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To hillel ( GM O1I J1,, j avi ......... euc Charles Wilder
_______,al ............M se m Robert Long A.H. Steps
Clifford Berg . A.. Step Hugh Curtis
Rabbi Jacob J. Weinstein i K . En Arch Bill Rockwell ........ Eng. Arch
To Tak'emcry Chai les uek.........Norh A.H. Rdy Potochnik .......No. A.H.
ITTlWiOn,. . .r.a . . Niyels^... Aae Rger Lawn ......Nickels Arcade
And Social Pluralism ak " Grady........Union Jim Rossman...........Union
330I 1n Frank Collins . . . . . . Rom. Lang.
F t
4 .
Dr.) Abram Leon Sachar, nation-
al Hillel director, will speak on "Suf-
ferance is the Badge" at 8 p.m. to-
morrow at the Hillel Foundation fol-
lowing the regular Friday night Con-
servative Services.
At 12:30 p.m. tomorrow he will,
attend a luncheon at the Union giv-
en by members of the old and new
Hillel Councils and members of the
faculty and at 1 p.m. Saturday will
conduct an open forum discussion at,
Zeta Beta Tau fraternity.
One of America's best-known re-
ligious leaders, Dr. Sachar has re-
ceived nation-wide acclaim for his
writing, lecturing and teaching. He
has served as professor of history at
the University of Illinois and at pres-
ent is teaching a number of subjects
at the Illinois Hillel which are ac-
credited as courses at the University.
1_t 1 . 1ltIt ~ i . . . . 1 ,. 1 . t 1 .. .
10 a.m.:
Doris Mrk re
Annabel Van Winkle..... L-.agije
EIa.z Lucas ............Museum
Charles Hauschild ... A.H. Steps
Yale Forman.........Eng. Arch
Roslyn Seidler .........No. A.H.
Hilda Rosenbaum . . Nickels Arc.
Fay Gripman...........Union
Charles - einn . . .. Rom. Lang.
Wally Griffits...... .Law Quad.
11: a.m.:
Barbara D ttman ........League
Ann Vicary
Bill Lapworth.........Museum
Juaon Westerman . . . . A.H. Steps
Milton Solomon
Carrell Lcuchtman ... Eng. Arch
Daniel Suits .......... No. A.H.
Sarah Hawk .... Nickels Arcade
Warren Solovich .........Union
Ted Sharpe ........ Rom. Lang.
Karl Olson .......... Law Quad.
12 a.m.:
Jane Krause ............League
Vivian Sieman .......Law Quad.
1 1).m.:
Jane Pinkerton
Betty Stout............League
A. Paul Smith
Charles Wade.........Museum
Fritz Liechty.......A.H. Steps
Irwin Clahassey
David Lachenbruch .. Eng. Arch
Vivian Sieman ........ No. A.H.
Betty Weissman . .. Nickels Arc.
Bill Slocum.............Union
l) -k Strain ........ Rom. Lang.
Wally Griffits ......
2 p.m.:
Jane Grove
Sue Potter ..........
Al Englander......
Ed Phillipson......
Bob Runyon
Russell Braga......
Law Quad.
.. League
. Museum
A.H. Steps
Eng. Arch
An address on "Democracy and
Social Pluralism" will be given by
Dr. Jacob J. Weinstin, Rabbi of
Temple K.A.M. in Chicago, at 8 p.m.
Sunday in the League.
Rabbi Weinstein is a graduate of
the Hebrew Foundation at the Uni-
versity of Texas where he served as
director for a number of years.
He has also served on the faculty
of the Menorahi School for adult
Jewish Education, and as a lecturer
at San Francisco's Jewish Center.
James Gives Final Talk
In Spanish Club Series
"The Industrial Revolution Comes
to Latin America" will be the sub-
ject of a talk by Prof. Preston James
of the geography department at 4:15
p.m. today in Room 102, Romance
Language Building, as the concluding
lecture in a series sponsored by La
Sociedad Hispanica.
To be presented in English, Profes-
sor James's lecture will be of gen-
eral interest, and all students are
invited to attend. Lecture series
tickets will not be needed, and ad-
mission will be free to the general
need special care.
14 Nickels Arcade
Charles Buck .........No. A.H.
Bob Chapman .. Nickels Arcade
Bruce Suthergreen .......Union
Jim Holland .......Rom. Lang.
Wally Griffits .......Law Quad.
