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November 27, 1938 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-11-27

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Army Sinks Navy, 14 To
- -- - - - - -

7, As Breaks Halt Inspired Middies

Fumble Starts
81-Yard Drive
To Army Tally
Long's Scoring Run Gives
Cadets Edge As Navy
Out-Gains Favorites
PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 26.-(i)--
Army bounced off the ropes with a
recovered fumble and a devastating
81-yard march in the third period to-
day to sweep Navy's hard fighting,
never surrendering football forcs in-
to defeat, 14-7, before 102,000 half
frozen fans at Philadelphia Municipal
The victory, 22nd for the Cadets
in a series of\ 39 contests noted for
their ferocity and pageantry, was as
sudden as it was sweet to a team that
trotted on the frozen tundra a heav-
ily played favorite. Navy had fought
back to gain a tie at 7-all and was
driving relentlessly deep in Army
territory-when one of its great hr's
of the game, Emmett Wood of Wil-
kensburg, Pa., fumbled. Harry Stella,
Cadet guard from Kankakee, Ill., re-
covered and the stage was set for
the thrill-packed merciless drive that
meant victory, instead of defeat or a
Returns Punt 79 Yards
Army, off to a lead in the first
period when Charley (Huey) Long of
Chevy Chase,dMd., raced back a pun1
79 yards and the first touchdown,
was beaten and sore when the big
break came. Navy had outplayed
the Cadets so badly that their backs
only ran one play from scrimmage
in the second period as the Middes
climaxed a 50-yard drive by land and
air to scbre and then came back to
shove the West Pointers back to their
17-yard line for a first down.
Wood was a bit too anxious and his
numbed hands a bit too cold as he
grabbed the leather and prepared to
hit the line. The ball squirted out of
his hands and Stella pounced on it on
the Army 19. Ten plays later Army,
reinforced by Sydney Martin of Gil-
mer, Texas, who made 46 yards on the
first two plays, rode over the Middie
line for the final, winning touch-
Long Outstanding
Behind a line that stiffened sud-
denly, the Cadet backs slashed the
enemy wall and swept the ends al-
most at will, Long, Art Frontczak
of Dowagiac, Mich,, and Woodrow
Wilson of El Paso assisting in the
winning drive., It was Wilson who
lugged it over from the one-foot line
where the last of three crashes by
Frontczak, good for 9 of the 81 yards,
missed going through.
The hero for the Cadets, in the chill
and the gloom was Long. It was he
who set thm off for the first score
on the most brilliant run of the win-'
try, sub-zero day. It was Long who
kicked the two extra points and it
was Long who kicked several beauti-
ful punts and several times split up
the Middie defense with some of the
few passes Army attempted. Statis-
tics were all Navy, but the fumble
and one Army drive nullified them.
Navy piled up 10 first downs to five
for Army, 138 yards rushing to Army's
98 and gained 73 yards and 25 passes
to but seven for the Cadets.
Long's run was as pretty as it was
long. Both teams were maneuvering
for a break when Lemuel Cooke of
Hernando, Miss., Navy's twin hero of
the day with Wood, kicked a high one
to Long. For an instant he seemed
halted by two Navy tacklers but he
squirmed out of their reach, whirled
and hit for the center of the field.
Two Navy tacklers lunged and missed
and from the 50-yard line on it was
clear sailing. Long's kick for extra
point barely skimmed past the right

Oklahoma Still
Is Undefeated
Sooners' Aerial Thrusts
ConquerAggies, 19-0
STILLWATER, Okla., Nov. 26-0P)
-Oklahoma's Sooners, unbeaten
champions of the Big Six, traveled
the air lanes when their ground at-
tack bogged down and whipped the
Oklahoma Aggies, 19 to 0, before 9,000
fans here today.
The Sooners took to the air to set
the stage for two touchdowns in the
second period and added an end zone
pass for the final counter in the
last quarter. The Aggies never got as
far as the 50-yard line and spent most
of the afternoon scratching their
backs on their own goal posts.
The Aggie forward wall throttled
E the Sooner ground attack through a
scoreless first period, but when Hugh
McCullough and Otis Rogers, the
Sooner gunners, opened up with dead-
ly accuracy, the Aggie defense
The first touchdown came on the

_ ._... A


TCU, Tulane, Fordha m Gain Victories
Over SMU, Louisiana State And NYU


Winter Roundup . . CLIFF KEEN, wrestling mentor, is
moaning low, but that's not un-
ON'T SELL this winter sports pa- usual. Keen has a typical coaching
rade short, as everybne seems so pessimism which his solemn physiog-
prone to do, despite the fact that on nomy makes even more pronounced..

