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Marian Smith
Is Announced
Assistant Head,
'Deep Sea Doodle,' Fa
To Be Held Dec. 2
At Michigan League
Marian Smith, '39, has been named
assistant general chairman for
League Fair, to be held Friday and
Saturday, Dec. 2 and 3, Ellen Cuth-
bert, chairman, announced yesterday.
Other members, appointed by Miss
Cuthbert to make up the central com-
mittee for the Fair, are Barbara
Talcott, '39, chairman of decora-
tions: Suzanne Potter, '40, publicity
chariman and Frances Burgess, '39.
chairman of entertainment.
Was Publicity Chairman
Miss Smith is a member of Delta
Gamma. She was a sophomore re-
porter on the women's staff of the
Daily and acted as night editor for
the women's page last year. Miss
Smith was also publicity chairman
for the 1937 League Fair. She has
worked on League and 1936 Sopho-
more Cabaret publicity committees,
and she was publicity- chairman for
the 1937-38 Theatre xArts committee
of the League.
A member of Gamma Phi Beta,
Miss Talcott, was chairman of decor-
ations for the 1936 Sophomore Cab-
aret. She has been a member of the
publicity committee of the League,
and she was included in the cast of
last year's J.G.P.
Is Member Of Wyvern
Miss Potter is a junior night editor
on the women's staff of the Daily.
She was publicity chairman for the
1937 Sophomore Cabaret and she
worked on publicity for the 1937 and
1938 Assembly Banquets. Miss Pot-
ter is a member of Wyvern.
Miss Burgess, a member of Alpha
Alpha Gamma, has worked on the so-
cial committee of the League. She,
was a member of the make-up and!
finance committees for the 1937
League Fair will be held in con-
junction with Sophomore Cabaret,
and its theme which will be an-
nounced later, will carry out some
phase of the Cabaret's "Deep Sea
Speech Fraternity
Will Hold Tryouts'
Tryouts for membership in Zeta
Phi Eta, national honorary frater-
nity for women, will be held from
7:15 to 9 p.m. -today in the Portia.
Room, which is located on the fourtl
floor of Angell Hall. All women ex'-
cept freshmen are eligible to try out.
Zeta Phi Eta is the only national
speech fraternity for women on cam-
pus. Tentative plans for this year's
program as announced by Mildred
MacArthur, '39, president of the fro-
ternity, include debate group speak-
ing, the production of one-act plays,
and the sponsoring of an all-campus
interpretive reading contest. Miss
MacArthur also announced that a
speech honors banquet is being
planned to be held in the spring.,
Mrs. Frederick Crandall, a mem-
ber of the speech department, will
be present at the tryouts.
Sigma Alpha Iota E--
Independents Debating Topic
To Hold PledgingMp OnT
Sigma Alpha Iota, national hon-
orary musical sorority, will hold Iy ByMeanderin Minnie
pledging at 2 p.m. Sunay at the', __ ___ane___ -nc Ie Totalitarian State Question
home of Mrs. Samuel T. Dana. The
girls to be pledged are Betty Ann Came the Union Coffee Hour Tuesday with a bunch of undergraduates To Be Argued By Team
o Chaufty, '41, of Ann Arbor, Barbara milling around. Harold Spurway was there, Jean Hastie. Don Nixon, Jim First Tea Dance Today;
Ferguson, '41, of Waterman, Ill., Palmer Mary Mooney and Bob Canning dancing around to the recordings. Football Tiket To Be Four varsity debate team members
Evelyn Adams, Grad., of St. Louis, P e a o a B C n c r doTaglto argue on the question, "Resolved:
and Elizabeth Lewis, '42, of Ann Ar-: Coffee was served on the terrace where Jean Gall Prfize For Lucky Ta That the Economic Principles of the
bor. and Joan Whiting were Perched on a chair. TedyToaltarianoSttePrec esirable
Jean Ebersole, '39, is in charge of Spangler was lurking around in the offing in a help- The series of tea dances jointly T
pledging and the tea which is to be - r less manner,. Dan Bone and Martha Poe were present, sponsored by Congress and Assembly, were announced yesterday by Mrs.
held afterwards. The two founders and Pete Brown and Bob Ulrich were helping the coffee both orgaizations of independ Frederic O. Crandall, debate coach
oflthen AnngAbor chapter will ae / F dispensers. men and women on campus, will be Those chosen are Kay Schultz, '39,
present at th plegingnThewarmen'.oan Bararasewtni'1, freth;af
Miss Nora Crane Hunt and Miss Amother tea was held at the W.A.B. recently-Mon- resumed today from 4 to 6 p.m. i and Barbara Newton, '41, for the af-
E/ ath CamnelHunth an nisday in fact, and the -athletic managers were honored hmfirmative team which will meet the
Elizabeth Campbell. both of Ann at the same. Speakers were Miss Ethel McCormick, the League Ballroom under the direc-of Wiscosin here and
Arbor. .University o icni es n
____ ___-! ~ ',, Dr. Margaret Bell, Janet Fullenwider, and Norma Cur- tion of Phyllis McGeachy, '40. and
- //,. . tis and Virginia Allen were introducers. Roland Rhead, '40, co-chairmen; ane Krause, '41, and Magery Lee
Women will be admitted to the Lehner, '39, for the negatie team
A lbion Alum niS o s anagerS aveA ea... dace free of charge, but men guests which will travel to the University
SAmongthe sports managers there were Betty Lou must pay 25 cents. Stags are en- of Illinois early next month.
