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December 16, 1938 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-12-16

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Edited and managed by students of .the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively. entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00: by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39

The New
Chicago Subway ...
W ORK on the first section of Chicago's
new subway is scheduled to start this
week-end. Made possible by a PWA grant of
$18,000,000 out of a total cost of $40,000,000, the
entire project is to be completed by 1940 if pres-
ent plans go through.
The construction of the new subway not only
will help Chicago officials solve some of the
heavy traffic problems of the city, but also pro-
vides an opportunity for aesthetic improvement
of the city which it is hoped will not be over-
looked. American cities have for the most part
sprung up before attention could be given to park
systems, wide streets, monuments, trees and
landscaping, and other assets which make a city
more attractive and more enjoyable to live in. In
Chicago the noisy, unsightly elevated tracks
along the leading streets of the Loop, and the
crowded streetcar and automobile conditions in
the center of the town have contrasted with the
attractive park systems, other main boulevards
and the lake shore drive for which the city is
well known. In the razing and rebuilding of tlbe
streets to provide for the subway much can be
done to further the extension of these later civic
It is also hoped that the subway itself will be
planned with a view to aesthetic as well as utili-
tarian needs. The subways of London, Paris,
Berlin and other European cities set an example
of comfort, attractiveness and cleanliness far
above anything that our American subways of
New York and"Boston have to boast. Tiled walls,
well-lighted and ventilated stations, clean and
comfortable cars all contrast with the gloomy
and dirty aspect of the American subways as
they have been built in the past.
Chicago, starting on its new subway, can set
a standard for other American cities in city-plan-
-Robert Mitchell

Managing Editor,
Editorial Director.
City Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
BookC Editor
Women's Editor
Sports Editor-


rd of Editors
S. . Robert D. Mitchell
Albert P. May1o
Horace W. Gilmore
Robert I. Ftzhenry
S. R. Kielman
Robert Perlman
Earl Gilman
. William Elvin
. . . Joseph Freedman
. .Joseph Gies
Dorothea Staebler
Bud Benjamin

Business Department
Business Manager. . . , . Philip W. Buchen
Credit Manager . . . Leonard P. Siegelman
Advertising Manager ...William L.- Newnan
Women's Business Manager . Helen Jean Dean
Women's Service Manager . . Marian A. Baxter
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
For Congressmen . .
T HOUSANDS of students passed up an
opportunity Wednesday night to see
a Congressman in the flesh. The few who did
hear John Bernard, defeated Farmer-Laborite,
from Minnesota, had their favorite stereotypes'
of a national legislator knocked into a cocked
No smooth-tongued, back-slapping politician
arose to speak evasively on the "golden oppor-
tunities that lie ahead of you young people." No
law school graduate with 25 years of backing by
his local newspapers and Chamber of Commerce
chortled vaguely about the Constitution.
But a man on our side of 40, with an accent
strongly reminiscent of his birthplace in Corsica,
talked concretely of the threat to American civil
liberties that comes from the industrialists'
$80,000,000 a year expenditure for labor spies
and tear gas, of the crime the United States is
committing against - Spanish democracy and
world democracy by selling munitions indirectly
to Franco and barring them from the Republican
Government, of the college graduates who really
don't have $5,000 a year jobs.
Bernard hasn't forgotten his background: an
immigrant working in the Minnesota iron mines
when he was 17, 15 months' service in France
during the World War, a few years as fireman
with a chance to study on his own, then president
o0 his miners' union local. And he doesn't want
to forget. He went to Congress in 1936 eager to
reflect the needs and wishes of his friends in
overalls back home.
His very first day on the floor of the House
brought bitter disappointment to Bernard. He
found that he was the only man in Congress who
would publicly object to the imposition of the
embargo on the sale of arms to the Government
of Spain. "Progressives," who had been in Wash-
ington long enough to know their way around,
a dvised Bernard not to stick out his neck. A lead-
ing Democrat tried to distract his attention dur-
ing the roll call vote by asking what committees
Bernard would like to work on. And when the
Minnesota representative voted "nay," the Demo-
crat walked away and never .gain approached
him on the possibilities of serving on the Labor
Not satisfied with his knowledge of the Span-
ish situation, Bernard went to Spain with Jerry
O'Connell of Montana and came back even more
convinced of the crime that America was per-
petrating against a sister democracy.
He fought against cutting the appropriation
for the National Labor Relations Board, a veiled
attempt to kill the Wagner Act. He advocated
peace between the AFL and the CIO. He refused
to have a part in curtailing government expendi-
tures for Americans in poverty.
And for his pains to represent his people
Bernard was branded a Communist by the clergy-
men of his own church when he was running for
re-election. Anti-Semitism, the red scare and
the vague promises of the opposition contributed
to the defeat of the Farmer-Labor Party, and
Bernard was not returned from his district.
Many politicians are in a state of suspended
animation before elections and, win or lose, they
return to their hibernation after the returns aie
in. But democracy is an all-year-round affair

