Improved Roads:
Decrease Costs,
Survey Reveals
Prof. Swinton Says Road
Stabilization Results In
Increased Safety
Increased safety and lower costs
both to the motorist and in highway
maintenance are obtained through
the stabilization of gravel roads, ac-
cording to Prof. Roy S. Swinton of
the department of engineering re-
In a survey of wear on several
Michigan highways, Professor Swin-
ton discovered that stabilization
saved about two-thirds of the mater-
ial losses which are so great on loose,
untreated gravel roads. Stabilization
consists of the use of proper mixtures
of soil, moisture and chemicals in
road construction.
Anthony Eden Gets The Low-Down On American Cabinet
Republican President Probable
i 1940, Prof. Cuncannon Says
(Continued from Page 1) presidency met defeat in recent elec-
tions: Earle in Pennsylvania, Bulkeley
Cuncannon's opinion, is popular with ( in Ohio and Murphy in Michigan. The
the typical old-fashioned, run-of-the- McNutt machine did very badly in In-
mine politician who is apt to be the diana. The Democrat most likely to
type of delegate to sit in the national be nominated for the presidency, in
convention. And the only place in the opinion of Professor Cuncannon,
the North where the Democrkts did still remains Senator Bennett Clark
well in the recent election is where of Missouri.
they polled a large vote in the big There is great uncertainty, Profes-
cities with the aid of machines like s
that of Tammany in New York City,
Kelly's in Philadelphia, Hague's in make-up of the Republican ticket be-
Jersey City and Nash's in Chicago. cause of the scramble of so many men
"A New Dealer running for president having back of them large delega-
and backed by this crowd would be a tions from important states. The only
curious political figure, indeed," he certainty at this time is that Thomas
said. Dewey of New York will have a place
Many Democrats who aspire to the on the ticket; which place it will be
~---no one seems to know.
y e e q "Mr. Dewey, because he comes from
1S tii IE ; INew York, because he is a good speak-
In Professor Swinton's survey, be-
gun three years ago, extensive and
continued examinations were made of
gravel roads in five Michigan coun-
ties. About 100,000 wear readings
were made on these five road sec-
While a saving of over 60 per cent
was made on stabilized roads, Profes-
sor Swinton found, other roads re-
ceiving surface treatment with cal-
cium chloride had only about one-,
half as much material loss as the un-
treated roads.
The cost of road stabilization, says
Professor Swinton, is little or no
greater than the maintenance cost
of untreated roads where the loss of
materials is so much greater. In addi-
tion, he pointed out, the stabilized
road is much safer because it is dust-
less and has no loose surface, and at
the same time allows greater speeds
which may be counted at a saving for
the motorist.
Anthony Eden was the guest of honor and off-the-record speaker at a Press Club dinner in Washington
at which the former British Foreign Secretary met most of the members of the American Cabinet. Shown here
in a discussion at the dinner, left to right: Eden, Attorney General Homer Cummings, Postmaster General
James A. Farley, and Secretary of the Interior Harold L. Ickes.
Of r~Curry
Approximately $50,000 worth of1
braces and appliances are made every
year in the Orthopedic Appliance
Shop in the sub-basement of the
University Hospital.
Here in one of the most complete
and extensive workshops of any hos-
pital in the country George E. Curry
and eight workers, five men and three
BloodTests Seen
Banishing Syphilis
Dr. Rueben L. Kahn, Assistant
Professor of Bacteriology and Ser-
ology at the University Hospital and
originator of the Kahn test for syph-
ilis, discussed the "Social Signifi-
cance of Blood Tests" at Lane Hall
Medical authorities are not agreed
that blood tests to control syhpilis
should be made compulsory because
they show some false positives, Dr.
Kahn said.
Sit-Down Strike Termed Labor's
First Weapon In Fight For Job
UAW Research
Traces Growth
Before Labor
Of Union
(Continued from Page 1)1
New Health Service Will Open
In 1938 InSpite Of Hardships
Despite a one man "protest" picket
and' a poor foundation, Dr. Warren
E. Forsythe, director for the new
Health Service Building, expects to
move into the new structure which is
being constructed on Twelfth St., just
across from the League, sometime
next year.
The picket, recently withdrawn,
was a protest against the use of non-
union relief laborers on the PWA
The foundation problem, however,
is far more serious. The land upon
which the Health Service will be con-
structed has been filled in with rub-
bish to a depth of more than 20 feet
and in order to gain a firm founda-
tion, solid concrete piers must be
sunk until firm ground is hit. This
unexpected difficulty has necessitat-
ed the withdrawal of a large sum of
money from the allotment of $450,-
000 which would have otherwise gone
for equipment.
