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May 02, 1940 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-05-02

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Self -Styled Liberals' Serve Cause
Of Germany, Prof. Jobin Writes



By Morty-Q.



'4<. 1 N fl"S T5 N j -- f 1O7~$r HAp
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The AMsociated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arior, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
44.00; 'ay mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40

Carl Petersen
Elliott Maraniss
Stani M. Swinton
Morton L. Linder
Norman A. Schorr
Dennis Flanagan
John N. Canavan
Ann Vicaryg.
Mel Fineberg

Editorial Staff
B . S
. . . .
. . . .
Business Staff


Managing Editor
Editorial Director
. City Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Women's Editor
Sports Editor

Business Manager.
Asst. Business Mgr., Credit Manager
Women's Business Manager .
Wonen's Advertising Manager
Publications Manager .

* Paul R. Park
Ganson P. Taggart
Zenovia Skoratko
* Jane Mowers
. Harriet 1. Levy

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Thyssen Remonstrates,
But It's Too Late ..
F ROM the safety of his exile home,
Fritz Thyssen, German steel mag-
nate, is eloquently calling upon Adolf Hitler
to turn back from the course that is plunging
Germany and Europe into hopelessness, blood-
shed and ruin. His letters to the Fuehrer-
just published by Life Magazine-resound in
their patriotism.
"Think of the oath you swore at Potsdam
to uphold the German Constitution" Thyssen
wrote "Give back to the German nation free-
dom of conscience, freedom of thought and
freedom of speech."
But does Thyssen have the right to protest?
He was one of the German Nationalists who
conspired to bring Hitler to power. It was his
money that jingled in the pockets of Hitler's
brown-shirted street fighters. Exiled now and
stripped of his mines and mills, Thyssen excul-
pates himself of guilt. His only error, he de-
clares, was that he believed in Hitler. But how
could he have believed in this man and in the
spirit of Weimar, too?
How can those who lend credence and
support to such demagogues as Martin Dies and
Rev. Gerald L. K. Smith in their "Red Scare"
hunts, how can they too believe in the spirit
of American democracy? That's how Hitler
No matter how sincere Thyssen's declarations
may be, they are terribly late. Let it never' be
too late in America.
-Robert Speckhard
Social Scientists

Professor's Comment
It is not my intention to enter upon any futile
controversy with a group of persons whose
minds are definitely set on a line of propaganda
intended to discredit the Allies. Furthermore,
I have not consulted Mr. Dies or Father Cough-
lin as to whether it is un-American for a teacher
to express an opinion of any kind. It is a fact
that one never knows in these troublous times
whether one is un-American or not. One little
slip and a perfect, one hundred per cent Amer-
ican becomes an "Un-American."
Although I am perfectly awarc of the motives
and feelings that give rise to some of the
fantastic editorials in recent numbers of The
Daily, I cannot but feel depressed at the thought
that such preposterous arguments are advanced
by intelligent young people of liberal thought
and temper. That young men should proclaim
their desire to keep our country at peace; that
they should feel in their hearts no sympathy