The Editor
Gets Told

'Muscle In Wonderland'
To the Editor:
I had hoped to entitle this, "Realism in Per-
spectives, or Muscle in Wonder-land," but at
any rate
It is unfortunate, to my mind (U. of M. mind,
No. 101,795; Lot 98; Trade Name, OLD GRAD;
Size 71/) that so much publicity has been given
Marian Phillips' advertisement, 'Why I Hate
Men," in' the last literary supplement. Because
obviously, though the young lady's heart may be
full of hate, her soul must often have been full
of rapture in research, following the ramifica-
tions of her subject deep into the libido and else-
where (see Chicago, Annapolis, etc. 293?-1938).
Furthermore the publication mentioned con-
tains other material worthy of student attention.
I refer to that semi-proletarian screed, "The
I shall not attempt to express my praise for
that story. It is a revelation, a slice of life with
a piece of the core attached. It is, in other terms,,
a composite heap of college fiction ingredients,
Not for such a fiction school is the miseity,
hoarding of character and incident that charac-
terizes the febrile magazine type of story. You
will not find here that weak reserve -that whispers
of the prurient conception. All is open, revealed,
vital. This, in short, is realism.
Semi-Prolitarian Screed
I was pulled into the story, into the swift
march of events, when I followed the author
along a street of taverns and-'may I quote?-
"a big brutish man slouched out df an alley in
front of me, bulged through his loosely swing-
ing coat, and he slouched along lazily and power-
fully with one arm swinging free and the other
hanging against his thigh with the palm turned
back toward me."
There is, illustrated the peculiar charm of
realism and the camera eye. They 'get' the read-
er. Syntax in that passage would have discour-
aged me with its obvious artificiality-but syn-
tax is ignored. And had the brutish man's palm
been turned the other way I should of course
have mistaken him for my friend Tarzan in
street clothes. Instead, as I soon learn, the fellow
is Muscle.
I am caught up in the story, you see. I go into
a tavern and sit down with the big boy and look
at the barflies and the two girls (the one in
"sudden green" is on the make; I can see that
with a glass eye) and it is some time before I
realize that I have known Muscle somewhere on
the road.
(The road, the long road stretches before me
now, and here the wet beer rings on the table, the
girl in green dancing with lecherous guys, Muscle
across from me, and the man who looks at
Muscle-these are real.)
Salute To Realism.
That should be enough to make my point. This
is strong meat, literature with the bark on. Read
the story again. We are all comrades and we
get full measure in this story. Two girls (count
'em) and a queer (finally beaten off) and a tough
punk in the side-door pullman, and then three
through the lonesome night together, toward
what destiny? Ah, but four, when Muscle finds
the corpse, the corpse that inspires philosophy.
Corpse is to Muscle what skull is to Hamlet.
That is by no means all. The fire in the car
is yet to come. The leap in the dark. The freight
train rolling its cargo of death and rising flame
through the black night. The reader needn't con-
sult Consumers' Research to know he has come