all but one front the outlook is tinged
with black.
With the exception of track, the
indoor season has been officially pro-
claimed by the uowntown coaches as
a complete flop. Too many losses,
too few replacements-that's their
story, and it undeniably has some '
Leading off with track-just to
get the pleasant out 'o the wayj
-we find Charley Hoyt loaded
with talent and even Charley
himself believes that the team
should be "pretty fair." Coming
from Mr. Hoyt, that is the most
laudatory praise a team might
Besides the veterans from his in-
door and outdoor championship squad
of last year, Hoyt has one of the
greatest freshmen teams in history
up for competition. Balyeat, Breid-
enbach, and Leutritz are three names
you may put on your winter favorite
list with assurance. Capt. Bill Wat-
son and Co. seems heavily loaded in
every event but the javelin with
Tom Harmon and Paul Kromer filling
in the sprints hole of last year, In
short, Mr. Hoyt may actually win
another title this year.
able Bennie Oosterbaan's first
year as head coach. Missing this sea-
son will be the incomparable Jake
Townsend, greatest basketball player
in Michigan history, Herm Fishman.
Bill Barclay, and Mannie Slavin. The
loss of Townsend, as I see it, has a
two sided edge, and it may not be as
catastrophic as it seems.a
I realize that you can't lose a player
who scores 364 points in three years
and smile about it. Not only was
Townsend a masterful shotmaker, but
he served as the; hub of the offense.
He was the playmaker, and as Jake
went, so went the team.
Under Cappie Cappon's slow
breaking off nse -meticulously
set-up and based on split second <
precision-Townsend would feed
to his back line . mates or pivot
and whirl for a flip shot of his
own. His repute spread through
the Conference like wildfire.
Schools began double and even
triple guarding him. That he
scored 135 points under this
handicap in his senior year is a
#fitting tribute to his greatness.



Keen has lost by graduation
Paul Cameron, Earl Thomas, and
jJohn Speicher, Conference and
national champion. Harland
Danner, his 165 pound Big Ten
champion, is in Guatamala,
Mexico, studying the habits of
a rare Mexican tribe, and he
won't be back until next year.
But Keen has a good sized squad,
some good sophomore prospects, and
excellent veteran talent in Confer-
ence champ Don Nichols, brother of
lHarold Nichols, this year's captain,
and Butch Jordan, out last year with
injuries. Keen's big problem is In-
diana, but he is used to wrestling
problems-it's part of his job. I look
for a strong squad this season.
long to Eddie Lowrey, fast talk-
ing hockey coach. His Gibbonian
chatter in tempo, but his squqad is
hardly up to scratch, and Eddie
knows it.
Lost from last year is his play
maker Gib Jamnes, Johnny Fa-
bello, and defensemen Burt
Smith and Capt. Bob. Simpson,
all of whom graduated. Edwin
"Smack" Allen, his sensational
sophomore center had neither the
finances nor the inclination to re-
turn to school. That leaves
Lowrey one regular from last
year's crew, Spike James, out-
standing goalie.
His mainstays this year will be Evy
Doran and George Cooke, center and
wing respectively. Capt. Les Hill-
berg will handle one defense post;
the other is still open. Lowrey is
working his charges hard, but he has
a big job ahead of him getting a
smooth-working, coordinated outfit.#
P ICKUPS: What's this about Ohio
State's football team striking the
Monday before the Michigan game?
- . The grapevine reports that the
Buckeyes wouldn't return until Fran-
cis "What Gates?" Schmidt restored
tackle Frank Smith to active duty ...
It seems that Smith was fired after
a fight over who was to get the ball
after the Illinois game . . . And the
squad lined up behind him to force
Schmidt to lift the ban . . . Ted Iu-
sing had Fritz Crisler on the air be-
tween halves of the Penn-Cornell
game . . . Alice Marble, the tennis
honey, begins warbling at the Wal-
dorf-Astoria, Dec. 1 . .. Atten. Field-
ing H. Yost: Jack Corbett, Syracuse
baseball man, discusses the innova-
tion of the spiral in kicking and pass-
in football . . . He insists that way
back in his younger days, he remem-
bers it was a new stunt connected
with a fellow named Hershberger
playing for Stagg at Chicago