The architect's completed plans
call for a three story rectangular
building, 200 feet long and 50 feet
deep. There also will be a short 40
foot projection in the rear directly
opposite the entrance.
The first, floor will provide accom-
modations for the general physicians',
offices and the administrative offices
and records. A large lecture room
will occupy the short wing. The short
extension in the rear will be occu-
pied by a large lecture hall and staff
room. In addition, a pharmacy, a
lounge, and nurses' treatment rooms
will be located on the first floor. The
lobby, according to the drawings, will
be very spacius and suitable for dis-
playing health education and mu-
seum features.
Specialty departments will be
housed on the second floor. There
will be complete facilities for work
in mental hygiene, sensitization,
physiotherapy, x-ray, dentistry, sur-
gery, dermatology, and eye, ear, nose,
and throat departments. The ex-
perimnental and testing laboratories
complete the list of rooms.
A 60-bed infirmary, divided Finto
private rooms and small words, will
dccupy most of the third floor, and
there will be'a sun deck and a lounge
on the roof over the rear wing. The
remainder of the third floor will con-
tain isolation rooms for patients with
cantagious diseases.
The basement will be utilized for
the service departments. It will house
the kitchen, dining room, work
rooms, special pharmaceutical of-
Officials Ignore
Union Picket Here
Commenting on the one man "pro-
test" picket that the Ann Arbor
Building and Trades Union has main-1
tained on the PWA Health Service
construction job, Thomas C. Kea-
ton, union secretary, said last night
that Mr. Lesser, contractor on the
project, has hired workingmen con-
trary to the terms of the contract.
The contract stipulates, Mr. Kea-
fices, storerooms and statistical lab-
The exterior will be very simple and
composed of limestone and brick to
harmonize with the adjacent League
and dental buildings. The windows
will be unusually large to insure a
maximum amount of sunlight..
When completed, the new Health
Service will be one of the finest in
"the country, according to Dr. For-
sythe. The University of California
has a large building, built in 1928,
called the Crowell Memorial Hospital,
and Princeton has a $500,000 struc-
ture which was constructed in 1925.
These are the only two university
health services comparable to the
Michigan Service when completed.
MSC Sees Grant'
For New Buildgin
EAST LANSING, Dec. 15-(P)-The
State Board of Agriculture, govern-
ing body of Michigan State College.
decided today to ask the 1939 Legisla-
tur for an appropriation of $2,633,477
for the college's maintenance and
operation during the next biennium.
The figure is the same approved'
by the 1937 Legislature for the cur-
rent biennium. Governor Murphy has
curtailed allocations from the current
appropriation,; however, under extra-I
ordinary budget-balancing powers
conferred upon him by the lawmak-
ers. The amount of the saving under
Murphy's economy program has not
yet been definitely determined.
The College Board also decided tot
ask the Legislature to finance a build-
ing program, but disclosed no estimate
of the cost of such an undertaking.
Suggested projects, ranked by the
Board in the order of their import-
ance, are:
An addition to the campus powero
Two new buildings for Radio Sta-
tion WKAR, which already has re-
ceived federal permission to increase
its power rating from 1,000 to 5,000
A bacteriology laboratory building.
The first unit in a natural sciences
building, large enough to house theo
college botany department.J
A forestry and conservation build-t
1935 have been attained by strikes.
Yet the sit-down strikes of 1936 and
1937 were vital forerunners to the
attainment of their contracts, he de-
clared. They demonstrated to em-
Iploayers that labor could bargain as an
Objectives of the UAW are not con-
fined to increasing wages, Mr. Mun-
ger pointed out. A major problem
to be solved concerns the fate of the
200,000 auto workers whom Mr. Mun-
ger, contrary to prevailing employer
Educators Learn
Advanced Theory
in Special Class
Articles about progressive educa-
tion often get into newspapers and
magazines, but progressive education
for educators involving? new and im-
proved methods of teaching teachers
how to teach is seldom publicized, al-
though it is taking fully as great
strides, educators believe.
The education school, a pioneer in
this type of work, sponsors and con-
ducts, with the cooperation of the
Extension Service, a typical course,
Pupil Personnel in Elementary and.