whatsoever for ajy of the "benighted" Euro-
pean countries, may be readily understood. Cer-
tainly, no one should be called upon to fight
for a cause which is of doubtful value to him.
Granting, therefore, the right of an American to
protest vehemently against participation of the
United States in this war, I nevertheless con-
demn strongly the tactics employed by the
editors of The Daily. These tactics are obvious.
Assuming that too many citizens endowed with
conscience have been sickened by the sadistic
cruelty and beastliness of the Nazis, the editors
of The Daily have turned their heavy guns
against the Allies with a view to countering
any pronounced movement of opinion in favor
of the wicked enemies of poor little defensless
and abused Germany. As a result, we have
the ironic situation of self-styled liberals un-
wittingly serving the cause of the dictators.
Do the editors of The Daily really believe
that there is no difference in the civilizations
of contenmiporary Europe?-that the way of life
in France and England, despite the Chamber-
lains and Bonnets, is not preferable to the
form of human servitude imposed upon thr,
"innocent" Italian and German peoples? Do
they sincerely believe that the English and
French rushed impetuously into this war to in-
crease their real estate holdings or to gain new
markets? Do they believe, moreover, that the
English and French were unwilling to make
concessions to Germany, or even Italy, if the
proposals had not been communicated to them
in the form of a blackmail letter? Does Miss
Helen Corman have any reliable data to sub-.
stantiate her statements concerning the filthy
French refugee camps as well as her insinua-
tions to the effect that the French are pre-
paring to trade Spanish refugees for the good-
will of France? Do the editors actually feel
a sense of pity for the poor Germans who in
1918, after laying waste the richest portions of
France and Belgium, retired to their own coun-
try untouched by the ravages of war and, with
the support of the United ,States and England,
cancelled clause after clause of the "cruei*
(see the terms of the Brest-Litovsk treaty)
Treaty of Versailles?
To my mind, all that liberals hold dear is
threatened by a possible victory of the Nazis.
No matter what criticism one may rightly aim
at the leaders of the democracies, it is absurd
to place those civilizations on the same plane
with that of Germany. France and England
may be bad, as The Daily will have it, (I some-
times feel convinced that all of the virtues of
this world are concentrated in this country)
but we have yet to see in those countries, the
burning of books, the exile of intellectuals, the
bestial persecution of a race, the invasion of
peaceful neighbors, bank robberies and black-
I can readily understand that young men who
have never been in an invaded and thoroughly
devastated country should be able to sit back
comfortably and rationalize the situation along
the old lines: equal guilt, secret diplomacy, the
Treaty of Versailles, which, like the poor, will
always be with us. Unfortunately, these young
men appear to be incapable of indignation or
a sense of proportion. To them the cold-heart-
edness of a Chamberlain or the indifference of
the Allied leaders toward democracy are just
as bad as the brutalities of the Nazis. To prove
how logical they are they are now condemning
the Allies for fighting Hitlerism when not so

