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April 18, 1940 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-04-18

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Long Bill Beebe
Elected Captain
Of SwimSquad
Hard Working Merman Is
Favorite Qf Teammates;
Starred In Nationals
(Continued from Page 1)
Michigan, and that came in 1937.
In his freshman year here, the six-
foot, two-inch lad immediately set
to £work on improving his stroke.
He wasn't satisfied with the style
that had made him dorsal king of
the prep schoolers. Bill was after
more length. He was seeking to
become more like a racing shell,
riding high, taking it easy and
catching the water with his hands
as it flowed by.
Changed Style
Before his first year at Michigan
was complete, Beebe was a different
styled backstroker, and ever since
then he has consistently worked on
getting more nearly like a racing
Last year he finished second to
Princeton's Al Vande Weghe in the
National Collegiate dorsal event. Al-
though he wound up third this sea-
son in the same race, the sheer cour-
age that has carried him to the top
came to its full mast,
Michigan needed every point it
could get those fateful days in New
Haven. It especially needed at least
a third place from Bill Beebe. As
they came down the stretch, how-
ever, Bill Griffin, the Kenyon star,
was moving along apparently safe
in third position with Michigan's
Beebe struggling three feet behind.
Finishing Kick
But then it came . . . a vicious,
unyielding spurt that carried Bill
nearer and nearer his rival. With
but two yards left, Beebe's hand
went out in front to slap the wall
less than a half a second ahead of
Griffin. It was a hard-earned third
that brought out the stuff the new
Michigan captain is made of.
Yesterday was not the first time
that Beebe has polled the most
votes in an election of the swimmers.
FQr the past two years, the mer-
men have named him their "most
beautiful swimmer" at the annual
spring banquet.
Yanks On March Again
Monte Pearson pitched four-hit ball
and Charlie Keller accounted for
two runs with a homer and single
today as the world champion New
York Yankees conquered the Phil-
adelphia Athletics 4 to 1 in the day's
only Major League baseball game.

Former American Legion Catcher
Fights EvyIn Duel For Berth
By NORM MILLER deadfy throwing arm. With the
When a pint-sized 5-foot, 7%-inch American Legion team, he set a
sophomore weighing 155 pounds reco.-d for throwing out and picking
threatens to snatch the catching berth off baserunners. He nipped two men
away from a big 6-foot, 200-pound who tried to steal on him on the
veteran, the little guy must "have southern trip and missed two others
something on the ball." through no fault of his own. With a
And George Harms, diminutive De- year's experience, Harms should
troiter, is the very man who's veri- prove himself a nightmare to poten-
fying the old adage about good things tial Conference base-stealers.
in little packages. At any rate, Coach Ray Fisher
For although Harms may have to isn't doing any worrying about the
take a seat on the bench to make way all-important catching job while
for Forest Evashevski when the lat- Harms is filling in.
ter's throwing arm heals, Georgie did-
a mighty fine job of substituting for
Evie cn the southern trip and prom-
Lses to press his husky rival to the
limit before relinquishing the back- T i1 'bI
stopping position. i uii rornem

Valuable Asset To Team

I! . ,




Dixie Sidelights , ,.,
LOOKING backward over a rained-
on shoulder at the recent South-
ern baseball trip: it was night when
we arrived in Chapel Hill, N.C., and
no one knew exactly where we were
-except Forest Evashevski who vol-
unteered the information that the
South was our locale. How did he
know? "Why." he said, "the street
signs say 'no U-all turns'."
At the Duke game there was an
elderly, grey -headed gent sit-
ti ng in te Blue Devils' dugout.
His am e was Robert Moses
"Lefty" Grove, no small shakes
in this baseball world himself.
Grove wasn't the only Big Leaguer
in the crowd that day. A fair-haired
boy came down to the Michigan dug-
out and asked for Les Veigel, The
light-headed fellow was Whitey
Moore, one of the hurling corps of
the Cincinnati Reds. It seems that
both Mooreand Veigel have the for-
tune to hail from the same town in
Ohio, Tuscarawas by name. It is a
thriving metropolis of some 600 odd
and is next in size to Cleveland.
With Moore were Billy Werber and
Paul Derringer. These men, at the
last reading, were also on the Cincy

