Chairman of JGP, is affil-
iated with Alpha Epsilon Phi. She
Belle -Shiarmeer
Stockings in your own leg size!
{ -3
t 5 f

;-< 1/

Get ready for a Summer full of
fun! Choose your slack outfits
now-while the selection is fresh
and complete. Never have we
seen such suavely tailored styles
offered at prices so moderate.
And the fine cotton weaves are
in a perfect rainbow of flatter-
ing shades for you to choose
from! Shirt and Slacks, complete,
Separate Slacks from $2.95

" ,,' t is < j! l1
y t{".
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J y 3
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for smalls, middlings, talls
$125 and $150
Enjoy the same flawless fit in these
new nylon stockings that you love
in Belle-Sharmeer silks. They're
made in Belle-Sharmeer's famous
individual leg sizes for smalls, mid-
dlings, tails. Belle-Sharmeernylons
like Belle - Sharmeer silks, banish
wrinkles, twisty seams, pulled-up
or doubled-over hems. Naturally,
they look smarter, wear longer!
Ask for your own leg size ... Brev

Shirts .

. . . from $1.03

IL -- f rI A

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