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Edited and managed by students of the University of
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am L. Newnan
len Jean bean
aran' A. Baxter
ting Portugal's African possessions between them.
Portugese West Africa (Angola) and Portugese
East Africa (Mozambique) were tc be divided.
Although conditions in Europe have changed
since 1914, it is very possible that Chamberlain
might take up the negotiations with Hitler jus
where they had been abruptly interrupted in
order to "appease" the Chancellor at no cost to
Britain. The Belgian Congo, just north of both
these Portugese areas provides another likely
territory that the large democracies can appro-
priate without much worry and hand to Hitler
retaining their own empire, in toto.
It is our opinion that thlis concession, will pre-
cede, any overtures toward the Ukraine or South
America, since the echo of Hitler's Sportpalast
promise of territorial satiation in Europe is still
resounding. When the situation has become
calmer, and his propagandists in the Ukraine
have had time to stir the nationalistic feeling
to a revolt fever, Hitler will probably turn back
toward the east and isolated Russia. The ques-
tion remains: How soon?
-Morton Carl Jampel
Food For
Starving, Spain. .
O N NOV. 20 Diego Martinez Barrios,
president of Government Spain's
parliament and director of its National Aid
Committee, telegraphed thanks to the Americas
people 'for the shipment of clothes and food-
stuffs that had recently arrived aboard the(
American freighter Erica Reed.
It is heartening to see that the humanitarian
efforts of the American Committee to Aid Span-
ish Democracy have been able to alleviate even
a portion of the suffering of the Spanish people.
But although the Erica Reed carried a $300,000
cargo of much-needed supplies, it is evident
that tri e shipment only scratched the !surface
of the needs of. the noncombatants in the war
An exhaustive survey recently made by League
of Nations officials indicated the extent of the
need for noncombatant supplies in, Spain. The
need is so urgent, the report stated, that there"
is not even time for the formation of an organi-
zation to raise funds for the purchase of sup-
Lawrence A. Fernsworth, correspondent of the
New York Times now stationed at Barcelona
wrote:" . . . food is the most pressing problem,"
and it is "the theme of conversation wherever
three or four persons gather."
A report from the commissioner of the Inter-,
national Committee for Relief in Spain, M. de
Lilliehook, adds: "All of the 2,400,000 children in
Spain are undernourished, while 400,000 of them
are bordering on starvation."
There is no need to say more of the need of
the Spanish people for immediate and efficient
aid. The American Committee has demonstrated
that an intensive campaign can produce such
results as the Erica Reed voyage; there must be
other campaigns and other food ships, to aid
Spain in her heroic fight against the spectre of
-S. R. Kleiman
-by David Lawrence-
WASHINGTON, Nov. 26-Since
when "reciprocity" is in the air, members of
Congress are beginning to discuss ways and
means of handling the refugee problem created
by Nazi Germany.
It now is being suggested that. since America
has a limited quota available each year for the
a'dmission of immigrants, and since the quota of
27,000 is but a small fraction of the 600,000 per-
sons who are clamoring for an opportunity to
leave Germany, maybe the Nazis will agree to a
little reciprocity or trading.
The plan proposed is that the United States
agree to exchange 27,000 or more Nazis who live
in America for 27,000# refugees who want to escape
Nazi rule. The Dies Committee investigating
Un-American Activities has found that there are
somewhere near 200 organizations in America
fomenting class and religious hatreds. Many of
the Nazis wear uniforms of the Hitler Govern-
ment and in their meetings conduct themselves
in Nazi style. Since these Pro-Nazi enthusiasts
are so fond of the Nazi form of government, it
may be that they would prefer living in Germany,
whereas there must be an equal number now in
Germany who would be glad to acclaim the
democratic form of government prevalent in our
These Nazis in America are not to be confused
with the overwhelming majority of American
citizens of German birth and indeed German
aliens who hate Nazism as intensely as do demo-
crats everywhere. But the Nazis, and, to be sure,
some of the Italian Pro-Fascists in the United
States, are not interested in preserving democ-
racy, but in making America as much like the
Fascist countries abroad as they can. '
Disclosure that these anti-American activities
are going on inside the United States naturally
would not lead to deportation, for that is always
a cruel hardship. But it may well be that the
Nazis who find themselves compelled to live in
a country where Catholics, Jews and Protestants
have equal rights and opportunities are so anxious
to become a part of Nazi Germany that they will
be glad to go back to Europe.
