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March 14, 1940 - Image 12

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1940-03-14

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Countless Preparations Greate Glowing Complexion For 4


.. -----

Zippered Case
Features New
Skin-Cure Set
New Makeup Is Designed
To leid With P'opuiar,
NeoveI Spring Shades
Throw off the clutches of winter
ad romp ino spring with a n esh
ind glowing coniplexion. This is
as easily done as said, because there
are so many preparations on the
n;rket designed to achieve just this
Faces must be cleansed thoroughly,
fi'st .of all, because only a skin
healthy aid free from dust and dirt
cant be truly beautiful. Such essen-
tial skin care can be a joy if one owns
one of the beauty sets that come in
brightly-colored zipper cases. These
moderately priced sets contain skin
t6i , nourishing cream, cleansing
breain, hand cream, liquid rouge and
Cleansng Pads Are Boon
Little cases of cleansing pads that
are already prepared with cream are
a boon to a tired and dirty face
when there is no time to wash it.
These purse-sized pads need only be
reubed over the face to accomplish a
thorough cleansing in a few mom-
The better-known manufacturers
are showing a, new type of makeup
this spring that harmonizes with the
popular new dusty pink, purple and
soft blue shades. The rosy, smooth
powder that is advertised to last
for hours forms a perfect background
for the glamorous new rouges and
One new lipstick has the hue of
rich, red strawberries and is designed
o , ,with these new spring tones.
r9eo er eft cptaisvegtable and
pilocal ingredients that foster and
freser'e the natural oils and mois-
ti'e of the lps, keeping them smooth
aid soft. The bluish undertone of
this lipstick is matched by the last-
ig crearn rouge that goes with it.
Perfuies Are Varied
.or those co-eds who desire a tan-
ned lbok early in the season, there
is aopper-colored rouge and lip-
stik that gives a realistic tan. Then,
o course, here is makeup designed
t9 enhance the fairness of white
or Mink skins.
The new perfumes and colognes
give the perfect finishing toich to
one's enseible. There is a concen-
trated perfume that has no alcohol in
it-just pure oil-which consequently
has a very lasting fragrance. This
particular odor is very sweet and
light-truly a breath of spring.
For those who want to create a
dramatic effect, there are the sweet
and spicy Oriental fragrances. These,
heavy odors are more suitable for:
dressier occasions. The colognes are
grand pick-me-ups after a hard day
and a hot bath. They are refreshing
and flower-like in their fragrance.-
Watch That Waistihie!
Be your own severest critic, says
the expert corsetiere. When you
notice that'suggestion of "tummy,"1
be firm. Try a two-way stretch'
pantie-girdle. If that doesn't work,4
a batiste girdle with panels of em-]
broidered batiste and a baby zipper,c
should do the trick. Knitted lastexs
is a still more firn support. <

Blue, White Are Peirenniial Fat*ite,

Leisure Hirs-
Are Well Spent
In Housecoats
Lightweight Rayon Proves
Its Practicability And
Comes In Many Colors
Even the prospective breadwinners[
among us are granted one time in
our lives when we can find the lei-
sure (?) to lounge around informally
in a smart-looking housecoat and be
a boudoir fashion plate, and that
time is while we are -iA coilege.
Designers, shop-keepers, and buy-
ers are all on our side, and they have
seen to it that we no longer need to
shrink at the thought of anyone see-
ing us in the old-fashioned "bath-
robe." Graceful lines, soft materials,
and color appeal make the modern
negligee or housecoat a joy to a
college woman, and most of us can-,
not accumulate enough of them.
Light-weigth Rayon
Light-weigth housecoats are indis-
pensable. Rayon is proving to be one
of the most popular materials, be-
cause it is made in delicate or vivid
colors, as you wish, looks perishable,
and yet is really the best bet for
pacticability. Personally, we can't
tell the difference between somne
housecoats that are new and others
that have been washed innumerable
French blue has entered the scene
with an eloquent gesture, and pro-
vides the background for many of
the season's prettiest prints. Bright
colors add gaiety of design seem to
be the answer to a rainy afternobon
of studying.
Flair Skirt Appears
Where, more than in the modern
housecoat, could the popular flair
skirt and full front be more advan-
tageously employed? As skirts get
fuller, waists get smaller, and this
is the keynote to the latest negligee
styles. A fashion magazine is fea-
turing a dressing gown with these
attractions, cut on the princess line,
and it probably won't be long until
we see our room mate appearing in
one before we can get to the nearest
lingerie department. It is most at-
tractive, to say the least.
Newest invention is the two-way
housecoat, which may be worn ei-
ther zipped up the side. or open,
with only the belt (which has huge
tassels these days) to keep out the
drafts. The second way, of course,
gives the flair effects.

Denims Replace Wool For Play Clothes


ghie any have been a tom-boy in her youth, btG lioWever that may
be, she's destined to drawl i ito tam-boy denlins for the suminme picnic
if shei's shiart ih the season of 1940. The kerchief iih li the Uribit
Opera dubbed "Sign of the Fifth" adorns her head. and prettily too.
The 1i1; sleek lIres ire preperly tailored for comfort sn appearahe,
and the trouser-cuff achieves the proper mannish touch. Incidentally,
mote that long sleeves are definitely "i" for this seson.
lttitiry Pin TaPkes SecondPlare
'To haternilty vPin nPopu .ar ty

