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December 16, 1938 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1938-12-16

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'Wolverine Edge Out Irish Five 40 To 38 In Thriller

1939 Horror Scope...
LOOKING TROUGH our cracked
crystal ball and getting an equally
cracked 1939 horoscope:
JAN. 3. Uncontrollable hysteria
sweeps through the freshmen class as
an upperclassman pulls the seasonal
witticism: "Guess who we're having
for J-Hop? Happy Joe and his rec-
ords." It simply means that the dance
extravaganza is approaching.
6: Bennie Oostetbaan moves
Hercules Renda to the ,front line
of the basketball team and claims '
he's another Jake Townsend.
Townsend is silent.,
10: Charley Hoyt primes his track
team for the indoor season. Morbidly
implies that the outlook is "fair."
15: Harry Kipke awarded Co-
lumbia Broadcasting System die-
tion medal as top announcer of
1938. Parkyakarkus second.
16: Matt Mann purchases a novel
outboard motor with a special dorsal
attachment. It will be tacked to the
seat df some of his free-stylers who
wish to pace Tom Haynie.
25: Book stores are swamped as
athletes begin preparing for fi-
28: That arch misogynist Archie
Kodros seen squiring Marion (Man-
Hater) Phillips at the Bell.
FEBRUARY 1: An unidentified
spectator is found buried under a
pile of empty bottles at the Sta-
dium. Asks score of Northwestern
6: Cliff Keen sponsors a mud bath
wrestling bout at the Field House.
7: Tony Galento awarded a
fellowship in chemistry and an-
nounces his intention of trying
out for the football team. "I guess
I was subdivided," explains An-
11: A bespectacled reporter asks
Fritz Crisler his starting lineup for
the Michigan State game. Crestfallen
at a refusal, admits he was seeking
"ra scoop.,,
18: Campbell Dickson, Clarence
Munn, and Earl Martineau picket
local butcher shop to prevent
wives from purchasing roast beef.
"If I eat any more of that*!&"-
meat," cries Martineau, "I'll grow
a tail."
16: Five persons, one clad in over-
alls with a hammer in his hand, found
buried under a pile of bottles at the
Stadium. Worker asks if the south
gate of tie Stadium has been finished
25: Eddie Lowrey announces he -
will melt Coliseum ice and open
a wading pool.
MARCH 1: Wlademar 'Wally' Web-.
erofsky, basso, scores a tremendous
success singing "Aida" for the Metro-
politan. Will embark on a concert
tour until freshman football opens
with a hog calling contest booked in
rmporia on Friday.
4: Prof. Yvonne ZJ. (Sally)
Rand will lecture in marital rela-
tions next fall. Says Miss Rand
"It will be a revealing course,
paL. .
10: Unidentified spectator insists
he saw Michigan basketball team use
fast break. Is appointed assistant
11: Track team wins indoor
title. Charley Hoyt "amazed."
11: Swimming team wins title.
Matt Mann "astounded."
25: Cigarette prices drop. Four
asphyxiated during Field House
basketball game.
27: Fielding H. Yost lit his cigar
APRIL 1: Ray Fisher bumped
his head on the dugout roof for
the first time of the 1939 season.
3: Dan Smick seen walking down
the street alone today.

5: Worst pun of this or any
other year by tennis Coach Leroy
Weir: "The trouble with this
racket is that there isn't enough
8: Aloysious J. Duff, a freshman,
shoots a 64 at the University Golf
course using only a putter. Ray
Courtright labels him as "promising."
10: Lynn Waldorf of Northwes-
tern spotted at Muskegon with
hij hat pulled over his eyes. Will
be prosecuted for violation of
the inter-state commerce act.
16: Stan Kelley portrays Hamlet
in play production.
21: Michigan State baseball
team invades. Bring along a
trained cow which leads the
Spartan cheers. "Call 'er Bossie,"
yells one of the stalwarts of Spar-
MAY 1: Ken Doherty cuts the jave-
lin squad from five to four.
9: Baseball team made a
double play today.k
15: Cleveland Indians sweep into
first place in the American League.

