Studnt Will Take
I-Holiday Parties Stuents a Houses Usher In Yule Season
Moping On The Mall Will Add Cheer Text Books Home, With Dinner Parties And Gifts
Add eer But Not To Stud
By Meandering Minnie 1Tu o T td _
oym y Recess' By ANNE HAWLEY Spirit Of Christmas Is Felt gaily wrapped gifts to be distributed
ByANE ILYPto Ann Arbor children next week.
If Vicki can run a Christmas poem, so can we! Among the cuter poems of __ Student pre-vacation resolutions As Trees And Turkeys Barbara.Eckert, 42, of Lansing, was
the week is this little ditty from the Theta house, which accompanied a Alumnae Groups To GiVe are as futile as those made on New Play Prominent Roles recentlypledged by the Chi Omega
small donation from an unidentified sister Luncheons And Dances Year's Eve, it seems. _sorority.
to Roberta Leete, J-Hop committee-wo- Io I- ihian o*lvlt Thousands of undergraduates will In keeping wiih the coming Christ- Coffee and doughnuts were served
man. It read, or reads: M gUdenls flock to railroad stations. bus termin- mas season many chapter houses I the Varsity Glee Club carolers last
a eete while walking on the T- have given Christmas parties during night by the Gamma Phi Beta House
Roberta Leewiew n The University of Michigan Alum- als and air ports tomorrow with lug-tswekefr ctin erhewmnhdbn rndd
rcampus one fine day- 'this week before vacation, after the womn had been serenaded
Was accosted by a salesman who had nae Club of Canton, Ohio will give gage heavily laden with text books, Jast evening both the Acacia and
as winningd wy a sa dance from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. Wed- lab reports and outside reading books. IAlpha Delta Pi houses gave Christmas I
nesday, Dec. 28 at the Brookside Many will be the firm resolutions to parties. At the Alpha Delta Pi house,
He merely smiled and she succum Country Club, at Canton. All stu- "catch up" on neglected studies dur- 'a gaily decorated tree was the center
to super salesmanship dents are invited to attend. Hughie ing the following 17 day,. of attention. All the pledges of the
She bought a lot of magazines; she never Shaea's orchestra will play. A lun- Within a few hours or perhaps a sorority were invited to the dinner.
knows a gypDc.7 will also bend given by the club few days, the books, the reports will Christmas trees and turkey were the
Dec. 2be unpacked, placed carefully upon causes of many exclamations at the
So I'm giving her these gold bricks and The University of Michigan Alum- desks in every part of the country and Alpha Phi and Alpha Sigma Phi
telling her Beware nae Club at Youngstown, Ohio will promptly forgotten until Jan. 2 when Christmas parties.
Of the oily city slickers who have traps with which to snare. hold a luncheon Tuesday, Dec. 20 at they must again be packed and re- Pledges Entertain-As Always
All the gullible young coeds who, like Leete, are taken in the Elk's Club in honor of No jman turned to other desks in Ann Arbor. Ann Arbor alumnae and patron-
By a toothpaste smile, euriy hair, and a Robert Taylorchin!!Purucker, of Youngstown. Students The result-proud parents impressed esses of the Chi Omega sorority were{
y a s pretothpctes uT oare invited, by the 'apparent scholastic energy of entertained at dinner by the actives.
Whih is pretty cute. A holiday luncheon will be given their offspring. Nothing more. After dinner, the guests were enter-
The Horror Show at a certain well-known downtown theatre has been Dec. 28 at the International Arcadia After 16 lazy days, someone may {tained with a skit presented by the
luring thrill-seekers by the hordes this week. Helen Culley, Stan Duffen- Restaurant Philadelphia, by the remember that he once had the reso- pledges. "Gifts and poems for every-
dack, Ivan Mattheson, Art Hopkins and two or three unmentionable Daily University of Michigan Club for un- lution to "catch up," but, "Oh well, one" was the theme of the Christmas
habitues went down. dergraduates and alumni. it's too late now. I'll do it next week-1 party given by Alpha Tau Omega.