The financing of-such a huge emigration might
be difficult were it not for the fact thatAmeri-
can generosity can be relied on. The Nazis or
the Italian Fascists who like foreign countries
better than their own should be permitted t
take their capital or proceeds from the sale of
their businesses along with them 100 per cent,
and the American- Government might even be
persuaded to pay ocean transportation for them.
This is not what the Nazi government is per-
mitting with respect to those who are disliked
by the Nazi government, but then democracies
are always more generous and broad-minded
than the Fascists. It's just one of those clumsy
virtues which democratic countries prefer to pos-
sess because they do think about world opinion.
tnese are days
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The editorials published in The Michigan.
Daily are written by members of the Daily
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You of M
By Sec Terry
(Editor's Note: Joseph Shelley Mattes
aware that "the foreigner's version"
of any state of affairs is not infrequent-
ly the best, forwarded the following
piece, culled from The Daily Northwes-
tern and written by Bobette Kobey, a
girl reporter. Mattes, managing editor
of the Michgan Daily last year. is now a
member of the Chcago Daily News
Fun At Ann Arbor,
THIS IS your feminine correspond-
ent reporting on Ann Arbor,
where "rah-rah" is still in the dic-
tionary. It's a nice little town filled
with Kresge stores and hamburger
joints and students. The greatest dif-
ference between Ann Arbor and Evan-
ston, I think, is economic. If you're
poor in Evanston you study like the
devil and hope nobody will find out,
but in Ann Arbor boys and girls run
around in shoes and coats that would
definitely be classed as ex-collegia
With this casual sloppiness goes a
small-town friendliness that is quite
refreshing. With this friendliness
goes a strict caste system that pro-
nounces such-and-such a fraternity
shall not date such-and-such a sor-
Nobody expects to get an orchid and
go to the Drake, firstly because an
orchid is horribly expensive, and
secondly because there is no "Drake.
You dance at the Michigan Union
for about a dollar a couple, and may-
be you go to the Pretzel-Bell for a
glass of beer, but nothing stronger.
Then you walk home, or if it's a gala
occasion you may take a cab for fifty
cents for two people anywhere in
town. But, whatever happens, the girls
must be in their dorms or sorority
houses at 1:30 on Friday nights and
12:30 on Saturday nights.
The U. of Michigan rambles all
over Ann Arbor, unlike Northwestern,
which sits in the middle of Evanston
as tightly and compactly as a seed
in an orange. One sorority house
may be several miles away from the
various scattered fraternities instead
of being pelasantly compacted into
quads. This may be fine for husky
Michigan students and a real source
of exercise, but I still have a beastly
penchant for riding when I'm going
several miles.
Personally I didn't think the girls
I saw at Michigan were absent when
beauty was handed out, but the boys
dryly comment, "Four out of five
j girls are good looking. The fifth comes
- to Michigan."
All the while I was in Ann Arbor
I was comparing their school build-
ings, tall, new and modern, with our
Locy and then I kept saying to my-
self, "This is a State endowed school
and it can afford . . ." and then
I mentally kicked myself when I saw
their beautiful publications building.
An entire building for their Daily,
their magazine, the Gargoyle, and
their yearbook, the Ensian. And all
junior and senior staff members of
these publications are paid for their
work. However, I did find out that
each publication had to make enough
profit to pay rent on the publica-
tions building. When I was told that
the editors of the yearbook made
$1,500 each last year I nearly swooned
Michigan, with its beautiful build-
ings and stadium with an 85,000 capa-
city and big publications, can be
more easily understood when the
12.000 students at Ann Arbor is com-
pared with the 4,600 in Evanston. Of
course, we have about 8,000 students
on the Chicago campus, but the ma-
jority of them, excluding the Law,
Medical and Dental Schools, take but
one or two classes in the evenings.
I didn't hear a word about intellec-
tual life, but then I was busy answer-
ing sarcastic questions like, "And who
do you think will win the game?"
The visiting firemen had great fun
in the Michigan stands at the game.
