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March 29, 1940 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1940-03-29

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FI 1iDI ;\Y M ate lTI 2 '5 E40

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Swimmers Defend National Crown; Matmen Fight Fo



Wolves IEdge
Out Foresters
In Tank Meet
Upsetting the dope bucket, the
Wolverines tank team nosed out the
favored Forestry Club, 42-36, to take
the Independent Swimming crown at
the I-M pool last night. The Hill
Billy A. C. scored 17 points to take
third and Robert Owen placed fourth
with 10.
J ohn Stephens was outstanding for
the winners, tying for first in the
50-yard breast stroke, taking first
place in the diving, and swimming
anchor on the winning medley relay
Capt. Oscar Traczewitz turned in
the best performance for the For-
estry Club; winning the 220-yard
free style in addition to swimming
anchor on the championship 200-
yard free style relay team.
200-yard Free style Relay: Won
by Forestry (Traczewitz, Maddox,
Morgan and Houser). Time-1.53.
50-yard Breast stroke: Tied for
first, Cowing, Hill Billy A. C., and
Stephens, Wolverines; third, Brink-
ley, Forestery. Time-:34.3.
50-yard Free style: Won by Houser,
Forestry; second, Maddox, Forestry;
third, Sutnick, Wolverines. Time--
220-yard Free style: Won by Trac-
zewitz, Forestry; second, McCulery,
Wolverines; third, McKeown. Time-
50-yard Back stroke: Won by
Blumberg, Wolverines; second, Wills,
Robert Owen; third, Kyro, Forestry.
100-yard Free style: Won by Hart-
man, Wolverines; second, Mountaine,
Robert Owen; third; Fiedler, For,
estry. Time-1:08.
150-yard Medley Relay: Won by
Wolverines (Blumberg, Stunick and,
Stephens). Time-1:14.
Diving: Won by Stephens, Wolver-
ines (27 points); second, Cowing,
Hill Billy (22 points); third, Kyro,
Forestry (19 points).
Rowe Looks Good
As Tigers Lose, 3-4
LAKELAND, Fla., March 28.-(IP)--
The Boston Bees made extra base
hits count today as they defeated the
Detroit Tigers, 3 to 1, in a Grapefruit
League game behind the steady pitch-
ing of Jim Turner and Bill Swift.
Each side got five hits, but. the
Bees, scoring all the runs off School-
boy Rowe in the seven innings he was
in the box, made three good for nine
bases, but Rowe looked very good.

E il- i Tan lK r teamt11
Is Miehigan's
Chief Opponent
Wolverine Chances In Bid
For 1940 Swim Title
Hurt ByWelsh's Loss
(Continued from Page 1)
bruster and Al Vande Weghe from
Princeton to break up the Michigan
backstroke dominancy. In the same
manner, the Wolverines will be count-
ing on Wayne's Andy Clark and Eric
Cutler of Harvard in the distance
events. The performances of these
inermen from colleges that don't have
a chance will play a big part in de-
termining the team champion.
And while the observers and experts
do their figuring, the coaches will be
gathered in the gymnasium for their
annual meeting in which the official
entries are submitted and heats
drawn up.
Today the fireworks get under
way with the grueling 1500-meter
swim in the morning, qualifiers in
the afternoon, and finals in five
events in the evening. On Saturday
qualifiers and finals in the remaining
five events will complete the pro-
An expected backstroke duel be-
tween Vande Weghe and Francis
Heydt, the Michigan junior, promises
to headline tomorrow's activities. The
Princeton ace has taken the title
two years in a row, but he will find
his Wolverine rival a serious con-
tender in the 150-yard struggle. Heydt
captured the Big Ten dorsal crown
two weeks ago in record-smashing
Another important battle on the
opening day card is the 50-yard sprint
with Barker defending his title
against such outstanding performers
as Wolf, Guy Lumsden from Wayne,
Army's Charley Cowell and Bob Percy
from Louisiana State.
Other first day events are the med-
ley relay, one-meter diving and the
220-yard freestyle race.

