Osborne's Orchestra
For Soph
through sea-weed, when most of us
have a bad enough time on dry land.;
But it is the "Parade of the Oceans"
number that is really mystifying.
Maybe it is a "good-will toward men"
idea, with an international atmos-
phere., But the Sophomore Cabaret 1
usually makes one think of much an-s
ipiation, not preaching, so you never
can tell.
Features Star-Fish Trio
One of the outstanding features ,f
the Cabaret will be the star-fish trio,
and those who make up the trio are!
Annabel Van Winkle, '41, Betty Ann}
Chaufty, '41, and Janet Homer, '41. 1
Personally, we didn't know that star-
fish sang, but here is one that does!,
The decorations sound intriguing,
and all sophomore women who are.
interested are urged to come every
possible afternoon and evening this
week to work on them, in Room 5 in
the League. Jeanne Davis, '41, as-
sistant chairman, stated, however,
that no sophomore woman may par-
ticipate who has not paid her class
swagger Coat Of Mina Dance Tickets Gay New Scarvs \W.A.A. To Give
To Be On Sale Come To Fashion Show
AU n eFor Chic Variety
Scarves seem to be ail the rage this iss Dorothy Beise To Be
Band To Feature Vocalists winter, from chiffon to chiffon wools Commentator Thursday
to satin and silk. And they come in ____
Dick Rogers, Gail Reese every conceivable color and pattern. "Figure Fashions," a fashion show
And New 'Slide. M' Everything from the story of Ferdin-the Women's Athletic1
d _ew___ deMUI and the Bull to Fraternity crests ap- sponsored b h
w pears on the vivacious little acces- Association, will be given at 4:301
Will Osborne and his orchestra will o to esop.m. Thursday at the Women's Ath-
play for the annual Soph Prom to be I he Kentucky mountain folk have letic Building, Dr. Margaret Bell. di-
held Dec. 9, at the Union Ballroomgiven us a very smart scarf of a rector of physical education for wom-
Robert Crane, general chairman of given unaoverysmartesarftof.
the dance,announced yesterday. coarse weave with little mountain en, announced recently.
characters embroidered on them in Dorothy Beise, of the women's
Osborne features "slide music, and bright yarns. Other embroidered physical education department, will
velvet rhythm," Crane said, which has scarves are to be found in sheer wools comment on the clothes as they areI
been patented as an original style. with floral patterns done in more modeled. Apparel such as coats, af-
The orchestra is made up of three yarn. ternoon and formal dress and sports
trombones, three trumpets, and four Block prints of everything from wear, including sweaters and skirts,
saxophones which accomplish this ef- Mexican peons and cacti to nursery knitted suits, bathing suits, slacks
I fect. Comedy novelty numbers are rhymes go with the new pastel sweat- and shorts, will be modeled.
also a specialty of the band, incluc- ers. Imported head scarves on fine Miss Beis- will also make com-
ing other band imitation, some chor,:s cashmere with huge flowers blocked ments on shoes and po.itions for
work, and straight comedy numbers. on them come to us from Hungary to walking, sitting, standing, going up
Two Vocalists Featured add a flavor of the peasant to one's and down stairs, and studying. Let-
The band has played a season at appearance. ters are being sent to the various
the New Yorker Hotel in New York The more radical will adore the houses on campus inviting them to
City, and at the Blackhawk Cafe in large angora baboshka head and hair elect a representative to act as a
Chicago, and the Lexington Hotel in protectors while some are wild about model.
New York. Osborne completed an the latest new "D.T." ones. These Advise Women During Tea
engagement in September at the Glen are of a dark background on heavy While tea is being served, upper-
Island Casino in New Rochelle, N.Y. satin and have distorted pink ele- classmhen may have individual rat-
Dick Rogers and Gail Reese will phants and D.T. visions dancing ings given by one of the advisers in
accompany the orchestra as vocal- around their borders. the four offices in the building. Dean
ists, Crane announced, and vocal Alice C. Lloyd, Miss Ethel McCormick,
Squared shoulders and a turned- work by Osborne himself is also fea- social director of the League, Miss
tured by the organization. W.A.A. SPORTS SCHEDULE Laurie Campbell, of the women's
down collar lend distinction to this The ticket sale for the dance will physical education department, Mrs.'
new mink coat. It shows the trend begin Wednesday at 2 p.m. at the Badminton: Mixed play from Alexander G. Ruthven and Dr. Bell
for boxy swagger lines in fur, and Union desk. The sale will be open 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. tomorrow, will act as the advisers.