Snick Leads Es And West Varsity Quintet Invades East;
Attack; Counts i Faces Rochester Five Saturday
To eet A ain
In FloridaPool By TOM PHARES Bill Sidat-Singh, Syracuse gridiron
Rattling east this morning, bound star, will carry his passing abilities
Game Is Seesaw Affair for Rochester, N.Y., Coach Bennie to the hardwood. This promises to
t S ee Michigan Swimmers Head Oosterbaan and his 10 Michigan bas- be a tough game-they're all tough
With Score Being Tiedgarketball players are embarked upon against an Andreas-coached team.
UpTo Last Seconds South To Help Break their annual seaboard invasion, in- Syracuse has won 204 games and lost
Relay Deadlock tent upon showing the state of New only 47 in the last 14 years.
RelayDeadagckB York how the court game is played in New Coach At Helm
(- By age1MEL FINEBERG the mid-west. CORNELL, at White Plains, Dec.
maining, the quintets were tied at 33 Last year they accomplished their 22: With their new coach, Blair Guil-
all but once more Smick broke the East is East and West is West and purpose most. impressively. They lion, at the helm, Capt. Walt Foertsch,
ice With a quarter court one-handed the twain shall meet in Florida. It beat Maryland 43-26, whipped Dart- the league's leading scorer in 1937,
toss. Eddie Sadowski evened the happened in a roundabout way but mouth, the Eastern League champs, sparking the attack, and two promis-
count with a side court arch shot and the lie has at last been proven for 42-17, and took over Rochester 50-29. ing sophomores in the lineup, Cornell
when Fex Ellis fouled Pink the lat- the old axiom. The West will travel Meet Syracuse, Cornell is looking for an improvement ons
ter made his free throw to put Michi- This trip, Syracuse and Cornell their .500 average of last year. Guil-
gan out in front by a single point, from the North to meet the East in have replaced. Maryland and Dart- lion coached the Southeastern cham-
Ducharme was held by Beebe and the South for a swimming meet, mouth on the schedule. Here is a pions at Tennessee last season and
e his free throw to tie the game The site will be Fort Lauderdale, brief survey of how the eastern ag- has revised the Big Red style of play.
all ansdreeoth tie egamplay-Fla., and the occasion the fourth an- gregations wil Istack up against the Cornell will make a western invasion
at 36 all and both teams began play-nual East-West Relays. The Relays, Wolverines: after the Michigan game, meetingt
ing safe, each trying to break a man in spite of the brevity of its history, ROCHESTER, Dec. 17: Boasting a Notre Dame, Pittsburgh and Illinois.
loose for a quick score. Charley Pink plays an important part in the lining record of 33 victories and nine de- The Wolverine contingent will re-
finally recovered a free ball and up of competition for the coming Na- feats during the past three years, the turn home for Christmas and play
dribbled down court with no one in onal Intercllegiates which, this Yellowjackets are looking forward to Butler and Toledo before school re-
year, will be held here (unpaid com- another good season. The defeat by opens Jan. 3. The strong Butler quin-
front of him. As he shot, Earl Brown, mercial). Michigan was one of the two suf- tet will play host to Michigan on Dec.
Irish guard, dived into him from be- Series Is Deadlocked fered last year. Three veterans from 30 and Toledo will do likewise Jan. 2.
hind and knocked him off the court. The two picked squads of repre- the 1937 squad are back on the regu
The shot missed and Pink was sentatives from tihe East and the Mid- Ilar quintet butthe loss ofoCapt. Bud-
knocked out, but after a bit of first west (known herein as the West) willd'
aid he stepped to the foul line and tangle on the 26th of December in three years, will hurt. Spies ywasone McFZ
sank both his free throws to give an attempt to break the victorytof bestbaketballoplayersTe
Michigan a twopoint advantage with deadlock. The series stands at a winto be developed i Rochester. The
70 seconds of play remaining. Smick apiece and one tie. zone defense, tried for the first time The Boston Red Sox-Detroit Tig-