Jfeem/lo Me
eyWOO ri
Heywood Broun
Hugo Black, of Alabama, was appointed and
confirmed for his place upon the Supreme Court
before it was known that he had once been a
member of the Ku Klux
Klan. When this information
became public it was justly
said that here was a man
who had done a deplorable
thing because of political
;; p expediency.
But in the rumpus a more
important factor was ig-
nored. Admitting the blot
upon the record of the jurist, it was actually
more pertinent to inquire, "Where do 'we go
from here?" And it seems to me that, though
there was reason to fear that Mr. Justice Black
might carry with him into his new duties cer-
tain parochial prejudices, the record has proved
that such misgivings are without foundation.
I have specifically in mind te Missouri case
in which the High Bench supported the opinion
of Mr. Chief Justice Hughes that the university
must either admit the Negro applicant to law
school or give him opportunity for equivalent
training. From a logical and a legal point of view
it is hard to see how the decision could be ques-
tioned. But it is only fair to recognize the fact
that the problem touched upon deep and emo-
tional inhibitions in the makeup of any man from
Alabama. In relation to such questions, as far
as they affect the deep South, one gets out of
the realm of law and logic and into the domain
of psycho-analysis.
Black Comes Through
But Mr. Justice Black came through. His night-
gown has been cast off and thrown into the cor-
ner, and he decided as a just man wearing the
silken robe of our highest court. It was welland
bravely done for a man from Alabama. And the
affirmation of Mr. Justice Black is heightened
by the fact that it stood in contrast with two
dissenting opinions where the same background
of early training cannot be brought into the pic-
Something may be said for McReynolds, of
Tennessee, on the ground of unconscious motiva-.
tion, but it is hard to rig up any excuse what-
soever for Pierce Butler, of Minnesota. Mr. Jus-
tice Butler comes from a State where racial lines
are drawn as lightly as in any part of the nation.
He is of a faith which has only recently enunciat-
ed, through one of its most distinguished Ameri-
can prelates, a fervor for complete tolerance.
Moreover, Mr. Justice Butler has been an ex-
ponent of strict construction.
I speak as a layman, but, judging from such
portions of the opinions as were printed, there
was no legalistic basis upon which the plea of
the Negro student could possibly be denied. In-
deed, both Butler and McReynolds seemed to
waive technical arguments and ask that some
consideration should be accorded to local condi-
tions and peculiarly exceptional circumstances.
Playing Fast And Loose
And here it seems to me that both distinguished
jurists are subject to sharp criticism, because on
many cases involving liberal rights they have
said in effect, "We might like to go along, but we
cannot because we believe that the strict letter
of the immortal document must be preserved no
matter who suffers under such decisions."
Indeed, I think it is not unfair to say that
Justices McReynolds and Butler have indicated
that they will consent to loose construction in
order to preserve prejudice, but refuse to abate
one semicolon or comma in the consideration of
human rights.
Another Gateway?
Memel is hardly another Czechoslovakia. But

developments there are reminiscent of those
which followed National Socialist organization
both in Austria and in the Sudetenland: increas-
ing German pressure within, tacit support for
that pressure from without, and increased diffi-
culty for the governing State-in this case Lithu-
ania-in maintaining law and order in the poli-
tically besieged territory.
Yet the position of Memel has always been less
settled than that of the Sudetenland seemed.
Memel's population is preponderantly German.
The territory was separated from East Prussia
after the World War and placed under the
Council of Allied Ambassadors, but was forcibly
seized by Lithuanians in 1923. In 1924 Memel
was recognized by League of Nations members
as part of Lithuania.
Indeed, a Polish seizure of Lithuanian terri-
tory had earlier been accepted by the League.
Thus in this part of the European counterpane
the patchwork has not been considered so firmly
fixed as elsewhere. For some years, indeed, it has
seemed to be only basted down. Long after the
Lithuanian seizure of Memel the inhabitants of
that territory displayed unrest.
The ascendancy of National Socialism in Ger-
many has intensified the sense of grievance
among the German people under Lithuanian
rule, as it has among whatsoever German minori-
ties may be used as spearheads for Reichsfuhrer
Hitler's program of territorial expansion in
Europe. The Sunday elections, which have re-
corded further gains for Germans in autonomous
rose and clasped his hands above him, stretching
'I really and truly feel good,' . . . "
Surely there is strengthl and inspiration in that