is fastened at the neck by a ,single to sophomores only Wednesday and Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday; All women students may attend
button Thursday, and will be opened to the mixed club from 7:30 p.m. to 9 "Figure Fashions," but those who
__._other classes at 2 p.m., Friday. Tick- p.m. Wednesday; club meeting at have had a medical examination this
ets will be priced at $2.50, and the 4:15 p.m. Friday. fall will be excluded from the indi-
Bowling Manager Chosen sale will be limited to 350 couples. Basketball: Martha Cook vs. vidual ratings to be given. Tickets are
Childs Played Last Year Jordan at 4:30 p.m. tomorrowe; available /in Room 15 at Barbour
Jeannette Stickels, '40, has been Plans for the decorations which will Zone IV. vs. Adelia Cheever at Gymnasium. The tickets are free, but
chosen as the new women's bowling be based on a Christmas theme are 5:10 p.m. tomorrow; Alpha Xi are being given out to limit the num-
manager, Norma Curtis, '39, presi- nearing completion, Crane said. Delta vs. Pi Beta Phi and Kappa ber attending the show.
dent of the Women's Athletic Asso- The central committee in charge of Kappa Gamma vs. Zone II. at 5:10 Costume Committee Announced
ciation, announced recently. the dance consists of Crane; Neal p.m. Tuesday; Alpha Gamma Del- Marian Baxter, '39, is acting as
- Seegert, '41, publicity; Elinor Sevi- ta vs. Alpha Chi Omega and Ann chairman of the costumes committee.
son, '41, programs; Jane Grove, '41, Arbor Independents vs. Alumni Other members of this committee are
patrons; Robert Morrison, '41E, fi- House at 4:30 p.m. Wednesday; Edith Lynch, '41, and Barbara Teall.
nance; John Sobeski, '41E, decora- Zone VII. vs. Mosher and Zone '39. The properties committee is com-
tions; and Williamn Briggs, '41, floor I VIII. vs. Alpha Delta Pi at 5:10 posed of Miriam Szold, '40Ed, chair-
committee. p.m. Wednesday; Betsy Barbour man, Helen Nutting, '41, and Sally
Reggie Childs and his orchestra vs. Kappa Alpha Theta and Delta Connery, '40Ed. Virginia Allan, '39.
played for Soph Prom last year, and Gamma vs. Alpha Phi at 4:30 p.m. is in charge of the tea.
the tickets were priced at $2.75. Thursday; Alpha Epsilon Phi vs. The women chosen as models are
Phi Sigma Sigma at 5:10 p.m. asked to meet for practice at 4:30
Dames To Hear Readin Thursday. p.m. Tuesday at the Women's Athletic
hBowling: From 3:15 p.m. to 6 Building.
A reading of Thornton Wilder's p.m. and from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Pulitzer Prize winning play, "Our daily; from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. Sat- Beta To H
Iown," will be given at the meeting urday. PPhilTo 101(1
f the Drama Section of the Michi- Dance: Meetings at 7:15 p.m.
gan Dames at 8:15 p.m. Monday at Wednesday and at 4:15 p.m. Sale Of Handeraft
the League. Mrs. Harry W. Brewer Thursday in Barbour Gymnasium.Sth a Mrye
is in charge of the affair. T
.:. . _-_ he Pi Beta Phi Alumnae Club of
1938 Sophomore Cabaret, $
League Fair To Head'
Activities Of Week-End
Sophomore Cabaret, and the LeagueI
Fair to be held in conjunction with#
it this weekend, lead the list of the;
week's activities. A Choral Union
concert with Kirsten Flagstad, lec-'
ures by Col. W. Stewart-Roddie, Dr. r
H. H. Bartlett, Prof. Lent D. Upson,i
Henry Seyrig, and Mr. Paul Leyssac,
and an Art Cinema movie complete,
the program.
"Deep-Sea Doodles" will be tn
theme of the Sophomore Cabaret, to
be held Friday and Saturday. The
League Fair, to be given at the same
time, will carry out the same idea,
with "Davy Jones' Locker."
Miss Flagstad, Wagnerian soprano
with the Metropolitan Opera, will
sing at 8:30 p.m. Wednesday in Hill
Colonel Stewart-Roddie will lec-
ture at 8:15 p.m.' Tuesday in Hill
Auditorium on "European Mosaic."
He will give a series of vivid sketches
on events and personalities in Eu-
rope. He was made a Commander of
the Royal Victorian Order by King
George of England for distinguished
service to his country.
Professor Upson of Wayne Univer-
sity will speak at 4:15 p.m. Tuesday
in Rackham Auditorium on "Michi-
gan's Tax System." Seyrig, director
of the department of antiquities in
Syria, will lecture at the same hour
Wednesday in the Rackham Audito-
rium on "The Meeting of Greek and'
Iranian in the Civilization of Pal-
Dr. Bartlett will speak on "Botany's
Unfinished Business" at 8:15 p.m.