About four of us howled, "Sis-Yow
-Wildcats" throughout the perform-
ance. When the band played "Go, U
Northwestern," we stood up all by our
lonesomes and during the game we
explained in loud voices what a won-
derful player Haman was, and the
entire stands touted Kromer.
After the game neither of us said
(Continued from Page 2)
Building. Classes will meet from
3:15 to 4 p.m. on those days when
sufficient registration is atfained.
Academic 1otices
Sophomores, College of L.S. and A.:
Second semester elections must be
approved during the period from Nov.
28 to Jan. 28. Each sophomore ex-
cept those expecting to qualify for
concentration in February, 1939, will
be sent a postcard giving specific in-
formation concerning the proper pro-
cedure. It is the responsibility of each
individual to follow directions care-
fully. Cooperation in making and
keeping appointments will give each
student adequate opportunity to dis-
cuss his elections Jwith his counselor
and will prevent confusion and delay
at the end of the semester.
Sophomores who expect to 'qualify
for concentration in February, 1939,
should have their elections approved
by the adviser in their proposed de-
partment or field of concentration.
Arthur Van Duren, Chairman
Academic Counselors.
Geology 11: make-up field trips
will be held on the following days.
Please check the lists posted on bul-
letin board across from 2051 N.S.
Trip 1. Rocks. Tuesday, Nov. 29. 4
Trip 2. Saline. Monday, Nov. 28. 1
Trip 3. Dexter. Friday, Dec. 2, 1
Trip 4. Ann Arbor. Wednesday, Nov.
30. 1 o'clock.
Trip 5. Lima Center. Thursday, Dec.
1. 1 o'clockCd
Trip 6. Whitmore Lake. Saturday,
Dec. 3 8 o'clock
Zoology 31: (Organic Evolution):
The second examination will be held
Tuesday, November 29. I will be in
my office, room 4097 Natural Science
Building, from 2 to 4 p.m. Monday.-
A. Franklin Shull.
Hygiene Exemption Test: All up-
perclass women students who have
Publication in th 1Tilletin is constructive notice to all members of the
UnivitCopmy rueiecei at the office of the Assistant to the President
unt-il 3:30: 11:'00 ain . on Saturdlay
not completed the hygiene lectures
or their equivalent must satisfy this
requirement either by taking the hy-
giene examination test offered at 5
pin. Monday, Nov. 28, in Natural
Science Auditorium or by enrolling in
one of the two lecture series to be
given at 4 p.m. Monday starting Feb.
20 and at 3 p.m. Friday starting Feb.
24. All freshmen who wish to take
the hygiene exemption test, if they
have not already done so, may take
the examination.
j Carillon Recital: Percival Price,
guest carillonneur, will make his
final appearance in the Burton
Tower, Sunday afternoon at 3:00
o'clock. He will be assisted by two
student carillonneurs, Tom Kinkead,
instructor in organ, and. Emil Ven-
dette, from Ottawa, Canada, who has
been studying under Mr. Price dur-
ing his sojourn inrAnn Arbor. An
octet of trumpeters from the Uni-
versity Band will also participate in
the opening numbers on the program.
On account of the hour of the recital,
visitors will not be permitted to visit
the Tower at the usual hour.
The Wilson Ornithological Club
and the Ann Arbor Art Association
present an exhibition of bird prints,
drawings, and paintings in the gal-
leries of the Rackham building.
Friday to Saturday, 9-12; 2-5. 4
Monday (Nov. 28) to Saturday
(Dec. 3) 2-5.
University Lecture: Hertri ;eyrig,
Director of the, Department of An-
itiquities in Syria, will give an il-
lustrated lecture on "The Meeting of
Greek and Iranian in the Civilization
of Palmyra" at 4:15 p.m. on Wednes-
day, Nov. 30, in the Rackham Amphi-
theatre under the auspices of the Mu-A
seum of Classical Archaeology. The
public is cordially invited.
The Next
Sudeten Crisis
" "
H ISTORIANS have long maintained
that Hitler is another Bismarck
plus much larger ideas and the good fortune to
come into' power at a more auspicious time. In
the past year, however, Germany has shifted
markedly from its Bismarckian course but has,
still retained several very important similarities.
