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September 29, 1938 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-09-29

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Publishea every morning acceptrMonday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. Ali
rights o repubication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
E400; by .mail, $4.50
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative

closed shop in the contract and that the Harlan
miners can join whatever union they choose.
In Washington, Green's outburst was called
"just another spasm." The AFL president knows
his union will win few recruits in Harlan, despite
the open shop agreement, for the UMWA has
carried on the fight of unionization since 1930
and the rewards of the victor will go to it.
There are at least two reasons to believe the
CIO's success in Harlan will not be short-lived.
First, the Kentucky River and Big Sandy coal
fields have been organized for four years and
union control has not been seriously threatened
during that time.
And second, the federal government has come
to union organizers' aid with a new legal weapoan
to insure justice in labor disputes. The Wagner
Act applies only in civil cases and gives the gov-
ernment no power to bring criminal charges
against violators of the act's provisions. To put
teeth into the statute, the Department of Justice
invoked a law of 1870 passed in an attempt to
crush the Klu Klux Klan and providing jail terms
and fines for persons who conspire to deprive a
citizen of his constitutional rights.
CIO in Harlan will undoubtedly serve as a
stimulus to organizers on other unionization
fronts. Organizers in Harlan have been victorious
over tactics as notorious as those of Republic
Steel's chiefs, over propaganda as insidious as
Ford's "Almanacs," over men as desperately de-
termined as Tom Girdler. Harlan is but a step-
ping stone.
-Hervie Haufler

1Mianaging Editor
Editorial Director
City Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Book Editor
Women's Editor
Sports Editor

ard of Editor.s
Robert D. Mitchell
.Albert P. Mayio
. Horace W. Gilmore
Robert I. Fitzhenry
.S. R. Kleiman
.Robert Perlman
. William Elvin
. Joseph Freedman
.. ... Earl Gilman
. .. Joseph Gies
. . . . Dorothea St'aebler
.Bud Benjamin

The Dartmouth
And Censorship.. .

Business Department
Business Manager . . . . Philip W. Buchen
Credit Manager . . Leonard P. Siegelman
Advertising Manager . . William L. Newnan
Women's Business Manager . . Helen Jean Dean
Women's Service Manager . . Marian A. Baxter
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers.
Prof. Louis
A. Strauss ...
T HE UNIVERSITY grieves today the
loss of one of its most distinguished
sons, Prof. Louis A. Strauss, for 45 years a mem-
ber of the faculty, 16 of them as chairman of
the English department.
An outstanding teacher and scholar, his
courses in Browning and the English novel were
popular and respected. It was under his chair-
manship that the English department became
one of the' finest departments in the country.
The senior honors course in English was intro-
duced under his direction, and it always received
from him the encouragement and support which
it deserved as one of the most progressiye educa-
tional steps taken at the University.
'More even than a fine teacher and scholar,
Professor Strauss loyally and devotedly served his
University in other ways, serving for many years
as a member of the Committee on Student Affairs
and member and chairman of the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
As one of the men who workea under him told
us yesterday, "He was a teacher of the old
school, who really believed in and taught appre-
ciative interpretation of literature." Coming at
a time when teaching has become one of the
less important duties of college instructors, this
tribute carries real weight.
It is with deep sympathy that the Daily ex-
tends its condolences to Professor Strauss's
-Albert Mayio
Harlan County
After Twenty Years ...
A FTER 20 YEARS of desperate struggle
marked by killings, bombings and
violence of every type, the miners in the Harlan
County, Kentucky, coal field have finally wrested
the right of union organization from their em-
ployers. Peace has come to Harlan, but the pres-
ervation of peace is a test of the strength of the
United Mine Workers and the CIO. Future events
hinge upon the ability of the CIO to control Har-
lan during the six months that the contract with
the mine operators remains in effect.
Unionized peace will be continually threatened.
The mine owners conceded to the pact only after
their lawyers convinced them that the forces
against which they were fighting had become too
powerful to withstand. The owners could meet the
violence of the miners with violence; they could
crush union organizers by blacklists and crooked
law enforcement officers; they could endure the
accusations of the LaFollette Civil Liberties
Committee. But when the Federal legal machine,
beaten by the mine owners once in a trial nulli-
fied'by a hung jury, made steps to carry on the
fight to a finish the operators knew that "jig was
The owners begrudged the truce, and they will
not keep it voluntarily. Their submissions may be
only temporary, merely a breathing spell while
they can amass new forces, a new war chest. Per-
haps it is a ruse to escape a second, and probably
less fortunate, federal trial. The owners will con-
s~s..,. + ho . n +antim- n +- of c,if

