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March 12, 1940 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-03-12

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C hA
~ Drew PedrsRQ


VOL. L. No. 116

3 I

T. =.TJ7- Or1W T
d and managed by students D the University of
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er, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939.40

Editorial Staff

Schorr .


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.City Editor
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Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Women's Editor
Sports Editor

Business Staff
r., Credit Manager
ing Manager
%ger .



Paul . Park
Ganson P. Taggart
Zenovia Skoratko
Jane Mowers
*Harriet'-St. Levy

The editorials published in The Michigan
aily are written by members of The Daily
aff and represent the views of the writers
t icago's Hutchins
des Again ...
RECENTLY, Dr. Robert M Hutchins,
president of the University of Chi-
, told members of the Yale chapter of Phi
, Kappa that attendance at a modern Amer-
university was a waste of time,ยง for the
students getting an education were so
at anyway that they didn't need to go to
r. Hutchins' ideas on American teaching
been released upon the American public
several years now, and it is quite clear that
s dissatisfied with present conditions. He
ants the stress on athletics; he implies that
icula should be longer and more difficult.
hort, he longs for the old fashioned liberal
school. Perhaps his contentions are right-
ar as they go. Maybe we do need a little
hening of our cultural fibres. But that is
eason to conclude that a college education
waste of time. Dr. Hutchins loves to rant
it the "intellectual tradition" which he
ns surrounds us in every phase of daily
complains that American students fail to
an understanding of it.
T, are we falling? Are we retrogressing,
losing the heritage of our fathers, overlook-
cultural achievements of the past? Right
on the Michigan campus there is an oppor-
ty for every cultural exercise known to man.
tion one-art, music, drama-they are all
for the asking. Should the development,
hing of intellectual tradition be confined
hie classroom, excluding all else? Dr. Hut-
s says we have too much information and
ittle understanding. A love and understand-
of literature and the arts does not, of neces-
come to us through enforced teaching. We,
,y, go to school to learn how to make our
in the world. The fortunates of fifty years
went to school because they could afford
because they wished to spend a little time
ing up tradition and learning before they
ped into a made position in their fathers'
e. Today's student is different. He cannot
rd to devote four years or more merely t
ding up his stock of native lore. He must
a practical education.
wever, the need for a practical education
not, per se, obviate the necessity of a stu-
's receiving liberal and cultural background.
look at the opportunities on this campus.
Hutchins is right in saying we need culture,
we don't need to get it in the classroom.
mnerely need to attend the numerous lectures,
erts, utilize the broad facilities - offered by
library, and, by so doing, we are entertained
:e same tirne as we are getting that valuable
ellectual tradition." Thus we still get our
tical education.
-- William Elmer

