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September 29, 1938 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1938-09-29

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To Hold Ballot
On Panhellenic
Announce Meeting Today
At League To Discuss
A vote on the question of a quota
system for sororities will be taken at
the special Panhellenic meeting to be
held today in the League, accordingf
to Stephanie Parfet, president of she
The proposed plan, as it h:as beenl
submitted by the Panhellenic Quota2
System Comittee, reads ,"After JuneC
1942r no chapter may lave over 50t
active and pledge members. If as
sorority sliall exceed this number the
case shall be brought before the Ex-
ecutive Board for settlement."c
At a meeting of Panhellenic Tues-X
day the question was discussed r y theP
sorority delegates. It was pointed
out that the quota system of the1
University of Ilinois, based upon{
housing conditions, has been effective
in equalizing chapter strength on
that campus. A letter from the na-
tional Panhellenic organization rec-
ornmending interfraternity coopera-
tion was read by Miss Parfet.
A proposal for a drop list system
was adopted for the Panhellenic as-,
sooiation at a meeting Sept. 19, anda
it has already been put into effect
for the current rushing season. The
adopted drop list proposal reads "By
Monday, Sept. 26 at 1 p.m. each soror-
ity shall have indicated on the regis-;
tration cards by fraternity initils;
those girls they are rushing. During
the remainder of the rushing perio. I
sororities must cross off their initais"
as the girls are dropped. These files
shall be open only to members of
Panhellenic or persons they design: e
in written form."
Harriet Pomeroy, rushing secrct'ary
of Panhellenic, reported that at ttes
close of the 'registration period for
women who wish to be rushed durirg
formal rushing 528 names had been
Michigan Dames Meet
There will be a meeting of the
executive board committee of the
Michigan Dames at 8 p.m. today in
the League, Mrs. Myron Shilling,
president of the organization, an-

Verrel Case, Jr.
Wins Award
Last Freshman Tea Dance
Held TodayAt League
First of the freshman tea dances,
sponsored by the orientation com-'
mittees of the League and Union and
held yesterday in the Union ball-
room, succeeded in its purpose as a
mixer, Marcia Connell, '39, announced,
Verrel Case, Jr., '42, was awarded
the prize for walking off with the
honor of having the longest list of
names of women with whom he
danced. Door prizes, three ticketst
to the Union week-end dance, weret
won by David McKinney, '42, and
Winifred Flowers, '42.I
The last of the freshman teaf
dances will be held from 4 until 6,
p.m. today in the League ballroom.
Miss Connell especially requests that
women attending the dance be on
hand promptly at 4 p.m. to hear the
opening music by Charlie Zwick who
will play for the dance.
Announce Marriage
Of Charlene Vallet
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. LaMassurier

18 Soorities
Are Approved
By Dean Lloyd
Recognition Of University

To Use Murals
For Decorating
League R o omrn
Tentative plans have been made

House Mothers
To Attend Tea
Assembly Women Urged
To Engage In Activities

Newman Club Will Hold
Dance For Freshmen
The Newman Club, a' Catholic stu-
dent organization: will hold a fresh-
'nan mixer and dance from 8 to 10(
p.m. tomorrow in the auditorium of
St. Mary's Student Chapel. Bill
'awyer and his orchestra will furnish

by the theatre arts committee of the Assembly, the organization of inde- the music.
AeSLeague to supervise the redecoration pendent women on campus, will give The purpose of the mixer is to ac-
Before Legal Rushing of the League game room on the sec- a tea honoring the house mothers of quaint new students with the club.
and floor, it was announced by Rob-,all League houses at 8 p.m. today in There will be circle and robber dances.
Rumors of a new sorority to bP erta Chissus, '39, committee chair- al Leand houses ato8p . h and a prize will be given to the by
established on campus in the near man, the Grand Rapids Room of teadaprz!ilbegvnt the boy
swho has danced with the most girls.
future were denied yesterday by Miss Murals on the walls of the game League, Doris Yoder, '38, chairman Richard Blanchard, '39L, presi-
Alice C. Lloyd, cean of women, in a room will be painted by students of of the affair, has announced.n hhe-
Alic C.Llod, ean f wmen ina jdent of the club, is chairman of the
letter to the Daily. the Architectural College under the The tea, which wlil be preceded by j dance. He will be assisted by the
Iee th D .direction of R. T. Bittinger, instruc- a business meeting of the group, is;other officer, John O'Hara, who will
Miss Lloyd's action was taken for tor of decorative design, if the new being given acuaint the League charge of itroductions. Mary
beinave chargeoofcintroductions.gMary
the purpose of informing women new plans materialize. Call and Marie McCabe willhav
to the University, and those interest-ch A plan of subdivision for the the- house oners with the facilities of Charge of the refreshments.
ed in joining a sorority that without atre arts committee has been devised the League and to help them become -
recognition from University authori- by Miss Chissu Juniors will be in sufficiently interested in University
ties, no sorority can legally rush an charge of each sub-committee and i activities to encourage the women
unaffiliated woman. each junior will have a senior advisor living in their houses to participate
Her Statement Follows: and a sophomore assistant. The in extra-curricular ,events.
"It seems advisable to make a three women in charge of each sub- Up to this time it has been felt
statement at this time for the committee will meet twice a month. that dormitory women had a distinct
benefit of girls who are interested Committees for the three Chil- advantage over those living in League
in sorority membership and who dren's Theatre Plays which will be houses, because the house mothers A.Ao M
are new on this campus. The presented in the Lydia Mendelssohn took an interest in their University H.fM.
Panhellenic booklet lists all the theatre during the year will be in life and urged the undergraduates to H_"
sororities that are recognized by charge of ushering, selling of sub- participate in all activities, Betty
the University. At the present scription tickets, supervision of the Jane Mansfield, '39, president of As-
time there is no local or national box office, advertising, properties, sembly, stated.

