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January 20, 1939 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-01-20

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Cr* p Advises
Plo ingOfBan
On Aggressors
LIbera1 .onvention Draws

U.S. Men O'War Lead Fleet Through Panama Canal En Route To War Games


The ima
Japan, CYo
raising ci
Spain wc.
the Ame
Democra y
tion held
ton, D. C

1,200 Persons
nition of a boycott on
.any and Italy and the;
*e embargo on Loyalist'
dvocated by delegates of
. League for Peace and
t their national conven-
6, 7 and 8 in Washing-
uccording to Rev. H. P.

Marley o :" Unitarian Church, one
of three representatives to the
More ra 200 people attended the
annual czr dtion representing 1000
organizatis. The League, established
five years ago As the American Through closely guarded Panay
League Ag ac st War and Fascism, now above in transit. Mine-sweepers
has a mer ership of seven million. wayo Cibean wa gmes s
Their airy, reflected by the theme way to Caribbean war games.
of the co f rence is, "Stop Fascist
Advance a Home and Abroad and
Regain the Ground Lost at Munich."
War' Named Chairman Europe It
HarryF. Ward, professor at Union}
Theologica. eminary and a member {
of the na nal committee of the B
American Civil Liberties Union was By LAURIE MASCOTT
re-elected < :chairman of the League. Outside influences, particularly de-
In a spe'cL tating American League velopments in Europe, will largely de-
policy, he ; ressed the danger of termine the course of events in Bra-
throwing ,:ico under fascist influ- zil and other South American nations,
ence if the ol embargo is continued, according to Prof. Preston A. James
He also em-'tasized the dangers that of the geography department.
might resti; from an economic con-
ference of peace forces. If specific tration speak, however, of the pene-
measures a:.? not adopted at such a taino Brazil by fascism is to
easures, a exnotaoptned asst suh aobscure the more fundamental issues
conference, s explained, fascist gov- which Brazil must face, he added.
ernments a: merely given more time The present dictatorship of President
to formul,,I their-plans. Vargas is simply the time'honored,
Other s; .dHers were Robert Morse typical dictatorship that is peculiar
Lovett of I t University of Chicago to Latin America. The main distinc-
and Rockwa.., Kent, noted artist. tion between the regime of Vargas in
Urg. lFascist Embargoes 1D39 and his rule before the revolu-
Resolutoi were adopted urging Lion of May, 1938, is that today Var-
that apprc : ' tions to the Dies Com- gas is frankly and openly a dictator;
mittee be c.1, off, the embargoes be before May, 1938, his complete po-
placed on c -many, Japan and Italy litical power was hidden behind a
and that h2 embargo on Loyalist "smoke-screen," Professor James con-
Spain be li, e:, that education be con- tends. Vargas' dictatorship, however,
ducted alon; lemocratic lines for both is definitely not the fascistic Euro-
teachers an students, that an anti- pean pattern, he said.
lynching ia v be passed and that an Any analysis of Brazilian govern-
investigati; of Mayor Hague be in- ment must take into account the pe-
stigated. 7T1 League expressed con- culiar political organization of 'the
demnatio: oi Father Coughlin and country, Professor James continued.
approved s "'tion WICA's stand in re- Brazil is divided into 22 semi-inde-
fusing to ;et him broadcast. They pendent states, each possessing a tre-
voiced th(r hearty approval of mendous amount of "state pride" and
President Fi= rsevelt's speech to Con- each intensely jealous of each other.
gress. , The problem is even made more com-

Women Here
Place Homes
In spite of all the dicussions we
hear about career women, University
of Michigan coeds prefer homemak-
ing to the world of business, a recent
campus survey shows.
Working through the Union and
the League, the Bureau of Appoint-
ments of the University sought to
discover what occupations most in-
terested young men and women in
the University. The results of the
survey they conducted will determine
the topics to be discussed at the
Guidance and Occupational Infor-
mation Conference to be held here in
How To Get A Job
First in the masculine mind was
how to interview and how to apply
for a job, while the fair sex indicated
this as their second interest.
Research work received the next
most check marks from the men,
women designating third greatest in-
terest in the field of personnel and
employment management.
Men More Helpful
Subjects of the questionnaires were
all members of the Union and the
League. Men students,, however,
proved more helpful in answering the
quiz, results showed.
Men students tended more toward
the technical, and scientific in their
choice of professions than did the
women. Manufacturing and factory
management, salesmanship, and poli-
tics and government service followed
closely as far as men's interest was