() NE OF THE GREATEST fears facing
the student editor is that of censor-
ship. It robs both him and his staff of the
vitality under which most college newspapers
flourish, and turns their work from pleasure
to drudgery.
A week ago, after 100 years of existence, The
Dartmouth, daily undergraduate organ for the
college of the same name, announced that, "The
Dartmouth looks into one of the darkest and
most uncertain college seasons since i the first
issue was published in the fall of 1839." A plan
adopted by a college committee, in essence, calls
for a transfer of the controlling stock, along with
power to fire members of the staff, from the
editors to an "Alumni Trustee."
Establishment of an experienced body to con-
trol the finances of college newspapers is not per
se a step toward censorship. Our own Daily which
was taken over by the Board in Control of Stu-
dent Publications at the beginning of the century,
boasts a modern building, complete equipment
and even a photo-engraving plant (which many
snall papers and nearly all college papers do
not have) by reason of careful and sane man-
agement on the part of the controlling board.
And yet withal there have been only few in-
stances of what may be called censorship.
The editors of the Dartmouth, however, seem
to be unwilling parties to such an agreement.
For a century now, this paper which claims to
be the oldest of its kind in the country, believes
it has conducted itself well without interference.
In surroundings unfriendly to liberalism, it took
strongly independent 'stands. There is good rea-
son to believe that the impending censorship is a
result of their New Deal pronouncements.
With the aid of several faculty members,
therefore, they drew up a counterproposal which
yielded on some points but made clear their
opposition to censorship. Indications are that
the members of the staff will attempt to resist
any further moves to impose the censorship.
--Joseph N. Freedman
The Editor
Gets Told.,.+
From Governor La Follette
To the Editor:
I have been asked by several college newspapers
to write a brief article to students for the com-
mencement of the new year.
Thinking that perhaps you may be interested
also in this article, I am submitting it to you
for publication in your paper.
With best wishes, I am
Sincerely yours,
Philip F. LaFollette
A Testament To Youth
Students in our colleges and universities, you
are beginning a new school year in troubled
While you are preparing for peaceful pursuits,
in Europe men and women your ag are prepar-
ing for war. Like you, they wanted to be farmers,
teachers,'scientists. They wanted peace but have
none. They wanted security but have none. They
are living on the crater of a volcano they did not
create. It is an heritage of the World War. It is a
legacy forced on them by the short-sightedness
of an older generation. They are compelled to
discharge the terms of its hatreds, ambitions,
and arrogance..
Most of you, like most European students, were
born during or immediately after the World Wars,
That event and its consequences dominate your
lives. I have listened to you speak. Your words are
in the past tense. "The war was horrible. Men
were slaughtered. Civilizations were shaken," you
say. You read about the event in books. You saw
a "lost generation" dramatized on the stage and
Wall You Be 'Lost,' Too?
Students in our colleges and universities, look
at the person standing beside you. You and he
are in danger of becoming part of another Blost
srarationn f'or n uhaOnme into the full in_