By Roy Heath
EREWHON, Dec. 15--(Special)-
To the manifest astonishment of his
acquaintances, co-workers and fellow
men in general, Roy Heath issued
blanket good wishes of the season to
one and all here today.
Heath spokesmen declined to com-
ment on the terse bulletin handed'
press representatives at precisely 3
p.m. The bulletin, which breaks a 21
year policy of malice aforethought
and charity toward none, reads as
follows: "Merry Christmas and A
Happy New Year."
The noted Publications Building
hanger-on could not be reached at
Hagen's basement, where he was said
to be experimenting in applied hydro-
dynamics and endeavoring to ascer-
tain how much liquid a solid will con-
tain before sinking. And little knots
of people gathered to discuss the un-
paralleled occurence were at a loss
to explain the act. '"
Persons allegedly close to the source
advanced the theory that it was
merely the opening gun in Heath's
campaign to acquire Christmas pres-
ents. Others surmised that he had
been broken down by the spirit of
love and friendship emanating in
such profusion from several senior
political candidates who he inadvert-
ently ran into during Wednesday's
On one point only, concerning the
manifesto, did all expert opinion
agree; namely, that the sentiment ex-
pressed in the communique was only
temporary and would pass off in due
course. Opinion was split on whether
the spirit of the idea extended to
Heath's rival and bitterest enemy, an
itinerant stable boy with a flea cir-
cus, one Sec Terry. Since the press
handout named no specific exceptions
it was generally felt that Terry had
been included.
Interviewed at his quarters, where
he was giving his charges a rub-
down before the evening perform-
ance, the sullen Terry refused to make
any comment other than, "Same to
'im . . -" and some other words
which reporters failed to catch. Terry
was reported to have made a deplor-
able noise with his lips and tongue
later in the evening while thinking
about the astounding piece of news.
The verbatim report of the com-
munique follows: "Merry Christmas
and a Happy New Year.''
The degree of enthusiasm with
which the world should regard the
agreement of France and Germany to
rule war out of their future relation-
ships appears to have been carefully
indicated by the British Prime Min-
ister, of whose plan. for peace in
Europe this new understanding is a
part. While the cables pulsed with
new peace promises, Mr. Chamberlain
was himself evidently concerned with
the question how to be sure the
promises would be kept.
After a meeting with French leaders
he stated:
In particular we have discussed
national defense as well as the
general diplomatic problem, for
that is an integral part of that
peaceswhich we are determined
to do all in our power to promote.

This is a peace, Mr. Chamberlain de-
clares, of which armament for de-
fense is "an integral part." Of the
Franco-German contribution to it he
states that the British recognize it,
with "great satisfaction," as another
"effort" in the direction pointed by
the similar agreement between Ger-
Imany and Britain at Munich.
These are expertly chosen words
They should lead over-enthusiastic
observers to a vantage point where
perspective will enable them to 'see
the Franco-German agreement in re-
lation to the rest of the diplomatic
landscape. In view of statements in
"Mein Kampf," in view of hundreds
of years of history, proof that France
and Germany had relinquished war
as a diplomatic factor in their rela-
tionship would be almost as astonish-
ing as would be the sudden fulfillment
by all signatories of the Briand-Kel-
~logg Pact.
But the proof is yet to come. An(
Mr. Chamberlain who again show.
himself less of an optimist than som(
of his critics imagine him, has warner
us that the Franco-German agree
ment is an effort which in no wad
alters the British and French attitud
that efforts toward peace by appease
ment and pact are still to be but
tressed with armaments.
-Christian Science Monitor
Memel's Landtag, and the increasin
Nazification of German leaders i:
Memel, point to developments whic
may cause many to remember th
story of the Sudetenland and to not
that German expansionism look

