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March 12, 1940 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-03-12

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1 Annual IM Open House Will Be Held

Foils Exhiibition
By De Tuscans'
To Be Feature
Weir Will Oppose Myers
In Squash; All-Campus
Finals Will Be Played
The twelfth annual I-M Open
House,"planned to be bigger and bet-
ter than any of its predecessors will
take place Wednesday evening,
March 13.
Once each year the Intramural offi-
cials open the doors and put the tre-
mendous facilities of the largest build--
ing of its kind in the world on dis-
play, hoping to entice more specta-
tors into taking advantage of these
Sports Luninaries Presented
In the past, outstanding sports
lur inaries have been presented to the'
crowds which have attended-figures
like Coleman Clark, ping-pong trick
artist extraordinary, and Bobby Hitt,
Michigan's state horseshoe pitching
champion for the past three years.
This year Mr. and Mrs. De Tuscan,
internationally known fencing ex-.
perts, will be the feature attraction.
Mrs. De Tuscan was the women's
Olympic champion at Berlin in 1936,
and holds the professional foils cham-
pionship of the world.
In addition, the Open House will
feature an exhibition squash match
between Leroy Weir varsity tennis
coach and former finalist in the Na-:
tional Squash Championships, and
Dr. Sumner B. Myers of the math de-
partment, whose playing is very un-
like that which would be expected of
a mathematics teacher.
All-Campus Finals Held
The finals of many all-campus
events such as the tennis tourna-
ment and the volleyball tourney will
also be held during the evening. Five
hundred athletes will participate in
It is hoped that Dr. Milton Lappin
and Al Zerbo, National AAU Doubles
handball champions, will be present
too, but their entry in the state cham-
pionships may prevent this.
.I-m sportsj
Winchell House ran away with both
the "A" and "B" championships, in
the Inter-Dormitory basketball play-
offs last night. With Hanlon and
Pagel leading the attack with ten
and eight points respectively Win-
chell "A" swamped Williams 28-6. The
"B" team defeated Williams, 24-10.
Petritz was high scorer for Winchell
"B" with 10 points.

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.. .

. . .


The spectre of Chicago continue,
to hang over the Western Conference.
At the athletic directors' meeting
at Chicago last weekend, it cast a
pall over the Conference track meet.
For two days the directors sat in the
Windermere Hotel, debating the is-
sue. For two days, they missed every-
thing-lunches, dinners, track meets.
One newspaperman, waiting for the
end of the meeting and the an-
nouncement that was supposed to
come, was nonplussed when it didn't
break up at six o'clock. "It's the
first time in history that they have
missed a meal-anytime, anywhere,"
he said.
But Friday came and went and
no statement had made an ap-
pearance. They started again on
Saturday, missed lunch again,'
broke up for a few minutes at
2:30 to eat and then went back
at it again. Finally, exactly at1
8:00 p.m., the moment the track
meet began, the stand was an-
nounced and it became apparent
that ultimately Chicago will
have to display its hand-or else
be forced to drop out of the Bigi
Ten game.
The immediate effect was that we
just about missed the first three
events of the meet-and a fine meet
it was.
At any rate, Chicago must now
either deny the statements of its
mysterious "unofficial spokesman"
who said that Chicago could not re-
tain collegiate football and remain
honest, or else refuse to deny it and
by so doing tacitly affairm it.
It appears as though it would be
quite simple for L Chicago to deny
that the unofficial spokesman had
any authority because the unofficial
spokesman has remained unofficial
and unknown. But there is some
reason to believe that this 'nonde-
script had ' the sanction of part of,
the board of trustees and that his
remarks were the result of a com-
promise between the radicals, who
wished to make a serious blast, and
the conservatives, who were satisfied
with the mild statements of Pres-
ident Hutchins.
If he was a compromise, then
the statements won't be denied
without a fight within the Chi-
cago board of trustees. And fire-
works are likely to result.
Afterthought: was there any
connection between this state-
ment and the fact that Pitts-
burgh's athletic director James
Hagan in Chicago?
* * * -
Not the least impressive of last
weekend's events at the track meet

was the flag-raising ceremony. The
entire mass of stone building was cast
into darkness, the University of Chi-
cago band played The Star Spangled
Banner and the flag was raised which
appeared pretty logical since it was a
flag raising. Then everybody got
down to the business of the meeting.
All in all the band did a pretty good
job but it missed . an awfully
good spot for opportunism when
Ralph Schwarzkopf ran away with
the two mile. The Wolverine cap-
tain was off with the gun and be-
fore long was 10 yards out in front.
It was an ideal spot for the band to
swing out with "The Little Red Fox."
Schwarzkopf planned to run
9:05 but wasn't up to it. His first
mile, 4:33, was about on sched-
ule but he fell off the pace after
that. When he lapped teammate
Joe Daniels who incidentally ran
his fastest race, he patted him
on the. . on the. . shoulder.
* *
i Toughest break of night was hand-
ed to Don Canham. He just couldn't
get up into his accustomed atmos-
phere and had to be content with a
first place tie-although he wasn't
content with it. At the Field House
yesterday, he leaped six feet six and
a half inches.
. * * *
Indiana scored 30 6-7 points at
the meet. Next year very man who
figured in those 30 6-7 points will be
back. Michigan has only 19 points
in undergraduate ranks.
We ran into Fielding H. Yost
and Paul Goebel there and the
Coach was introducing Goebel, a
member of the Athletic Board
now, to someone, "Paul," Yost
said, "was captain of our 1922
team when we dedicated the Ohio
stfdium. What a dedication it
was too (score: Michigan 19,
Ohio 0; first victory in three
years over the Bucks). It was a
great beeg Meechigan day."
Baseball Squad Complete
As Captain Pink Reports
The belated appearance of Cap-
tain Charlie Pink and puckmen Paul
Goldsmith and Charlie Ross rounded
to completion Coach Ray Fisher's
early season baseball squad.
Pink, 1939 batting leader, appear-
ed to lose little time regaining his
batting eye as he sent several hard
hit balls into -the nets in his first
few trips to the plate. Goldsmith
and Rose, pitching candidates, were
put through light workouts to take
the rustiness out of their throwing

" "

Paramount News Presents
Arrival of Queen
Elizabeth, in
N.Y. Harbor


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