Handles Ptchers Well
Harms took over the job behind the
plate when Evashevski's arm went
lame in the Duke game, handled the
Wolverine pitchers as if he'd caught
them for years, and had the infield
hopping with a steady line of chat-
ter that would do credit to "Gabby"
Hartnett, himself.
The task of handling curves and
high hard ones is an old story to
Harms, though. For three seasons
George handled the shoots of the
famous Harold Newhouser of the De-
troit Tigers in every inning that the
19-year old major-leaguer pitched
for the Roose Vanker American Le-
gion team of Detroit. The Newhous-
er-Harms battery carried the team
to the national finals of the Legion
tournament in 1937.
Not only is Harms a capable re-
ceiver, but he holds up his end at the
plate, too. The little Wolverine cat-
cher collected three hits in nine trips
to the plate for a .-333 average on the
Dixie trip.
A Deadly Arm
But George's crowning asset is a
American League

, .


Weakened By Injuries
Of Balyeat, Dobson

At the end of the track seasonI

St. Louis ........ 1 0
Boston..........1 0
Cleveland.......1 0
Philadelphia .. 1 1
New York.......1 1
Detroit..........0 1
Washington......0 1
Chicago.........0 1
National League
Cincinnati.......1 0
Brooklyn.........1 0
Philadelphia 1 0
Pittsburgh.......1 0
Chicago.........0 1
NewYork.......0 1
Boston .......... 0 1
St. Louis ........ 0 1



last spring, track fans were looking
forward to this spring when three
Michigan sophomore quarter-milers
would be back with a year's exper-
ience to form the nucleus of what
might be the greatest mile relay
team to date.
'This weekend, the trio of Warren
Breidenbach, Phil Balyeat and Jack
Leutritz will face their first out-
door test. The outlook for a great
season in the event is by no means
bright. Breidenbach and Leutritz
are both ready to go, but a series
of injuries to Balyeat and to Bill
Dobson, who was scheduled to be
the fourth member of the team,
have almost scuttled those great
Hounded By Injuries
Balyeat first injured his arch. Af-
ter that was healed quite well, he
injured his back, and just as that
cleared up, he reinjured the arch
and hasn't yet recovered. He can
still run-that nuch was shown by
his leg of the relay in the indoor
Conference meet-but it isn't the
Balyeat who might be running with
the top two or three 440-men in
the country. If he forgets the arch
and lets go with all he has, he still
might be there, even if the injury
doesn't heal as soon as it should.
The problem of who was to be
number four man on the team ap-
peared solved with the appearance
of Bill Dobson. But, no sooner was
he established in the spot than he
pulled a muscle in his leg. Before
that healed, he pulled the muscle
a second time, and started to work
out hard just last week. He won't
be ready for a while yet.
iharnard, Rae Considered
Stan Kelley, Michigan's top hur-
dler, was shoved into the breach
and came through well, but his hur-
dling talents were needed more, so
the search continued. Bob Barnard,
also a hurdler, stepped in and per-
formed very well, and thus far seems
to be the best bet for the position.
However, Jim Rae, the basketball
captain, reported for track, and ear-
ly this week ran 50.3 for the quar-
ter-an excellent performance con-
sidering the time he had been work-
ing, and the fact that it was the
first outdoor work of the season.
So, the outdoor season will open
Saturday at Indiana, and with it
will appear the first indications of
what is to come. If Balyeat's leg
holds up in fairly good shape, the
outlook for a team which will give
Stanford's world-record breaking
quartet a real rub will be very bright.
It not, Michigan will still have a
good team, probably the Big Ten
championship team, but the rosy
future that last spring envisioned
will be gone to the land of unful-
filled Iopes.
Spartans And Badgers
Battle To .-6 Deadlock
Spartans and Badgers No 7 P3
EAST LANSING, April 17.(IP--
Michigan State College and the
University of Wisconsin shared a
six to six tie here today in a Spartan
baseball opener which was called in
the last of the niinth inning because
of rain.
Michigan State held a one-run
lead, going into the third inning,
but there the Sartan No. 1 hurler,
George Monroe, fell a victim to a
hitting spree staged by the Badgers.