No Speeches
Speechless luncheons! What a balm
and boon to ears bombarded by "We
have with us today" and "That re-
minds me." A dream? No. It did
happen in New York the other day.
Not only were the speakers speech-
less, but the guests almost so when s
Mayor La Guardia, presiding at a n
luncheon to Colonel Fulgencio Ba-
tista. Chief of the Constitutional e
Army of Cuba, turned to the guest ofg
honor and smilingly said, "This pro- S
gram is going to be different, Colonel i
Batista. You are not going to have a
to listen to any speeches." The dis- t
tinguished guest was as delighted as r
the others.
Such an occasion has revolutionary p
possibilities. Will other organiza-
tions follow suit? Of course, it is
always a source of wonder how
American audiences endure listening
to countless speeches at luncheons,t
dinners and other public occasions. h
They not only stand it, but come backt
for more. Besides accepting invita-
tions to dinners and other speech-2
making occasions of all kinds of or-C
ganizations, they form innumerable
luncheon clubs of their own where s
they hear more talks.
Probably not everyone will yet
speak up for speechless public occa-
sions. Luncheons and dinners do servec
as sounding boards for many signifi-
cant messages, and rallying points
and springboards for many im1portant I
civic, educational and community en-
terprises. Perhaps the proposal to I
;cmit speeches suggests essentially thec
need of improving the content and
quality Qf those given.1
Christian Science Monitor.
Real Platform
Let us keep our faith that in the
end tolerance and reason are bound
to win. If we do we can applaud thec
victory achieved for these two quali-
ties in the platform of resolutionsc
just adopted by the Congress off
American Industry. There was plentyI
of angry argument in the resolutionsv
committee for the expression of ans
uncompromising stand against every-c
thing associated with New Deal po-c
icy. But the outcome is a temperedI
document whi-ch, notwithstanding its
vague generalities, recognizes the
realities and looks forward instead
of backward. Private enterprise and3
economic opportunity are indissolubly
intertwined, it says, with religiousa
and other individual liberties. How-
ever, "America's main problem todayI
is how to apply these timetested prin-t
ciples and institutions to the condi-
tions and requirements of present-
day society."
Further proof that the die-hard
attitude is absent is contained in spe-
cific recommendations. For instance,
the resolutions urge that the "un-.
necessary severity" of the security
and exchange acts be "moderated1
without impairment of their essential
regulatory functions." With respect
to the Wagner act they make it plain
that revision is necessary but assume
the validity of the collective bargain-
ing principle and pledge industry tof
cooperation in whatever changes in
the law are required to safeguard thist
principle arid bring industrial peace.
Management, they say, should "en-1
deavor to cushion the effects" of
technological unemployment and
"should study the annual wages of
employes in relation to their hourly
These samples should suffice to
show that what the average Ameri-
can industrialist hopes for is not a
return to the "good old days" which
precipitated the collapse of 1929 but
a rational adjustment of the reforms
instituted since then. To judge from
the last set of resolutions adopted by
the Congress of American Industry,
he has come a long way in a year.
And the fact is extremely reassuring.

When business catches up with the
opinion of the general public as to
what is essential to preserve the
American way of life under modern
conditions we can expect an end of
class government and crackpot ex-
periments. Always provided, of
course, that our politicians of the op-
position can hump themselves suffi-
iently to remain abreast of their
would-be supporters. With reference
to the "Program of American Pro-
tress," just set forth by the employers
of the country, may we remind Re-
publicans that the reactionary mind
is an obsolete item of equipment, to
be written off the books at the earliest
r possible moment?'
.' New York Herald-Tribune.