A.A.U.W. Lectfire
Series Is Planned
The American Association of
University Women discussed plans for
the year at its first fall meeting Tues-
. day. Mrs. Stephen S. Atwood, of Ann
Arbor, president of the club, enter-
tained officers and committee chair-
rmen at a dinner in her dome.
The group is sponsoring a series of
open lectures on public affairs. Prof.
SJamesK. Pollock, of the Political Sci-
ence departmentr, is directing the se-
ries and will give the first three lec-
tures and one other.
A book fair, open to the public, will
be held Oct. 15 in the Michigan
League. Miss Edith Thomas of the
University library will be in charge.







group other than those listed be-
low which should be considered
as likely to be established at this
i*7- - -n.4 i v n.. r ft o n n n

have announced the approaching zvtriy .Pguupciu r-
Unvriy. No group can be rec-
.ntoognized here until it has peti- 1
marriage of their daughter, Eliza- tioned the Student Affairs Com-
beth Rachael, to William O. Uraneck, mittee :for such recognition, and
'36. Tne ceremony wail take place at this date there is no group
at 7:30 p.m. Saturday at the Bloom- sufficiently well organized to pre-
field Highlands, Pontiac, home of the sent such a petition. Those who
wish to be considered for sorority
former's parents. There is to be a membership this year must
reception following the service for choose from the list already
friends and relatives of the couple. established. Rumors which have
Both Miss LaMessurier and Mr. been recently circulated that a
Uraneck are graduates of Olivet Col- new sorority is being established
lege and are taking graduate work here are unfounded. It is the
here at the present time. She is upinion of this office that we do.
completing her Master's thesis in not need or desire any new
Social Science and he is working on sororities."
his Master's in the School of Public
Administration. Miss Lloyd's approved list of soror-I
ities contains 18 chapter houses that
Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Vallet have an- are recognized on this campus as
nounced the marriage of their daugh- eligible for legal rushing. The list is
ter, Charlene, to Charles Tole on composed of Alpha Chi Omega, Alpha
June 15. The bride was of the class Delta Pi, Alpha Epsilon Pi, Alpha
of '39 and affiliated with Delta Delta Gamma Delta, Alpha Omicron Pi, Al-
Delta sorority. Mr. Tole graduated pha Phi, Alpha Xi Delta, Chi Omega,
in June and is in the medical school Collegiate Sorosis, Delta Delta Delta,
at the present time. 'Delta Gamma, Gamma Phi Beta,
The couple are living in the, Reed Kappa Alpha Theta, Kappa Delta,
Court Apartments. Kappa Kappa Gamma, Phi Sigma

costuming, scenery painting, acting,
printing of programs and tickets, and!
contacting of Ann Arbor teachers.,
Anotner sup,-committee' of te
theatre arts committee will be in
charge o subscriptions from dormi-
tories and sororities. Miss Chissus an-
Sigma, Pi Beta Phi and Zeta Tau
Freshmen women and others being
rushed to a sorority are urged to ac-
cept invitations of only those groups
mentioned on the list approved by
the office of the dean of women.

Among the University guests pres-
ent will be Miss Alice C. Lloyd, dean
of women, Miss Marie Hartwig, Jean
Holland, '39, Norma Curtis, '39, and
Betty Meyers, '39.
Alumnae Group To Meet
The Alumnae group of Ann Arbor
will hold its first meeting of the
season at 2:30 p.m. today in the Pom-
peiian Room of the Horace Rackham
School for Graduate Studies, Mrs.
B. S. Conger, secretary of the Al-
umnae Council has announced.



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I happen to be one of

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Shirts, Extra

S0 . 12c

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Handkerchiefs, Extra . . 2c

6 Handkerchiefs
3Pairs of Scks
2 Ba th Towess
1 Pair Pajamas
Approximate Cos 99c





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