They call him "Happy Weir"
around the I.M. building during the
winter and down at the tennis courts
off Ferry Field in the spring. And
with good reason, too, for which each
succeeding year, laughing, smiling1
Coach Leroy Weir has put out a bet-
ter tennis team and this season was
going to be his biggest and best.
Yes, he had Sam Rotberg, one of
the three best singles players in the
state, ready for his first and last
year on the Michigan team since
he had had two years of competition
on the Wayne Varsity. Lawton Ham-
mett, top man on the Frosh squad
last year, was primed for a big sea-
son, and there wasn't a single doubt
in Coach Weir's mind (or, in any-
one else's connected with the team)
that he would be terrific.
Porter Surprises
Jim Porter was the biggest sur-
prise of them all. From a little better
than average, lethargic performer
last year, he added pace and length
to all his shots, began fighting for
every point, and last month culmin-
ated this rejuvenation by knocking
off Carl Fischer, Detroit city champ
for the past three years, 6-0, 6-2 in
a practice match.
Also figuring in Weir's plans in
a big way was Jim Tobin, champion
of the No. 2 men in the Big Ten
last year. Tobin beat Harrison
O'Neill from Northwestern and one
of the best in the conference, in the
finals last June at Evanston. 3
Sam Durst, captain and the stea-
diest man on the squad, was expect-
ed to do plenty also, and Weir's only
worry was who would be the last
two netters to complete his squad.
Then came the blow, and it was
tougher to take than a forehand of
Vines' catching you in the pit of the
stomach as you're charging the net.
Rotberg dropped out of school be-
cause of financial difficulties. Ham-
mett and Porter were unexpectedly
declared ineligible, and Tobin suf-

fered an injury to his knee in a
Anyone else would have moaned
to the high heavens, but not "Happy
Weir." With only Capt. Sam Durst
left as a nucleus to build a new
team upon, Coach Weir didn't waste
any time in starting a series of
matches to determine which men
would fill the remaining places.
Now after two weeks of constant
play-offs and the mediocre Spring
trip a thing of the past, we find the
following men comprising the team
in their respective order: Sam Durst,
Wayne Stille, Tom Gamon, Bob Jef-
fers, Harry Kohl, and Bud Dober.
Obviously, when and if Tobin's knee
comes around he will move into ei-
ther the No. 1 or 2 spot.
Hopes For 1941 Bright
The most encouraging thing about
the team is the fact that everybody
but Durst and Jeffers will return
next year. That, plus the news that
Hammett and Porter will be back
plus a fine crop of freshmen coming
up, (Bradley, Johnson and Meyer),
plus the fact that several transfer
students will be available, all plusses
up to the amazing discovery that
"Happy Weir" hasn't lost his smile
and is still beaming around the I.M.
building, and just as surely will be
doing the same down at the tennis
courts off Ferry Field come spring.
Mat Squads Enter
Junior AAU Meet
A squad of some twenty wrestlers,
members of the Michigan freshman
and reserve squads, will travel to
Dearborn tomorrow to compete in
the National A.A.U. Junior Tourna-
ment at Dearborn High School, Fri-
day and Saturday.
The meet, for which all amateur
grapplers except previous titlehold-
ers are eligible, will attract a field
of more than 100 matmen from all
over the country. Entries are also
expected from Michigan State and
other Big Ten schools.