St1eaters Hold
Lead In Lady's
Iad robe List
Sweaters take the lead in topping
the lady's preference list in the ward-
robe pickings, not by a margin but by
a mile, for short sweaters and long
ones, that have long sleeves or short,
are worn by thin women, and women.
Indeed, sweaters are the mainstay of
every college women's wardrobe.
That Sweater Tradition
Sweater tradition is a strong one
and has been conspicuous on the
fashion page, hence on the co-ed, for
many years. It probably all started
when some campus queen actually got
cold, or broke from cleaners' bill for
pretty woolen dresses, and decided to
do something about it. What would
be more logical than a sweater? Cer-
tainly they are warmer, comfortable
and easy to wash. Perhaps she felt
a little self-conscious at first, with
everyone else still in dresses, until she
realized she was starting a fad. But
what a fad . . . it's still going strong.
Now, there are really and truly cases
where a college woman will flee to,
her room in the middle of the day
and seek out a sweater and skitr,
feeling that all eyes must have been
upon her all morning because she
had ventured to go to classes in a
Let's just take note of what the
smoothies are wearing in the way of
these knitted phenomena. The va-
riety and colors found in the sweater
catagory are enough to make anyone
sit up anc take notice.
Angora Is Striking
Angora is one of the most popular
and striking of all1the fabrics. Any-
one who is out to look really glamor-
ous and romantic has only to wear
one of these fluffy, utterly feminine
sweaters to get her man. That is of
gets the right kind of angora .. . the
kind that doesn't shed. If she doesn't
get the non-shedder she may have
jiist the opposite effect on the nan
of her dreams. You know, like the
woman who was beautiful until she
smiled. Anyway, angora is especially
attractive on the small or thin person
to give the appearance of being slight-
ly heavier White and pastel shades
are becoming to everyone, while
bright shades are very striking too.
Sleek and sophisticated is the girl
in the Brooks classic. This beautiful
sweater is the pride and joy of every
woman who owns one. Its fine, and
able quality and its pattern have been
imitated everywhere, but the wool
has never been equaled.

Schiaparelli dec6liims the merits of a asaiel spring, Dache decides
that ,nothing but pink or blue wiil do for her hats,, but-Mrs. An eriac
knows that her spring wardrobe is never complete until soiething
trim in navy and white reides t here. The costume sketched above
can best be described as "that smething smart." The hat is an invers-
ion of the pill box and assunies the angle which best becomes illlboxes.
The smart gilt buttons properly adorn the t*rin . tw -iece suit .
Umbrella Undergoes Change

Pins - all kinds - fraternity, ini-
tial, spoon, Mexican ones - anything
the mind can encompass. But second
to the fraternity pin in popularity
among girls is the initial pin.
Perhaps it's because it comes in so
many lovely designs. We saw one
yesterday of mother of pearl and gold
letters. It was round in shape. There
was another one which combined
gol'd and silver in a scroll design, also
round. The second had a wide bor-
der of the gold scrolling around the
siniple silver letters in the center.
If Pins could be worn only at the
throat they wouldn't begin to create
the enthusiasn which their multi-
farious activities engender in the
feminine soul. Perhaps it's because
there is nothing quite so smart as ini-
tialed purses.

The mania foi' initialing has been
carred away on the wings of eniusi-
asm and it is now common to walk
down the diagonal behind a pair of
shifartly clad ankies bearing th own-
er's initials on the ankle socks.
Slips and pajamas are other pop-
ular victims of the practical stort of
initialing, aid in dormitories and so-
rorities the pai'ctice is a very clever
one, since it prevents getting clothes
mixed up.
We have often wondered ii days
past, how soon stores would take up
the practice of initialing hats, just
as they now do compacts. Perhaps
there is no other place where initials
would be more appropriately located
than on the hat.

Gone are the days when rain
meant getting out your oldest and
drabbest clothes. Now a cloudy sky
brings forth a parade of gay and
colorful raincoats and umbrellas.
Local shops show such a varietyI
of these rain garments that even
looking at them chases away the
bluest of rainy day blues. First of
all umbrellas were bought only for
their practicality, and practicality
then meant something dull. But
modern manufacturers have very
effectively combined practical wear-
ing ability with gaiety of design and
Umbrellas now are reminiscent of
the parasols of a few decades ago.
They are made of cellophane and
oiled silks which are transparent.
Bright colors and pastel shades pre-
dominant. The trend seems to be
away from dark, dull things. Some
of these umbrellas are in solid colors

but the very gayest are made in
designs. Plaids, geometrical figures,
animals, flowers all are used.
Collapsible umbrellas, which can
be folded up in the classroom or
tucked away in your closet, have been
designed, it seems to especially suit
the college student.
The handles of umbrellas have also
been greatly varied to suit the in-
dividual taste.
Lip Kit Is Desigied
The art of make-up has progressed
so far that one can now change the
shape of the mouth by clever "lip
stenciling," as Htollywood calls it. An
ingenious little lip kit which Are-
nowned Hlollywood make-up artist
designed for a cosmetic house cn-
tains all the professional devices for
home use.

N' . A,




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cti,' Q.
a. . S '' 2 .:..

'/7'tg' out
WHE yo'r sign orsn o pigie emme h oe
of faho"<h oesta oofl litnn eelrywl d oyu
Sprig gyety Whtheryoure onnig a oldor ew aste- otfit weha,
th broh eclc n baee t iei alip/an lf.

As the cold winter days change into
the first balmy breath 'f Spring, you
will want to have a new and crispy
fresh Easter wardrobe. We have the
latest changes in styles and rnadteriols.

J Q.




Navy or Black dress coats fitted
snuggly to the figure . .. set off
with white pique.
Sizes 10 to 20.

Brilliant splashes of color; dran-
atic prints are the keynote for
evening. ,Sizes 10-to 18.

$i .95

to $27 95

I 65 and up

' 1 f.: r........

a& 'IL- AL, AM as EL


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