i feem o Me
1-eywood Broun
Having taken cracks from time to time at a
number of newspaper columnists I wonder wheth-
er it would be wholly out of order to say a few
warm words about another
member of the craft. To iden-
- '''= tify myself as a competitor
would be even more egotisti-
? cal than is my usual practice,
because I refer to a syndi-
cated writer who has palp-
ably captured the attention
of America to a surprising
-. - degree.
I do not intend to carry humility to the point
of admitting that in all problems she is right. On
the contrary, it is my personal opinion that she
is tragically wrong upon numerous economic and
political problems. Being by nature a timid and
a compromising person I might be pushed into
the position of maintaining that maybe we are
both wrong occasionally.
But when we stand on a common platform I
insist that through the law of averages, combi-.
nations and permutations Dorothy Thompson and-
I can't both be wrong.
* * *e
The Garden Ring
I listened with fascinated interest as she spoke
in Madison Square Garden on Sunday at a meet-
ing called to save Czechoslovakia. Dorothy
Thompson said quite candidly that much as she
respected the ideals and the performances of the
smnall democracy she would not protest if its de-
struction were actually a sacrifice to bring about
world peace. But she insisted that the blotting out
of this country would be a step toward the exten-
sion of war and not its limitation.
Miss Thompson has spoken at many gather-
ings and assemblies and knows her way around.
She has an effective platform manner. But I am
under the impression that this was her first
appearance in the Garden. The vast arena im-
poses a severe test upon all speakers. It isn't just
the size but it is the tradition of the place which
bears the speaker down. After all, the Garden is
chiefly noted as the home of hockey, wrestling
matches and boxing.
The ihan or woman at the microphone must
work fast if he or she is to hold the crowd as Joe
Louis has done or Henry Armstrong. When the
bell rings the orator of the occasion must come
up smiling and swinging both fists.
* * *
Warming To Her Work
It seemed to me that for perhaps the first
couple of minutes Madison Square Garden had
gotten Miss Thompson. She was jabbing well
enough, but she was missing with her right hooks.
Or possibly left looks would be a fairer statement.
But then she swung from the floor at the chin of
Adolf Hitler, and caught him right on the button.
I have seen the heavyweights, the middle-
weights, the welters and the bantams come and
go in the Garden. And so it was exciting to watch
Dne-Round Thompson get in a punch flush on
the jaw and listen to the roar of the crowd as it
rose up to welcome her telling blow.
I have a strong feeling that ideas are truly
things of force, and that even a dangerous con-
tender can be slowed down, softened or knocked
off his pins with a telling argument if the timing
behind the blow is propitious. And in this form
of fighting I trust that there will be no ruling that
the successful contender must immediately retire
to a neutral corner.
As an old fight reporter I give it as my wholly
unbiased and professional opinion that Kid
Thompson had Hitler hanging on the ropes. And
I join with the rest of the crowd in shouting, "He
don't like it there, Dorothy! Keep a-working."'
After all, the bell rings on October 1. M ss
Thompson, you can get him. '
you saw dramatized. My generation inherited be-
fore the war the evils of our rapid industrial
development. During my school years a progres-
sive spirit-and I use "progressive" in the broad-
er sense-arose in this land to challenge those
evils. Everywhere, common men and women were
determined to regain for themselves the economic

freed6m on which political and intellectual free-
dom rests. This crusading spirit promised to tri-
umph over the forces that cause wars. But just
as this spirit found expression, it was crushed by
the forces of war.
The Nation At War
The nation found itself at war. The constructive
spirit of our people was shifted forcefully from
farms and shops to battlefields. We were told
that there we would find our salvation. The
battlefield would settle all the troublesome prob-
lems, not only of youth, but of the whole nation.
Instead of settling those problems it destroyed
the people who were to benefit by their solution.
The road back to peace was traveled by a lost
The war did. not solve our problems. It multi-
plied them and the evils which cause war. The
economic depression of 1929 was one of the con-
sequences of the war. That depression has con-
tinued and is still with us today because we have
failed to act in the face of the problems which
have accumulated since the war.
Now A New Progressivism
Some of us believe that a new crusading spirit
at last is rising in this country. It is a new pro-
gressivism. The evils it challenges are stronger
and greater than those in the days when I was in
school. What you do to meet those evils will de-,
termine not only our own course for many years
to come, but the future of democracy itself.
Battle with these evils requires greater valor,
heroism devotion and self-sacrifice than is de-
manded on any battlefield. Students in our col-
leges and universities, this is your fight. You are
called upon to battle on two fronts: the battle
of today and the battle delayed by twenty-five