Hitler's aims are diameti'ically opposite to those
of his famous predecessor. The Germany of
Bismarck primarily sought to maintain the stat-
us quo. Today, Germany is the dynamic, moti-
vating force in Europe. Yet Hitler's tactics are
quite similar to those Bismarck used.
After the 'ranco-Prussian War Bismarck set
out on an intensive diplomatic campaign to
isolate France from the rest of Europe in order
to prevent the ' ossibility of her undertaking a
war of "revanche" against Germany. Hitler's
tactics are much the same, but the great dif-
ference that exists has been caused by the en-
trance of the "isnms" into the world scene. Ger-
many's major enemy today instead ofeFrance
is her ideological opposite, Soviet Russia. The
recent Franco-German non-aggression pact, the
Munich Pact and other indications point in ,the
direction of a definite policy on Hitler's part
planned to isolate Russia. And he is evidently
finding the European democracies, led by Tory-
ruled, England, willing to aid him.
The Munich pact saw more than the creation
of Czechoslovakia into a Nazi satelite. It was
the beginning of a complete realignment of
powers that will be an important milestone in
the world's history. The strong Franco-Russian
Alliance crumpled with the decision of Daladier
and Chamberlain to cater to the Rome-Berlin
axis; the Anglo-Italian Easter Accords are, being"
put into effect; and the entire trend of politics
on the continent is in the direction of a four-
power system under which Germany, Italy,
England and France would divide the world into
spheres of interest, with Germany taking the
leading role in the Balkans.
Meanwhile Germany has embarked on a policy
of economic, political and geographical expan-
sion that is more determined than ever. Since
Munich she has established a customs union and
a railway and canal pact with the fraction of
Czechoslovakia she wasn't given outright; she,
has succeded in having the Communists in
Slovakia outlawed; and she has taken the right
to move German troops across Czedhoslovakia.
Turkey is receiving large German loans, and
has recently placed a large order for rail equip-
ment with the Reich.
In Rumania the potent Nazi propaganda
machine is working with its usual deadly ef-
fect. KingCarol last Monday was forced to appeal
to France for aid. There is no German minority
in Rumania, but Carol fears the Hungarian
minority, situation may be exploited. Nazi insti-
gated anti-Semitism is breaking forth sporadic
ally and the monarch of Bucharest has real
cause for fear that the new "Sudeten" crisis
will force an alliance with Berlin upon him. He
has appealed to the democracies who created
these troublesome boundaries to take some part
in protecting them. But Daladier and Chamber-
lain, spurning Carol's pleas, have once again
indicated that until the fascist forces cross their
own boundaries they are not ready to fight.
And still the Nazi orbit grows larger and
Air Oxford Plan, Class Offices
- Readers Offer Solutions To Problems -
For Fewer Signatures
To the Editor:
Probably the most significant development in
the extra-curricular scene during the current
school year has been the revision of class govern-
ment which embodies the abolition of class
officers in all except the senior class, leaving
the dance committees as the sole functioning
class groups. The move is one which interested
persons on the campus have long anticipated.
No small amount of credit should be given the
Men's Council for effectively implementing the
opinion of the majority of students concerned.
Such a plan, following as it does the general
trend towards the elimination of activities which
do not aid in orienting the student to the life of
the University, deserves the whole-hearted sup-
port of the student body, faculty, and administra-
tion. Even more it merits the expression of such
conservative criticsm as may be forthcoming
from time to time. The plan can only be made
to work through active interest, rather than
passive acceptance, on the part of the student
The criticism to be advanced in this instance
does not relate to any inherent difficulty in the
plan as it was released to the campus this fall.
Instead it is concerned with a special ruling
of the Men's Council that petitions for nomina-
tion to the ballot in the literary college must
be accompanied by 35 signatures of students in
the same class as the petitioner. It should be
recognized immediately that the only function
such a requirement can fill is to indicate suffi-
cient interest on the part of the petitioner. Signa-
tures can hardly be taken as indicative of actual
support since ordinarily the average student
would sign the first petition proferred to him
although he might subsequently vote for other
This objection would not be of any real signi-
ficance were it not that the requirement injects
certain undesirable elements into the new plan.