Secondary Schools, with classes con-
ducted by Professors G. E. Carrotkers,
Mowat G. Fraser, 0. W. Stephenson,
Fred S. Dunham, Calvin 0. Davis,
Harlan C. Koch, S. A. Courtis, Wil-
liam C. Trow, Howard Y. McClusky,
Willard C. Olson, L. W. Keeler, Clif-
ford Woody, Francis D. Curtis and
Dean James B. Edmonson.
Conducted as a field course, classes
meet eight times during the school
year at widely separated points in the
state: Belding, Cass City, Ludington,
Midland, M'onroe, Owosso, Three Riv-
ers and Sturgis.
"Most teachers and administrators
in public schools throughout the state
are too busy to keep up with their
reading on advances in educational
theory and method," Dr. Calvin 0.
Davis, secretary of the education
school, declared. "'This course is de-
signed to bring to them the newer
ideas, theories and practices in edu-
cation. So far as I know, no- other
school of education in the country
offers the same type of course."
Murphy Defend's State's
Civil Service Organization
LANSING, Dec. 15 .-(AP)--Governor
Murphy defended the. state's civil
service system today from charges
of James F. Thoms j , Republican
State Central Committee 'Chairman,
that the act which created it was
women, cut, stitch and hammer away,
and economist opinion, believes can making braces, celluloid jackets,
never be reabsorbed by the industry. frames and every conceivable type of
Stranded by a declining market, these appliance that will make life more
workers must be cared for by govern- 1pleasant and normal for crippled or
handicapped patients, Without theseI
ment and industry until some per- aids many people would be helplessly
manent solution can be worked out, confined to their beds.
Mr. Munger demanded. Devising and fitting the braces and
Employers and unions must co- appliances is a difficult "ask. Curry,
operate if the problem of the clash however, has been at it for 25 years
of the worker's drive for higher wages and besides being a skilled mechanic
with the limits of industry's abil he has a knack of inventing things
to pay is to benefit society, Mr. Mun- and a knowledge of anatomy that
ger declared, enables him to do the job.
Scoring "enterprises depending on All in all there are approximately
human rather than machine labor 150 different orthopedic appliances
which pay low wages to cut costs in and each particular type must be
a competitive market" as "obsolete," especially adapted to fit the indi-
Mr. Munger declared that unions vidual patient. For this reason no
feel high wages should be set in those stock of appliances can be kept on
industries as a penalty to such prac- hand. Instead the shop storeroom
tices and as a stimulus to introduce contains piles of steel, rolls of felt
new machinery. "We don't want tech- and other raw material ready to be
nological development of industry to whisked into a brace or temporary
be sabotaged by efforts of employers leg at a moment's notice.
themselves at the workers' expense," When a patient is referred to, the
he said. Orthopedic Appliance Department, he
The mushroom growth of the UAW Iis sent to one of four fitting rooms
to a membership of 400,000 auto where measurements are taken for
workers (the industry embraces an appliance to fill his particular
650,000 workers) has raised many need. The doctor in charge of the
problems, Mr. Munger pointed out. case tells Curry the correction re-
Chief among these was the problem quired and leaves it to his ingenuity
of wielding control over men who to figure out a way to make the
themselves "didn't know what they ncessary device. One case may call
wanted or how to get it." It was in- for a celluloid jacket made by wrap-
evitable in the early stages of organi- ping stockinet around a mold which
zation that leaders come to the top is the exact size of the injured part
who were not truly representative of and then painting the stockinet with
the membership. In the past two celluloid dissolved by acetone. The
years, however, a "group conscious- next patient may need a brace cut
ness and solidarity not apparent to out of quarter inch steel with. ani
the outsider, have developed," Mr. acetylene torch. The shop is equipped
Munger said. to supply either.
i m Classifie~d Iretory
er, because of his attractive personal
qualities and because of his fine run
against Herbert Lehman for the gov-
ernorship of New York, which he lost
by only 64,000 votes, less than one
per cent of the total, is bound to be
in the picture. Because of his ex-
treme youth, he will be 38 in '1940,
and the fact that he has had no na-
tional experience whatever, he is like-
ly to be nominated for vice-presi-
dent," Professor Cuncannon declared.
Professor Cuncannon believes Ar-
thur Vandenberg of Michigan, Robert
Taft of Ohio, Arthur James of Penn-
sylvania and Leverett Saltonstall of
Mass. will fight it out for top place.
One has as good a chance as the
other depending on the current of
events and the whims of public opin-
In every 20 years since 1880, the
J emocrats have had two adminis-
trations and the Republicans three.
