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March 12, 1940 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1940-03-12

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____________________________________________________ U

nion To Hold
Veekly Bridge
['ourney Today
urth 'Coke Bar' Begins
Lt 4:30; Announce First
tound Debate Program
Lie ,regular Tuesday Union bridge
nament will be held at 7:30 p.m.
ght in Room 302, according to
old Singer, '41, of the executive
f. The meeting will be conducted
Robert Samuels who temporarily
aces Conway Magee.
andings and scores in the regu-
ournaments will be posted on the
on bulletin board following this
succeeding meets. Singer request-
vinners of past meets who have
yet called for their prizes to do
, the student offices of the Union.
se prizes consist of free dance
es for both members of the win-
ae fourth Coke Bar under Doug
ld's surveillance will run off as'
duled in the small ballroom at
today. The new Bar has taken
the spot of the previously named
ee Hour, and differs from it in
added variety of entertainment
refreshments. Over 200 people
rded last Tuesday's event.
eams to be entered in the first
d of an intramural debate pro-
n were announced. The debates
luoted by the Union, will start
lay and will query the relative
urcefulness of past and present
higan men.
he teams to argue are: Wenley
se (affirmative) vs. Phi Kappa
Lambda Chi Alpha (affirma-
vs. Fletcher Hall, Sigma Chi
irmative) vs. Sigma Nu, Sigma
ia Epsilon (affirmative) vs. Sig-
Phi and Allen Rumsey House
irmative) vs. Alpha Nil.
inners Announced
Case Club Finals
.chard Kane, '42L, and Robert
ey, '42L, won a three-to-two
sion in the last of the five trials
he Freshman Case Club finals
erday, John Pickering, '40L, Case
justice said.
he case argued by Kane and Bay-
was the same one argued Satur-
by two other teams, Pickering
Gated, and for that reason no de-
n on the law of the case was
ded down until yesterday. The
involved a question of breach
arranty, he said, in which the
itiff sues for damages sustained
an exploding cigar.

union Opera Cast
Urges Considering
State Tour Plans
Despite an early vote to abandon
plans of taking this year's Union
Opera on tour, there is a strong move-
ment among members of the cast to
have the motion reconsidered, ac-
cording to Robert Mix, '40, general
During its peak days in the twen-
ties, the Opera annually toured Mich-
igan and the Middle West. This year's
Opera, the firsst since 1935, has been
invited by several alumni groups to
play outside of Ann Arbor.
Meanwhile plans for next year's
Opera will get underway when Mimes,
honorary dramatic fraternity, meets
at 8 p.m. tomorrow in the Union.
Homer Heath, alumnus who served
for many years as treasurer of the
Operas, will speak.
SRA Forum
To BeTonight
Mann Speech On Religion
To Be Discussion Topic
Questions and problems raised by
Dr. Lo'uis Mann's lecture on "The Ex-
istence and Nature of Religion" will
be the topic of the Student Religious
Association Forum, led by Dr. Isaac
Rabinowitz, director of the Hillel
Foundation, at 8 p.m. today in Lane
Dr. Mann's talk, the fourth and
concluding lecture in the SRA series,
presented the Jewish viewpoint on
the subject and emphasized religion
as a progressive and dynamic force
in the modern world.
As the third in a series of semi-
nars on oriental religions, Mr. Ang
Tsung Liu will speak on the litera-
tures and practices of Confucianism,
at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow in Lane Hall.
Designed as a non-credit supplement
to the University curriculum, the
seminars offer the opportunity to
study the main Oriental religions.
Scandinavian Club Holds
Meeting In Union Today
The business and social activity
program for the remainder of the
semester will be drawn up by Scan-
dinavian Club members at a meeting
8 p.m. today in the International
Center in the Union.
Howard Almdale, '42, president of
the club will review the organiza-
tion's activities of the year.