Either the Men's Council must check these sig-
natures or they must subject the entire plan to
ridicule and watch it fall back to the level at
which campus politics have so long operated. If
the signatures are checked, some decision must
be made in regard to invalid and duplicated
signatures. Therein lies the possibility of many
Quite conceivably a student might circulate
his petition, obtain the necessary number of
signatures in good faith, and think no more of
+ho maor n +y t ern later that he had
attempt were made to correct this situation by
eliminating all petitions with invalid or duplicate
signatures, the injustice is even more obvious
Presuming that the complete elimination of'
this requirement would not be wholly desirable,
it seems fairly evident that fifteen or twenty
signatures could be taken as indicating a serious
interest on the part of the petitioner. At the same
time the intense competition for signatures which
prevailed in the petitioning period for literary
school juniors just past would largely disappear
and with it the attendant evils outlined in the
preceding paragraphs.
--Phil Westbrook, '40
The Oxford Movement
To the Editor :
I, who am one of the silent majority on the
campus, am writing because I am convinced
that there is a solution to the problems and
needs discussed in your letter column that should
be represented before the teaders of the Daily
and that has been found successful by persons all
over the world.
It has always been a problem to me where I
fitted into the economic and social order, and
I finally decided that selfishness was basic in
human nature and would always guide human
and world affairs. Then I found a movement in
which men and women all over the world today
are seeking to follow a higher will, are seeking
to live and serve on a higher plane, and are
meeting numerous of the world's needs in their
own spheres, the sum total of which is tending
to raise the whole level of universal thinking.
These people, the Oxford Group, are dedicated
to one will: the will of God through which mir-
acles have flowed since time began, and because
they have found in seeking for his will, a sense
of security, a sense of purpose in their lives and
a sense of responsibility to their neighbor, to
their nation and to God, their lives have been
amazingly changed. I have found that human
nature can be changed and is being changed
today throughout the world where this ever-
growing group of dedicated people are living
and seeking through a moral rearmament of the
people about them to change nations, change
the world in fact.
Through the Oxford Group people of different
races and classes are sitting down together to
work out problems on a cooperative basis, in-
dustrial problems are being solved, husbands and
wives are finding out how to live happily together,
aggravataed family situations are being ironed
out and all replaced with a sene of giving ao th
Madrigal Singers, Yella Pessl dir-
ector. 11:30-12 a.m., WLW.
Radio City Music Hall in tabloid
version of Gounod's Faust. Philo,
Peerce, Alvari, Weede, Erno Rapee
conductor. 12-1, KDKA, WWJ.
New York Philharmonic Orchestra,
Zoltan Kurthy violist, John Barbir-
olli conductor. Overture to Donna
Dianan(Reznicek), Elgar's Cello Con-
certo transcribed by Tertis_.for Viola,
Fountains of Rome (Respighi), Sym-
phony No. IV in F-minor (Tchaikow-
sky). 3-5, WBBM.
New' Friends of Music, Kolisch
String Quartet. Beethoven QuartetI
Cycle, Op. 18 No. 1 in F, Op. 132 in
A, Op 18 No. 6 in B-flat. 6-7, WXYZ,
Bach Cantata Series, Alfred Wal-
lenstein conductor. 8-8:30, CKLW.
Ford Sunday Evening Hour, Eliza-
beth Rethberg soprano, Jose, Iturbi
conductor. Academic Festival Over-
ture (Brahms), Claire de Lune (De-
bussy), Triana (Albeniz), songs{ and
arias by Schubert, Franz, Puccini,
Mozar't. 9-10, WJR.
Curtis Institute of Music, Jeanette
Savaran pianist, Eunice Shapiro vio-
linist. Solos and duets. 3-4, WXYZ,
WOR Symphony Orchestra, Eric
Delamarter conductor.h9:30-10:00,
WOR Symphony Orchestra, Nadiaj
Reisenberg pianist, Alfred Wallen-
stein conductor. 9:15-9:45, WOR.
Toronto Symphony, Reginald Stew-
art conductor. 9:30-10, CKLW,
Indianapolis Symphony, FabienE
Sevitzky conductor. Overture to The
Czar's Bride (Rimsky Korsakoff),
Soliloquy for Flute and String Or-
chestra (Rogers), Symphony No. 7
(Beethoven). 3-4, CBS.