There are many signs, Professor Cun-
cannon said, that this historic ratio
will be maintained. "However any
speculation as regards the future of
this country politically," he conclud-
ed, "in the immediate years ahead
is to some extent handicapped by
our peculiar relationship to a some-
what confused foreign situation and
by the fact that the large proposed
expenditure on armaments in this
country will materially help business
in the near future but will seriously
harm it in the long run because such
expenditure is basically unproduc-
Must Tackle
Study Hazard
Football stars may receive their
education as a by-product of foot-
ball games, but education is still 'heir
ultimate end in college, according to
Prof. Charles M. Davis, academic
counselor of the literary college, in
an article in the current M.chigan
Alumnus Quarterly Review.
In his article, Professor Davis tells
of the difficulties and disadvantages
which face the football player in his
scholastic life in colleges and uni-
versities where academic standards
are maintained, even for athletes.
The hardest thing for the average
football player, as for any freshman,
Professor Davis said, is to realize
that the college means business. When
he realizes this and gets out of pro-
bation, where he usually finds him-
self at the end of his first semester,
he usually is able to make good.
While the foow' ill star may have
the disadvantage cf inadequate pre-
vious training in high echools which
"let athletes through," Professor
Davis points out, he has an added in-
centive to study in the fact that he
must keep eligible to play on Satur-
days-which is probably the most
important thing in his life.
Play Will Be Given
By University High
University High School students
will carry on a tradition of many
years standing when they present a
Christmas play, "A Sign Unto You,"
at 10:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Friday
in the school auditorium.
Following the custom established
when the school began, carolling and
a procession of undergraduates
through the halls will high-light the
Cast members are Charles Howe,
Peggy Cannon, Jeanne Finlayson,
Betty Haas, Jim-Bob Stephenson,
Tom M4oore, Dorothea Sleator, Gul-
tekin Aga-Oglu, Bonny Bevan, Char-
lotte Fariss, Anne Hackett and Sally
Maurice. Charles McGraw, Grad.,
is iin charge of the play.
I 7=-
is in----rge oftheplay.
Winter carbureter adjustment and exhaust gas analysis without
charge. Enjoy winter driving with more miles per gallon of gasoline.
Please phone or stop by for an appointment so you won't have to
wait in line.
112 South Ashley Street Phone 8908
FOR RENT-Furnished apartment.
Also extra room if desired, 426 E.
Washington. Inquire at 422 E.
Washington. Phone 8544. 268
TYPING-Experienced. Miss Allen,
408 S. 5th Avenue. Phone 2-2935
or 2-1416. 79
TYPING at reasonable rates. Mrs.
Howard, 613 Hill St., dial 5244. 176
LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low prices. 9
LOST-Silver bracelet on diagonal,
call 5700 at 6 p.m. Reward.
FOUND-Two dollars lost by a girl
purchasing Goodfellow Edition at
Law School Monday morning. Call
Mrs. Rogers 2-3241. 247
LOST-Sorosis pin on or near cam-
pus. Finder call Janet Martin, 8891.
Reward. 269
LOST-Brown zipper notebook with
G. Robert Harrington on cover, 231
Angell Hall. Reward. Call 4850. 271
WASHED SAND and Gravel, Drive-
way gravel, washed pebbles. Killins
Gravel Company, Phone 7112. 17
PAPERHANGER-Craftsman, cap-
able fine paper work. Dial 7209. 181
young man desires work as porter
and all-round maxn at Fraternity
or Sorority. Al references. Phone
2-2016. 270
sets, bed spreads, pillow cases, hand
embroidered, some with University
Seal. Reduced price. Phone 2-2713
DEC. 25-28 Jack Oakie - Jack Haley - Adolphe Menjou
JAN. 1-4 Frederick March - Virginia Bruce
after 5:30.
ing. "partisan" and "New Deal."
A livestock judging pavilion for i"The civil service system repre-
which a request has already been sents the hopes and hard work of
submitted to PWA officials. If the friends of good government in Michi-
federal request is denied, the Board gan for years back," the Governor
will ask the Legislature to finance said in his daily press conference.
a $90,000 structure, otherwise to par- "I trust it will be appraised in that
ticipate on a fund-matching basis in light when any attack upon it is
a $120,000 building. I considered."
We Wish You.
and a
L~ ~ ii
U '~X\$ "'v *3~E.,IDUIE.~ I V *~ *