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April 18, 1940 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-04-18

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TRUP.M., T, ArRTL 19, 19Y0



Edited and managed by students of the University of
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Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40

Carl Petersen
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The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Peace Rally
Preview .,
F CIVILIZATION is to survive, the
rights to independence, to their
territorial integrity, and to the unimpeded op-
portunity for self-government must be respected
by their more powerful neighbors."
Thus did President Roosevelt last week con-
clude his condemnation of the invasion of Nor-
way and Denmark; and in this stipulation of
the rights of. smaller nations, he found, in the
nation ,at large, almost full agreement.
But in his emphatic though implicit condem-
nation of the German government, President
Roosevelt met severe criticism. Republican Sen-
ator Frazier, of North Dakota, for example, in
terming the President's statement "unneutral,"
pointed out: "There is no question about the
rights of small, governments as defined by the
President. But where does Great Britain come
into the Norwegian situation? In her laying of
mines and her violation of Norwaq's territorial
waters, Britain was, in my opinion, the first
aggressor in this instance, flagrantly violating
international law.
"The declaration is evidently intended to
keep up American interest in the Allied cause.
It is a biased statement."
Yet, on the whole, it seems as if both President
Roosevelt and Senator Frazier have confused
the main issue: the problem is not that of
attaching responsibility for the invasion to
either Germany or Britain or attempting to
justify the acts of either belligerent. In war-
time,. especially the present war, there should
be no attempts at moral evaluation of the
deeds of a warring nation.
The main problem, and it cannot be empha-
sized too strongly or too often, is keeping Amer-
ica at peace. And moral criticism of the acts
of a belligerent, by unnecessarily provoking
unneutral feelings, seriously obfuscates the de-
termination, the greatest aim, to remain at
peace. Thus, the statements of President Roose-
velt and Senator Frazier are unfortunate in
that they give no aid to the cause of American
There is the added consideration, moreover,
that the information we have at the present
is, in most cases, too limited, too biased, too
incomplete, to enable us to form any sort of
moral conclusions at this time.
But probably the most sound observation,
at least the most constructive, on the Scan-
dinavian invasions and the President's utter-
ances, was that made by Republican Senator
Gerald P. Nye, also of North Dakota.
Said Senator Nye: "The President would do
well to be more solicitous about the challenges
to democracy and civilization right here at
home. I cannot look upon statements like this
one without feeling that they are, each and
everyone, taking us a little closer to involvement
in the holocaust abroad."
Almost in line, incidentally, with Nye's state-
ment was the peace expression of Rev. C. Ed-
ward, vice-president of Manhattan College, in
his featured address before 100 representatives
from 26 Catholic colleges to the Conference of
the Middle Atlantic Region of the Catholic Stu-
dents Peace Federation. In his talk, delivered
at the College of Mount Saint Vincent in River-
dale and reported in last Sunday's New York
Times, he said: "The forces which most mili-

Let Students
Lend A Hand
I$N MAY, 1939, a report was published
by a committee of the University
of Michigan chapter of the American Associa-
tion of College Professors advocating, among
other things, the use of a student questionnaire
in evaluating teaching abilities of college in-
Since that time, although this plan was being
worked in other universities, and to some extent
in the Medical School, School of Business Ad-
ministration, College of Engineering and School
of Education in Ann Arbor, little tendency has
been shown to widen its use here. Yet, the idea
has a number of definite advantages.
The student questionnaire method involves
the following procedure: Students in a course
would receive after the close of a semester
simple questionnaires, each bearing an iden-
tifying symbol to facilitate classification of rep-
licas by class and by grade in course, but each
being individually anonymous. Each question-
naire would be classified for analysis by class
of student as well as course, because it was
thought that the more mature judgment of a
senior, for example, may differ from that of a
sophomore taking the same course at the same
time. Opinions of students graded D and E
would also be analyzed separately.
Students would be asked to answer questions
dealing with their general attitude toward the
subject, organization of the course, teacher's
conduct of the course, and examinations and
tests. Sub-questions would take up comprehen-
siveness of outline or plan of course, textbook
or material assigned for reading, educational
value of written or laboratory exercises, extent
to which teacher arouses and develops a mature
and wholesome interest in field covered by the
course, quality of material presented in class-
room, general impression of the effectiveness
of teacher in conducting course, content and
grading of examinations.
Under each sub-question would appear five
degrees of opinion, from which students would
be asked to choose the one which most accurate-
ly represents their own.
The task of accurately determining teaching
ability has long troubled eminent educators.
Even now no one can say definitely that any
one method is superior to any other. Why not,
then, give the students a chance? Even grant-
ing that such judgment could not be used fairly
as an entire criterion, it is surely logical that
if students-after having taken a certain course
-should have reasonably definite opinions
about the teaching ability of their instructor.
And these opinions would have been formed on
the basis of pure experience, or-in the language
of the statistician-on the basis of actual field
It seems logical, too, that carefully tabulated
and analyzed results could be used to better
plan the various courses, thus rebounding bene-
ficially to the students. At any rate, most of
the better university instructors are curious
to know just what their students think of them.
In this connection fle questionnaires, properly
handled, could go far in eliminating prevalent
and often entirely erroneous campus gossip
concerning the popularity of any instructor.
One point may be re-emphasized: Students
of college age certainly are mature enough to
know at least whether they are deriving any
benefit from a course or from a method of
teaching. Student opinions in this sphere can
therefore be most valuable to college educators.
Let's have more student questionnaires.
--Howard A. Goldman
WITH SPECULATION on the third term as-
pirations of President Roosevelt holding
the limelight, collegians all over the nation are
turning to a consideration of the 1940 election
prospects of the Democratic party and are dis-
cussing the party's possibilities with great in-
terest, the Associated Collegiate Press reports.
Comment on the third-term issue seems about
evenly divided, with many urging the President
to make up his mind as soon as possible so the
party will not be split further. The Washington
College Elm is most vociferous in denouncing
another term for Mr. Roosevelt: "The life of
the American people will be imperiled by a third

