League,Judiciary Councils
Return With Snow
Union To Hold
Varsity Dance
Hindu Necklaces Lend Collar Assembly Closes
ETiInterviews Today
E Tyteat Tdo Sthple Costumpi-
IToday is the last day that appli-
'Sharps And Flats Ball' Variois Tipped Matches, are sure to lend a colorful and musi-
Honors Band Tonight African Witch Doctors cal note to any wardrobe.
_ Oversized carved wooden pins of
The Sharps and Flats Ball" will be Brighten Up Sweaters grotesque design add an unusual
the name of the second of Varsity touch to the simple wool dress. One
night dances to be held today at the The smart but budget-conscious pin of this type represents an African
Union from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Members i dwitch doctor with nose and ear rings
of the Michigan band, numbering 55 girl of today will make her wardrobe of gold,
strong will be present in uniform, Don ;o twice as far by wearing costume Solve your gift problems as far as
Nixon, '40, publicity chairman of the jewelry. your roommate is concerned, by giv-
Union, announced. A simple basic dress can perform ing her costume jewelry. You'll be
The band will be seated at a large the duties of two or three dresses if gratified by the difference it makes.
table trimmed with sharps and flats thangs in jewelry are made. The
of yellow and blue. Six of the mem- cane:toninjw elaeade s
bers will join in forming a German same tonic will make last year's dress
band to play "Tiger Rag" and sev- achieve new importance.
eral other numbers, Nixon stated. Silver Necklace Particularly Smart
The dance is one of a number of Particularly smart this year, are
Varsity nights given by the Union.
rhe football team was the guest at the many-stranded silver necklaces
the last Varsity night dance. Bob of Hindu influence. They give a col-
Steinle and his Melody Men will fur- lar effect when worn with a high
nish the music and reservations may necked dress, and are very dffective
be made ahead of time. when they fill a low decolletage. A 30 H a ts . . .
Eight sororities and fraternities
have announced pledgings and elec-1
tions of officers this past week.
Among those announcing pledgings
were Alpha Gamma Delta sorority
who recently pledged Susan Tussing,
'41, of York, Pa.; and Alpha Phi so-
rority who pledged Adelita Ortiv, '40,
Puerto Rico.
Delta Delta Delta sorority an-
nounces the pledging recently of
Elizabeth Miller, '42, Ishpeming, and
Eleanor Lebban, '41, Pleasant Ridge,
and Delta Tau Delta fraternity an-
nounces the pledging of Hadley
Smith, '40E, Royal Oak.
Roland Saville, '40, Gallagher, W.
Va.; Gordon Hood, '41E, Syracuse,
N.Y.; and Clarence Gabrysiac, '41E,
Rogers City, were recently pledged
to Kappa Delta Rho fraternity. Kap-
pa Kappa Gamma sorority pledged
Mary Ann Berg, '42, Kenmore, N.Y.
Kappa Sigma fraternity announces
the election of officers for the coming
year: Jerry Mitchell, '39F, president;
Carl Wein, '39E, vice-president; Rob-
ert Harrington, '40, grand master of
ceremonies; Robert Morrison, '41E,
guard; and Nevin Stephenson, '41E,
Alpha Sigma Phi fraternity re-
cently elected the following officers
for the coming yeai-- president, James
Madden, '39; vice-president, Walter
E. Hobart, Jr., '39E; secretary, Keith
R. Bronson, '41E.; treasurer, Paul
Cook, '39; corresponding secretary,
Daniel J. Shaw, '40; and social chair-
man, Leslie Ames, '40.
Alpha Gamma Delta sorority an-
nounces the pledging of Suzanne
Tussing, '41, of York, Penn.
Quints Not To See Fair
very unusual necklace for the low
cut afternoon or evening dress is a 10-
strand affair of pastel and pearl
beads. Originally designed for cruise
wear, it will brighten up anyone's
winter wardrobe.
Co-eds are dressing up their
sweaters and cardigan type jackets
with many-stranded gold necklaces.
Antique coins, gold link chains, and
pearls are still holding their own in
this field, but more effective and un-
usual is the necklace of white com-
position matches, with van-colored
tips. A well known young American
"gadgeteer" designed it, and match-
ing pins and bracelets may be ob-'
Bracelets Of Real Bells
One of the local shops is showing
necklace and bracelet sets made of
enameled bells that really ring. They
may be obtained in various colors, and
Plain ski-pants, or "Springerhosen," with gay plaid jackets are very
popular this season to liven up the inevitable winter sports costume.