To B H ono ed ~i~ng 3.~g"Although the question for the first
T B eH onored Witters, June Richter, Jane Grove, Evelyn Brown, couraged. and various mixer dancers women's conference ti rther
Sally Corcoran, Alberta Royal, Ruth Hartman, who will be employed as is the custom,' difficult aid complicated," comment-
Ruthvens Will Entertain J]presented the awards plan to the guests, and Julia Ann to enable the guests to become ac- ed Mrs. Crandall, 'ten girls tried out
At Party Tomorrow Upson. Also Betty Gross, Betty Hood, Mary Has, Mary quainted. for the team Tuesday night and all
_ _ Rodger and Pat Vihtelic. Ginny Mulholland and Ditto Ticket To Be Awarded of them showed excellent under-
President and Mrs. Ruthven will en got all involved in some paint, and appeared all bedaubed in black. A ticket to the Ohio State-Michigan standing of the question as well as
give an informal party for all Albion Great things in the way of petitioning have been going on over there football game Saturday will be given ability as speakers.
College alumni and former students because a bowling manager's position has just been as a prize, after the winning num-
at 8 p.m. tomorrow at their home. I n ,r i..,, ;r, s. fn.,,n t."""_ ' i( bered name tag is drawn. Zick's I
Husbands and wives of former stu-
dents and alumni of Ann Arbor and
Ypsilanti are also invited.
1 Professor and Mrs. Goodrich, Prof.
and Mrs. R. G. Hall, Prof. K. M.
Chickering, and Mr. and Mrs. Hol-
linshead will be among the guests at-
tending from Albion. Mr. Hollins-
head is the secretary of the Albion
College Alumni Association.
The committee of the Albion Col-
lege Club of Ann Arbor which is as-
sisting Mrs. Ruthven is headed by
Mary E. Lindsey, Mrs. Clare E. Grif-
fin, Mrs. W. Carl Rufus, Mrs. Lou
Ransom, and Miss Beth Mihlethaler
are also on the committee.
Miss MaudrHagle of Ypsilanti and
Mrs. Rufus are in charge of the pro-
gram. Several musical numbers will
be given, and Albion songs and yells !
will be given by the group.
crea e , an t iis wee s evee or oo g
among the petitioners.
Wyvern tapped Monday night in the bitter(0
cold. Zelda Davis was snatched from the A E Phi ,.,,.
house, Florence Brotherton and little Beth O'Roke
from the Kappa house, and Jane Dunbar, after
worrying the whole crew of tappers by failing to
come home from a meeting when expected.
Enora Ferris and Frances Kahrs were among
those clipped, Barb Backus, new League Judish
Council member, Jean Tibbits of J.G.P. fame, and
Mary Minor. Half of the "old" gals have colds and
sciatica, but then, babes will be babes.
From here off to watch the men of Sphinx induct their group of bloody
and frozen successors. Cleopatra wasn't there, but we saw the Pharoah and I
among others Bob Palmer, Hal Benham, Tom Adams, Jim Allen, Vince Valek,
Jim. Halligan, Johnny Hulbert and Karl Wisner.
Mortarboard To Entertain
Finals In Volleyball Senior Society At Tea
Held Today At Gym I Mortarboard will give a tea for
members of Senior Society from 4 to
Alpha Omicron Pi will play Colvin 5:30 p.m. today in the Ethel Foun-
Residence at 4:30 p.m. today at Bar- tain Hussey Room of the League,
bour Gymnasium in the quarter-fin- Jenny Peterson, '39, president of
als of the Class B division of the Mortarboard, announced yesterday.
women's intramural volleyball tour- The tea will introduce Mrs. Karl
nament, Jane Dunbar, '40, W.A.A. Litzenberg as a new Mortarboard
intramural manager, announced yes- sponsor.
terday. -______:Y ____________________
At 5:10 p.m. today Chi Omega will
meet Alpha Delta Pi in the semi- Vv
finals of the Class B division and BEAUTY
Helen Newberry Residence will play wit
Mosher Hall in the semi-finals of bebgins
the Class A division. !-.
the Ha ir !
Dance Will Be Held Today
For All Catholic Students Ifyou want a wave, more
nnatural,more beautiful,
There will be a dance for all Cath- and more lasting . . . con-
olic students from 8 to 10 p.m. today sult us at once.
in the auditorium of St. Mary's Stu- Coniplefe Barber
dents Chapel.
Betty Lopker is chairman of the Service at Both Shops
dance. She is being assisted by Frank 4
Butler, 40L, Joseph Olk, '40L, Wade GROOMWELL
Flaherty, '39E, Juel Nolan, '39, and ATY SHOPPE S
Margaret Mary Lyons, '42.
Herb Ritz and his orchestra will 1205 South University 4818
play for the dance and the admis- 615 East Liberty 3773
sion will be 25 cents. ..mot}- o c Io<E
ti f
Suede and Burkskins
Formerly 5.00 and 6.00 Formerly 6.50 and 7.50
SMARTNESS OF DESIGN, fine quality in leathers, ex-
cellence in workmanship distinguish these shoes . . .
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