term candidacy for Mr. Roosevelt. Our na-
tional economy and political institutions will
be destroyed. War or peace, we suggest that
Mr. Roosevelt declare his intention to obey
the unwritten rule against the third term."
The University of Kansas Daily Kansan be-
lieves the third-term controversy serves two
purposes: "The innocent one of providing a
safety valve by which today's anxiety and alarm
may be released, and the more doubtful one
of providing an effective smoke screen that
obscures all other important events."
Turning to the speculation over James A.
Farley's candidacy, the University of Minne-
sota Daily said: "The Postmaster-General would
no doubt make a formidable candidate for the
presidency, being an able politician who has
a strong personal following. He has a wide
acquaintance throughout the country, a thor-
ough grasp of its many diverse problems and
would give a creditable- account of himself in
the presidency.
The University of Texas Daily Texan predicts
that President Roosevelt could not win the nom-
ination or the election should "Genial Jim"
desert him: "A Farley walk-out would be a
blow to the White House. Farley has a tremen-
dous personal following-a strong and genial
personality, he makes and keeps friends. As
head of one of the most effective political
machines ever developed in this country, he
knows how to get results. And many a dele-
gate at the next nomination convention will
'ask Jim' before supporting or opposing any
Cl- at.1 r.%f' .- n -,r.ll. n i m,,rcnn nar, ra -

Drew Pearso
Robert S.A! en
F AND WHEN Congress investigates the sale
of the latest U.S. airplanes to the Allies, it
will run across some revealing facts.
However, these facts will cause the opposite
of the usual embarrassment accruing from con-
gressional investigations. For they will show
that the U.S. Army benefitted through getting
later model planes, also that the U.S. Treasury
received extra revenue.
For instance, the British are paying the Cur-
tis Aircraft Company a total of $739,000 in or-
der to make over its dies and switch production
from the P40 to the P46, a much more modern
type of pursuit plane. Of this $739,000, about
$200,000 will go to pay for the switching of
U.S. Army planes from the P40 to the P46.
The U.S. Army was building the P40, then
considered the latest and best type of pursuit
plane. But after contracts for these had been
signed with the Curtiss company, the P46 was
developed, with a speed of nearly 400 miles
an hour. It outdates the P40.
The British came along about this time and
wanted to buy the P46, and the War Department
gave consent, provided that the British would
pay for making new dies, to replace the P40's
which the Army already had under contract
with the Curtiss company.
Thus the Army gets a later and more up-to-
date plane, instead of being saddled with the
old P40's-all at British expense.
British Appeal
However, this was not worked out without
some argument. At first Arthur Purvis, head
of the British purchasing mission, objected
vigorously, even threatened to carry the matter
to the White House. Assistant War Secretary
Johnson, however, stood pat. So first Purvis
appealed to Secretary Morgenthau, in charge
of U.S. Government sales to the Allies, and
generally considered the Allies' best friend.
Morgenthau, however, took the precaution of
calling up Johnson.
"How much do you figure it will cost the
British and French to make over all these dies?"
Morgenthau asked. He was referring to chang-
ing the machinery in airplane factories other
than Curtiss, namely Douglas, Martin, Lock-
heed, etc.
"About $7,000,000," replied Colonel Johnson.
"O.K.," replied the Secretary of the Trea-
sury, "I'll back you up."
So after talking with Morgenthau, Purvis
did not appeal to the White House[
Nothing Doing
Vice-President Jack Garner will have nothing
to do with the man who assailed him as a
"whiskey-drinking, labor-baiting, evil old man."
Recently a Senator friendly to John L. Lewis
asked Garner if he would see the CIO chief.
No reason was given for the request and Garner
didn't inquire. He was merely told that Lewis
would like to talk to him.
"My door is always open," Garner said. "If
he wants to see me I won't stop him. But I can
tell you frankly I have no desire to have any
dealings with him."
Note-Michigan Republicans are saying that
during Lewis' recent visit to the state he told
party leaders he was prepared to support GOP
congressional candidates in return for pledges
that they will "lay off" the National Labor
Relations Board.
Stock Exchange Coup
It isn't being advertised, but the Wall Street
Old Guard has just written "finish" to former
SEC Chairman William Douglas's clean-up of
the New York Stock Exchange. The banker
insiders are again in complete control of the
"big board."
On April 5, the Washington Merry-Go-Round
revealed 'that the powerful banking elements,
dislodged from their long-held key offices fol-

