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November 27, 1938 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1938-11-27

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Barbers Spe
On New
Daily Interview U
(Continued rrom Page


Erection Of Rackham Building
Integrated Graduate Activities
(Editor's Note: This is the fifth in and from a low landing give access
a series of articles on the hstory, de- to the elevators and to corridors
velopmnent and activites of the Gradu-
ate School.Today's installment con- extending to administrative offices
tinues with a descripton of the Rack- at the east and west sides of the
ham Building. center of all graduate building. At each end of the entrance
activities.) ball are checkrooms,. resting rooms
By MORTON L. LINDER and stairways leading to the ground-
The University conferred its first story corridors.+

that govern competition. Of course,
some measures are only political in
nature. I think spending by the gov-
ernment is a necessity in time of re-
covery, but otherwise it should be
limited as much as possible. As far
as government interference in private
business is concerned, I think it is
necessary to have some interference
to help preserve the spirit of free en-
William A. Miller, State Street Bar-
ber Shop: "I am not in sympathy
with the New Deal measures. Waste-
ful spending to buy prosperity is not
working and is not at all logical. It
is costing us and posterity too much.
The recent election shows that Mich-
igan is not favorable to the New Deal,
and I don't believe Roosevelt will do
as well with the next Congress."
Ernest Dascola, Ferry Field Shop:
"Regarding the government spending
of all this so-called relief money, I
think it would be a relief if we, the
people, didn't have to pay it all
Spanish Warfronts Quiet
HENDAYE, France--UP)-Military
dispatches from both Insurgent and
Government Spain yesterday said
forces on the Segre River front had
suspended action temporarily because
of bad weather. Other sectors also
were quiet.


advanced degree, the Master of Arts,
in 1849. Since that time, graduate
activities and the graduate student
body have grown to one cf the largest
of its kind in the country. It was not
until the erection of the Rackham
Building in 1937, however, that grad-
uate activities were actually organized
and integrated,
The first floor of the building is
elevated seven feet above the side-
walk and is reached by a broad terrace
with granite steps and flagstone pav-
ing, with planted areas at either side.
Three entrance doors of bronze and
glass open into an entrance hall, 31
by 109 feet, with a floor of green
and purple-gray slate laid in a rec-
tangular pattern. The plaster walls
are painted a Pompeian red, with
black marble base and trim. A beamed
ceiling in blue-green with stenciled
decorations in polychrome and gold
recalls the gold and bronze of the
lighting fixtures on the walls.
Doors Faced With Leather
Tables of ebonized wood and
benches of the same material with
blue-green leather cushions harmon-
ize with the three pair of blue-leath-
er, bronze-studded doors which lead,
to the lecture hall and its appz~rten-
ances. At either side of these doors
stairways extend to the upper stories

At the east side of the ouilding, the
administrative offices of the Gradu-
ate School are arranged to provide
a large waiting room for students,
the business office, record room
and staff room. The Dean's and
Assistant Dean's offices are in the
two southeast corners with the recep-
tion rooms and secretaries offices
between. On the west side of the floor
are offices and conference rooms with
the Graduate School Board room and
the Rackham Fund offices in the two
southwest corners. These rooms are
finished similar to modern office
buildings, with linoleum floors, paint-
ed plaster walls and wood doors and
trim. The two rooms have walnut-
paneled walls and are carpeted.
Lecture Hall Seats 1,200
The lecture hall is a semi-circular
room 100 feet deep and 29 feet high,
containing a lecture platform on the
north and. an open arcade on the
south, which gives access to six radi-
ating aisles serving approximately
1,200 seats. The semi-circular form
was adopted in preference to the
ordinary theatre-shaped auditorium
because of/ the use to which the room
will be put, and the seats and aisles
have been arranged in a spacious
manner, permitting movement to and
from the seats without requiring the
occupants to rise.