long ago they assailed the democracies for not
fighting the Nazis. A monstrous and hideous
force is running amuck, a threat to liberty
and human dignity throughout the world, and
young Americans do not care. To liberals who
adopt that attitude I say that their conscience
is dead. If Germany wins this war, which is
quite probable if the present British government
remains in power, young Americans may dis-
cover too late that the Nazi poison may well
spread to these shores without the aid of an
invading force. It is my opinion that a con-
siderable quantity is already present here and
that there' are many doctors administering it
to a gullible people. - Antoine J. Jobin
campus. He says that too often the university
student in the social science field has been
content with academic speculation about the
phenomena of his field instead of studying the
phenomena himself. Of course, even if the social
scientist has the desire to do work off the
campus there is always the problem of expenses.
Fosdick admits that the relation between the
social scientist and the world of action which
is his laboratory will always reman an enor-
mously complex problem for which there is no
single or simple solution. He mentions that a
number of grants made by the Rockefeller
Foundation during 1939 were for the support
nf effnrt tn hrirlg this ean.

Editor's Answer
In an adjoining column The Daily prints a
letter from Prof. Antoine J. Jobin of the ro-
mance languages department. We appreciate
the spirit in which the letter is written, and
will take this opportunity briefly to clarify
our views on the present war which have puz-
zled Professor Jobin.
We hope with all our heart that the Allies
win in Europe. For we agree with Professor
Jobin that there is a profound difference in the
way of life of England and France and that
of National Socialist Germany. We cherish no
illusions, however, as to the Allies' motives in
going into this war. Today they are fighting
on the side of liberty and freedom for the small
nations of Europe. This seems to us more a
coincidence than the result of sincere sympathy
on the part of the governments of England and
France. for these small, relatively defenseless
nations. It's becoming trite to ask, but where
were England and France when Spain fell,
when Austria fell, when Czechoslovakia fell?
We realize, with Professor Jobin, that the
National Socialist regime in Germany is "a
threat to liberty and human dignity throughout
the world," but when he says that we don't
care, that our conscience is dead, we must take
issue with him. For we do care; we care deeply
when we think of the plight of millions of
Jews, Germans, Czechs, Austrians, Poles, Danes
and Norwegians now crushed by the Nazi le-
We realize only too well that today the
future freedom and independence of the small
nations of Europe is bound up with an Allied
victory, and that as long as Hitler remains
in power they will be threatened. Realizing
this fact we can still declare strongly that the
United States must stay out of this war. Even
though we have never been in an "invaded
and thoroughly devastated country," we have
some ideas about what war is like and its ef-
fect upon those countries which engage in it.
Deeply as we sympathize with the peoples of
the invaded countries of Europe and with those
now at war, we care more deeply for the United
States and we feel it to be the obligation of this
country to remain at peace, to protect its
democratic institutions in a world where demo-
cratic principles fall overnight. This country
must remain responsive to the will of the peo-
ple (which is impossible in time of war) so that
when the war is over In Europe it can exert
its tremendous influence in building a new
Europe on the foundation of a just and equitable
peace, a peace which does not, like Versailles,
crush a people and generate the hatred of which
future wars are made.
- Carl Petersen
(Program notes for First May Festival Concert:)
These program notes will not attempt to
analyze form or harmony withany degree of
completeness. Neither will they concern them-
selves to any great extent with biographical
material nor any of the numerous but doubtful
stories about the habits, mental and physical,
of the composers or performers. These notes
will, however, try to prepare the intelligent lis-
tener, musician or layman, for what he will
hear at the Festival in terms of the school,
methods and artistic intentions of the com-
poser. It would seem that that is enough of a
task for any mere critic to essay.
The first concert then, consists of music of
the Russian School by Moussorgsky, Borodin,
Prokoieff and Tschaikovsky. In addition to
these the name of Rimsky-Korsakov should be
included since he orchestrated three of the 'five
listed compositions. It is altogether fitting that
the Festival should dedicate its first program
to a great body of work which has been ac-
corded all too little recognition. The Entr'acte
music from Moussorgsky's national opera Kho-
vehtchina is heard first on the Wednesday
evening program. This music was composed
from about 1872 to the death of the composer
in 1881, and then was finished by Rimsky. It

is marked by intense national feeling, by the
originality of musical idiom with which the
composer's name is associated, and by an al-
most terrifying realism. Its fault is a lack of
perfect craftsmanship which even Rimsky was
unable wholly to eliminate.
Following this is the most interesting num-
ber on the program to those who love modern
music. The Lieutenant Kiji Suite of Prokofieff,
Op. 60, bears the date mark, 1934, and is ar-
ranged from music composed for a motion pic-
ture of the same name which was concerned
with a mythical officer and a mad czar. The
music is satirical, biting, caustic and grotesque,
but it has an interest not to be entirely explained
away by the workmanship and cleverness of
the composer. It is a superb sample of the
unadmirable tendency of our world to look back
on history with a scorn matched only by its
carelessness of the future.
The not inconsiderable solos incidental to the
Kije are sung by Alexander Kipnis, who will also
sing two of the greatest of all Russian arias,
the Hallucination Srene from Boris Goudoungf
and the Galitzky Aria from Borodin's Prince
Igor. Mr. Kipnis needs no praising to the Ann
Arbor audience that heard him this year. For
sensitive artistry and emotional power he is
ideally fitted to the music he is called to sing.
Much more so than was the soloist originally
scheduled for the program. Both arias are