lowing the Richard Whitney scandal, were
quietly setting the stage for 'a "blitz" comeback.
By adroit behind-the-scenes maneuvering
over some eighteen months, they had slowly
but steadily axed the reform officials installed
under Douglas's bludgeoning until only one
remained-Edward Bartlett, chairman of the
board of governors. A partner of E. A. Pierce
& Co., largest commission brokers in the coun-
try, Bartlett deals chiefly with the public and
is more public-minded than the Old Guard
bankers. His election was a big triumph for
But with the board again in their grip, the
Old Guard whetted its knives for Bartlett's
scalp. They got it in true coup d'etat fashion.
Bartlett's term expires shortly, and it was
expected that he would be vigorously opposed
in an open election fight, with the Old Guarders
putting up one or more rival candidates. But
apparently they feared to risk a showdown.
They harpooned Bartlett "in a smoke-filled
room" before he even had a chance to roll up
his sleeves.
The Exchange nominating committee, made
up of Old Guarders and meeting behind locked
doors, blanked Bartlett out of the race by
simply not putting his name up for re-election.
They nominated only one candidate for the
office, Charles B. Harding, member of the in-
vestment banking firm of Smith, Barney &
Co., and that was that. Bartlett was counted
out without even a chance to make a fight,
and the Old Guard once again was back in the
Stock Exchange saddle.
: ma.__mmerlinely ar +h e m n _Wiliam

Two coming events of more than
passing musical significance are on_
Ann Arbor's calendar this month.A
The first is the Paderewski picturen
"Moonlight Sonata," which will playt
at the Michigan for three days start-i
ing this afternoon. Our recollections
of this picture are rather vague, but
we do recall the miracle of thet
master's touch and temperament inr
the middle of a rather trite story.o
Wisely, the authors have not made
the mistake of attempting to make
an actor of Mr. Paderewski at hist
time of life. They have allowed himt
to play himself, and they have let
his musicianship speak louder than
his words.
At this time when it becomes more
and more doubtful that we shallc
ever hear the real Paderewski play
again, it is especially fitting that
this picture is left as a memoriall
of the Paderewski who used to play.
For the playing is superb, let there
be no mistake about that. All thec
technique, all the fire and all thej
musicianship of his best days are1
brilliantly exposed. It would seem
that the ability of the soundtrackl
to go back in endless repetitions un-
til only the best is finally releasedt
has never been utilized to better1
advantage. On the concert stage a
note may blur, a passage be smeared,
by the best of virtuosi. But in this
picture one does not hear a sequence
that is not cleanly and clearly play-
ed. It probably takes the mechan-
ical age to transmit artistry so clear-
We hope that we do not presume
on the drama critic's field if we
mention our recollection of one out-
standing acting performance in
"Moonlight Sonata" by Marie Tem-
pest, one of the great names of the
English speaking stage.
We should also like to note here
that the Varsity Glee Club is giving
a concert tonight at Hill Auditorium.
We are thoroughly familiar with the
Glee Club's work and have no hesi-
tation whatever in terming it ex-
cellent indeed. We have not heard
much of this year's music but what
we have heard indicates an enjoy-
able time for those who attend and
an especially rewarding hour or so
for musicians. Prof. David Mattern
has not attempted to make another
of those all too numerous "chapel
choirs" of his organization; he has
consistently recognized the group for
what it is, a men's glee club. Their
programs are always admirably bal-
anced between the serious and the
lighter aspects of music.
One further point is that this is
a veteran glee club, a club that has
been together for a long time and
that has sung a series of concerts
all over the Middle West. The rough
spots should be thoroughly ironed
We have also been asked to note
that the Southernaires, noted NBC
quartet, will sing at Ann Arbor High
tonight. Those who appreciate these
well known artists will no doubt be
there in force. A varied program
has been promised which should
please all members of their audience.
Who Pays?
Suspension of commercial air ser-
vice to northern Maine because of
muddy conditions at several fields
north of Bangor, serves to emphasize
the need of better methods of devel-
oping new landing areas if the air-
ways of the United Statestare to
continue to expand.
The communities of Millinocket,
Houlton and Caribou are involved in
this particular case. Yet their prob-
lem is no different from that of hun-
dreds of similarly-placed communi-
ties which look longingly aloft for
new air connections.
These cities and towns are gen-
erally very willing to give land and