THERE are some, it would appear, who were
less thar delighted with the talk the other
day of Miss Vera Brittain, British lady pacifist
and novelist. Take, for example, this Open
Letter to lMother, sent to Gulliver:
Dear M rn'i:
I just got back froml hearing Miss Brittain.
The start was bad, as while we were waiting
the v, man next to me said, "Why, it's so
hard 'to get any facts these days-even
Wal er Lippman made a mistake the other
da.' The lady next to her remarked, "We
neM a two-ocean navy-just think, Ger-
n any might attack us on the Atlantic and
.apan on the Pacific!" (She had just heard
the Army Major in the Oratorical Series
try to drum up some support for the Army
1and Navy appropriations.)
As to the talk, I liked Miss Brittain's anee-
dotes'but think the Weekly People and even
the New Republic tell them better. The only
really new thing I learned was that Cham-
berlain gave up Czechoslovakia because he
didn't want war because war would interfere
with his setting up a lot of free maternity
hospitals throughout England. Why?-and
this beats Freud-Chamberlain's mother
died when he was very young so his life
ambition is to help mothers of England
(Miss Brittain admitted he can't see moth-.
erhood beyond the confines of England),
"so9 although I don't agree with all of Mr.
Chamberlain's policies, we must realize Mr.
Chamberlain really isn't so bad as he is
made out to be."
I thought she set a new high in sounding
anti-war yet drumnming up war feeling when
she said she hoped that after this-she pre-
sumes England will win, of course-the ones
who are fighting the war will make the
peace, not the old men. How could this
come about? Ans.: "Somehow, some way."
Why could youth make a better treaty
when nations have to fight for markets?
(That's mine.) Ans.: Because they are
YOUTH. Well, I don't know, but I'll cer-
tainly bet that though the British govern-
ment may have told Roosevelt and the im-
migration officials to keep Strachey out of
the United States, they certainly didn't put
any impediments in the way of this lady.
Oh, yes, she put in a plug for TIME and
said that there is censorship in England and
that the English people are peace-loving,
though of course the Boer War was a horrid
mistake but that was in days gone by.
I got in the line to see her afterward.
More Democracy
On Campus ., ,
O NE OF the few functioning student
democratic institutions on the cam-
pus is the cooperative housing movement which
now includes two girls' co-ops and seven men's
co-ops. The members of each individual house
(average is twenty) have joined together to
provide for their common needs of room, board,
and companionship. Today these houses are
extending their common control to problems
that they realize are greater than any one house
can cope with, by establishing a central legis-
lative and executive body-a new Inter-Coop-
erative Council.
At present, the individual houses amply indi-
cate the results that can be accomplished by
extending cooperative democracy to economic
and social life as well as the political field.
Board and room in the two girls' houses is six
dollars a week per individual. Five dollars is
the average rate in five of the mens' houses,
while the other two operate on $3.75 and $2.25
respectively. These tangible results are remark-
able when one considers that room and board
charges in the dormitories aveages twelve dol-
lars a week. There are no bars to membership
whatever. The many students of various races,
color, creed, and social classes make the coopera-
tives truly cosmopolitan. Except for rooming
regulations there is no University supervision.
Each house elects its own officers and makes,
its own rules. Members do all the work of cook-
ing and general housekeeping. Resting upon
the responsibility and cooperation of individual,
members, each house is true democracy in min-

NOW, the scope of that democracy is being
expanded by the formation of a central
cooperative council with legislative and executive
power. A tentative constitution has been drawn
up and is being considered at present by the
members of the houses. Upon their criticism
that constitution will be revised by an Inter-
Cooperative Personnel Committee and submitted
to the individual houses for their approval or
Through the new Inter-Cooperative Council
broad problems common to all the houses can
be effectively met. Combined orders of food
can be purchased reducing prices materially.
Board costs are paramount in the budgets of
university students, and the present Council has
not been able to effectively increase the bar-
gaining power of the cooperative movement to
meet them because the Cuncil did not possess
legislative and executive authority. Now that
restriction is being removed. Vital to a swiftly
spreading movement, a uniform, sound policy
of personnel and expansion can be formulated
by the new central body. Any common need
or problem can now receive effective action.
HEREIN LIES the future of democracy-that
whether they be of a social, economic, or
political nature, all things which affect the lives
nf the neonle should be sub.iect to their demo-

