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March 12, 1940 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-03-12

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Cioudy toasy aid Wedri,~y
Little Change jintrpatue

Bk igan


Chicago's Hutchins
Rides Agarin.


VOL. L. No. 116
Senate Pushes
Hatch Act Bill;
Fores Farm
Motion On Agricultural
Aid Bill Voted Down;
Filibuster Is Expected
Michigan Senators
Split OnQuestion,
With advocates of the Hatch "Anti-
politics" bill in clear command, the
Senate refused today to shunt the
measure aside-even for the ever pop-
ular purpose of voting farm appro-
Its action left the bill, forbidding
,political activity to a large group of
state employes, the pending business
of the Senate, but also left it facing
what was openly denounced in the
chamber as a filibuster.
The Senate's decision came on a
motion by Senator Russell (Dem.-
Ga.) to take up the $823,000,000 agri-
cultural appropriation bill, contain-
ing some $300,000,000 more than the
figure pproved by the House, and in-
volving'a spectacular contest over
governmental economy.
Lose Supporters
Voting down the Russell motion 47
to 36, the Hatch bill proponents lost
a few of those who have supported
them on previous ballots but who,
on this particular test, were more in-
terested in the farm bill. However,
the Republican membership stuck
with ,them to a man, and from an
early point in the roll call the out-
come was never in doubt.
(Michigan Senators split on the is-
sue, Democrat Brown voting for shelv-
iig the Hatch bill and Republican
Vandenberg against.)
The Senate's day was ofherwise
filled with spirited oratory and frank-
ly worded exchanges between the
friends and foes of the measure.
Diplomatie Sources Comment
Charging that the opposition was
conducting a filibuster; Senator
Clark (Dun..-Mo1.) nodted that somne
opponents had contended that an
issue of states' rights was involved.
He reminded them that some of
their number had voted for such mea-
sures as the NRA, and pointedly as-
"Only in this hour when this meas-
ure is brought in here is the cry of
states' rights raised."
The measure would forbid political
activities, including political contri-
butions by state employes who are
paid in whole or part by federal funds.
It would broaden the existing Hatch
Act, which applies to Federal work-
Dance Tickets
Oan Sale Today
Woody Hernan Will Play
For Slide Rule Ball
Remaining tickets for the eleventh
annual Slide Rule Ball will be on
general sale today at the main desk
of the Union, Gtnson Taggert, '40E,
publicity chairman, announced last
A limtd supply of/ tickets, notj

sold at previous sales limited to stu-
dents holding engineering identifica-
tion cards, will be released to general
sales, Taggert said.
Woody Herman and his orchestra
will be introduced to the Michigan
Campus at the Slide Rule ball to be
held March 29 in the Union Ballroom,
with featured vocalists, Carol Kay
and Steady Nelson. Styled as the
band that plays the blues, Woody
Herman will bring his organization
here from engagements at the Col-
lege Inn in Chicago and the Meadow-
brook ballroom in New Jersey.
Mysteriously Missing,
Man Meets Morpheus
Police were called out by Kappa
Sigma fraternity Sunday when a
hunt by a pledge turned into a hunt
for a pledge.
The pledge, John Aldrich, '43, was
sent out by the fraternity at 3 a.m.
on a bit of initiation rigararole.
When he hadn't returned by 5:10
a.m. the brothers began to get, a bit
worried and called upon the depart-
ment for assistance. nAn Arbor was
toured for an hour by fraternity
men and nolice with no result.




'Hi-Falutin' Opening Tomorrow
Will Reflect Era Of First JGP

--Daily Photo by Bogle.
No, the big, bad wolf isn't after them! Just Annabel Van Winkle
and Marion Conde in a scene from the 1940 Junior Girls' Play, "Hi
Falutin'," which will open tomorrow in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
The setting of this scene is set in a dormitory room .
* * * *