FRIDAY, DEC. 16, 1938
VOL. XLIX. No. 70
Disciplinary Action: The University
ub-Committee on Discipline at the
neeting on Dec. 13, found that Mr.
Harry Calcutt, Mr. Bradley J. Palm-
r and Mr. Samuel L. Perry were
uilty of failure to observe Univer-
ity regulations relating to the use of
ntoxicants in men's living quarters
Lnd other misconduct. In each of
he three cases, the Committee di-
ects that the student be placed on
probation for the remainder of the
urrent academic year.
Grover C. Grismore, Chairman.
To The, Householders: Many stu-
dens will remain in Ann Arbor over
;he holidays and will need work to
ielp maintain themselves during that
time. If you need student help and
will call Miss Elizabeth A. Smith, Ext.
12 1, Student Employment :Bureau,
Dean of Students Office, she will be
glad to send you a young man to as-
sist in any kind of work. Please place
your calls as early as possible.
General Library: During the va-
cation period the General Library
will be open daily from 8 a.m. till 6
).m. beginning Dec. 17, except on
Dec. 26 and Jan. 2. when it will be
closed all day, and on Dec. 24 and
Dec. 31 (Saturdays), when it will
close at noon.
The Departmental Libraries will
e open from 10 to 12 a.m. on Sat-
urday, Dec. 17 and regularly each
day from 10-12 a.m. and 2-4 p.m.
Monday through Friday, beginning
with the week of Dec. 19.
Pre-forestry and forestry students:
Announcement is made of the annual
contest for the Charles Lathrop Pack
Foundation Prize in Forestry, the
conditions for which may be secured
from the Recorder of the School of
Forestry and Conservation, 2048
which may be decided upon in con-
sultation with members of the faculty
of the School, must be filed in the
offlce of the Recorder not later than
December 17, 1938.
A.I.Ch.E. The contest problems will
be available in Dr. Katz's office, Room
3034, on Friday, Dec. 16. Will those
desiring copies of the problem please
sign the list on the bulletin board
outside Room 3034. In case the prob-
lems are delayed copies will be mailed
to those signing.
First Mortgage Loans: The Univer-
sity has a limited amount of funds
to loan ondmodern well-located Ann
Arbor residential property. Interest
at current rates. Apply Investment
Office, Room 100, South Wing,
University Hall.
Exhibiti ns
Exhibition, College of Architecture:
A collection of etchings and litho-
graphs by prominent American ar-
tists, shown through the courtesy of
Professor Walter J. Gores. Corridor
cases, ground floor, Architecture
Building. Open daily except Sunday
through Jan. 2. The public is invit-
Exhibition of Japanese Prints: The
exhibition of Japanese prints under
the auspices of the International
Center which opened the past week
in the West Gallery, 4431 of the
Rackham Building, will be open
through the coming week, closing
Friday afternoon, Dec. 16. The hours
will be as during the past week, 9 to
12 a.m., 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. daily
except Sunday. The prints, which
are the collection of Miss Toyoko
Nagashima, a student in the Gradu-
ate School, are representative bf the
very greatest artists in the field of
Japanese art.
Coming Events

Biological Chemistry Seminar,
Tuesday, Jan. 3, 1939, 7-9 p.m., Room
319 West Medical Building.
"Vitamin C-Ascorbic Acid" will
be discussed. All interested are in-
The Graduate Outing Club will
have a Consolation Party in the club
room in the Rackham Building Sat-
urday night, Dec. 17, from 8 to 12
p.m., for all those members and
friends who are still in Ann Arbor.
There will be games and refreshments.

Plaque Honors Iden


Recently placed in Forest Hills Roger Williams Guild announces
Cemetery was a plaque to the mem- several meetings in January touch-
cry of Thomas Medary Iden, the well- ing world issues. Jan. 8, Rev. C. W.
loved "Father" Iden of 10,000 mem- Carpenter, pastor of Second Baptist
bers of the Upper Room Bible Class, church, Ann Arbor, will speak on
which flourished Jin Ann Arbor foi' problems of race. Jan. 15, Prof.
morewhan15yarshdt.enmAnngrbwritCharles T. Goodsell, of the history de-
more than 15 years. terminating with prmn fKlmzoCleewl
his death in 1933. partment of Kalamazoo College will
The plaque. erected at the behest deal with the issues of war and peace.
of friends of Father Iden reads as Other speakers to be announced.
U nita ia~ C'htrl FnriY _

***nitarian uur: *n : .o . Cvan-
Noble exemplar of the way of dlelight Service. Rev. H. P. Marley
Christ . . . Inspiring leader of the will speak on "Here Rest Your Cara-
Upper Room Bible Class of Butler yan Spcal Chistmas music, poe-
University (1889-1897) Kansas State ry and communion.
Teachers College (1897-1914), and Note. No service on Christmas and
the University of Michigan . . . Re- New Years.
membered with admiration and affec-
tiovn by 10.000l Unner Room Me- 1 t~sic r air A r Q%*x .,. *

__ i
... ~ I

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