COLLEGE BASKETBALL At Davenport, Ia.: St. Ambrose 48;
At Northfield, Minn., Carleton 36; Parsons 19.
North Dakota U. 30. At Carbondale. Ill.: Tulsa Univer-
At Salem, W. Va.,, Marshall 66; sity 28: Southern Illinois Teachers 19.
Salem 41. At Collegeville, Minn.: St. Johns
At Baltimore: University of Balti- University "Collegeville) 39; James-
more 38; Davidson College 27. town (N.D.) College 31.
I ____________ - - -.- - -- ..----- -- ---~----~ - -

This may be NEWS


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again broke loose with the basket
*hich decided the battle, his two
points being enough to hold the lead
despite Sadowski's field goal.
The Wolverines managed to stall
for the final five seconds and Coach
Bennie Oosterbaan' had his second
victory as head coach.
ZNo.2:F oiBennieI

Mich (40)
Sinick, lf,.
Thomas, rf
Sof iak, rf
Rae, c ..
Beebe, lg
Pink, rg



N.D. (38)
Sadowski, if.......
Riska, rf.... . .. .
Ertel, c ........ . .
Ellis, c...... . .
Brown, Ig.........
Flier, rg .... . .. .

G F Tp
....,.2 0 4
.. 7 5 19
. 0 0 0
. 0 1 1
. 3 1 7,
. '.0 0 0
. 7
...... 15 8 381

Ducharme, rg. . .
Totals... . ...

Score at half: Michigan 21;
Dame 20.



Personal fouls: Smick 3, Thomas,
Sofiak 3, Rae, Beebe, Pink, Sadow-
ski 3, Riska, Ertel, Ellis, Brown 4,
Klier, Ducharnme 2.
Freethrows missed: Sadowski 3,
Riska 2, Ertel, Ducharme 2, Smick,

There will be four-man relays in
the 200- and 400-meter free-style, the.
200-breast and the 200-backstroke, a
medley and, if Matt Mann has his
say, a pyramid relay, with three men
swimming successively (as if they'd
run) 50-, 100 and 200-meters.;
Michigan, Ohio State, Iowa, Minne-
sota and Wisconsin will bear Wes-
tern standards in an attempt to bury
the Eastern standard bearers of Col-
gate, Dartmouth, Cornell, Rutgers,
Columbia, Lehigh and others.
West Is Favored
The West, starring Michigan and
Ohio State will undoubtedly be fa-
vored, but unforeseen complications
might arise at any moment. Not that
the near-tropical sun and notoriously
becoming Florida beauties have any-
thing to do with it, but last year both
Ohio State and Iowa bolted the meet.
This left Michigan holding the bag,
and without most of the varsity pres-
ent, this unforseen complication made
it nigh on impossible for those
bronzed lads of the Golden West to'
hold the fort (Lauderdale). And so
it was written that the East amassed
53 points to the hicks' 37.
Last winter Jim Welsh, Bill Beebe,
Bob Sauer, Johnny Haigh and Ed
Mack were standouts for the West.
The hangovers (not meant literally,
of course) making the trip this, year
are Welsh, Mack and Haigh with
physical support from 10 others.
But the meet will be inore than
fun for the swimmers. It will mean
practice in the 50-meter pool at Fort
Lauderdale and for those with Olym-
pic aspirations it means valuable
training. Then, too, when the var-
sity meets in Iowa in the long Hawk-
eye pool, it will be a valuable asset.
For the varsity intends to crack the
Iowa pool records in practically every
After Relay Marks
But Iowa marks aren't the only
ones that the varsity is going to shoot
at. Quoth Matt Mann: "We should.
knock off, practically every relay
mark in the book. We've got the
men and we're going to go after 'em.
When asked whether or not this
was quotable Matt retorted, "Sure,4
let them know. They'll find out
about it sooner or later. If. they
can stop us, let them try."
The first on the schedule is the
mile breast stroke and the, mile back
stroke, mile relays which are sure
(?) to fall in the Michigan State meet
in January. Then the varsity will go
after the mile free-style relay in the
Minnesota meet.-
In any event, Florida will be good