Three pairsof doors on the south
side of the room open into a lobby
which intervenes between this large
room and the entrance hall, and at
either end of this lobby are retiring
rooms for men and women. At the
northeast and northwest corners are
emergency exits admitting to the two
north entrance halls.
The elevated lecture platform at
the center of the north wall provides
a speaker's stand, seats for 18, stair-
ways to a robing room below, as well
as steps to the floor of the lecture
hall and sound-control pit. Onr the
wall above, a motion-picture screen,
1 covered with draperies, is operated
from the picture booth, wherein pro-
vision has been made for electrical
amplification of the lectures, recep-
tion and transmission of radio pro-
grams, sound on film, and record re-
production, and also space for tele-
vision and microscopic projection.
Ceilnig Decorated In Gold
The color scheme of this room be-
gins with a dark blue carpet under
the terra-cotta velour ,in the fully-
upholstered theatre seats. The walls
of terra-cotta red have ebonized wood
trim and blue-leather doors with blue
black stenciled decorations above the
base and gold and polychrome in the
pilaster caps and cornice. A flat
ceiling of lighter blue has a pattern
of overlapping radiating circular
bands in gold and polychrome, which
increase in richness of color and de-
tail as they center over the speaker's
The lighting of the room is unusu-
al in that the customary chandeliers
have been replaced by a series of
small openings in the ceiling which
permits cones of light to spread over
the audience, providing splendid light
for note-taking and discussion from
the floor.
(In the next article of this series, the
description of the Rackham building wu
be continued.)
Faculty Men Speak
In Churches Today
(Continued from Page 1)
Sumwalt, instructor in pharmacology.
who attended pharmacology meetings
in Zurich, Switzerland last summer
will speak on "Nationalism as I Saw
it in Europe."
The Lutheran Student Cub will be
hosts to the Foreign Students at Zion
Parish House for supper and social
hour. Prof. Paul M. Cuncannon of
the political science department will
speak on "Lincoln" at the discussion
hour to which all Lutheran students
and their friends are invited.
The forum meeting of the Hillel
Foundation will have as its speaker
Rabbi Max J. Wohlgeernter who will
talk on "An Orthodox Jew Looks At
The Jewish Youth Problem."
Prof. Richard D. Hollistr of the
speech department will speak on "Re-
ligion In Literature" at the Congre-
gational Student Fellowshipgmeet-


Dean Albert C. Furstenberg of the Pans for the Salvation Army's an-
medical school will give a short ad- nual Christmas basket appeal for the
dress on the medical profession needy of the city have been complet-
Thursday at the weekly vocational ed. Christmas kettles will be sta-j
hour sponsored by the Union. tioned tomorrow

Furstenberg To Speak

Map Christmas Drive

Educational Note
J. Edgar Hoover, number one G-
man, has requested that a course of
instruction in finger-printing at Ok-
lahoma University be removed from,
the curriculum. No reason was given.






Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University.
Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. Sat arday.

SUNDAY, NOV. 27, 1838
VOL. XLIX No. 54
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments'has received notice of the fol-
lowing Michigan Civil Service Exam-
inations. Last date for filing ap-
plications is given in each. case.
Juvenile Vocational Rehabilitation
Supervisor. Salary: $250-310, Dec. 6.
Game Research Ecologist. Salary:
$130-150, Dec. 6.
Game Research Mammalogist. Sal-
ary: $130-150, Dec. 6.
Game Research Ornithologist. Sal-
ary: $130-150, Dec. 6.
Fisheries Research Technician,
Salary: $130-150, Dec. 6.
Machine BookkeepingSupervisor.
Salary: $200-240, Dec. 5.
Tabulating Clerk. Salary: $95-110,
Dec. 2.
The bureau has also received notice
of the following Detroit Civil Service
Examinations: Last date for .appli-
cations to be filed is given in each
case. Residence rule is waived for
1st and 3rd.
Housing Manager (Male) Salary
$4,200, Nov. 29.
Associate Architectural Engineer,
Salary $4,200, Dec. 1.
Engineer of Public Housing, Salary
$5,750, bec. 1.

