At MAN 2. 1940
Wolverine Netters Defeat Kalamazoo,54, On Indoori
Baseball Team
Leaves Today
To Meet Illini
The Wolverine, baseball team spent
the afternoon in batting practice and
fungo-chasing as rain, wet grounds
and cold weather forced cancellIa-
tion of the Varsity's scheduled home
game with Notre Dame.
With no open dates left on the
Michigan schedule, the Wolverines
won't have the opportunity to play
off the game with the Irish. The
only contest between the teams will
be played at Notre Dame, May 27.
Meanwhile, Coach Ray Fisher
named a squad of 14 players who
will leave for Champaign, Ill., for
the weekend series with the Illini.
The list included: pitchers Jack
Barry, Lyle Bond, Russ Dobson and
Mickey Stoddard; catcher George
Harms; infielders George Ruehle, Bill
Steppon, Mike Sofiak, Bud Cham-
berlain and Davie Nelson; and out-
fielders Charlie Pink, Fred Trosko,
Don Holman and Forest Evashevski.
St. Louis ....., 010 110 000-3 5 0
New York ..... 310 010 00x-5 9 0
Auker,kWhitehead, Harris and Sus-
ce; Pearson and Dickey.
Chicago .. 100 030 000-- 4 8 0
Boston 013 412 10x-12 13 0
Eaves, Appleton, Weiland and
Tresh, Turner; Grove, Hash and De-
Cleveland .... 001 000 000-1 7 2
Philadelphia .. 000 111 02x-5 11 0
Allen, Zuber, Dobson and Hemsley;
Potter and Hayes.
Detroit nd.H 102 020 230-10 10 4
Washington .. 300 130 000- 7 9 0
Newsom, Nelson and Tebbets; Hol-
lingsworth, Carrasquel, Masterson,
Krakauskas and Ferrell.
Brooklyn ........00 011 000-2 6 0
Cincinnati .... 000 800 70x-9 8 0
Casey, Mungo, Tamulis and Franks,
Phelps; Walters and Lombardi.
Dempsey Claims Jacobs
Is Hurting Boxing Game
Jack Dempsey said in a radio inter-
view today that "Mike Jacobs is
ruining the boxing game."
"In order for a heavyweight boxer
to fight in New York," the former
world champion said, "he must be
under contract to Mike Jacobs."
peaurt In5lds Slene Mache
Defeat In 57 College Matches
6 itdfi0--iilIc' A4iIct
Kohl And Dober Duo Win
Final Match With Ease
To Clinch Varsity Victory
Kalamazoo, was rewarded for his ag-
gressive tactics with a creditable 6-2,
7-9, 6-4 win.
Bob Jeffers, playing his usual
steady, resourceful game, continued
(Continued from Page 1) his fine record in dual-meet com-
Shane tilts, along with the rest of the petition this spring by taking a tough
klumber five man from Kalamazoo,
matches, was transferred to the in- Fred Garbrecht, 6-0, 6-8, 8-6.
door courts in the Sports Building. Harry Kohl, Michigan's number six
Upon resumption of play, Shane man, took George Williams easily,
won the first two games to take an winning 6-3, 6-2. When Kohl's sharp
apparently unsurmountable 5-0 lead forehand is clicking, he is a tough
but at this point, Durst rallied. Hit- man totbeat, and it was really click-
ting deep, and going to the net at Doubles Team Impressive
every opportunity, Durst turned a Shane and Worth, Kalamazoo's
lost cause into a dog fight. After number one doubles team, looked good
20 minutes of the fastest tennis that whilebeating Durst and Tobin, 6-3,
he has ever played, Durst led, 6-5, 6-. Pratnt and thsend
withhisownserice omig u. A6-4. Pratt and Hunter, the second
with his own service coming up. A Kalamazoo combination, were equal-
service ace, a sharp cross-court vol-Kamzocmbntnereua-
ley, e and a beautifulcforehandpass-ly impressive, beating a good Michi-
ing hot, culminated urst's unbe- gan doubles team in Jeffers and Stille,
lievable comeback as he went out at 6-3, 6-4.
7-5 in the decisive third set. With the score of the complete
Injury Hampers Tobin match, 4-4, Kohl and Bud Dober took
Despite his knee injury Jim Tob- the court for their number three
doubles match, knowing they had to
in played fine tennis before going win if Michigan were to beat Kala-
down to Eric Pratt, Kalamazoo4s-mazoo. In this, the first occasion on
number two man, 6-2, 4-6, 6-4. which they have played together in
The Wolverine number three man, a match, Kohl and Dober looked im-
Tom Gamon, was beaten decisively, pressive as they swamped Garbrecht
6-0, 6-2, by Worth. and George Williams, 6-1, 6-1, bring-
The effervescent Wayne Stille, ing a hard-fought victory to a well
forcing the net thoughout his long satisfied Coach Weir, and the Michi-
1drawn-out duel with Bud Hunter of gan tennis team.