The line didn't move on account of a throng
of dowagers and Freshmen women wanting
autographs. No one, including the speker
and the chairman, had anything to write
with, and I was about to say. "Why not sub-
stitute tooth marks," when somebdy who
looked like a representative from the League
of Natiorf appeared with a pen. I finally
got to mumble to her that you had met her
when she talked to the Women's Club in
Crystal Falls and she answered not 9:14,
9:27. It seems there was some little trouble
in determining when the train started. She
later said that she remembered you and
that you had said you had a daughter at
Michigan. Another autograph hunter barged
in and I ercited.
I shot 50c but think it is worth it to hear
these things once a year or so. They do
bring out that people are willing to pay a
foreigner who will tell anecdotes, provided
they don't present any new or anti-status
quo ideas. Love, Gwendolyn
T WAS at a very serious meeting to decide
what the Spring Parley should be about.
The faculty men were grave and helpful. The
students were delivering themselves of impas-
sioned orations in support of their particular
topic for the Parley. At last one mild-appearing
fellow got the floor and said, "There is a story
about a serious meeting. It was an open forum,
and each speaker was more excited and eloquent
than the one before him. A man in the audience
began to sneeze In the middle of a speech, and
couldn't stop. Finally the speaker interrupted
himself and said to the sneezer, 'Say, that's
a bad cold you've got there. Why don't you go
home and get into bed?' 'Oh, no,' the sneezer
answered, 'that's no cold. I'm just allergic to
baloney.'" Then the mild fellow went on to
add, "Of course the story is irrelevant-" and
that just about broke up the meeting.
* *. *
TO JOHN D. WILLIAMS, '43: GUlliver in-
cluded your little masterpiece in his last
column, but it was finally yanked-lack of
space. Try again.
y. G. already has a scrapbook full of indica-
tions of spring. The latest is the fact that
the local chapter of New America (American
Populism, 1940 model), has emerged from its
cocoon and is having a series of open meetings.
Tonight their Mr. McCreedy of Detroit is going
to speak on Labor And The War.
SRA Commended
The S.R.A. and Mr. Morgan are to be com-
plimented for bringing Rabbi Louis Mann to the
campus. His lecture was not only brilliant and
overflowing with the best religious insight avail-
able to moden man but in certain moments the
audience may have realized that they were
hearing' a prophet--especially when he described
how the prophets of the Old Testament could
not resist God's will.
We Christians had to admire the courage he
displayed in revealing his disbelief in certain
Christian tenets.
Unwittingly Rabbi Mann disproved one of
his own theories: he denied the significance of
a "pure race" but the very fire and brilliance
and sparkling wit of his address could have
only been delivered by the member of a race
which for over 4000 years has been bred accord-
ing to the -rules prescribed by the religious
leaders of that people; I believe Rabbi Mann's
personality proved to those gentile listeners
who are susceptible to religious truths that
there is a chosen race and (may Hitler forgive)
that it happens to be the race which gave us
Jesus. The Celtic race is almost equally gifted
for spiritual leadership.

- Dr. Francis S. Onderdonk
To the Editor:
Some time ago I read in The Daily a worthy
plea that the Regents either repeal or enforce
their regulation pertaining to the riding of bicy-
cles on Campus, thus dispelling in one manner
or another the doubt that now wrings the minds
of pedestrians. It occurs to me that although
the regulation was (is?) a good one and there
are a few conscientious cyclists who obey it,
there is probably only one effective way of
really enforcing the regulation. That is for
all pedestrians to carry canes to stick in the
spokes of passing bikes on Campus.
But all this is beside the point. Something
else pertaining to bicycles has begun to be em-
barrassing. I own a bicycle and ride it regularly,
obeying all regulations. I have ridden it for
five years now. And for five years there has
also ridden, unmolested, a padlock on the cross-
bar. And during these five years she has stood
faithfully waiting for me in many public and
semi-public places, never straying a hair's-
Now, however, in her last decrepit days, she
has earned the name of Jezebel. She climbed