THOSE of you who stopped at the
editorial page yesterday while
thumbing through to see if The Daily
was running any comics yet probably
noticed that Gulliver ran a little
out of turn. Mr. Q. would like to
remind you .that it was not at all
symbolic or even the least bit mean-
ingful that Gulliver was played
above "Of All Things" . . . Simply
a quirk of makeup. At any rate,
Mr. Q., ever ready to meet any con-
tingency, prepared a column on this,
his off-day, and knows that Thurs-
day's breakfast will be a happy one,
for a change.
IN 1938, Roy Sizemore, a junior
night editor on The Daily, left
school here to attend the Forestry
school at Louisiana State. He has
since graduated and now has a job
as nursemaid to 37,000 acres of gov-
ernment forest land in Ozark. Ala-
bama-wherever that may be. He
came back for a visit several days
ago, and agreed to put down a few
notesaboutHuey'spstate. Here's
It would have been a much easier
job to have written this two months
ago when a person who had just
spent two years in Louisiana would
have been of some interest as an
interpreter of events in the first
AmericanrDictatorship.hNow that
the last remnants of the old Long
machine are gone, there's not much
to say-about the present. The past,
I think every person who has ever
had any interest in Louisiana will
be glad to talk on for hours.
There are not many people in
Louisiana who won't admit that the
average person is better off than he
was before Huey. Of course, a tre-
mendous expense was involved and
some unsavory methods were used,
but the net result was ground gained.
Louisiana has now the most
impressive State Capitol in the
country; the most perfectly
planned and one of the best
equipped State Universities in
the country; and roads into sec-
tions where a bayou was the
only transportation route. It has
been easy for the average person
to get a college education in
Louisiana. In 1938-39, only 2700
of L. S. U.'s 8500 students were
not receiving University aid of
some form. Dormitory rooms
are available for as little as
$12.75 a semester. The stadium,
for example, instead of being
used 6 or 7 times a year, houses
2000 students in dorms that are
built in the walls. Board at the
University cooperative costs
$16.50 per month. Laundry costs
about a fourth of normal at the
student-owned laundry.
Most of the present-day crop of
students can remember the days of
Huey when the entire student body
went on football trips in specially
chartered trains. Biggest disappoint-
ment of all came when L. S. U. nar-
rowly missed a Rose Bowl invita-
tion and the student body a trip to
California. This year, the cadet
corps went nowhere. President He-
bert planned a goodwill trip to New
Orleans for the Tulane-L. S. U. foot-
ball game. Tulane unkindly refused
to invite them and the corps stayed
at home. It was a previous snub
from Tulane that started L. S. U.'s
spectacular growth. Tulane refused
to allow Huey Pierce Long to become
a candidate for the Bachelor of Laws
degree so Huey promised someday
to make Tulane look like a cross
roads country school house-and
L. S. U. has its buildings-maybe
the bricks are a trifle tarnished with
graft-but they serve their purpose.
A business-like administration has
taken over and the frills are fast
being eliminated. "Mike the Tiger"
who once lived in a $4000.00 cage

is gone-I hear he's a rug now. The
cafeteria couldn't afford to keep him
in food at $90.00 a month (from
what I hear Michigan could hirecan
instructor for that price.) One can
rightfully have no sympathy for the
Long Machine, yet some of its fea-
tures were enjoyable. The chocolate
eclairs that the Governor served at
his receptions will never be surpass-
Carge It Up To Moscow
The world which hoped to aid its
reconstruction will regret that pluc-
ky Finland, for many years a power
in the Olympic Games, has finally
given up all hope of staging the 1940
athletic show at Helsinki. -
a favorite of yours no more need be
said. If it does not may we call
attention to the richness of the
harmony, the splendor of the
themes, especially that horn theme
in the slow movement and the dra-
matic use of the pedal point to
achieve climax. If you would be
critical don't overlook the wav it