Trosko ......
Ruehle ... ....
Pink .........
Steppon .......
Evashevski ...
Holman ..... .
Harms .......
Barry ........
Sofiak ........
Nelson .....
10 37
10 36
9 34
10 44
10 42
6 17
10 22
10 27
6 14
10 43
9 16
Jack Leutritz, junior, who was
one of the nation's 10 best quarter
milers last year, is expected to
place in his event against Illinois
Saturday as well as run a leg on
the crack Michigan mile relay team
which won at the Drake Relays.
Mitchig- se''r Traclhmen Face 111win
In First Home Meet Saturday
By HERM EPSTEIN just won't fit in an indoor track.
After weeks of away-from-home Leutritz doesn't begin to run wel
competition, the Michigan track team until the Wolverines go outdoors
will once again display its chain- and then he really goes. He was ont
pionship wares to the home folks of the nation's 10 best 440-men las
this weekend, and against its old year as a sophomore. This year hE
rival, Illinois. has added drive to the natura
There's very little prophesying to strength of his stride, and is read:
be done when the Illini-Wolverine to show everyone his real worth.
feud breaks out anew, as football Jester Runs Mile
fans are willing to testify, but though The appearance of Tommy Jeste
there is little doubt of the ultimate in the mile run at the AAU Relay
team winner Saturday, the individual last March brought forth many ex
races will provide fans with an inter- pressions of approval from fans whc
esting afternoon had for three years watched Jeste
Fans Watch Decker run second only to Capt. Ralpl
In addition to the competition, Schwarzkopf in cross-country. And
however, Michiganders will have Tommy didn't disappoint them, run
their attention focussed on three ning about 4:15 in his first compe
Wolverines: Charlie Decker and Jack tition at the distance.
Leutritz will get their first real chance Since that time he has been run
of the year, and Tommy Jester will ning in relay events, and consequent
show what he can do after being ly hasn't had the opportunity to shov
shifted from the 880 to the mile what he can do over the mile route
Indoors, sophomore Charlie Deck-
er didn't have a chance to show the Times for passing tests for Sig-
reasons why he is regarded as the ma Delta Psi, honorary athletic
best of all Michigan pole vault pros- fraternity, have been changed to
pects. In the triangular meet which Monday and Wednesday, from
opened the season, the pole vault ran 3:00 to 4:00 P.M.. Other times
so long that Decker contented him- are to be arranged by appoint-
self with a first-place tie so that the ment
meet could go on faster. The follow- William Riordan
ing week at the Illinois Relays he Staff Assistant in Charge
injured his ankle after vaulting thir-
teen feet six inches without a miss
en route.
Injury Heals Slowly
The ankle has taken its own sweet
time about getting better, and Deck PORT STY S
er is just rounding back into thePO T S Y E
shape he was in for the Illinois Re-
lays. If conditions are favorable, the
sophomore star should go up that
high once more, and if he gets a few
breaks, may become the first four-
teen-foot pole vaulter. Michigan has
Another man who has been ham-
pered indoors is Jack Leutritz. Jack
was out, of school during the first Regardless of the purpose . we
semester, and had to begin the slow can show you the correct type
task of getting into condition at a o oter u atr ag
time when everyone else was raring t of ootwear. Our pattern range
go. He is handicapped indoors any- is the most complete in our his-
how by the length of his stride which tory and it will be a pleasure for
us to show you the variety of
"KEEP A-HEAD models we have for you.
1 with a "Scalp Treatment" - "Crew
Hai rcut or "Personality Hair Style."
Formerly Esquire Barbers Informal Wear
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NBA Recognizes Scalzo
WASHINGTON, May 1.-(/P)--
Petey Scalzo, of New York, was rec-
ognized by the National Boxing As-
sociation today as featherweight
champion of the world.
Last month the NBA withdrew its
recognition of Joey Archibald as the
featherweight champion.
Office and Portable Models
New, and Reconditioned.
t, 0-11
Bought, Sold
Rented, Exchanged,
Cleaned, Repaired.
Our Convenient
rental purchase
plan will save you
(Editor's Note: This week the col-
umn is being written by the members
of the junior sports staff who are
applying for the position of sports
editor for the coming year. Today's
column is written by Jim Monahan,
who has covered varsity wrestling.)
Headline Makers -..-
Looking over the sport pages of
any daily paper one forms a remote
acquaintance with the celebrities
who make the headlines. Joe Louis,
Don Budge, Joe DiMaggio, and count-
less others are placed before the
public's eye so often that every small
boy feels that he knows the "Brown
Bomber", if not in reality at least in
his imagination. Those connected
with the sporting world, columnists
such as Grantland Rice and radio's
Ted Husings and Bill Sterns, have
come into close contact with the
"greats", know them as average hu-
man beings, and probably take them
for granted.