WASHINGTON-It's a committee
secret, but those sweeping National
Labor Relations . Act amendments
recommended by the Honor inves-
tigators came within a hair's breadth
of being ditched in the investigating
committee itself.
Representative Charles A. Halleck'
of Indiana balked at approving them
up to the last minute, finally gave
in only after Chairman Howard
Smith, Virginia anti-unionite who
authored them, agreed to drop one
designed to curb the freedom tol
This was one of two pet amend-
ments vigorously advocated by Smith,
in the closed-door deliberations of
the committee. The other would{
strip the NLRB of all enforcement
powers, and transform it from a po-
tent regulatory agency into a quasi-
judicial body passing only on com-
plaints submitted to it by an inde-
pendent Administrator, who would
be the real boss of the labor law.
The two New Dealers on the com-
mittee, Representatives Abe Murdock
of Utah and Arthur Healey of Mass.,
flatly refused to have anything to
do with Smith's bill, so he had to
have Halleck's vote to get anywhere.
Otherwise the New Dealers would
have had a 3-to-2 majority and there
would have been no amendments.
So Smith reluctantly backed down,
but only after a stormy row with
The young Hoosier Republican
bluntly told Smith he considered his
bill "half-baked" and biased, and
urged that nothing be done until
later in the session after the com-
mittee had completed its probe.
Smith insisted on immediate action,
on the ground that an early adjourn-
ment might stymie the legislation.
"I'd rather take that ri*," shot
back Halleck, "than rush in with
amendments that are half-baked.'
These amendments you've drafted
are too drastic. They'll have to be
toned down and that will take time.
I'm not anti-labor and I don't want
the workers of my state to think I
would interfere with their rights to
bargain collectively."
"The committee met this morning
to take action on this report," re-
torted Smith, "and I insist that it
do so."
"I'll give you my 'answer tomor-
row," replied Halleck, picking up his
papers and walking toward the door.
"Hey, wait a minute," yelled
Smith, "where are you going? You
can't do this."
"What do you mean, I can't do
this?" snapped Halleck, wheeling an-
"I'm chairman of this committee,"
thundered Smith, "and I insist on
staying in session until we finish
with this report. Tomorrow will be
too late."
"What's all the hurry? Why can't
we wait?"
"Well," sputtered Smith, "because
I promised the newspaper boys I'd
give them the amendments this
Everyone, including Halleck and
Smith, broke into laughter at this
profound explanation. It eased the
tension, and in a calmer vein, with
Smith agreeing to junk the anti-
strike amendment, Halleck finally
consented to go along with him and
Representative Harry Routzohn of
Ohio, the other GOP member, on
the remainder of the bill.
Note:-Murdock and Healey were
willing to favor an amendment sep-
arating the .judicial and administra-
tive powers of the NLRB, but when
Smith refused to include a provision
permitting an appeal 'to the Board
from decisions of the Administrator,
they turned thumbs down on any

To Members of the Faculty, Staff
and Student Body: Attention of
everyone is called to the Lost and
Found department of the Business
office, Room 1, University Hall. In-
quiry concerning lost articles should
be made promptly at the above men-
tioned office. Articles found on the.,
campus and in University buildings
should be turned over immediately.
Those articles not called for within
60 days will be surrendered to the
finder. Shirley W. Smith.
The University Council Committee
on Parking earnestly requests that the
parking of cars and trucks on the
ovals between the Chemistry and Na-
tural Science Buildings, or anywhere
else on lawns, be discontinued. The
grass underneath the snow will be
damaged not only by the ice conse-
quent to the packing of snow, but
also by the dripping of oil from
Herbert G. Watkins
Faculty of the College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: The five-week
freshman reports will be due Satur-
day, March 16, in- the Academic
Counselors' Office, 108 Mason Hall.
Arthur Van Duren
The Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti
Branch of the A.A.U.W. announces
the Mary Markley Fellowship of $500
for graduate study for women stu-
dents for the year 1940-1941. Person-
al recommendations from the instruc-
tors acquainted with the work of the
applicant must accompany the ap-
plication. Application blanks may.
be obtained at the Graduate School
and must be returned by March 15.
Senior Women: Caps and gowns
on sale today in the League Ballroom
from 1 to 6. Rental for .cap and
gown, $4.50; refund, $3. Rental for
gown alone, $3; refund, $2. Rental
for cap and tassel, $1.75; refund,