Cake-walks, ragtime and "twenty-
three skidoo," all characteristics of
the early 1900's, form the nucleus of
the 1940 JunisorGirls' Play, "Hi-
Falutin!" as it swings into final dress
rehearsal with the opening perform-
ance at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow in the
Lydia Mendelssohn theater.
Portraying an era when women
were fighting for their rights, the
production reflects the years when
JGP was first produced, for it was
36 years ago that a half-dozen wo-
men of the junior class first honored
the seniors with the presentation of
a play. This first production was
given in Sarah Caswell Angell Hall
and was a simple playlet consisting
more or less of a number of take-
offs on prominent members of the
Senior Class.
The play continued with a one-
evening performance until 1912 when
a second presentation was given for
all the women on campus. It was not
until 1923 that the play was opened
Holds Contest
Short Story Competition
Deadline IsThursday
The editors of "Perspectives,"
campus literary magazine which is
conducting a preliminary short story
contest, will accept manuscripts for
entry until midnight, Thursday,
James Allen, '40, and Harvey Swa-
dos, '40, co-editors, announced yes-
terday. The two winning stories are
to be submitted in the seventh an-
nual "Story Magazine" all-college
In addition to competition entries,
other types of material for publica-
tion in the fourth issue of Perspec-
tives may be left at the Student
Publications Building, or at the Eng-
lish or engineering English depart-
ment offices. Scripts should be
typed, double-spaced, and the num-
ber of words'recorded. Essays may
be submitted to David Spengler, '40;
poetry to James Green, '40; book
reviews to Edwin G. Burrows, Grad.;
and fiction to Hervie Haufler, '41.

to the public with a week's run at
the Whitney Theater.
The completion of the League in
1930 meant the abandonment of the
Whitney Theater for the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theater, where it has since
been presented.
When the male lead first crosses
the stage tomorrow night in black,
(Continued on Page 5)
New Members
Of Speech Club
Will Be Feted
Alpha Nu, honorary speech frater-
nity, will honor 17 pledges at a cere-
mony at 7:45 p.m. today in the Alpha
Nu Room of Angell Hall.
The new members to be feted at
the ceremony which will precede the
initiation rites are Cameron Ogles-
bee, '41, Donald Smith, '42, Arttur
Treut, '41, Elmer Radka, '42, William
Todd,,'42, John A. Hayes, '42, Eugene
Plahkey, '41, V. John Manikoff, '41,
and Herman Fried, '42Ph.
The list continues with Jim Ste-
phenson, '43, George Hamberger, '43,
Gerald Schafalander, '42, Neil Smith,
'41, Orville Lefko, '42, Robert Lewis,
'42, Edward Trost, '41, and William
H. Irwin, '42.
John Williams, '43, will act as gen-
eral chairman of the meeting while
George Shepard, '41, will conduct
the ceremony. The initiation will
take place before Spring Vacation.,
Williams said.
ASU Plans To Elect
Officers Tomorrow
An election of officers for this
semester will be held at a student
membership meeting of the Amer-
ican Student Union at 7:30 p.m. to-
morrow in Room 231, Angell Hall,
Mimi Wellington, '41, chairman, an-
nounced yesterday.
A tentative program for this se-
mester will be discussed, Miss Wel-
lington said. This meeting offers an
opportunity for new students to be-
come acquainted with the activities
and scope of the ASU, she' added.

Peace Talks
Are Hurried
Diplomats Report Finland
Is Seeking A Settlement
Before Spring Arrives
Swedes Are Losing
Hope For Armistice
STOCKHOLM, March 12-O()_-
Informed Scandinavians rated drag-
ging Finnish-Russian peace negotia-
tions at a critical stage today as hour
after hour passed without word of a
decision that will decide the issue
of peace in Finland or continued war
with its threatening implications for
the rest of northern Europe.
Observers said the negotiators
were in a race with the weather, al-
ready turning warm in Finland and
threatening to bog down military
operations even if a peace does not
stop them.
The Finnish delegates were be-
lieved here still to be in Moscow
which negotiations continuing yet
today over new disputed points
which had arisen in the conferences
with Foreign Commissar Vyacheslaff
Molotoff and Joseph Stalin, and in
which United States Ambassador
Laurence Steinhardt was reported to
have taken an important role.
Swedish observers lost some of the
optimism, which yesterday started
stock exchange quotations on the
rise, as the negotiations dragged
along, and some circles said the re-;
sult of the negotiations might not
come as soon as they had supposed.
Considerable political activity was.
noted in Helsinki, however, where
meetings of members of the parlia-
ment and the cabinet were held.
According to one version of Am-+
bassador Steinhardt's activities, the;
conferees met at the American Em-
bassy in Moscow until the negotia-
tions were moved to the Kremlin1
where Stalin took part.
In this connection it was suggest-
ed that Steinhardt's recent trip to
neighboring Baltic States was to pre-]
pare the groundwork for the nego-
tiations by arranging telephones andI
courier posts between Helsinki andi
Moscow by way of the Baltic states.j
Debate Teams
To Make Tripa
Men's Squads Will Speak
In Detroit Meet Today
Six varsity men debate teams will
travel to the Detroit chapter of the.
American Institute of Banking today
in a return engagement on the iso-
lation topic.
William Muehl, '41, and Edgar
Clinton will hold a contest with a
team from Rutgers University at
7:30 p.m. tomorrow in the North
Lounge of the Union. The debate is
sponsored by the executive council
of the Union and an open forum
discussion will follow the debate on
the topic, "Resolved, That the Fed-
eral Government Should Adopt a
Policy of Strict Military and Econ-
omic Isolation Toward All Nations
Not in the Western Hemisphere
Which Are Involved in Armed Inter-
national or Civil Conflict."
Members of the teams to make the
trip today are Arthur Biggins, '42,
William Halliday, '43, Muehl and
Clinton, Chester Myslicki, '42, and