even labor for the development of
local fields. Yet, they question, and
quite reasonably, whether they alone
should bear the cost of the type of
runways, terminal buildings and
lighting which the commercial air
companies and the Federal Govern-
ment require for the safety of pas-
sengers and the air mail.
For the Federal requirements and
the needs of the commercial trans-
port companies today generally de-
termine the character of municipal
landing fields. Competent air au-
thorities have suggested' that a new
form of partnership might well be
established for the development of
new fields. The communities, the
Government and the operators, it
is proposed, could share the cost of
airport development.
It seems certain that some sharing
plan must be evolved because com-
munities-especially the smaller
ones-are beginning to balk at the
outlay of money for airports beyond
their means.
Vandenberg Story
Features 'Forum'
A statement of religious beliefs,

(Continued from Page 2
A separate application should be i
made out for the consideration oft
the Committee on Combined Currir
ula. {_ _
Candidates for the Teacher's Cer-
tificate for June 1940, to be recom-
mended by the School of Education,
are requested to call at the office
of the School of Education, 14377
UES, during the week of April 22,
between the hours of 1:30 and 4:30,r
to take the Teacher Oath which is
a requirement for the certificate,
health Service: Service is now avail-
able in the new building only. Eastf
of the League. Telephone 2-4531, -
800 Union Life Memberships Are.
Now Ready to Be Given Out: All men
students who have completed the
equivalent of four years of academicr
work at the University of Michigan,t
paying full tuition each year, may
now obtain their Life Membership
pins from the Michigan Union by
presenting their tuition receipt for
the current semester at the Union
Business Office.
The Business Office is open Mon-l
day through Friday from 8 a.m. un-
til 5 p.m.
R.O.T.C. Advanced Corps Students
and Alumni: Tickets for the Military
Ball Banquet are available at Mrs.
Kinney's office in R.O.T.C. Head-
quarters until Wednesday, April 24.
Graduation Recital: Phyllis Mar-
tin, organist, of Yuma, Colorado,
will give a recital in Hill Auditor-
ium today at 4:15 o'clock in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for
the Bachelor of Music degree. The
public is invited to attend.
Glee Club Concert: The University
of Michigan Glee Club, David Mat-
tern, Conductor, John Secrist, Asso-
ciate Conductor, and Jack Osse-
waarde, accompanist, will give a
program in the School of Music
Series tonight at 8:15 o'clock, in Hill
Auditorium. The general public,
with the exception of small children,
is invited without admission charge.
A particularly interesting program.
of vocal numbers has been prepared.
There will be an exhibit of the
etchings of the late Dr. Warren P.
Lombard, and a retrospective exhibit
of the paintings of Horatio W. Shaw,
pupil of the American artist, Thom-
as Eakins, in Alumni Memorial Hall,
beginning Friday, April 19 and end-
ing May 3.
The gallery will be open from 2-5
every day, including Sundays. A
preview of the exhibits for members
of the Ann Arbor Art Association
will be held in Alumni Memorial
Hall tonight at 8:00.
University Lecture: Dr. Miles D.
Pirnie, Director of the W. K. Kellogg
Bird Sanctuary at Battle Creek,
Michigan, will lecture on "Birds of
Sanctuary and Wilderness" under the
auspices of the Department of Geog-
raphy at 4:15 p.m. today in the
Amphitheatre of the Packham Build-
ing. The public is cordially invited,
University Lecture: Professor Doug-
las Johnson, of Columbia University,
will lecture on "Geology and the Stra-
tegy of the Present War" under the
auspices of the Department of Ge-
ology at 4:15 p.m. on Thursday, April
25, in the Rackham Lecture Hall.
The public is cordially invited.
The annual William J. Mayo Lee-
ture will be given by Dr. Winchell
McK. Craig on Monday, April 22, at

