Scroll Will Give'Futurama', Tea For Senior Women,
Formal Dance
Tickets To Go
On Sale Today
George Kavanagh's Band
Will Play For Graduate
Dance; Name Chairmen
Ticket sale for the second annual
Graduate formal to be held from
9:30 p.m. to 1 a.m. Friday, May 17,
will begin from noon to 2 p.m. to-
day and continue during these hours
in the lobby of the Rackham School
until May 17. The dance will be
held in the Ballroom and Terrace of
the Rackham School.
George Kavanaugh and his orches-
tra will furnish music for the affair
which will be limited to 75 couples.
Those attending the formal dance
must have graduate standing in the
University, although only one member
of the couple need be a graduate stu-
There will be an informal dance
for graduate students at the Rack-
ham School tomorrow at which time
tickets fo rthe formal dance will also
be on sale.
Graduate students on the commit-
tee for the dance are headed by Jose-
phine Hinds and James Reefer, gen-
eral co-chairmen for the affair. Vi-
vien Fruchtbaum and Edward Gray
are in charge of publicity and are
assisted by Homer King. Mildred
Patterson assisted by Catherine Kerr
and George Kiss are in charge of
decorations for the Graduate for-
Interviewing for positions on
the theatre-arts committee of the
League for those girls who peti-
tioned will be held from 3 p.m. to
5 p.m. today and tomorrow at
the League, Jane Pinkerton, '41,
Matched Pastels Shown
AAOP' 7,kw
Meetings Of Committees
To Be At League Today'
There will be a mass meeting of
the merit system committee at 4:30
p.m. today in the League, Barbara
Dittman, '41, announced.
All orientation advisers must at-
tend a meeting at 5 p.m. today in the'
League. Arrangements will be made
immediately to replace those women
who are not present.
Annual Affair
Will Introduce
Town Groups
Alumnae Council To Pour
At Function; Hostesses
Include League Council
Senior women in all schools in the
University are invited to attend "Fu-
turama", the tea to be given from
3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. today in the
League Ballroom by members of
Scroll, senior honorary sciety.
The tea is an annual affair spon-'
sored by Alumnae Council to pro-
vide senior women the opportunity
to meet members of the Alumnae
group who will be living in the same
towns they will next year.
League Council Assists
Besides members of Scroll, host-
esses will include the League Coun-
cil members for 1939-40. This is the
first year that Scroll has been in
charge of arrangements, and it is the
first all-campus affair at which they
have assisted since their founding
last spring. Anne Hawley, '40, presi-
dent, is in charge of the tea.
Ann Arbor members of the board
of directors of the Alumnae Council
will pour. They include Mrs. Irene
Johnson, Mrs. Clarence Skinner, Mrs.
Theophile Raphael, Mrs. A. C. Furs-
tenberg, Mrs. Alfred Connable, Re-
gent Esther Cram, Mrs. Seymour P.
Conger, and Mrs. James Kennedy.
To Issue Pamphlets
Pamphlets explaining the function
of alumnae groups for women will
be distributed to all who attend. The
material was written by Jane Nuss-
baum, '40, and illustrated by Ella
Stowe, '40.
The tea will be informal, and for
all who wish to dance there will be
music via victrola records, Miss Haw-
ley said. Harriet Levy, '40, is in
charge of publicity.
It is hoped that all senior women
will take advantage of this opportun-
ity to meet alumnae of the University
and to make the acquaintance of
many friends for next year. Mem-
bers of Scroll and League Council
anticipate 100 per cent attendance.
Patrons For Annual
Hillel Spring Dance
Listed By Chairman
Patrons for the annual Hillel Foun-
dation spring formal, to be held from
9 to 12 p.m. Saturday at the League,
are announced by Mrs. V. Halpern,
general chairman of the affair.
Prof. Raphael Isaacs, Mr. and Mrs.
Ozias Zwerdling, Prof. and Mrs. Reu-
ben Kahn, Prof. and Mrs. Hersch
Hootkins and Dr. Edward Blakeman
will be the Ann Arbor patrons. From
Detroit, Dr. and Mrs. Leonard Sid-
lom, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Feiler, Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Golden, Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Tanner, Miss Charlotte
Gort, Mr. Aaron Drook, and Mr. and
Mrs. Louis Rosenzweig are also to be
The list continues with Mr. and
Mrs. Harvey Stedman, of Lansing,
Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Warren, of Flint,
and Mr. and Mrs. Julius Levin, of
Jackson. Chaperons for the dance
will be Dr. and Mrs. Isaac Rabino-
witz, and Dr. and Mrs. Jacob Sacks.
Buddy Friend's orchestra will play
for the affair; admission will be 50
cents for affiliate members; mem-
bers will have to bring both mem-
bership cards and identification cards
to the door when purchasing tick-
i ._.._._ __ __
IName Women
To Announce
At Style Show
Jane Krause, '41, and Kay For-
berg, '4', will be the announcers for
"Vanity Affair," the style show spon-
sored by the Michigan Daily, to be
held from 4 to 5:30 p.m. tomorrow in
the Michigan Theatre, Jane Mowers,
'40, general chairman announced
Thirty models, chosen from the
campus at large, will display spring
and summer clothes in cooperation
with 10 local stores. The clothes will
be divided into four general groups
including formal dresses, date clothes,
campus sports outfits and cotton sum-
mer play clothes.
Bill Gail's orchestra will furnish
the music for the show which will be
carried out utilizing the theme of a,
country club terrace. In addition to
the models, Annabel Van Winkle,
'41, feminine lead in "Hi-falutin!'
will sing several selections. Jack
Reed, '40, and Robert Titus, '42, from
the Mimes production, "Four Out of
Five" will attempt to show the wo-
men how to model in a novelty num-
ber. Mrs.Roosevelt will also ap-
pear in the person of Jack Silcott,
'40, who made that part so success-
ful in the Mimes play.