Ig~, f



There is little tii;.l1hood that anyone will annex the two diving
Browns that Ohio "tats Al Patnik will defend in the National Collegiate
Swimmie Chanl;iAonships at New Haven. Patnik, holder of the one-
meter and three-meter board titles for the last two years, will have as
his clo:est competitor Earl (lark, his teammate. Clark has consistently
been taking Oei second pla e points for the Buckeyes for the past two
seasons as Patnik took top honors.
Joe Louis Is Odds-On Favorite
To Beat John Paychek Tonight

NEW YORK, March 28. --._{A)F--un-
nier things have happened in the fight
game than the possibilitiy that John-
ny Paychek will take the heavyweight
title from Joe Louis in Madison
Square Garden tomorrow night.
But, despite the Jim Braddocks and
Max Schmelings who pulled in the
1 to 10 shots in recent years, there
just doesn't seem any chance that "it
can happen here" this time. Some-
how, the' Brown Bomber doesn't ap-
pear in any more danger for his tenth
title defense than in pulling on his
britches in the solitude of his own
Not only has he the physical equip-
ment, particularly in the cannon he
wears at the end of his arms, to dis-
pose of the fighting fiddler from the
Corn Country, with an expected crowd
of 15,000 looking on, but his pride
is hurt as a result of his mediocre

showing against Arturo Godoy last
Now, when Louis' pride is hurt, it
pains him indeed. In fact, it hurt
him much worse than his opponent-
although not in the same places. In
the past, when these pains set in,
sympathies invariably were directed
toward the next guy he met.
As usual, the odds-makers have
tabbed Louis at 1 to 8 or better. This
corner goes along with that belief,
picking Louis to make his 11:45 p.m.
train connection for Chicago with
plenty to spare, after taking four
rounds or less to dispose of the busi-
ness on hand..
Paychek has a few things in his
favor, however, in spite of how the
whole thing looks on paper. He has
a world of speed in his finely built
legs-probably the fastest boxing man
Louis has had a look at to date.

41nBy MEL F
OLYMPIA ARENA. Detroit, March
28--The war zone was widened
considerably here tonight as the Tor-
onto Maple Leafs and the Detroit
Red Wings, dissatisfied with the
smaller squabble overseas, started one
of their own.
Everything went, including
stcks, fists and tempers as Reg-
gie the ed Horner and Al Mot-
ter niearly start-d initernational
complications of-their own.
It all started after four min-
utes of the se.ond period had
passed. The first canto, one of
the season's roughest here as the
Leafs counted twice, was only a
prognosis of things to come.
Motter and Horner weren't satis-
fied with the mildness of things and
decided to get together, with fists.
Before anyone could say Sylvanus
Apps, the rest of both teams were in
the melee with both goalies just on
the fringe. The referees could have
thrown 10 men off the ice, but the
game wouldn't have been very in-
teresting with just goal tenders on
the ice so just Motter and Horner
were handed five- minutes penalties.
The two went to the box, and just as
it appeared that hostilities had closed
and the dove of peace had settled
on everybody's shoulders, it happened
Horner muttered to Motter
"Blank, blank, blank." Motter
answered with four blanks of his
own and Horner exploded his
blank in the form of a right cross,
on the Red Wing's chin. The pair
went to the floor with the big red
head on top. They were at it for
30 seconds until the referees
could get through. One official
said to Horner, "Don't hithim,"
and that sweet tempered gentle-
man replied, "I ain't hitting him.
I'm just protecting myself."
Then the gent in the press box next
to us took exception to something
someone said and started a few swings
himself and before we knew it, Hor-
ner was in our lap and three hockey
sticks were in our face. We retreated
to a safe distance (about 40 yards)
and an armistice was called with the
aid of four, count 'em, four, cops. We'd
never have returned if they hadn't
been there. The penalty box was
brought in front of us, and mayhem
appeared imminent.
Suddenly a hand reached out
from behind us and grabbed Hor-
ner by the shirt and grabbed him
rudely off the bench (really a
quite ungracious thing for the
Detroit host.) Horner, swinging
and swearing, turned around
with his fists up to find, of all
things, a woman.
Now he couldn't hit a woman could
he? So all he could do was swear and
swear. My, such swearing hasn't
been heard in these parts since the
English burned Detroit in the early
19th century. So he turned to one
of the four cops and said meekly, in
between swear words. "Protect me."
A moment later Sid Howe


penalty box.
But it wasn't over yet. With seven
minutes to play in the third period,t
Orlando went down the right side
of the ice and lost the puck. So he
decided to make the best of a bad
situation and deliberately clubbed
his old friend Horner over the head
with his stick. Off the ice it would
have been called manslaughter. But
on the ice it's just fun. Horner went
down as though shot, lay unconscious{
with blood streaming down his neck.