Complete announcemnents of the
above examinations may be read in
the University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information,
201 Mason Hall. Office hours: 9-12
and 2-4.
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments has received notice of the fol-
lowing Michigan Civil Service ex-
aminations. Last date for applica-
tion to be filed is given in each case.
Child Welfare Psychologist. Salary
range: $200-240, Dec. 10.
Child Welfare Training Supervisor.
'Salary range: $250-310, Dec. 10.
Child Care and Placement, con-
sultant. Salary range: $200-240.1
Dec. 10.
Vocational Agrictture Teacher,'
trainer. Salary range: $200-240, Dec.1
Vocational Agriculture Farm. Shop
Teacher Trainer. Salary range: $250-
310, Dec. 10.
Complete announcements of these
examinations may be read at the
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information, 201
Mason Hall. Office Hours: 9-12 and
University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Inf..

Grand Rapids Students: Commui-
cate with Mrs. Bacher, Office of the'
Dean of Women regarding employ-
ment in Grand Rapids during the
Christmas vacation.
Pre-forestry and forestry students:
Announcement is made of the annual
contest for the Charles Lathrop Pack
Foundation Prize in Forestry, the
conditions for which may be secured
from the Recorder of the School of
Forestry and Conservation, 2048
which may be decided upon in con-
saltation with members of the faculty!
of the School, must be filed in the
office of the Recorder not later than
December 17, 1938.
Bowling: Women studenta interest-
ed in bowling instruction ace asked
to sign up at the Women's Athletic
(Continued on Page 4)

£I At







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For Information -Call MISS JONES at 2-3241

Fluffy sweaters, soft as powder
puffs in fruit ice colors. Pastels,
mouth-watering, to all good fash-
ion formets. Your Christmas gift
of a lovely angora knit can be an
unusual gift if you choose the,
styles at DILLONS. Shades you've
only dreamt of owning, rosy rasp-
berry, strawberry pink, really lem-
ony yellow and rosy autumn
blends. And for those inclined to
the German Madel coyness -
you'll hear many a schon, schon!
for the felt appliques in zephyr
knits. In black and canary bird
yellow they'll turn any male re-
sistance to a jelly-like consistency.
Best not miss these!
-r w
Remember your nursery rhymes?
"There was a little girl who had a
little curl right in the middle of
er forehead . . ." and when she
forgot about her permanents she
had a terrible time of it. Lots and
lots of swooping curls for gay holi-
day glamor are a must and now
is the time to put in the ground-
work or headwork, as you wish!
Then come the festive days, you
toss your curls and go gaily on
your way. Mrs. Di of DI MATTIA
BEAUTY SHOPPE has five grand
methods and she'll suit your type
of hair with just the kind you
need. Test curls too so you're
assured of real success!
your sister? What are you going
to hint to James, John, or Joe

packages, wreaths with perfume
filled candles, Santa Clauses filled
with fragrant cologne, and a set
of graceful plumes that slip into
your purse, if desired. And for the
"piece de resistance," a real elec-
tric Christmas tree decorated with
ten individual dram bottles. It's
magnificent! Just dash into
found them, and have them wait-
ing for you.
* * *
AND WHAT are you going to get
father, brother, or, well, any de-
,serving male on your shopping
list: 'Tis this stumped us, too, un-
til we wandered from State Street
into the WILD & CO. Men's Store.
They told us, and perhaps they
could help you too. Gifts for men
shouldn't be all alike; they are
just as exciting and different as
your own! You'll think so, too,
when you see Lneir sets of matched
skirts, ties, socks and handker-
chiefs in shades that soothe a
masculine color sense. Not to men-
tion jewelry sets, both sport and
dress, distinguished looking belts
and scarfs. And, these wonderful
sweaters and sport jackets that
will swell his manly heart with
pride, satisfaction and thanks!
* *
evening ensemble! Filmy'kerchiefs
designed to echo the mood of your
glamour gowns - with sophisti-
cation of sequins, femininity of
lace. Definitely the accessory of
the hour! Give them for coveted
gifts or. happy thought. collect


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All the Newest

Tresses of the Season
Want to look fashionably "elegant" without too much strain on
your budget? Then by all means visit Kessel's and ask to see
our spirited NEW collection of cativating dresses! Dresses that
will inflate your ego . . . but WON'T deflate your pocketbook!
Here are dresses for all hours, for all occasions ... individuality
at a price! Come see for yourself! Sizes 12 to 20
$9.95 to $2 .91
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