Marsh and Mandelbaum Scholar-
ships in the College of Literature,
Science, andethe Arts: Upon the rec-
ommendation of the special schol-
arship committee of the College of
Literature, Science, and the Arts the
following awards for the academic
session 1940-1941 have been made:
Simon Mandelbaum Scholarships,
with a stipend of approximately $368
each: Clayton Hunter Manry, Spring
Hill, Alabama; Frank A. Rideout,
West Roxbury, Massachusetts; Jack
E. Bender, Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Fanny Ransom Marsh Scholar-
ships, with stipends as indicated: An-
son D. Solem, Suttons Bay, Michigan,
$60; Harry E. Goodman, -Lebanon,
New Hampshire, $60; Charlotte M.
Babinski, Dearborn, Michigan, $55
John Pitt Marsh Scholarships, with
stipends as indicated: Isabella H.
Lugoski, Detroit, Michigan, $60: Hel-
en S. Horvath, Detroit, Michigan,
$60;hVirginia E. Graham, Ann Arbor,
Michigan, $55.
The special committee of award of
the College of Literature, Science,
and the Arts consists of Professors
F. E. Eggleton, N. E. Nelson, and A.
B. Peck, chairman.
Student Loans: Loan Committee
will meet in Room 2, University Hall,
on Tuesday, May 7, for the considera-
tion of loans for the Summer Ses-
sion and fall. All applications to
be considered at this meeting must
be filed in Room 2 on or before Sat-
urday, May 4, and appointments
made for interviews.
Students wishing to apply for
admission to the Degree Pro-
gram for Honors in Liberal Arts in
September, 1940, must make appli-
cation at 1208 Angell Hall this week.
L. S. Woodburne
Carnegie Foundation for the Ad-
vancement of Teaching. Mr. Charles
R. Langmuir representing the Foun-
dation will be here Friday, May 3. He
is bringing with him the examination
questions which Mr. Learned present-
ed here in March. Many faculty
members have expressed a wish to see
these questions. Mr. Langmuir will
have them on display in the Board
Room of the Rackham Building Fri-
day, May 3, from 9 to 12 in the morn-
ing and from 1 to 3:30 in the after-
noon. We have also invited him to
speak on the technical problems in-
volved in making such examinations
at 4:15 p.m. in the Amphitheatre of
the Rackham Building on the same
Five major universities have already
used this examination experimental-
ly with entering graduate students,
and twelve leading colleges gave it
to their senior classes in February
of this year. Mr. Langmuir will also
discuss some of the results of these
C. S. Yoakum
Dotoral Examination of Sidney
Robert Safir will be held at 2:00 p.m.,
Friday, May 3, in 309 Chemistry Bldg.
Mr. Safir's department of specializa-
tion is Pharmaceutical Chemistry.
The title of his thesis is "Arsonium
Dr. F. F. Blicke, as chairman of
the committee, will conduct the ex-
amination. By direction of the Ex-
ecutive Board, the chairman has the
privilege of inviting members of the
faculty and advanced doctoral candi-
dates to attend the examination and
to grant permission to others who
might wish to be present.Y
C. S. Yoakum
A representative from the Michi-
gan Mutual Liablty Company in
Detroit will be on campus this after-
noon to discuss openings in their
Automobile Division. Applicants
must be seniors or graduate students
whose homes are in Michigan, Ohio,
or Indiana. The meeting will be held

in Room 205 Mason Hall at 4:15 p.m.
For further details, call the Univer-
sity Bureau of Appointments.
Doctoral Examination of Kathleen
Louise Hussey will be held at 4:00
p.m., Friday, May 3, in 3089 NS. Miss
Hussey's department of specializa-
tion is Zoology. The title of her
thesis is "Comparative Embryological
Development of the Excretory Sys-
tem in Digenetic Trematodes."
Dr. G. R. La Rue, as chairman of
the committee, will conduct the ex-
amination. By direction of the Ex-
ecutive Board, the chairman has the
privilege of inviting members of
the faculty and advanced doctoral
candidates to attend the examina-
tion and to grant permission to oth-
ers who might wish to be present.
C. S. Yoakum
Doctoral Examination of John Dav-
id Black ^will be held at 1:00 p.m.,
Friday, May 3, in 1039 Museum Bldg.
Mr. Black's department of specializa-
tion is Zoology. The title of his
thesis is "The Distribution of the
Fishes of Arkansas."
Tzvn - - cr r T. -ihc c r~ - n,