Sticks started flying again,
and Horner got up with more
blood in his eye than on his
face. He went at Orlando but
teammates intervened. The Wing
got five minutes.
It started again with 31 seconds
left in the game. Grosso threw off
his gloves and went at Apps. In a
second every man on the ice,sinclud-
ing the goalies, were at it.
Finally Eddie Wares got Horner
to retreat out of the danger zone,
but the Wings weren't to be
cheated out of their prey. While
Wares tried to fight them, off,
they surrounded Horner and
then it all started again. For
fully three minutes, while the
organ played "I Love You Truly"
teeth, blood and all but their
hearts poured out on the ice.
Sporadically it would stop and then
start again. Finally it ended. The,
remaining 31 seconds were played
and we left this mad house of Mars.
Give us Wars, give us Manslaughter,
give us anything; those guys can have
their hockey.

tripped Apps and collected two
trouble-free minutes and no
sooner was he out then Jim Or-
lando got a pair for high stick-
ing. One more penalty and they
would have had a quorum in the


An old rivalry will be resumed
today and tomorrow at the National
Intercollegiate wrestling meet at
Champaign, Ill., when Michigan
comes up against the favored Okla-
homa A. and M. matmen.
The Wolverines will have no easy
task in dislodging the Aggies from
a three year reign of wrestling su-
premacy and the burden of trim-
ming them down rests upon the five-
man squad Coach Cliff Keen took to
Champaign yesterday. The Aggies,
undefeated in dual meet competition
this season, are favored to take their
seventh national crown.
The intense Michigan-Oklahoma
rivalry, with the added feature that
Coach Keen of the Wolverines was
a star wrestler for Oklahoma A. and
M. in his undergraduate days, be-
gan back in 1929 when the Aggies
nipped Michigan in the nationals,
24-22. Michigan was without the
services of its most famous mat star,
Ed "Don" George, Olympic and na-
tional titleholder, whose brilliant
work helped the Maize and Blue
garner four places on the Olympic
team the year before.
MibIigan's hopes are also carried
by four other Wolverine grapplers.
Harland Danner, called the finest
college wrestler ever to enter the
University and this year's Conference
champion, is figured a top-heavy
choice to win at 155. Bill Combs will
be out after the 145-pound crown,
his injured knee which lost him the
Conference title to Ohio State's Tony
Montonaro being completely healed.
Sophomore Jim Galles may have an-
other shot at Indiana's Chauncey


Five Wrestlers
Carry Varsity
Title Chances
Oklahoma Aggies Rated
Heavy Favorite To Take
Seventh National Crown

Shortage Of Tested Pitching Staff
'Worries FisherAs Spring Trip N ea rs

By the way, and this is quite inci- McDaniels, while Capt. "Butch" Jor-
dental, the Wings were eliminated dan, Conference heavyweight title-
from the Stanley Cup playoffs. Final holder, will be seeking the National
score was 3-1. Collegiate crown in that division.



By NORM MILLER Fisher as the Wolverines enter the
Pitching, the imposing factor that final week of indoor drills in prepara-
plays such a dominant role in the tion for the annual southern trip.
making and breaking of many a Nor is the inclement weather that
baseball team, is still a big question l is keeping the squad in the Field
mark in the mind of Coach Ray House and has the Michigan hurlers
straining at the leash for a few


Headquarters for
? SWerve to seve A'gnm"

"Silent Jack" the number-one spot
on the Wolverine firing line.
Russ Dobson and Lyle Bond fit
into Fisher's plans for the other
starting roles. Dobson can go places
if he develops the necessary confi-
dence to go with his wealth of pitch-
ing ability, while the Wolverine men-
tor is confident that Bond needs
only to improve his control to blos-
som into a first-class twirler.
Stoddard Slated For Relief
Mickey Stoddard, who saw quite a
bit of relief service last year,' appears
headed for the job of "fireman"
again this season. Anyone who
watched Mickey walk into the Mich-
igan Normal game last year, with
the bases full and no one out and
retire the side scoreless, will attest
to his coolness in the tight spots.
Two more promising possibilities
are "Lefty" Mase Gould and Les
Veigel. Gould has shown more im-
provement in a year's time than any
pitcher on the Michigan. squad and
may turn out to be the answerto
Fisher's prayer for a top-notch
southpaw. Veigel, a big six-foot ju-
nior, had added speed and a better
curve-ball and promises to make a
strong bid for a starting job.

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. . . number one hurler
days of active competition helping
Fisher settle his mound problems.
Barry Mainstay Of Staff
As matters stand at present, Jack
Barry, veteran right-hander, is the
only tested ace on the staff. Barry's
1939 record of six wins against two
defeats coupled with an earned run
average of 1.17 runs per carne rates
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