Dutch Customs
Outlined Ih Talk
Deiitscher Vereini Hears
Professor Goudrmit
The city of Holland in this state is
more Dutch than is Holland itself,
according to Prof. Samuel A. Goud-
smit of the physics department in an
informal lecture Tuesday at a meet-
ing of the Deutscher Verein.
The people who came here from
the Netherlands 80 years ago have re-
tained their original customs to such
an extent that the homeland would
be totally unfamiliar to them should
they return, said Professor Goudsmit.
One big change, induced by the
willingness of the Dutch to adopt
foreign ideas, is the odd conglomera-
tion of architecture arising from the
construction of ultra-modern build-
ings next to medieval fire-traps.
However, the characteristic canals
have not changed much and they
still add much to the atmosphere
in more ways than one.
In reply to the question of wooden
shoes, Professor Goudsmit laughed
and said that only when working in
the gatden or when venturing out
on a wet night do the Netherlanders
wear them anymore.
Michigan Theatre Bldg.

ama Canal and into Limon Bay for a brief anchorage, 80 men o'war recently slipped, including U.S. craft shown
went first to insure safe passage. Then the aircraft carrier, Lexington, led the fleet through the canal on the
fuene BrazilJames-.L.Holds'

plex by the dominance of the state of
Sao Paulo, the great coffee and man-
ufacturing center, which contributes
from 50 to 70 per cent of the entire
revenues of the federal government,
he explained, and which because of
its support of the federal treasury
was able to dominate the government
up to 1930.
The revolt in 1930 of Vargas, backed1
by the Brazilian army, was merely
the successful attempt of the other
states to break the dominance of the
hated Paullstas, the residents of Sao
Paulo, Professor James said. This
was not the first attempt to break
the dominance of Sao Paulo, he con-
tinued, for throughout the 1920's va-
rious combinations of states by such
schemes as padding the census rolls
so as to increase the representation
of their states in the Brazilian Con-
gress, fought against Paulista rule.
Vargas,; of course, immediately after
his "election" showed the power of
his regime by punitive measuresl
against Sao Paulo, such as the re-
placement of its governor with a man
from outside the state and the aboli-
Dr. Heller Resigns
Hillel Directorship
(Continued from Page 1)
ducted annually by the Joint Distri-
bution Committee and United Pales-
tine Appeal to aid European refugees.
Dr. Rabinovitz will assume his new
duties with a brilliant record to his;
credit. Graduated from the Univers-,
ity of Illinois and California, cum
laude and Phi Beta Kappa, he won a
Hellman Prize Scholarship and took
his doctorate in Semitics at Yale#
University. He later returned to Yale
to establish the counsellorship of;
Jewish students, an organization simi-
lar to the Hillel Foundation. Dr.
Rabinowitz became Director of the
Youth Education for the Union of
American Hebrew Congregations af-
ter receiving a post-doctorate fellow-
ship grant from the American Coun-
cil of Learned Societies.

tion of the special taxes favoring theI
industries of Sao Paulo city.
TI tIns light, therefore, it is easy to
comprehend the revolutions of 1932, 1
1935, and 1938 as the unsuccessful
attempts of the Paulistas to return'
themselves to power, Professor James
declared. The revolution of May,
11938 was primarily the effort of
groups not in power to get back into
the saddle. There is no certain evi-
dence that the revolution was aided
by any European power, he added.
Brazil, however, does face a foreign
element problem, he explained, the
chief immigrants being German, Ita-
lian, Japanese and Polish. Although
many of these immigrants came to
Brazil as early as 1850, their tendency
to remain together in separate groups
has been troublesome to the Brazili-
an government. Brazil has attempted
to meet this problem by revision of
its immigration laws and quotas so
that there is a definite limitation to
the number of immigrants who are
permitted to enter the country. For
example, under the new provisions,
Germany's quota is about 3,000 of
whom 80 per cent must be farmers.
Brazil also faces the danger of in-
ternal disorganization and disinte-
gration, the Professor claimed. This
problem is due to the isolation of each
Wander In At 8:30?
Legal At 'Northwestern
Eight o'clock classes will be only a
memory soon at Northwestern
Beginning next September, start-
ing time of all classes will be moved
ahead 30 minutes. Eight o'clock
classes will start at 8:30, 9 o'clocks at
9:30 and so on through the day.
Northwestern' faculty members
claim that the abolition of early
morning classes will aid those stu-
dents who do not live near the cam-
pus. More important to them, Evans-
ton collegians say, the new system
will allow co-eds a little extra beauty
sleep and men more time for razor-

Brazilian state 1rom the others, not
only economic and geographic isola-
tion. out especially isolation in
thought. It is hoped, however, that
this isolation will be conteracted by
the rapid growth of transportation
and communication, and by the tre-
mendous purely Brazilian cultural
movement in literature, art and mu-
sic that has developed since 1930.

Som' ething To Shout About!



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