John Huston, '41, Philip Levy, '43,
and Joseph Schroeder, '43, Louis
Grossman, '40, and Thomas Dal-
rymple, '43, and George Eves, '41, and
Russel E. Bowers, '41.
McCreedy To Talk
On 'Labor And War'
Herbert McCreedy, district organiz-
er for New America, will speak on,
"Labor and the War", at 8 p.m. to-
day in Room 305, at the Union, Ger-
ald Nitzberg, Grad., unit leader of the
local branch of New America, an-
nounced yesterday.
Mr. McCreedy has just returned
from New York where he delivered a
series of lectures on related subjects
of labor and war. His tour is spon-
sored by New America as part of a
drive to bring the analysis of its pro-
gram before the country and especial-
ly to students who are interested in
labor and its problems, Nitzberg
The local unit is planning a series
of talks on topics related to domestic

Beauty Queens Become
Personae Non Gratae
Gargoyle's much-touted beauty
contest, scheduled for today, was
nipped in the bud yesterday by the
In a prepared statement to The
Daily last night Dean of women
Alice C. Lloyd declared:
"Last year in response to a re-
quest which came to the Office of
the Dean of Students that a beauty
queen be appointed to represent the
University of Michigan at another
university, the Student Affairs Com-'
mittee went on Record refusing sanc-
tion for any such type of contest on
this campus.
"As a member of that committee
I was in hearty accord with the ac-
tion since such contests result always
in very cheap publicity for the girl
and the University and are undesir-
able from many points of view. Such
contests or awards seem to me com-
pletely unworthy of a fine educa-
tional institution."
Focillon Traces
Rise Of Manet,
Professor From College
Of France Discusses
Realist Painter's Work
Applying his brush with a "nervous
excited" techique, Edouard Manet,
19th century exponent of realism in
art, was among the first masters to
preserve contemporary life exactly
as he saw it, Prof. Henry Focillon, of
the College of France, declared yester-
day in a University lecture at the
Architecture Building.
Professor Focillon, whose apper-
ance here was sponsored by the ro-
mance languages department, dis-
cussed in French the noted impres-
sionist Manet's departure from the
romanticism of his predecessors, and
accented Manet's originality in por-
traying movement and light on can-
Illustrating his talk with slides of
the artist's pictures, Professor Focil-
lon pinted out the increasing clar-
ity of light in Manet's work as he
matured, as distinctive from the ro-
tund, subdued paintings of the ro-
manticists he once imitated.
In his early attempts, Manet was
strongly influenced by Spanish art
and painters whose works he studied
long hours in the Louvre, Professor
Focillon continued. As he developed,
he felt also the influence of Dau-
mier, the carcaturist, and Courbet,
who moved definitely in the direction
of realism. Manet evolved from their
(Continued on Page 2)
Prof. Good Will Speak
At Sigma Tan Rho Meet
Prof. Charles W. Good of the de-
partment of engineering research will
address the members of Sigma Rho
Tau, honorary egineering speech
society, at 7:30 p.m. today in the
Union on "Modern Problems in Re-
Four member of the society will go
to the Michigan State Normal Col-
lege for a return debate with a wo-
men's team from the Wodessa Club
on the foreign policy of the United
States as regards isolation. Robert
H. Tullen, '41E, John E. Baker, '43E,
Joseph Datsko, '43E, and Gordon Os-
terstrom, '43E, will take the affirma-
tive side of the question.