Choral Union Concert, Kirsten
Flagstad soprano. "Allmacht," "Ab-
endrot," "Ungeduld" (Schubert);
"Herbst" (Franz) ; "Ich trage meine
Minne," "Cacilie" (Strauss); "Secret,"
"Fleur Jetee" (Faure); Elizabeth's
Prayer, "Dich Theure Halle" (Wag-
ner). 8:30, Hill Auditorium.
Columbia Symphony, Howard Bar-
low conductor. All-Mozart program.
10-10:30, WJR.
WOR Sinfonietta, Alfred Wallen-
stein conductor. 8:30-9, WOR.
Rochester Philharmonic, Jose Itur-
bi conductor. 8:30-9:30, WXYZ,
All-Stravinsky Symphonic Pro-
gram from Turin Italy. Eiar Sym-
phony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky ,
conductor. Apollon Musagete, Jeux
des Cartes. 4:10, WADC, WHIO.
Cincinnati Conservatory of Music.
Trio for piano, violin and 'cello. Op.
French Lecture: The first lecture
on the Cercle Francais program will
take place Tuesday, Nov. 29, at 4:05
sharp, Room 103, Romance Lan-
guage Building. Mr. Paul Leyssac of
the Theatres Rejane and de l'Oeuvre
in Paris and of The Civic Repertory
Theatre in New York will give a Dra-
matic Recital in French.
Tickets for thewhole series oflec-
tures can be procured from the Sec-
retary of the Romance Language De
partment (Room 112, Romance Lan-
guage Bldg.) or at the door at the
time of the lecture.
Events Today
Varsity Glee Club: Rehearsal to-
day at 4:50.
The Ann Arbor Friends: (Quakers)
will hold their regular meeting for
worship today at 5 P.M. at the Michi-
gan League. All who are interested
are welcome.
The Christian Student Prayer
Group will meet this afternoon at
5 p.m. in the Michigan League. Please
consult the bulletin board for the
room. Visitors are invited to enjoy
the quietness and fellowship of this
hour with the members.
The Lutheran Student Club will be
hosts to the Foreign Students at Zion
Parish house, 5:30 p.m. Sunday for
social hour and supper. Prof. Cun-
cannon, of the Political Science de-
partment, will speak on "Lincoln" at
the discussion hour. Lutheran stu-
dents and their friends are invited.
Freshman Round Table: Dr. Blake-
man will discuss the opinions of
freshmen as revealed in the question-
naires which he has been giving to
freshmen for several years, Sunday,
4 p.m., Lane Hall.
Phi Sigma Lecture Series. The
first in a series of lectures designed
to point out the many unsolved prob-
lems in the various branches of bi-
ology, will be given Monday evening,
Nov. 28, 1938, at 8:15 p.m. in the
Amphitheatre of the Rackham Build-
ing, by Dr. H. H. Bartlett. Dr. Bart-
lett will speak on "Botany's Unfin-
ished Business."
This lecture series is sponsored by
the Phi Sigma Society. The lecture
will prove of interest to all, and of
special interest to undergraduates
who are contemplating advanced
1study in the Biological Sciences.
The public is invited.
To the Editor:
Father Coughlin recently embarked
on new flights of vituperation and
fabrication which do no good to the
deepest feelings and hopes of the
oppressed Catholics of Germany, nor
to the Jews of the world who are un-
fortunate enough to be pilloried by
the decrepit social and economic dis-
order of our.,day.
This man, who has been discredit-
ed more than once in the eyes of
the American people, wildly tossed
his blandest lies over the nation,
excusing the Nazi predation and vir-
tually blaming the hapless victims
for their uncalled for fate. Coughlin,
from the words and tone of his
Sunday exhibition, to the discredit of
the Catholic Church and the pain
of its most oppressed members in
Germany, sounded dangerously like
Adolph Hitler.
I do not protest Father Coughlin's
right to use the air. That is a right
The meeting of the Avukah orgin-
ally scheduled for today will not be
held. A regular meeting will be held
on Thursday at 8:00 p.m.
The Hillel String Trio will present
a recital at the Foundation today at
:4:00 p.m. It will be assisted by Mar-
gere Abramson, contralto. All are
Coming Events
Biological Chemistry Seminar, Mon-
dar Nov2 8. 198. 7-9o nr. m.nnom