Bright-colored scarves, sheepskin mittens, and caps are another note to
add to the darker ski-suits. Almost indispensible are the blunt toed
shoes and woolen socks. Whether you are climbing up Mount Everest, or
risking your life in the Arboretum, you are sure to appreciate the snug
fitness of the "Springerhosen."
New Styles In Mittens, Gloves
Make Winter Sports Colorful
Dirth Of Dances Due
To Exam Proximity
If the robin is the first sign of
spring, the dirth of dances one finds
at this time of year is one of the first
signs of examinations. Theta Chi and
Phi Kappa Sigma are combining to
give the only dance of the week-end
It's to be a radio dance, with danc-
ing at both houses. Chaperones for
the affair will be Mr. and Mrs. Bruce
Palmer and Mrs. Gilbert Chavenelle.
Dancing will start at 8 p.m. and con-
tinue to 1 a.m. Punch will benserved
during the intermission.
Alosher Hall Entertains
Mosher Hall gave a dinner at 6 p.m.
yesterday in honor of the faculty. The
following guests were present: Mr.
and Mrs. Clarence Pott, Dr. Hazel
Losh, Mr. Earl Thomas, Mr. Oliver
Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hornor,
Mr. Chalmers Herman, Mr. and Mrs.
Jacob Van Tuinen, Mr. Fred Stocking,
Prof. and Mrs. Henry Adams, Mr.
and Mrs. Mischa Tatieve, Mr. Au-
brey Hawkins, Mrs. Mary Mitchell,
Mrs. Florence Preston and Mr. James
on Mon., Tues., Wed.
Qeauly Shop
Winter seems to have come in ear-
nest this time and with it has come
the necessity of keeping the hands
warm, good and warm, even in places
like hockey games where everyone
freezes. Fortunately dozens of clever
new gloves and mitts have appeared
on the accessory counters.
Now that we have mentioned hock-
ey games the most popular and warm
mitts one could possibly wear for
these occasions are of sheep-skin.
They are perfectly huge with the na-
tural color of the hide preserved,
though only for a short time after
they are new. People who own these
warm novelties wear them so much
that they are bound to be filthy in
short order. While still light-colored
it's a good idea to collect autographs
on them, class matos, room mates and
B.M. or B.W.O.C.'s. To match rich
colors the mitts also can be found
in bright reds and greens as well as
more conservative deep shades.
Leather Novelties For Campus
The women in Eastern colleges are
very fond of another heavy, leather
mitt made especially for co-eds. They
have smooth palms and have pony fur
backs. The second fingers of the
things are separated from the other
three for the especial purpose of
holding a cigaret. They ought to be a
classic for that moment off from
studying on the library steps these
cold days.
Lots of people are fond of their im-
ported Swiss and Norwegian hand
knits. The Swiss ones are of double
thickness with a two-color contrast-
ing pattern knit into them, while the
Scandinavian ones come in more
subdued shades with bright patterns
embroidered on them. One especially
good-looking pair that hao been seen
under the clock in Angeli Hall was of
a deep grey with red and green flow-
ers on their backs. The cuffs were
huge and had bits of red and green
in tufts attached to the edges.
Sailcloth Mitts For Skiing.
For the sports woman who goes in
for skiing these days, sailcloth mit-
tens lined with bright wool flannel
are ideal. They are wind and snow
resistant for those fast trips down
the Arboretum hills and possibly for
that snowy landing in a drift at the
CALLANDER, Ont., Jan. 19-(Can-
adian Press)-The guardians of the
Dionne quintuplets have turned down
a $100,000 guarantee for the famous
little girls to appear at the World
Fair in New York.'w'
611 East Liberty
Phone 3083
at 1off
Former Prices
of $1.95 to $5.95
hard to find . . . but not when
you discover this stunning col-
lection. Lovely satins, crepes
and lames cost but a fraction
of their former
price. Might be a
smart idea to put
some away, too,
for your Spring
suit. You don't
find such "buys" every day.
All nrt f n',at clors to
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