1:30 p.m. in the main amphitheatre
of the University Hospital.
Dr. Craig's title will be "The Pain
of Intraspinal Lesions in General
All classes for the Junior and Senior
medical students will be dismissed
in order that these students may at-
tend this lecture.
Today's Events
Zoology Seminar tonight at 7:30
Amphitheatre, Rackham Building.
Reports by: Mr. Sherman A. Hos-
lett on "Ecological distribution of
mammals of northeastern Iowa," and
Mr. Lloyd L. Smith, Jr., on "Trout
ecology and management in Huron
Mountain streams."
Mandelbaum and Marsh Scholar-
ships: The following applicants are
requested to meet the Committee in
Room 1220, Angell Hall, today, at
the times indicated.

% lecture by Professor James of the
Geography Department who will talk
n English on "The Industrial Revolu-
tion Comes to Latin America" to-
day, Room 102 R.L., at 4:15 p.m. All
students of Spanish and others in-
terested are invited to attend this
lecture at no cost.
Flying Club meeting tonight at
7:30 at the Union.
Reports will be made on the Sixth
National Intercollegiate Flying Con-
ference recently held in Washington,
and arrangements will be made for
reduced rates on flying time for mem-
bers of the club. Plans will be made
for a practise flying meet to be held
this coming Sunday. All members
are urged to be present.
Senior Electricals are invited to a
round table discussion led by Prof.
W. G. Dow at the Michigan Union
7:30 tonight. Subject: "The Rela-
tions and Allegiances that Develop
Within an Industrial Organization
as They Relate to a Young Engineer's
Meetings in the Michigan Union
today: Crofoot Room, Greek and Lat-
in Department, 12:15.
Founders Room, Michigan Engin-
eering Staff, 6:15.
Room 101, Business Administration
School, 12:15.
Room 101, Toastmasters Club, 6:15.
Room 103, Highway Department,
Rooms 323-325, Phi Epsilon Kappa,
Room 305, Glee Club, 7:30.
The Pre-Medical Society will meet
tonight at 8:15 in the East
Amphitheatre of the West Medical
Building to hear speakers from both
Galens and the Victor Vaughn House
describe their impressions of Medical
School. Final vote on the constitu-
tion will be held.
Polish Engineers Society will meet
tonight in the Michigan Union at
7:30. Refreshments.
Mr. Elmore Jackson, National Di-
rector of the Quaker Work Camps,
will show movies of the Work Camps
and discuss their programs for this
summer at Lane Hall, 7:30 .tonight.
Students interested in Work Camps
may have interviews with Mr. Jack-
son at Lane Hall any time Thurs-
Graduate Tea: Dr. F. G. Lankford,
Assistant Professor of the Teaching
of Science and Mathematics, Uni-
versity of Virginia, will speak on
"Public Education in the South" at
the second graduate tea today, 4 to
6 p.m. in the West Conference Room
of the Rackham Building. All grad-
uate students and faculty are invit-
Alpha Phi Omega will meet to-
night in the Upper Room of Lane
Hall at 8:00. All members urged to
Sigma Eta Chi will have a dinner
meeting tonight at 6:00.
Meeting of all Physical Education
men in the Michigan Union tonight
at 8:00. Spaulding's motion pictures
on "Baseball" will be shown. Fol-
lowing this, the delegates for the "Na-
tional Physical Education Conven-
tion" will be selected.
Newman Club convention reserva-
tions must be made at the Chapel
by 9:00 tonight. Ticket committee
members are requested to report tick-
ets tonight.
Classical Record Concert in the
terrace room of the Michigan Union
today and Friday, 4:00-5:00 p.m.
The public is invited.

Archery Club-Women Students:
Organization meeting today at 4:30
p.m. in the lounge at the Women's
Athletic Building. All women stu-
dents interested are invited.
Interior Decoration Section: "The
Selection and Combination of Wall-
paper, Paints and Draperies" will be
explained at the next meeting of the
Interior Decoration section of the
Faculty Women's Club to be held at
3 o'clock today at the Michigan
Coming Events
U. of M. Glider Club meeting on
Friday, April 19, at 7:30 p.m. in Room
311 W. Engr. Bldg. All members
should attend.
Meeting for all public health nurs-
ing students at 4:00 p.m. Friday af-
ternoon, Room 20, Waterman Gym-
nasium. Miss Virginia Jones, Assist-
ant Director of the National Organi-
zation for Public Health Nursing,
will speak.







Charlotte M. Babinshe
Jack E. Bender
Charles C. Congdon
Harry E. Goodman
Virginia E. Graham


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