PnrryThe annual Intercollegte Ball will lend"Alpha Xi Deltaralumni were en-
PeopleaStilloSel cnnLibrery,__forlocaland__o____ I etaineci at dinner last evening by
be hld Nw Yar'sEve t Cevehd Ithe active members of the sorority.,
A charming, large, well-formed bunch of muscle in the law school con- Ohio, for local and out-of-town grad- AtheivmChrss rtheBot.
fidingly whispered the other day that he hadn't been able to sleep a oink ate e an undergraduaes.ignMui CH APTE R HOUSE Asthetifrtrnityasp ertied Betr
will be furnished by the original Case Theta Pi fraternity entertained four ^
all night after witnessing that nasty show. Rhythm Club. On the committee ACTIVITY NOT ES little boys at dinner last evening. In
Seems that there have been people in the library this week in spite of for the University of Michigan are keeping with the occasion, a big tree
spells of holiday cheer and things. Anne Paschal and Vernon Applegate! William Parsons, '39E, and Frankitst.rus h agh.
have been SEEN there, and Dottie Capick, who have chosen Mary Enge- Pledgings, teas and dinners were
Stevenson, Marty GremandJohnt man hostess to represent their dele- included in the list of chapter house Gifts Will Go To Chidren
Dice hgation at- the dance at the Allerton activities of the past week: nesday evening, the resi-
eBlow, scared by a Ph-artaking inthatold Hotel. The entertainment includes Alen-Rumsey House kadents of both Betsy Barbour House
sion-coking. the Lone Delegate from Siwash" and Dean Joseph A. Bursley, Mr. ered for their annual Christmas par-
Indulging in the dainty sport of his Gong of Gongs. Charles H. Peake, Robert Keetch, '42 ties. Around festive trees were placed
rifling (sin gun) yhave been and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley G. Waltz' _. __
Mary Richardson, Florence Dyer, ~~eceived a e Aln-Rums e House G oodR
Fran Anderson, Kay Treihs, Mildred AreceiAed at tre en-I J'neThHouseiW, CLARK G o q1yd
toAph Am "aA1 h N English ootandh Mar/T
Union Announces lohlay
Plans And Bridge Winners
There will be no regular Union
- -
d the Downtown Store
Yoxall and Esther Moore. At the Tri-
Delt, A. 0. Pi basketball game theI
other day, Mary Rodgers, infused
with a Rae complex or something
sank a basket from the middle of the
floor. Which is amazing, cries Mary:
Among the hardy souls rising in the bleakness and blackness of the
dawn for a Christmas breakfast at Alumnae House were Sonia Yanosky,
Bryna Lewis and Barbara Ferguson. Said festive affair took place at the
unearthly hour of 6:30 A.M.
Dance Committee Members Meet
J.G.P. is beginning to be thrust upon us as the wimmin start practicing
up on the terpsichorean art (you know-look at me, I'm dancin'!) The dance
committee met Friday. and just to be on the committee you have to be able
Debate Postponed
The Athena-Alpha Nu annual de-
bate with its current topic Resolved:
that marriage is "out of the frying
pan into the fire," which was origin-
ally scheduled for Wednesday eve-
ning, Dec. 14, has been postponed un-
til the first Wednesday after the holi-
days. The debate will be Qiven in
Angell Hall.
The winners will be awarded two
sterling silver (?) loving cups. At
least the handles are silver-being
made of silver spoons. The body
to 6 p.m . Saturday.j+ S17 1 A}) U i U 0 JU V KL~ n
Alpha Epsilon Iota Our new repair department, thei
betin the city. Prices are right.
Dr. and Mrs. Carl U. Weller and j438 South State and Factory on
Dr. and Mrs. Walter G. Maddock were SuhFrs vne
entertained by Alpha Epsilon Iota at South Forest Avenue.
dinner Thursday night. - - - -
Alpha Xi Delta -
A tea in honor of its pledges was
given by the Alpha Xi# Delta sorority 111
on the Campus anc
Plan Christmas Banquet
The University of Michigan Club
of Schenectady invites all students,
parents and alumni residing in the
to execute a snappy time step or two. The idea being, of the cup consists of two lovely tin district to its Christmas banquet to
I guess, to show if one can dance pretty, or if your funnels fitted together, Faith Wat- be held Monday, Dec. 19, in the
elbows stick out like a jitterbug grasshopper. Anyway, kins, '39, president of Athena, said. Hotel Van Curler in Schenectady.
Marg McBeth and Sally Connery were stamping around {
while Maxine Nelson, chairman of the dance, and Ella
Stowe beamed approvingly. r
Badminton is having a tournament in which
Florence Corkum, Mary Gies, Margaret Campbell,IAichigan \A olverine
Harriet Heames, Norma Curtis, Milly Curtis, Ellen St.
St. John, Betty Myers, Joanna Dailey, Mary DeMong, Student Co-operatiVe
Sally Corcoran and Helen McRae are competing.