Prof. -orr Analyzes Results
Of Recent Presidential Tests
-- - - - - - -- - - -
Dewey's Nominaton Not
Sure; Vandenberg, Taft
Still Have Good Chance
It is by no means certain that
Thomas E. Dewey, New York's rack-
et-smashing district attorney, will
secure the Republican nomination
this summer despite his great popu-
larity among the rank and file of
the GOP voters indicated by the re-
cent primaries in New York, Illinois,
Wisconsin and Nebraska, Prof. Har-
old M. Dorr of the political science
department asserted yesterday.
Michigan's Sen. Arthur Vanden-
berg and Ohio's Robert A. Taft are
still definitely in the race, he added.
Has Many Weaknesses
"Dewey may not be selected as the
Republican candidate," Professor
Dorr explained, "because he has a
.reat many weaknesses. His age, his
.ack of experience, his failure to make
Definite pronouncements and the fact
hat he is not a good organization
ian are all factors against him. It
Bems as though he will not be able
to secure the nomination unless he
"spread eagles" the convention in his
popular appeals before it meets."
Among his strong points, Professor
Dorr declared, is his personal appear-
ance, his great energy and the public
acclaim he has earned in smashing
many of New York's crime rings.
Also in his favor is the fact that
he seems to be able to capitalize up-
on the criticism of his opponents,
Professor Dorr continued. "For ex-
ample," he said, "Mr. Dewey made a
speech in Minnesota in which he
scorned the New Deal for being fatal-
istic and declared that what the
country needed was younger offi-
cials." This address was particular-
ly effective as Minnesota's governor,
Harold E. Stassen, is the youngest in
the country.
The big advantage Vanderberg has
is the fact that he is a good organi-
zation man, Professor Dorr pointed
out. It seems as though the party
men, wh often decide upon the can-
didate in various conferences, prefer
him to the often arrogant Dewey and
the often aloof Mr. Taft.
Taft Out Of Primaries
The latter, he explained, refused
to enter his name in the recent state
primaries as he believes that he will
have a better chance of securing the
nomination by spending his time
campaigning in the non-primary
states. "Mr. Taft claims a big fol-
lowing in the South and in the mid-
Atlantic states," he said.
Senior, Graduate
Applications Due
Seniors, June graduates and grad-
uate students have been urged to file
application for degrees or special cer-
tificates for June commencement be-
fore close of business on Wednesday,
May 15 by Shirley W. Smith, vice-
president of the University.
Students have also been warned
against confusing this application
with the one filed the first of the
semester for a diploma which does
not entitle them to a degree or a
Applicants may fill out cards for
this purpose at the office of the re-
corder or secretary of their own school
or college. Students enrolled in the
College of Literature, Science and the
Arts, or of Architecture and Design,
or in the Schools of Music, Educa-
tion or Forestry and Conservation
may obtain and file application blanks
in the Registrar's Office, Room 4,
University Hall. All Teacher's Cer-
tificates may be applied for at the
office of the School of Education.
Price To Present
English Madrigals
Prof. Percival Price, University
Carillonneur, will feature his own
arrangements for the carillon in his
cncert at 7:00 p.m. today.
The program will open with "Pre-
lude," by Serge Prokoviev, and a
group of English madrigals, "Since
First I Saw Your Face," by Thomas
Ford. "The Silver Swan," by Orlando
Gibbons and "Sweet Honey-Sucking
Bees," by John Wilbye, will follow.
Next on the program will be "Violin
sonata 18," by Wolfgang A. Mozart,
in three sections.
- ~ -__~=-- ~ - Ii
To Canadian office - Canada's new governor-general is the
tall, soldierly Earl of Athlone, recently appointed by his nephew,
King George of England. He's seen with his countess, the Princess
Alice, a grand-daughter of Queen Victoria. The earl is a brother of
England's Queen Mother Mary, and will be 66 April 14. He succeeds
the late Lord Tweedsmuir.
Because he didn't win - Finishing third on a sloppy track at
Keeneland in Louisville, Jockey F. A. Smith picked up mud and some
extra weight. Later, he stayed cleaner in the Phoenix Handicap by
finishing first with Easy Mon.
Far from Sunny South - Chill was the day when Ray Morrison
(left), new Temple University head football coach, had his first
spring workout in Philadelphia, with an enthusiastic Owl turnout.
He'd come from the warmer South, having spent about four years at
Vanderbilt, Nashville, Tenn., and about 16 years at Southern Methodist
in Dalla., Tex.
Boo to you, too! Grim realities of war blackout all
the "Evening in Paris" costume which Elizabeth Howard
to wear at the Mad Arts ball recently held in New York.
sents a night in Paris.
romance in
whipped up
She repre-
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