New Naval ROTC
To Be Established
Here, Letter Himts
The University of Michigan is un-
der consideration as a site for ole
of the two new Naval R.O.T.C. units
to be established this summer, ac-
cording to a communication received
yesterday by a student from Capt.
Randall Jacobs, Assistant Chief of
the Bureau of Navigation, Washing-
ton, D.C.
Alfred S. Leiman, '43, who received
an informal note besides the official
letter, in answer to his request for
consideration in Naval Academy ap-
pointments, revealed that he was
withdrawing his application for an
Annapolis appointment because
chances for the establishment of a
N.R.O.T.C. here were "extremely
The addition of two new units will
bringthe total of college naval train-
ing courses in the United States to
Student Senate
Will Consider
Continuations Committee's
Report Will Be Heard
At Meeting Tomorrow
Specific result of a meeting of the
Spring Parley continuations commit-
tee Sunday was a motion by Dean
Erich A. Walter of the literary col-
lege, that the Student Senate should
discuss the idea of calling a campus
referendum within a, week after th
Parley to pass on any resolutions it
may agree upon.
The Parley, which will be held on
April 19, 20 and 21 has as yet no
definite theme. The continuations
committee spent a large part of the
meeting. discussing just that point,
but did not come to any conclusion.
Opinion seemed to be that the full
report, of the meeting, which was at-
tended by approximately 25 faculty
members and students, should be pre-
sented to the Student Senate at its
meeting 7:30 p.m. tomorrow and any
action it may take be referred back to
the continuations committee at a
luncheon at 12 nooi Friday at the
The Senate resolution is not con-
sidered official until the continua-
tions committee has agreed upon it.
All the proposals expressed at Sun-
day's meeting were centered about
the idea of student democracy.
Details of the Parley arrangements
will be handled by a committee set
up Sunday by Parley general chair-
man Daniel Huyett, '42. Martin Dwor-
kis, '40, will chair the committee,
which includes Dorothy Shipman,
'40, Barbara Bassett, '40, Tom Ad-
ams, '40, Don Treadwell, '40, Paul
Robertson, '40E and Phil Westbrook,

Chamberlain Say F a'e ndrt u
Will Assist Finlan

Commons Hears Premie
Pledge Immediate Joir
Support With France
Aid Is Contingen
On AppealBy Finn
LONDON, March 11-(RP -rea
Britain disclosed today, at a critic
hour in Finland's peace negotiation
with Russia, that she and Franc
have offered "all available resources
to bolster the tired and hard-presse
columns of the Finnish army.
The Allies, Prime Minister Chan
berlain told the House of Common
are prepared "to proceed immediate
ly and jointly to the help of Fin
land" if the Finnish governmen
should appeal to them for furthe
Chamberlain said that Britain hE
"not arrived yet" at war with Rus
sia, and he refused to tell the Hous
whether Britain was proposingt
send troops to Finland and whethe
she was prepared to violate the neu
trality of Norway and Sweden u
doing so
Prime Minister's Statement
Some diplomatic sources said the
thought that the Prime Minister
pledge of aid by Britain and Franc
in the form of "all available resour
ces at their disposal" indicated thi
the government was considering
combined naval and military exped
tion, with France isupplying trooj
and Britain ships and planes.
Chamberlain's statement wa
made after official disclosure tha
the Russian ambassador, Ivan} Ma
sky, had approached the Britil
government as long ago as Feb. 2
with "peace terms of an onerou
nature" which Britain refused t
pass on to Finland. These term
presumably, were those which Swe
den later acted upon as- mediato
and last week became the subjec
of Russian-Finnish negotiations i
States' Rights Issue
The Prime Minister's statement
made in response to a laborite re
quest for comment on these nego
tiations, was:
"The House will be aware the
both the French and British govern
ments have sent and are continuin
to send material assistance to Fin
land. This has been of consideral
value to the Finnish forces.
'As His Majesty's government an
the French government have alread
informed the Finnish governmer
they are prepared in response to a
appeal from them for further aid
proceed immediately and jointly
the help of Finland, using all aval
able resources at their disposal."
Later Chamberlain's office issue
a statement spying that "the Prim
Minister desies to make it cle
that no appeal for further aid h
yet been received from the Finnis