By Roy Heath
Word has already come through, via
carrier pigeon from the Union; that
skull-duggery is rearing its ugly head
in that annual fraternal phenomenon
known around and about as rushing.
According to the procedure mapped
out by the Interfraternity Council,
every prospective rushee signs up at
the Council's payoff table in the Un-
ion. The victim signs ,not just one
card but three, one of which is sup-
posed to be on file to enable the vari-
ous tongs to pick up a good name or
With all signs pointing to a hard
winter foi the fiaternities, some of
the more unscrupulous characters
taking part in the grab for freshman
do not see exactly eye to eye with
I. C. on this method. Reasoning that
if the other houses did not know the
names and addresses of their private
rushees it would simplify matters con-
siderably, the aforementioned char-
acters waited until the coast was clear
and frisked the Council files of some
200 ofthe rush cards.mu
Such stuff doesn't mean so much
in itself. As far as I can see it is just
about on a par with shoplifting 200
left shoes, since most of the clubs
have their own rush lists and seldom
take recourse to the Council files. But
it does mean, that with the Univer-
sity quietly but firmly putting the
noose on the Greeks by building up
dormitories, hoisting scholastic bat-
ting averages and one thing and an-
other, fraternal organizations on cam-
pus are about to bow a tendon in an
effort to pledge up a big class during.
the current hunting season.
New radios are being installed along
with full portfolios of the latest swing.
stuff. This is to take the Freshman
nind off what is happening and give
the brethren a chance to rest up their
vocal organs. Houses are getting new
paint and new rugs. Old trophies are
getting a new coat of polish. The sales
talk is about the same. Rushing
Chairmen have eyen taken up going
to high mass and burning joss sticks.
Meanwhile the frosh just worry about
classes, sophomores, how to get a date
with the blond they saw on the steps.I
Occasionally one has a furtive beer at1
the Bell.
* * *

THURSDAY, SEPT. 29, 1938
VOL. XLIX. No. 4
Saturday Class Committee: Until
October 7, the members of this com-
' mittee may be consulted as follows:
Professor Everett, Tu. Fri. 2-30-3:30
in 3232 A.H. Professor Reichart, M.
10-11; W. 10-11:30 in 300 U.H.
Walter A. Reihart, Ca.irman
LaVerne Noyes Scholarships: Appli-
cants whose papers are already in my
hands but who have not reported to
me on registration in the University
should de so at once. Assignmentsj
will be made. on Thursday of this
week. No new applications can be
received at this time.
Frank E. Robbins,
Asst. to the President.
Eligibility for Public Activities: The
attention of all those participating
in public activities is called to the
following ruling.
Certificate Of Eligibility.-At the
beginning of each semester ,nd sum-
mer session every student shall be
conclusively presumed to be ineligible
for any public activity until his el-
I igibility is affirmatively established
(a) by obtaining from the Chairman
of the Committee on Student Af-
fairs, in the Office of the Dean of
Students, a written Certificate of
'Eligibility. Participation before the
opening of the fh'st semester must be
approved as at any other time.
Before permitting any student or
students to participate in a public
activity (see definition of Participa-
tion above), the chairman or man-
ager of such activity shall (a) require
each applicant to present a certifi-
cate of eligibility, (b) sign his in-
itials on the back o'f such certificate
and (c) file with the Chairman of
the Committee on Student Affairs
the names of all those who have pre-
sented certificates of eligibility and a
signed statement to exclude all oth-
ers from participation.
University Band: Any member of
the University Band who does not
have in his possession a certificate
of eligibility should Callnfor one at
the office of the Dean of Students
before 4:30, Friday, Sept. 30.
To the Members of the Faculty of
the College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts.
The first regular meeting of the;
faculty ofathe College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts for the aca-
demic session of 1938-39 will be held.
in Room 1025 Angell Hall, Oct. 3,'
1938, at 4:10 p.m. ' A large attendance
at this initial meeting is particularly'
Edward H. Kraus.,