Sofiak 2, Rae, Pink 2.
Referee, Lane (Cincinnati);
pire, Feezle (Indianapolis).

all, they will be paced by forward Bob
Stewart who was the team's high
scorer last season with 140 points.
Sweep Scored
By Squad Men,
In Wrestling
Weidig And Lardner Score
Impressive Victories I
Their Divisions
The Varsity wrestling squad's non-
letter men made a clean sweep of the
University Wrestling Championships
yesterday when they concluded the
two-day competition at the Field
House with victories in- three weight
Rex Lardner at 157 pounds, Carl
Mosser at 138 pounds and Tom
Weidig at 123 pounds, added to their
teammates' four victories of the pre-
vious day with convincing triumphs.
Lardner Is Extended
Lardner faced Doug Jeffrey, a
sophomore, in the final round of the
157-pound competition and nearly
succeeded in pinning his rival early
in the match. But Jeffrey hung on
doggedly and forced the match to the
limit, with Lardner, due to the near
fall, coming out on top, 8 to 5.
Mosser, last year's all-campus
champion at 135 pounds, won an ag-
gressive battle with John Rasch-
bacher, a freshman, in the finals to
walk off with the 138-pound title.
After Raschbacher gained an early
lead on a take-down, Mosser came
back strongly to take the initiative
and win out, 8 to 3.
Weidig Impresses
Tom Weidig, who will do most of
the wrestling in the 121-pound divi-
sion for Coach Cliff Keen's Varsity
team this year, made short work of
his finals opponent, Chuck Reinsch,
by pinning him in 2:30 for his team-
mates seventh victory in seven starts.
Gold medals indicative of the
University of Michigan champion-
ship will be awarded to each of the
'weight-division winners, who are
Tom Weidig, 123; Andy Sawyer, 130;
Carl Mosser, 138; Johnny Paup, 147;
Rex Lardner, 157; Knobby Knob-
loch, 167 and Bill Combs, unlimited.

Chet Morgan in a straight player

last year, will again be used ers swap, which climaxed the three-
SYRACUSE, at White Plains, Dec. day winter meeting of the Major
19. Despite the presence of several League moguls, sent third-sacker
fine sophomore prospects, Coach Lew Pinky Higgins and southpaw Archie
Andreas will send a team of five sen- cKain to Detroit for pitchers Elden
iors to the court. Talented veterans Auker and Jake Wade and outfielder

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1-M Sports,
After winding up in second place
for the past three years in the final
point standing in the I-M fraternity
league, Psi Upsilon has put on an-
other title bid this year and after
three months of competition they are
resting in top place with a total of
577 points.
Phi Delta Theta, defending cham-
pion in the race is second now, 31
markers behind the leaders.
The first eight fraternities are:
Psi Upsilpn .........577
Phi Delta Theta .. .546
Sigma Chi........426
Chi Psi...........399
' Alpha Tau Omega . .392
Delta Upsilon ......387
Theta Xi.........373
Phi Gamma Delta 360
game. Crushed, the little guy
claims Crisler is "uncooperative."
JUNE 1: It didn't rain today. Man
seen canoeing alone on the Huron.
Rushed to University Hospital for
3: Finals start. Union pool
room mobbed.
11: First 1939 graduate to procure
a job, one, B. R. Benjamin, announces
he will be employed at New York's
Roseland dance emporium next fall.
"I will bounce," explains the lucky
20: Commencement. Unemploy-
ment ranks swell. Damn swell!
Going Away for
the Holidays?
at Reduced Prices





Here's to a
Very Joyous
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