Pre-law students interested in ap-
plying for regional scholarships in
Columbia University Law School
should make application to the Direc-
tor of Admissions at Columbia Uni-
versity before March 15. When mak-
ing application for one of the regionala
scholarships awarded by Columbia1
University Law School, the studentl
should send an official transcript of
his record at the University of Michi-
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received notice of the following
Michigan Civil Service examinations.
Last date for filing application is
noted in each case :
I nstitution Recreation Instructor
B, salary range $105-125, March 23.
Institution Recreation Instructor
A2, salary range $115-135, March 23.
Institution Recreation Instructor
Al, salary range $140-160, March
,ibrary Assistant B, salary range
$105-125, March 23.
Library Assistant A, salary range
$130-150, March 23.
Psychiatric Social Worker A1, sal-
ary range $130-150, March 23.
Psychiatric Social Worker Al, sal-
ary range $140-160, March 23.
Occupational Therapist A2, salary
range $115-135, March 23.
Furniture Draftsman Al (open to
men only), salary range $140-160,
March 23.
Complete announcements on file
at the University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information,
201 Mason Hall. Office hours: 9-12
and 2-4.

tainen, Sorenson, George Brown, Ha-
beraecker, Landis, J. George, C.
Brown, Ossewaarde, Mattern, Fromm,
Luxan, Hines, Gell, Mason, Peterson,
Rector, Berger, Penn, Heininger,
MacIntosh, Allen, Tobin, Secrist,
Scherdt, Kelly, Crowe, Tuttle, Re-
pola, Steere, Erke, Vandenberg, Pin-
ney, Barber.
In addition to these men the fol-
lowing will also be expected to at-
tend rehearsals for the rest of the
Holt, Strickland, Loessel, Muller,
Hardy, Stephenson, Lovell, Shale,
Organ Recital: Palmer Christian,
University organist, assisted by Thel-
ma Newell, violinist, and Helen Titus,
pianist, will give a recital Wednes-
day afternoon, March 13, at 4:15
o'clock, in Hill Auditorium, to which
the general public is invited.

University Lecture: Mr. Homer L.
Shantz, Chief of the Division of Wild
Life Management in the Forest Serv-
ice in Washington, D.C., will lecture
on "Vegetation, What It Means'' un-
der the auspices of the Michigan
Academy of Science, Arts, and Let-
ters, at 4:15 p.m. on Friday, March
15, in the Natural Science Auditor-
ium. The public is cordially invited.
Mr. Louis Untermeyer schedule:
Today: Lecture, "Pioneers and Lib-
erators," 4:15 p.m. Rackham Amphi-
Wednesday, March 13. Informal
discussion ("Pioneers and LibLera-
tors"). 4:15 p.m. Men's Lounge, Rack-
ham Building.
University Lecture: "Poets of the
Machine Age." 8:15 p.m. Rackham
Lecture Hall.
Thursday, March 14. Lecture: "Old
and New England." 4:k5 p.m. Rack-
ham Amphitheatre.
Friday, March 15. Informal dis-
cussion ("Old and New England").
4:15 p.m. East Conference Room,
Rackham Building.
University Lecture: Professor Her-
bert Davis, Chairman of the English
Department, Cornell University, will
lecture on "Swift and the Pedants"
under the auspices of the Depart-
ment of English at 4:15 p.m. on Tues-
day, March 26, in the Rackham Lec-
ture Hall. The public is cordially
Pharmacy Lecture: Dr, Frank B.
Kirby, Director of Education, Abbott
Laboratories, will give an illustrated
lecture on "The Cascara Country",
Thursday evening, March 14, at 7:30,
Room 151, Chemistry Building. This
lecture will be under the auspices
of the Apothecaries Club of the Col-
lege of Pharmacy. The public is
cordially invited.
Lecture on "Wood Poles" Dr. R.
H. Colley, Timber Products Engineer
with the Bell Telephone Laboratories,
will give an illustrated lecture on
"Wood Poles" in the Chemistry Audi-
torium at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday,
March 20. Students in the School of
Forestry and Conservation are expect-
ed to attend and classes will be dis-
missed for this purpose. Any others
interested are invited.
Mr. F. W. Gravit will give the fifth
lecture on the Cercle Francais pro-
gram: "La 'vie romanesque de Tan-
crede de Rohan" Wednesday, March
13, at 4:15, Room 103, Romance
Language Bldg.