Best Rush Story So Far. . . con-
cerns the freshman who, having
nothing better to do, breezed into
the house at 4:45 in the afternoon
where he was slated to eat supper.
An astounded rush chairman was
summoaned by an equally astuond-
ed brother. For a few minutes the
pair chatted while an occasional
Grik peeked in on them then
scuttled up stairs to prepare for
the evening performance. Finally
the Chairman said he believed he
would have to take a shower and
dress. He jokingly inquired if the'
rushee wanted a good hot shower.
The Frosh, after thinking it over
a second or two, said he didn't
care if he did. Not the one to
pass up such a golden opportunity
to demonstrate the Club's newly
installed showers, the chairman
procured towels and soap and the
freshman Had a bath on the
house. -
Every now and then a person runs
up against a situation where a bit of
prevarication appears to be the best
;olicy. Such a situation was handled
more or less deftly by Varsity foot-
baller Jack Meyer when his Ypsi date
of a few evenings ago turned out to
be the sister of certain Pingel of
Michigan State. Now keg-built Mr.
Meyer is not essentially a dishonest
individual, but he did feel that disclos-
ing the fact that the Meyer who plays
football for Michigan and the Meyer
who at the moment was squiring Miss
Pingel were one and the same would
lead to nothing but discord and gener-
ally do no good. So it was then, that
when the sister of the Spartan marked
man inquired if Meyer was in any
activity at the University he informed
her that he was a Michigan Daily
sportscribe. All went well and come
the mid-night hour Meyer escorted
his date to the door of her house. As
he turned to go, she called after him,
"Be sure and give Johnnie a good
write-up on Saturday."
Meyer, with all the diplomacy of
a Chesterfield, replied, "I'll fix him
up all right."
*~ * *
NEW YORK, Sept. 27-(U.P.)
-Louis Kamin, Jewish waiter, is
in jail tonight because he told a
Bronx park crowd that he had
heard Adolf Hitler's speech yes-
terday and liked it. He was
charged with being responsible
for the uproar that followed.
-The Detroit Free Press
Always kiddin', eh Kamin.
justification and joy can be found,
not three thousand miles away from
your schools, but in the towns, cities,
and villages in which you live. That
self-fulfillment can be found-it must
be found-in solving the problems
that make for war. The experiences
of my' generation speak with melan-

Mrs. Shilling, 2-3061 during the eve-
Department of Astronomy
Astronomy 204. Spectrophotometry.
Williams. To be 'offered during the
first semester.
Astronomy 205. Cosmogony. Curtis.
To be offered during the second se-
Degree Program Advisers, 1938-1939
American Culture, Development of,
addition of D. L. Dumond, 214 H.H.
Anthropology, addition of M. Ti-
tiev, 4506 Museumi.
Chemistry, addition of B. A. Soule,
48 Chemistry.
English 211F will meet Thursday,
Sept. 29, at 4 instead of 5, in 3217
A.H. Succeeding meetings will be held
at the regular hour, 4. Earl L. Griggs.
Far Eastern Art: Correction in
Graduate School Announcement for
"Fine Arts 191, the Art of China and
Japan, etc.," read "Fine Arts 192,
the Art of India, etc." It is to be
noted that Fine Arts 191, The Art of
India is offered in the first semes-
ter only.
35. Introduction to Scientific Ger-
man. This course is designed for stu-
dents who are concentrating or pre-
paring to concentrate in one of the
sciences. Prerequisites: Courses 1
and 2 in the Uiiversity, or two years
of German in high school. (Tu Th,
9 a.m. 208 UH.; W, 9 a.m. 203 UH.
Philippson). Four hours credit. Stu-
dents interested in this newly intro-
duced course should register for it
immediately, first calling at the de-
partmental office (204 UH).
Mathematics 327, Seminar in
Mathematical Statistics. Organiza-
tion meeting will be held in 3020 An-
gell Hall at 12 noon Thursday, Sept.
Mathematics 370, Seminar. Pre-
liminary meeting to decide on the
subject and the hours Thursday,
Sep t. 29, at 3 o'clock in Room" 3001
Angell Hall. Possible subjects: high-
er differential geometry; lattices; de-
velopment of mathematical ideas.
G. Y. Rainich.
Psychology 31, Section 5, Tues. and
Thurs., at 11 a.m. wil hereafter meet
in Room 3126 N.S.
,Psychology 33, Section 3, Wed. at 9
a.m. will hereafter meet in Room
3126 N.S.
Psychology 33, Section 1, Wed. at
11 a.m. will hereafter meet in Room
3116 N.S.
Psychology 157 will hereafter meet
in Room 1121 N.S.
University Lecture: Dr: Emanuel G.
Zies, Geocohemist at the Geophysical
Laboratory ofrthe Carnegie Institu-
tion at Washington, D.C., will lecture
on the subject "Volcanoes and Their
Eruptions," illustrated by lantern
slides, at 4:15 p.m., Thursday, Sept.
29, in the Natural Science Auditorium.
The public is cordially invited.
University Lecture: Thomas A.
Knott, Professor of English in the
University of Michigan, formerly
Managing Editor of Webster's Ndw
International Dictionary, will lecture
on the subject "Behind the Scenes
in Building a Twentieth-Century Dic-
tionary" at 4:15 p.m., Thursday, Oct.
6, in the Lecture Hall of the Rackham
Building. The public is cordially in-
Events Today
Varsity Glee Club: Try-outs will be
held for- al lthose wishing to get into
the Glee Club this semester tonight
7:30 in Room 305 Michigan Union.
All old men who have not tried out
report at this time.