Diminutive George Harms is get-
ting his big opportunity to demon-
strate his ability as a catcher for
Coach Ray Fisher's baseball team
while the regular receiver, Forest
E'vashevski, is recovering from the
effctsofa sore arm.

The next day we dropped in to
see the Boston Red Sox tie up
with the Reds in Durham. Grove
gave the Reds a taste of Big
League pitching as he let them
down with one hit and no rUns in
the five innings he pitched . . .
Dom DiMaggio looks like a comer
although he looks nothing like
his eldest brother . . . Mike Mc-
Cormick is another . . . This
Grove looks like a good prospect
Went to Lexington, Va., next and
watched it rain for two days. To
vary the monotony treked to a show
where we nearly recommenced the
Civil War by offering to sit in the
colored balcony. The cashier nearly
enjoyed a hemmorrage when we in-
sisted there was nothing wrong with
such a desire.
Inside the show, the patrons booed
and cheered at various times as a
preview of Virginia City was shown.
The Maryland game was rained
out and so we didn't get a look
at Charley Keller's young brother
who now boasts, in a quiet sort
of way, a .523 batting average.
* * *
Ran into Elmer Gedeon, a first
baseman here last year, who is now
in the outfield for Charlotte, a Class
B Washirngton farm. Gedeon says
he likes the ramparts he watches, that
he is learning to hit a curve ball and
hopes to be back with the Senators
26-Indiana, at Bloomington
27-Indiana, at Bloomington
3-Illinois, at Champaign
4-Illinois, at Champaign
8-Hillsdale, at Hillsdale
15-Michigan Normal, at Yysi
21-Western State, at Kalamazoo
24-Minnesota, at Minneapolis
25-Minnesota, at Minneapolis
27-Notre Dame, at Notre Dame
30-Michigan State, at E. Lansing
(Captal letters indicate home

New vGridmen
Show Up Well
In Early Drills
Down at Ferry Field yesterday
afternoon (Wednesday):
"All set-hike-one-two, one-two
Zunk! The blue forward wall
charges low and fast, a gaping hole
is ripped through the center of the
red line, then a triangleof interferers
and ball-carrier flashes through it,
Seven yards
And from the tangled pile of blue
and red linemen a blue-shirt can be
heard to chant significantly: "The
Golden Bears of Berkeley . . . The
Golden Bears of Berkeley . .
California Trip Is Keynote
For that's the keynote, the theme
as it were, of this year's spring prac-
tice. Coach Crisler made it clear at
the very stafft that, because the
game with the University of Cali-
fornia comes so early in the season
-Sept. 28-it will be virtually neces-
sary for him to select the personnel
for the trip at the close of the spring
training period. A further stimulant
for pepping up what is ordinarily
considered more a duty than a delight
is the fact that in all probability the
westward trip will be made by air.
And yesterday, as from the very
beginning, freshman grid stalwarts
continued to serve notice on the var-
sity that, when free airplane rides
to California are meted out on or
about Sept. 25 next, they do not in-
tend to be caught standing behind
the door. For they split even honors
with the varsity so far as outstand-
ing performances were concerned.
Bill Windle, 200 pounds of freshman
speed and power, cannonballed con-
sistently down the field for long
Star On Defense
Across the line, on defense two
other freshmen turned in equally
spectacular work. Harry Anderson,
a center who says he never played
football before coming to college,
made somewhat less than 50 per cent
of the day's tackles; and farther
back, at safety, little Frank Day
spent a busy afternoon cutting down
Windle and Norm Call.
The two other varsity men who
with Call equalled the challenge of
the frosh were Leo Cunningham and
Al "Whitey II" Wistert, the former
with sterling defensive work at tackle
and the latter with an impressive
exhibition of downfield blocking.

efetso sor arm roser
Coach Leroy weir Expects Fair
Season .Despite Ineligibilities

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