Monday in the Amphitheatre of the
Horace Rackham Building. The lec-
ture is sponsored by the Phi Sigma
The first lecture of the Cerele Fran-
cais will be given at 4:05 p.m. Tues-
day in the Romance Languages build-
ing. Leyssac of the Theatres Rej ane
and de l'Oeuvre in Paris and of the
Civic Repertory Theatre in New York
will give a dramatic recital in French.
".Peg of Old Drury," an English
film statrring. Jean Neagle and Sir
Cedric Hardwicke, will be shown here
Dec. 2 and 3 by the Art Cinema
League. This film tells the story of
the romance of David Garrick and
Peg Woffington.
Unusual Tug Boat Shoe
Is Square And Chunky
Fashion designers have been bor-
rowing everything from Europe this
fall and among other things have
come the "Tug Boat" shoes they are
patterned after Austrian ski boots.
They have very square puritan toes
and the tops are of stitched suede.
The laces are of leather thongs and
very stern square heels give the foot
a chunky appearance that makes it
look nches shorter. The tops of this
smart new footwear are high and
fit snugly around the ankle. They
are brightened by vivid thongs that
show themselves off wonderfully
against the black suede background.
Kirsten Flagstad, Class Project,
Lectures, Film Will Fill Week
I, i ,F/
a 0
)f distincton
for wise early birds!
I .
-End Sale
at Sun Valley or the Arboretum,
the Coliseum or Lake Placid
MAYBE you're not anticipating a trip to Sun Valley or
Lake Placid ... maybe you'll take your winter sports in your
own "back yard," at the Arboretum or the Coliseum. But,
if you were going to one of these famous resorts, wouldn't
you be pleased to find professionally acceptable clothes
worn there, right here in our College Shop?
SKI SUITS of gabardine or wool fleece ...from $15.00,
Separate jackets . . . $6.50. Dark fleece trousers . . . $5.00.
TWuo-PIECE SKATING DRESSES with ballerina skirts
lined with plaid or contrasting taffeta. In wool jersey or
velveteen . . . from $15.00.
CABLE-STITCH SWEATERS with plain or turtle-necks
...from $6.50. Socks, mittens and cap to match . . . $1.00
to $3.00 each.
CHUBBY, plaid-lined sheepskin jacket . . . $17.95.
BRIGHT RED UNION SUITS, the really old-fashioned
kind . . $3.00. Red or beige tights . . . $3.95.
Not in Months a sale like this
Come one! Come all! Before the Holidays!
Biggest Fashion Values ever!
Shop Today.. Save Dollars!
Dress better than ever -- spend less! Prices sharply reduced in
the clothes you need now, Clothes you'll wear smartly thru
Winter! Dressy new Holiday Frocks, Furred -Coats, sturdy
Sports Coats, Two- and Three-piece Suits - the very clothes
you need and want are here - irresistibly low priced.
Furred Coats,
$22.50 to $45.00
Formerly priced to $69.75
Sports and Utility Coats
Formerly to $35.00
Three-ipiece Suits
$22-50 and $35.00
Formerly to $35.00 Sizes 12 to 18
Beautiful Velvets, Matelasses, Crepes, Wool, Knits
$10.00 $ PRICES
Formerly to $35.00 Sizes 11-17 12 - 45 16% - 26/
Ann Arbor will hold a sale from two
to five Tuesday and Wednesday af-
ternoon at the sorority house. Handi-
-raft made by taeir Settlement School
at Gatlenburg, 'Tenn., will be on sale.
The Alumnae Club holds this sale
annually to further the finances of
the Settlement School. The goods 'tc
be on sale are made by the natives
of Tennessee. Hand woven rugs.
wicker baskets, and linens are a few
of the inexpensive things to be on
display. Tea will be served during the
sale and everyone is cordially invited
to attend.
So luxurious
will you be
in a new
Jacobson robe
that you'll feel
like a
visiting prima donna ...
and for a
Christmas gift superb
you couldn't make
a better choice .
- snuggly
washable chenilles,
felt embroidered
suede fabrics,
stunning slipper satins,
striped flannels and
tailored Barbizon satins
make up our most >ex-
citing gift collection
in years..
to say nothing
of our gorgeous
BAGS and
Strikingly unique styles in
fine quality leathers and
suedes! Stunning brocade
vanities, beautifully fit-
ted, too! Priced at:
$2.95 & $4.95
Such gala patterns you'll
snatch them up for your-
self, too! Silks and wools!
$1.95 to $5.95
in clever styles!
Everyone loves our ,rclever
new mitts and gloves! Bright
wools, gaily embroidered and
smart suede fabrics!
$1.95 to $3.95
Gorgeous, new
some copies of antique French
ry, candy jewelry, leather novelties
ny more! $1.95 to $10.95
Formerly to $12.95 Sizes 11 to 40
Extra Special ... DRESSES
One Closeout Group of Junior Dresses Sizes 11 to 17
(Free Gift Wrapping
For Giving with Pride