DALLAS, Tex., Nov. 26-(P)-Un-
bridled Texas Christian nailed up its
regular season today with a sledge-
hammer lick that felled Southern
Methodist, 20-7, won the Southwest
title and lifted the hook for a 'phone
call from Pasadena.
Tenth victim of the Christians, the'
Methodists were the toughest on the
list and gave up after sending 24,000
fans into a dither in the closing
Little David O'Brien brought out!
his passing wizardry only occasion-
ally, but he personally led a ground
game that netted two touchdowns
and 231 yards.
Immediately after the game the
Cotton Bowl Athletic Association
sponsors of the annual New Year's
day post-season classic at Dallas,
issued an invitation to the Chris-
tians but a reply was not expected
for several days.
Southern Methodist, undefeated in
Southwest Conference play until to-
day, scored its only touchdown in the
fourth period. A swarm of 'Iethod-
ists led by Jack Sanders, big tackle,
poured in on Connie Sparks as he at-
tempted to kick from his own 32. The
kick was blocked and Bob Collins,
reserve end, caught it and ran 18
yards for the touchdown.
Only ten minutes after the kickoff
the Christians fell in behind O'Brien
and marched 36 yards on 14 plays
for the first touchdown, using only
one of their famed passes.
Rangy Don Looney, left end, who
crushed S.M.U. running plays all
afternoon, threw in a rowdy tackle

that set up the second Christian
On the first play, O'Brien shot a 25-
yard pass that Hall snagged on the

10 and took across for the score. RAMS 25, VIOLETS 0
NEW YORK, Nov. 26 -(P)- The
FREE-FOR-ALL FEATURES GAME once-beaten Rams kept alive their
BATON ROUGE, La., Nov. 26-!P) Bowl hopes by pile driving the New
-Tulane's fast football team trounced I York University Violets, 25 to 0, in
Louisiana State today, 14 to 0, before I
40,000 fans in a rough game cli-l their final game today before 50,000
maxed by general fighting among frost-bitten spectators in Yankee
fans and players. Stadium.
The Tigers could do nothing to stop Wearing basketball sneakers for
Tulane's shifty halfbacks, Bob Kel- half the game to afford better foot-
log and Fred Cassibry, who sparked ing on the icy grass, Fordham's
the Wave's attack and scored a touch- plunging backs struck swiftly for two
down apiece. touchdowns in the opening quarter
The game was one of the fiercest of and finished with a couple more in the
the 36 the teams have played. Bronco fourth.
Brunner, Tulane brilliant back, and There was no question of the result
Jack Staples, Tiger fullback, were after Dom Principe, big Fordham full-
carried from the field with painful back, charged across the goal line to
injuries.bck, 54-adg d rs h.n
In the fourth quarter, officials climax a 54-yard drive in the opening
ouste Jams Stll, igerhalfackes of play. The N.Y.U. line
ousted James Stell, Tiger halfback, wasn't strong enough. Mike Hearn
and Tom O'Boyle, Tulane guard, for ran 12 yards for the second score
swapping punches. The Tigers were after two brilliant sprints by Len Esh-
penalized for clipping, unnecessary mont had carried the ball from mid-
roughness and slugging. Bruce Hed- field
ric, L.S.U. field general, was put out A
on the slugging charge. A 73-yard punt by Eshmont, which
Then the players cut loose with was a remarkable boot for a man
swings and wallops. Fans stieamed to make while wearing soft shoes,
down out of the stands, some of them set up the third touchdown
with sections of the stands used as
Coaches from both benches quieted
the fighting, a few more plays were for
run, the last whistle blew, some Tu-
lane admirers ripped up the Tiger SU N D A Y D 1
goalposts, and the battling started
_ _____-_Chicken Mulli

all over again. The fist-swingingf
went on till darkness put an end to

'Powder Puff' Elevens
I Smeared -- By Lipstick
CHARLESTON, W. Va., Nov. 26-
M-Two "Powder Puff" elevens from
Morris Harvey College cavorted
(that's the word) between halves of
today's football game w~ll Davis-
Elkins College,
Only the coeds' lYpsticks got
smeared and there was no score. The
girls played the entire game of three
minute quarters within the 40 yard
stripes but the fans loved it.
The Morris Harvey men gridders
didn't get anywhere either.
fTheir game ended in a 6-6 deadlock,
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* Football '37, '38,


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JACK BRENNAN achieved notoriety a few years ago with a photograph he
gave to a lady admirer. Across it he had inscribed, "I'm yours, every muscle."
Since then he has used that brawn to make himself one of the outstanding
guards in the Western Conference. Big, blonde, amiable to a fault, Jack
is a member of Sphinx, men's junior honorary society; Michigamua, senior
men's honorary group, and an active of Phi Gamma Delta, social fraternity.
The brawn which madie Jack famous in social circles, as well as on the
gridiron, is always clothed with collegiate smartness. His clothes, be they
a sweater-slack combination or a tuxedo with trimmings, bear the stamp
of Greene's superior Microcleaning service.


Micro clean




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