Newberry beat Gamma Phi Beta by 44 to 7 Tues- I
day. Jane Dunbar, Doree Thornhill, Betty Sorenson *
and Eileen Boorsma played for the dorm. For Gamma 209 South State Street
Phi were Harriet Dean, Roberta Chissus, Pedo Ort-!
mayer, Jane Lord, Sally Lou Weidlein and June O p
Roberts. W l e a n p n 1
Students Depart For Sunny Florida
Another Ruthven Tea took place Wednesday after-
noon in the Presidential residence. Among the charac-
ters there were Bob Watt, Marcia Connell, H. J. Dean, Ted Grace, Betty Sage,
Betty Reutter, Ginny MulPiolland and Duke Wilkinson. Also, Joe Osburn, C hr iS t as aCa ion
Jack McElfresh, Rex Latham, Al William, Ann Taggart, Connie McLaugh-
lin, Ph - - Buc - - n, John Cummiskey, Ken Marshall, Helen Rigterink and
Bill Canfield. 12 MEALS, $ 3.6,0 (plus tax )
Lots of the filthy rich are betaking thei bloated selves to the South,
where they can grovel in the sand and dabble in the
water-aw phooie. The Abbots are going down en masse No Breakfasts Sere
to Fort Lauderdale: Priscilla, Waldo and Prof. and
Mrs. Waldo. Prof. Elmore Pettyjohn, Earl Riskey,
director of the I-M Building, and Coach and Mrs. MattOpen to alstudents duringthis period.
Mann are chaperoning the swimming team. How re-
volting. Serving~c Hours:
Ruth and Belle Calkins plan aesojourn at Miama,
and Miss Ethel McCormick, social director of the 1 2: 0 0 to 12:30 . . 6:00 to 6:30
League is taking her snappy little self off to Cuba.
Others Florida-bound will be Jane Pollak, Janet Jacoby- E - y
going to Dartmouth during vacation, and Alberta Woods goes back to
Loo-Ah-Ville, Ky.
Sleeping On One Side *
Have you ever seen anyone with Bell's Palsy? Well, it's quite a sight.
One Danny Shaw got this peculiar ailment the other day from sleeping in
a cold dorm-and,-sleeping on the same side all night long. So, one side
of his puss became immovable, as it were. And the whole thing becomes
quite uncanny when he is struck by a burst of mirth and laughs out of one
side of his face, the other remaining quite blank.'
Notes from the Quiet Dept. This little notice was seen on a door of the
more famous women's residences on campus. Quote:
If Debs doesn't sleep soon, no doubt, i
O'er her grave all the daisies will sprout.
So heed to my warning, t - '
Disturb not til morning,
And lower your voice to a shout!
Ling Pi Harvey
And so ends the last Moping Minnie of 1938, God rest 'er mangy soul. A
cheesy Christmas to all, and to all God Speed. P. S. drive carefully.
Buffalo Fraternity
To Inmtiate Twenty
Scalp and Blade, society of Buf- r
falo students, will initiate 20 pledges I-- A rry SEASON'S GREETINOS
Dec. 26 at the University Club in rrUGT
Buffalo where the annua meeting of A C
the alumnae chapter is being held. Auspices ofompany K
The following students will be in- -( 10)
East University at Oakland. Dial 3779
Dr. Bernard Heller, Director
Dr. Isaac Rabinowitz, Associate Director
The Hillel Foundation will be open daily
from 8 A.M. to 11 P.M. for those students who
are not going home for the holidays.
Corner State and Huron Streets
Rev. Harold P. Marley, Minister.
An Open Door for the Open Minded.
5:00 P.M. Candlelight Service.
":Here Rest Your Caravan" by H. P. Marley.
Special Christmas music, poetry and
409 South Division Street
10:30 a.m. Sunday Service
11:45 a.m. Sunday School for pupils up to the
age of 20 years
.7:30 p.m. Wednesday Evening Testimony
Free Public Reading Rooms at 206 East
Liberty St. open daily except Sundays and
holidays from 11:30, n.m. to 5 p.m.
512 E. Huron.
Dr. Howard Chapman, University Pastor.
9:30 A.M. Church School.
10:45 A.M. Morning Worship. Prof. John
Mason Wells, D.D., of Hillsdale College
J will speak on "The Soul of Christmas."
4:15 P.M. A Christmas pageant by the
church school.
Theodore Schmale, Pastor.
432 South Fourth Avenue. Dial 7840
9:00 A.M. Early Service (in German).
9:30 A.M. Church School.
10:30 A.M. Morning Worship. Sermon topic,
"The Manifested Life."
7:00 P.M. Young People's League. The young
people will go carolling from 7 to 9 P.M.
and then return to the church for a Christ-
mas party.
The friendly little church around the