All the Republican presidential
candidates are privately wooing Joe
Pew, multi-millionaire boss of Penn-1
sylvania, who will control about 100
votes at the convention, but publicly
they are keeping him at arm's length3
because he is political poison with+
the labor vote , . . . For a red-hot
New Dealer, scrappy Maury Maver-
ick is chalking up a strange record
as mayor of San Antonio. He has
balanced the city's budget, reduced
taxes and put an end to labor strife
.... One state where Senator Van-
denberg is making little headway
with Republican leaders is Indiana.
Reason is that in 1938 he angered
them by making a speech criticizing
them for running a candidate against
Democratic Senator Fred Van Nuys,
who was on the White House purge
list. Van Nuys' GOP opponent came
within an ace of winning the elec-
tion . . . . Third-term note: Of the
Senate's 96 members, 26 have served
three terms or more and two oth-
ers, Connally of Texas and Town-
send of Delaware, are running for
their third term this year. Senator

Physical Education Candidates:
Candidates interested in taking Civil
Service examinations on April 6, 1940
for the positions of Institution Recre-
ation Instructor B (supervising play-
ground activities of patients, teach-
ing sports, etc.), Institution Recrea-
tion Instructor A2 (director of recre-
tion), and Institution Recreation In-
structor Al (director of extensive
recreation program), must file appli-
cations and fees of $1.00 at the State
Civil Service Commission office no
later than March 23. Minimum en-
trance requirements: -
For position B: Men and women
21 years of age. Two years college
training with specialization in physi-
cal education.'
For position A2: Men and women
22 years of age. One year of experi-
ence as teacher. or director of physi-
cal education. Completion of two
years college training with specializa-
tion in physical education.
For position Al: Men and women-
23 years of age. One year of experi-
ence as teacher or director of physi-
cal education. Completion of four
year teacher-training course in phys-
ical education.
Further information may be ob-
tained at the University Bureau of
Appointments and Occupational In-

Todays Events
Engineering Mechanics Colloquium:
professor H. M. Hansen will talk on
"Stability of Struts of Variable Cross
Section." The meeting will be held
today at 4:00 p.m. in Room 314 West
Engineering Annex. Refreshments
will precede the talk.
Biological Chemistry Seminar will
meet in Room 319, West Medical
Building at 7:30 'tonight. Subject:
"Acetylcholine." All interested are
Mathematics Club will meet tonight
at 8 in the. West Conference Room
of the Rackham Building. Dr. Ellen-
berg will speak on "Certain Methods
for Proving Existence Theorems."
Botanical* Journal Club will meet
tonight at 7:30 in Room N.S. 1139.
Reports by: Daisy Bihary, "Genetical
interpretation of species." Stephen
White, "Flora Systematica Mexicana.
C. Conzatti." Mary Wharton, "A
resume of the vegetational studies in
eastern Kentucky." E. Lucy Braun.
A review of the monograph of the
Ophioglossaceae. Robert Clausen.
Ruth Ciu, "Review of botanical
work in China."
Sigma Rho Tau will hold a regular
meeting tonight in the Union at 7:30.
Professor C. W. Good is guest sneak-

But Not Out

edient, as usual, to the crack of the army's
the Japanese Diet has finally expelled
,o Saito, the most courageous of Japanese
als. His crime was not that he doubted
isdom of Japan's whole policy in China;
sands of other Japanese must have their
,te doubts at this time, when the war has
100,000 Japanese dead already and has
ened Japan with a moral and material.
that oannnt be redeemed "for generations.

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