Group To Visit
Rail Terminals
Engineering Group Plans
Three-Day Survey Tour
CenteringIn Chicago
Intracacies of modern transporta-
tion methods will be studied by mem-
bers of the Transportation Club leav-
ing today for a three-day tour of
Chicago terminals.
Featuring inspection tours of
freight yards, suburban terminals
and attendance at sessions of the
American Railway Express Associa-
tion, the itinerary will comprise a
condensed survey of transportation
problems in a terminal center.
Following a trip through the Mich-
igan Central freight terminal at 3
p.m. today, the group will witness the
interlocking of suburban passenger
trains during supper rush hours.
An inspection tour of the Rock
Island offices, the LaSalle Street sta-
tion, railway shops and yards, in
addition to a visit to the streamlined
train, Denver Rocket, are scheduled
for tomorrow afternoon.
The group will hear Judge R. V.
Fletcher of Chicago speak on "The
Outlook for Railroad Legislation" at
the A. R. E. A. luncheon meeting,
preceding a short tour of the Elec-
tro-Motive plant at La Grange, Ill.
Orga n .Recital
Will. Be Given
Christian Presents Third
In series Of Concerts
Prof. Palmer Christian, University
organist, will present the third in
the season's series of Twilight Organ
Recitals at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in
Hill Auditorium assisted by Thelma
Newell, violinist, and Helen Titus,
pianist, of the faculty of the School
of Music.
A student of Dickinson, Schreck,
Straube and Guilmant, Professor
Christian has been at various times
soloist with such orchestras as the
Detroit, Chicago and Philadelphia
Symphonies and the New York Phil-
harmonic. Miss Newell, a graduate
of the University School of Music,
has studied with Kortschak and
Scholnick and Miss Titus has been
a student of Pattison.
Focillon Describes
Paintings Of Manet
(Continued from Page 1)
exemplary beginnings his own bril-
liant technique of portraying all
phases of life.
His experiences in a 'French war,
his travels over Europe, and his asso-
ciation with such personages of his
time as Emile Zola, the author, and
Whistler, the American painter, also
affected Manet. He was awarded the
Cross of the Legion of Honor before
his death in 1883.
As a forerunner of modern art as
it is known today, Manet struck the
keynote of honest portrayal of con-
temporary life, which in Professor
Focillon's wards, made him "a good
painter of eternal life." With such
works as "The Old Musicien," "The
Bar at the Folies Bergere," and the
famed "Christ," he depicts being
mocked by the Romans, Manet, cog-
nizant of beauty but inflexible with
truth, shows his all-encompasin'g
vitality, Professor Focillon concluded.


Classified Directory


UNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned.
,areful work at low prices. 16
3 W. MADISON: Two-room fur-
nished apartment. Gas, lights, wa-
er, linen, dishes, silver. Private
front entrance. Warm, clean, light.
7 per week. Phone 6279. 319
R RENT: Clean, warm rooms for
boys; price reasonable. 515 Wal-
nut. Close to campus. 320
PING-Experienced. Miss Allen,
08 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935 or
-1416. 34
Daily 2 - 4- 7 - 9 P.M.
they keep their men
from wandering by keep.
ing them wondering!l

your discarded wearing apparel.
Claude Brown, 512 S. Main Street.
Driveway gravel, washed pebbles.
Killins Gravel Company. Phone
7112. 13
THETA CHI Fraternity Pin lost.
Name on back. Reward! M. S.
Cheever, 1351 Washtenaw, Phone.
2-3236. 324
LOST-Yellow Parker fountain pen.
Call Richard Borup-7350. Re-
ward. Valuable as a keepsake. 323
TWO-INCH silver bracelet left in
ladies' uounge, Union, Sat. nite
between 11:00 and 11:30. Reward.
Ph. 4121; Ex. 436. 322
LOST-Red purse containing large
sum of money-near Glenn-Ann
Shop. Liberal reward. Phone 8598.
LOST: Men's gold Waltham watch.
Lost between Madison St. and W.
Engineering Bldg. Reward. Call
2-1717. '318
LOST: Two jeweled Theta pins. Re-
ward offered. Call 2-2547. 315
near Campus for small eating
place. Write Box 3, Daily. 317










Effective as of February 14, 1939
12c per reading line (in basis of
five average words to line) for one
or two insertions.
10c per reading line for three or
more insertions.
Minimum of 3 lines per Inser-


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