Law Students: All first year men
and juniors in the law school vho
wish to compete in the Annual Case-
club meet court competition will reg-
ister today and Friday in the first
floor of Hutchins Hall. Registration
hours will be from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m.,
12 to 12:30 and 1:30 p.m. until 4:30
Sophomores interested in trying out
for Track Manager report to Yost
Field House at 4 p.m. today.
Church of Christ: The Memorial
Church of Christ, Hill and Tappan
Streets, cordially invites all students
from Christian Churches or Churches
of Christ to a supper tonight at 6:30
o'clock. Students coming from out-
side of Michigan may know of this
church as Disciples of Christ.
Coming Events
Delta Epsilon Pi cordially invites
all students of Hellenic descent to at-
tend an informal gathering to be
held at the Michigan Union in Room
302 on Friday, Sept. 30, at 7:30 p.m.
Refreshments will be served.
Pi Lambda Theta: Important meet-
ing Oct. 1, in the University Elemen-
tary School immediately following

Pu cation in the Bulletin is constructive notice toalln members of the
iverstty. Copy received at the-offie o the Aseistant to the President
vgttll 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

1. Adoption of the minutes of the
meeting of June 6, 1938, which have
been distributed by campus mail
(pages 436-451).
2. Memorial to the late Professor
Orma F. Butler. Committee: Pro-
fessors Henry A. Sanders, Philip L."
Schenk, John G. Winter, Chairman.
3. Introduction of new members
of professorial rank.
4. Report of the nominating com-
mittee. The committee consists of:
Prof. Verner W. Crane, Chairman
Prof. Theophil H. Hildebrandt'
Prof. Neil H. Williams
Prof. Walter A. Reichart
Prof. Karl Litzenberg
5. Election:
a. Members on the Executive Com-
mittee for a three-year term to snac-
ceed Professors Campbell- Bonner
and Heber D. Curtis, whose terms of
office have expired. One member
to replace Prof. Arthur S. Aiton, ab-
sent on leave, for the first semester
of the current academic year,
b. Members of the Library Com-
mittee to succeed
1. Professor Ermine C. Case as
representative of Group II.
2. Professor Albert Hyma, repre-
sentative at large.
6. Reports:
a. Executive Committee, by Pro-
fessor John F. Shephard.
b. Executive Board of the Gradu-
ate School by Professor Floyd Bar-
c. Deans'rConference, by Dean Ed-
ward H. Kraus.
d. Administrative Board, by Pro-
fessor Wilber R. Humphreys.
e. Academic Counselors, by Profes-
sor Arthur Van Duren.
f. Enrollment Statistics, by Regis-
trar Ira M. Smith.
g. Summer Session, by Director
Louis A. Hopkins.
Fraternity Registration: All new
students desiring to be rushed or to
pledge a fraternity must register at
the Union, Room 306, between three
and five this week.
Michigan Dames. Members of Mich-
igan Dames for the past year are
asked to leave their addresses and
telephone numbers by Oct. 1 with Mrs.
Dixon, 2-3955 during the day, and
>pportunity as well as political liberty.
In your classrooms, laboratories and
libraries, let one fundamental ques-
tion dominate your thoughts as you
go through the school year: What
r~ari T '.trihiit in isr en-trv in

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