The women who will model are as
follows: Jeanne Abraham, '42, Fran-
ces Besancon. '41, Marjorie Bowen,
'43; Louise Carpenter, '42, Gerald-
ine Cady, '41, Jane Connell, '42, Car-
olyn Denfield, '42, Ann Faden, '43,
Dorothy Farnsworth, '41, Jane Gra-
ham, '43, Ruth Cram, '43, Mary Has-
kell, '42, Harriett Johnson, '40, and
Frances Kahrs, '40.
Others who will model are Mary
Kaspar, '41, Betty Keppler, '41, Pat
Loughead, '42, Mary Alice McAndrew,
'40, Joan Munn, '42, Frances Patter-
son, '42, Phoebe Power, '42, Millie
Radford, '42, Helen Rhodes, '42, Ellie
Seare, '42, Ardath Terzia, '43, Mar-
got Thom, '42, Jean Thompson, '40,
Dorothy Trump, '42, Freda Vander-
veen, '40, Mim Westerman, '43,
Yvonne Westrate, '41, Mary Ellen
Wheeler, '41, and Elaine Wood, '41.
Final Dance Class
Party To Be Held
End of the League dance class.
series for 1939-1940 will be celebrated
by an informal radio-party from 7:30
to 9:30 p.m. Tuesday in the League
Special requests from students of
the classes to climax a year of in-
struction with a practical applica-
tion session will be fulfilled through
this first dance class party. All men
and women who participated in the
instruction series during the year
are invited; admission will be free to
Mass Meeting
Of Committee
Will Be Today
Virginia Osgood To Name
Heads Of Sub-Groups
For Social Committee
Sub-chairmanships for the social
committee of the League will be an-
nounced at a mass meeting of all
members of the committee to be
held at 4 p.m. today in the Grand
Rapids Room of the League, Virginia
Osgood, '41, chairman, announced
All members should attend if they
wish to work on the committee next
year, or else get in touch with Miss
Osgood at 2-2285, if they are unable
to attend.
The social committee arranges
many of the campus affairs for both
women and men, and sub-commit-
tees include those in charge of Ruth-
ven teas, Sunday night suppers at
the League, mixers for orientation,
Independent teas, guide service for
visitors on campus, and a new pro-
ject-the acquaintance bureau.
This will probably be the last mass
meeting of the year, Miss Osgood
said, and all women who intend to
work on the committee are expected
to be there promptly.
Plans for the acquaintance bureau
will be discussed, and freshman, soph-
omore and junior women will have
an opportunity to choose which group
they wish to work with.
Club Will Give
Dance Recital
Depend On Broad,
Varied Education
As the significant days of com-
mencement draw near senior women
are feeling a new anxiety about their
future. They are coming to the reali- f
zation, that comes June, they will de-
part from their cloister-like college r
world into the uncertainty that the f
future holds.
They will be among the thousands Y
of college graduates who will bea
pondering overthequestion of how
to get a job. The present world of
chaos is being brought closer to
reality when they investigate the op-
portunities that lie open to them.
Need Sound Education
Miss Virginia Gildersleeve, Dean
of Barnard College, in a survey of
current professional trends and em-
ployment of women, stated that for
all professions, women need, if they
are to be successful, the best possible
professional preparation based on a
sound, broad general education.
Teaching jobs, always a popular
profession among women, she said,
are much more difficult to obtain
than formerly. Men are now forc-
ing women out of many of these be-
cause of the fewer jobs open during
the depression. However, one type
of teaching that still needs many good
aspirants is the administration field,
she advised. There are not nearly
enough qualified women who have
the background to do the administra-
tive work.
Positions Are Available a
Government service, research lab-
oratory work, and the statistical in-
vestigations of some institutions offer
excellent opportunities today, Miss
Gildersleeve informed inquiring wo-
Donald H. Moyer of the Harvard
Alumni Placement Service has cau-
tioned the graduating members of
the Class of 1940 that the fields of
journalism, publishing, radio, adver-
tising, and the arts will absorb only
those whose capacities show prom-
ise of outstanding achievement. Me-
diocre candidates had best look else-
where for employment.
Politics in this exciting election
year beckons to youth, because the
need for ability is great, Moyer as-
- - - - - - - R I L Y N
Groups Cooperate
Present Program
Two-Day SL
Just 17
Spring Reversibles
Were 14.95 to 17.95
A SPECIAL SALE of once-in-a-blue-moon impor-
tance! Tweed favorites in plaids, mixtures and
plain colors . . .neutrals and pastels . . lined with
gabardine to blend. Fitted and boxy styles with
detachable hoods. Sizes 12 to 20.
Modern Dance Club, in collabora-
tion with the Play Production dance
group, the Ballet Group, and Physi-
cal Education majors, will present the
annual dance program at 8:15 p.m.
Monday and Tuesday in the dance
studio of Barbour gymnasium.
Neva Dilley, '41Ed., is chairman of
the informal studio performance,
which will consist of twelve numbers:
chorus, duet, and solo, with music
arranged by Stanley Lock, '42. Lock
has been playing at practice meet-
ings of the Dance Club throughout
the year, and also wrote the music
for two of the numbers, "Dance of
Greeting", and "American Rondo."
Among the chorus dances will be a
concert version of "Cinderella",
which was performed this fall for
the Children's Theatre of the League.
The numbers from Play Production's
1II Seraglio will also be revived. "Rur-
al Diversion", and "Bach Suite" are
two other group dances.
and they will
look fresh
and new
YouR home is your castlc and it
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Skilled Furrier
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