Art, From Poetry To Swing:
Untermeyer To Give First Tali
Of Three-Weeks Series Today

The Ann Arbor Civic Forum
Bromage Urges Consolidation
In State, Local Administration

"Last year while I was here I con-
cluded a destructive campaign
against American prejudices against
art. This year my aim is to be con-
Thus, Louis Untermeyer, distin-
guished poet and anthologist, sum-
med up the purpose of his three-week
series of lectures here, the- first of
which, "Pioneersand Liberators," he
will give at 4:15 p.m. today in the
Rackham Building.
"I knew last year that the average
American thinks the artists is a queer
person," Mr. Untermeyer explained.
"Consequently I waged a war in hope
that I could break down Tome of
these barriers and show the rela-
tion of art and life."
He added : "I wanted to prove to
the engineers who sponsored the ser-
ies that art, in addition to beingx
beautiful, is as utilitarian as bridges
or engines."
mrhi -- r h ca 'a umm +f + n

Mr. Untermeyer's series will trace
this growing consciousness of Amer-
ica as it gained expression not only
in literature, but in architecture and
in new rhythms in music. He will
illustrate his lectures by readings,
slides and recordings.
"Culture may be in for a dark per-
iod abroad," he believes. "ut not
here. That crudity, energyr that
makes for new art is here. We have
a dynamic storehouse for new art,
and for the first timewerare begin-
ning to use American materials."
The general topic of this series
will be "Frontiers of American Cul-
ture." It will consist of the following
six lectures: "Pioneers and Liberat-
ors," today; "Old and New England,"
Friday; "Voices of the Middle West,"
March 18; "Changing Lines in Ar-
chitecture," March 22; "The Painters
Discover America," March 25; "New
Rhythms in Music," March 27.
All lectures will be given in the
nonrha,,, iiinqO n +h nr-+x of-

"If there is integration and co-
coordination in the administrative
set-up of some state governments,
that 'good government' has only been
attained by the constant hammering
and pressure of prominent men who
have the necessary 'political sales-
manship' to iinfluence the legislature
and the people."
Thus did Prof. Arthur W. Brom-
age of the political science depart-
ment yesterday indicate one of the
means by which more efficient gov-
ernment can be attained in his talk
before the Ann Arbor Community'
Forum in the Pattengill Auditorium
of the Ann Arbor High School.
Professor Bromage in discussing
"How Can the State and Local Gov-
ernments Be Made More Efficient,"
maintained that in most states an

tion to the "evident"and expanding
trend in many of the states-a trend
calling for the consolidation of ad-
ministration agencies under the gov-
Claiming that there never has been
in Michigan comprehensive, integrat-'
ed power in the hands of the gover-
nojr, he endorsed the suggestions of
the State of Michigan committee re-
port in 1938 on "Reform and Modern-
ization in Government,." He listed
these suggestions as: Discontinuance
of the practice .of electing certain
department heads by popular vote;
more adequate compensation for ad-
ministrative employees; discontinu-
ance of the use of a board or com-
mission as an administrative uni,;
consolidation of departments into a
smaller number; creation of a "gov-
ernor's cabinet" and the adoption of
a four year term of office for the

Smith Report
Reveals Two
Large Blazei
Mosher-Jordan's $2,000 fire Fric
night was' the second blaze of a
consequence on University prope
since 1938, Vice-President Shirley
Smith revaled today in his annual
port to President Ruthven.
Fire damage has ben reduced to
minimum by careful enforcement
ruls, and during the year 1938-19
there were only fiv fires which tau
more than $10 damage. One of th
was a $3,771 blaze at the Alumr
House, 1219 Washtenaw Ave., whi
started as the result of defective w
ing in the attic, and destroyed
floor of the dwelling.
Smoker's carelessness is responsi
for almost 44 per cent of the U
versity fires in the last five years,
Smith's report reveald. "This rec
shows why the University is so aci
in efforts to control the use of tob
co within the buildings," he explain
Michigan State Professo
To Talk On Cooperativ

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