MAY 2, 1940
No. 152

ments and Occupational Information
has received notice of the following
UNITED STATES Civil Service ex-
aminations. The last date for filing
application is noted in each case:
Under Fish Culturist, salary $1,20,
May 27.
Senior Mussel Culturist, salary
$2,000, May 27.
Cadet Training Instructor, salary
$3,800, May 27.
Associate Cadet Training Instru-e
tor, salary $3,200, May 27.
Complete announcements on file
at the University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Informa-
tion, 201 Mason Hall. Office hours:
9-12 and 2-4.
Results on Contemporary Affairs
Test: Students who took the Ameri-
can Council on Education Contem-
porary Affairs test may receive their
scores and percentile ranks today,
3:30 to 4:30, in Room 4009 Uni-
versity High School. A key of cor-
rect answers will be furnished at
this time.
L. E. Campbell.
Academic Notices
Education D99, Saturday, May 6,
will include discussion of Managing
Extracurricular Finances by Mr.
Lawrence Vredevoogd, and Coaching
and Managing Athletic Activities by
Mr. Frederick East.
An Exhibit of the Art of Eastern
Asia, under the auspices of the Insti-
tute of Fine Arts on the occasion of
the opening of new quarters for Far
Eastern Art in Alumni Memorial
Hall, through Friday, May 3 (2 to 5
p.m. only).
Retrospective exhibits of the etch-
ings and drawings of Dr. Warren P.
Lombard, and the paintings of Hor-
atio W. Shaw, until May 3, West Gal-
lery, Alumni Memorial Hall, 2-5, every
day, including Sundays. 'Auspices
University Institute of Fine Arts and
Ann Arbor Art Association.
Henry Russel Lecture: Dr. Frank
N. Wilson, Professor of Internal Med-
icine, will deliver the Henry Russel
Lecture for 1939-40 at 4:15 p.m.,
today in the Rackham Lecture
Hall, on the subject "The Elec-
trical Currents Produced by the
Heart Beats" (illustrated by stere-
optican). The Henry Russel Award
for 1939-40 will be announced at
this time. The public is cordially
The Karl Marx Society will sponsor
its first lecture with Frank Meyer,
Director of the Chicago Workers'
School, as speaker on "The Theory
and Practice of Socialism" at 8 o'clock
tonight in the Michigan Union. There
will be an open discussion following
the lecture. All welcome.
Today's Events
Zoology Seminar tonight at
7:30, Amphitheatre, Rackham Build-
ing. Reports by: Mr. William
H. Irwin on "The Culicinae of
certain northern Michigan bog mats
with special reference to the limno-
logical dynamics influencing their
production," and Mr. F. Earle Lyman
on "Limnological investigations of the
Ephemeroptera of Douglas Lake,
Michigan, with speial reference to
distribution of immature stages."
Geological Journal Club will meet
in Room 3056 Natural Science Build-
ing at 7:30 tonight. Program: Prof.
W. A. Kelly of Michigan State Col-
lege will lecture on "Structural
Trends in the Canadian Shield, and
Their Relation to Mining."
Events in Michigan Unon today

Main Dining Room, Phi Beta Kappa,
7:00 p.m.
Alpha Phi Omega will meet at 8:00
tonight in the Upper Room of Lane
Hall. The president will give a re-
port of the recent Tri-State conven-
Social Committee will meet to-
day at 4:00 p.m. at the Mich-
igan League. All wishing to be ac-
uive on the committee next year must
attend or call Virginia Osgood at
2-2285. Appointments for the com-
ing year will be announced at this
Polish Engineering Society will
meet tonight at 7:30 in Room 220 of
the Union.
Men's Glee Club: Music refunds will
be given out tonight in the Glee Club
room at the Union at 7:30 p.m.
Special Reception for Undergradu-
ates today, 3:30-5:30 p.m. at the new
quarters for Far Eastern Art, Alum-
ni Memorial Hall. All undergradu-
ates welcome.
All u 4 +. 7..+ . tm ..s .

And Free Thought

. 0 .

THE PLEA that democracy needs so-
cial scientists both inside and out-
side the university, that it needs to free them
to think with all possible penetration, wher-
ever that thinking may lead, is voiced by Ray-
mond B. Fosdick, president of the Rockefeller
Foundation, ih a bulletin recently issued by that
organization. Mr. Fosdick's intelligent com-
ments deserve attention.
After pointing out that no greater contribu-
tion to the disinterestd comprehension of to-
day's issues can be made than be affording able
men and women in the social sciences full op-
portunity to make their work genuinely effec-
tive, he analyzes the handicaps which lessen
the effectiveness of the ablest workers in social
He contends that the social scientist is lim-
ited by the fact that he does not deal with
rational material but with the rational and
irrational conduct of man. The host of variables
which this fact introduces multiplies the ob-
stacles to his work and limits the applicability
of results.
"The funds available for the research work
of university social scientists, are, generally
speaking, paltry," he complains. Fosdick raises
the problem of reconciling research needs with
pedagogical requirements. He urges that uni-
versity administrations should be interested and
discriminating enough to seek out a few isdi-
viduals on their faculties who are genuinely
gifted in research, and plan the time and sup-
port of such persons from the point of view
of the research objective. Fosdick is careful
to state that research and teaching functions

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