We, too, were thrilled when, at
the age of 10 or 12, we saw some
One of the largest and best
stocks in the State. All makes
and models at lowest prices.
0. D. Morrill
314 S. State (Opp. Kresge's)
Since 1908 Phone 6615
football star at close range, per-
haps even had Babe Ruth auto-
graph a baseball. Thinking back
several years, not too many, we
found that there were quite a
few instances in which just such
a thrill was obtained.
First and foremost will always be
not only actually meeting the great-
est coach of all time, Knute Rockne,
but having him come to the house
for dinner. Capable of doing little
else than staring and listening, we
have always retained the impression
that "Rock" was a wonderful man, as
well as a great coach and leader of
men. Quiet and modest, yet recog-
nized as one of America's most flu-
ent speakers, he was as efficient in
the business world as he was on the
sidelines of a football field.
Then there was the time when
Rip Miller, former lineman on
Notre Dame's famous "Four
Horsemen" team and Navy coach,
invited us to sit on the Navy
bench and our watching "Buzz"
Borries sweep through a helpless
William and Mary team from
that vantage point. Listening
to the talk on the bench and
smelling "Old Bill", the Navy
goat, who was regrettably close
at hand.
While still younger there were
such moments as being introduced to
Curley Lambeau, coach of the Green
Bay Packers, during the half of a
game in Philadelphia; caddying for
Harry Cooper at the Elmhurst Coun-
try Club outside of Chicago; meet-
ing Joe Cronin and owner Clark
Griffith a few moments after the
Senators had walloped the Yanks
ithat has -actually happened, hard as
it is to believe), bumping into Bar-
ney Ross on Chicago's LaSalle Street.
High school days were to find
close acquaintances with twoj
football players who were to
monopolize the headlines during
their college careers. Bob Mac-
Leod was a mighty good halfback
and low hurdler at Glenbard
High School, Glenn Ellyn, Illi-
nois, several years ago. His
record low hurdle effort nosed
York out of a conference cham-
pionship one spring, which we
didn't like too well. MacLeod
was to become Dartmouth's
great backfield star in later years.
Nile Kinnick was acclaimed Ameri-
ca's outstanding athlete last year.
The Hawkeye flash, who garnered
more trophies after the 1939 foot-
ball season than he probably knows
what to do with, began his brilliant
career at Benson High School in
Omaha, Neb. It is rather gratify-
ing now to realize that we were once
trampled in a high school scrim-
mage by 1939's greatest All-American.
It was interesting to hear Kinnick's
opinion this Christma's vacation of
the last Michigan-Iowa game in
which the Wolverines walked over
Iowa 27 to 7. "I thought Harmon
was all, and more, he was cracked,
up to be but we all considered Eva-
shevski the best man on the field
that afternoon," were his words.
A moment at the Big Ten-
Pacific Coast track meet at
Dyche Stadium in Evanston will
be remembered. Chuck Fenske
of Wisconsin was literally burn-
ing up the track as he moved
away from Southern California's
Zamperini in the mile and be-
hind us Fenske's grizzled father
was pounding on our back and
yelling "C'mon, Chuck!" Then
there were the times when we
met Jesse Owens, the Buckeye
speedster who covered himself
with glory in the 1936 Olympics
and who cracked three world's
records and tied another on Ferry
Field one afternoon; talking to
"Pop" Schulte, Nebraska's "grand
old man" of track; having Ab
Jenkins, famous American dis-
tance driver and holder of more
automobile speed records than
any man in the world, give us a
spin over the Bonneville Salt
Flats in Utah.
These were all memorable occa-
sions and are worth thinking back
upon. They are comparatively few
as compared to the experiences and
acquaintances some persons have had
but they have made us realize that
the headliners of the sporting world
are, more often than not, real and
admirable people.
Palm Beach Formal
t$< {
ti IT
}. + fA
I-M Sports:
Lloyd House Nips
Fletcher Hall, 8-7
Scoring four runs ater'two were
out in the final inning, Lloyd House
defeated Fletcher Hall, 8-7, yester-
day to take over -the lead in League
One for Intramural ,softball. Edwin
Lorig pitched for the winners with
Theodore Hillhouse doing the receiv-
ing. Kenneth Butler and Wilson
Deaver worked for Fletcher Hall.
In the other games played in yes-
terday's cold rain, Delta Kappa Ep-
silon trounced Sigma Alpha Epsi-
lon, 12-5, behind the pitching of
Raymond Dwyer, with Paul Darnton
heaving for the losers; Kappa Sigma
beat Alpha Kappa Lambda, 12-8,
with William Herman getting credit
for the win; Randall Braun hurled
Chi Phi to a 13-12 win over Delta
Upsilon;. and Sigma Phi Epsilon took
a forfeit victory in four innings over
Tau Kappa Epsilon, 22-12.
One look is all anyone needs to appre-
ciate the unmatched smartness of 1940's
Single or double-breasted white jacket with shawl
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