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November 17, 1938 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1938-11-17

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T"-M4-C-R4G-A--X -D-A.1-UY

Germnan Jews Need U.S. Aid,
Against Hitler, Says Rabiowitz
In the face of the recent anti- by an effective program,' which will
Jewish riots in Germany, it is the include severing diplomatic rela-
duty of every American Jew to send tions with Germany, said Dr. Rabino-
witz. Jews also favor an extension
funds for rehabilitation and refugee of the consumer boycott of German-
relief, and to work for the extension I made goods, he added.
of the Jewish immigration (!Uota of! The plight of thousands of Jews
this county, Dr. Isaac Rabinowitz of who are deprived of all means of
the Hillel Foundation declared dur- livelihood is not the most important
ing an interview yesterday. consideration, according to Dr. Ra-
Since the only hope for the 9er- binowitz, but the threat to civiliza-
man Jew seems to be an overthrow tion is the most significant aspect of
of the Nayi regime, he explained, the the, situation. Jews must not only
main problem today is the removal work ,to aid their comrades abroad,
of Jews from Germany and their but must fight to preserve liberal
establishment in other countries. In tendencies, to check the growth of
this connection money is being col- fascism, he explained.
lected to develop Palestine so that The spontaneous outburst of public
it can adequately support refugees. opinion both here and abroad against
If this country is to play an im- the Nazi atrocities is the only bright
portant part in alleviating the refu- spot in the whole outlook, Dr. Rabino-
gee problem, it is essential that the Fitz concluded. It is encouraging to
Jewish quota be raised, Dr..Rabino- note that people all over the world
witz declai ed. The quota is now fixed realize that the suppression of the
at 30,C0O yearly, and enough visas liberties of one religious .group con-
tave already been granted to pro- stitutes a real threat td religion.
tiibit any 1urther immigration dur-.

Favorites Revealed
(Continued from Page 1),

Hitler Acnd Fysism Denouncedr
In Speech fly Lillan Mowrer

Publication in the Bulletin Is constructive notice to all members of th-
Ulireratty. dopy received at the ofime of the Assistant to the President
tt1 2:30; 11:00 a m. a Saturday.

t Continued froze Page 1)
chey and other writers with a social ea
message. Recreational reading, for an integrated economic unit and be-
most of our customers, doesn't mean cause the mountains were vitally
best-sellers, though smart funny necessary for national defense. Be-
books like 'Malice Toward Some,, yond was Rumania, which contained
and 'My Sister Eileen' go well.",, enough oil to enable the Reich to
d M i wstop worrying about British sea pow-
E. C. Overbeck, Wuhr's: "In our er. Too, there were the wheat fields
experience, the students prefer a wide of Hungary and, beyond, the Ukraine.
variety of reading matter, ranging The first Nazi move, mobilization
from the ordinary entertaining fic- along the Czech border during the
tion to the best of modern biography. summer, was niet sternly by the de-
The current. reprint offerings have mocracies. Then Britain sent Lord
made it possible to acquire many good Runciman to Prague. "The Hein-
titles at low prices and has helped lein Nazis were straining at the leash,
stimulate student interest." waiting for the prder to lose their
Nell Jonk, Follett's: "Students re- patience." Hitler made his Nurem-
veal cosmopolitan tastes in their book burg speech and disorder broke out.
pim chases, buying closely with the Czech martial law brought peace
best-seller lists of the larger Ameri- again.
can cities. The Rental Library records In October. the crisis was intensi-
show that for leisure reading and fied. Chamberlain, the 69-year-old
:ela.xation students pr'efer titles of Conservative, broke the habits of a
light and; humorous vein. 'With Mal- life time and flew to visit Hitler.
ice Toward Some,' 'Dithers and Jit- "After his return. I was at a party
ters' and Thorne Smith's 'Three of journalists in Geneva." Mrs. Mow-

French and British told him the ze-
sponsibility for war would be on his
shoulders. Finally, at 2:30 a.m., alone
in his castle-retreat, Benes gave in.
"Some say the whole mobilization
was an elaborate comedy, some do
not," Mrs. Mowrer said, in describ-
ing theway France prepared for
' war." But whichever is right, the
French took it seriously, she declared.
People fled west and south from the
Paris district.
"We've got to hold firm" was the
popular . sentiment. "It is coming
eventually-better now." There was
an undercurrent of excitement and1
steady preparation.
Then "the great ones on earth
met at Munich," Mrs. Mower stated.
W h e n t h e y finished Daladier
"stumbled out, a broken man. When
he saw the crowds at the station he
thought they had conie to lynch him.
To his surprise they praised his ac-
But, in the little town of Crecy
where Mrs. Mowrer lived, there was
no Jubilatin.

(Continued from Page 4)
18, from 2:30-5 p.m. at the Hillel
Foundation. Anyone with any or-
iginal ideas is urged to attend.
The Graduate Outing Club will
meet at the Power House at the
WashingtonhStreet entrance at 2:30
p.m. Friday, Nov. 18 for a trip through
the Power House and Tunnels. The
trip will take approximately one hour
and a half.I
Attention Hobbyists: There will be
a meeting of all those interested in
joining the hobby group being
formed at the Michigan Union. If
you have a hobby or would like. to
have a hobby, come to the Michigan
Union, Room 304, Sunday, Nov. 20, 7
p.m. If you are interested and can't
attend the meeting, sign your name
on one of the sheets which are on
the bulletin boards, around the cam-

On Sunday, Nov. 20 the regular
meeting of the Ann Arbor Friends
will be held at the home of Arthur
Dunham, 605 Oswego, instead of at
the Michigan League. The meeting
for worship will be held at 5 p.m.,
followed by supper and a social eve-
ning. All those interested are cor-
dially invited. Please make reserva-
tions for the supper (for which a
small charge will be made) with Dor-
othy Cook by Friday evening. Tele-
phone 5694.
English Boot and Shoe Maker
Our new repair department, the
best in the city. Prices are right.
438 South State and Factory on
South Forest Avenue.


ag the next two years. .Decker' are among the more popu-
The majority of American Jews, of Local Debate Teanar
ourse, hope that President Roose-
alt's ratenent of indignation over Toes o Dear it
ae actions of Germany will be backed BuntingiTo Discuss
. The ,University of Detroit affirma-
tive debaters defeated the local Sigma Dentxstry Problems
Rho.Tau team in a close decision con-es .
11 ~~~~~ test, Tu~esda~y evening at the Michigan Da usl .Bnigo h
I Tdsdy nng e hg tS Union!on the topic, "Resolved: That dental school will continue the cur-,
the Government Policy of Developing rent series of vocational lectures and
,r forums sponsored by the Union froma
ro Will Present Show a o tes i eah team :30 to 5:30 p.m. today in the small
At 'Night Of Hillelarity' is given a time limiV to present its ballroom of the Union.
I case and there are no set speeches, The talks are especially designed
The Hillel Players will aid in thet mI to acquaint students with the prob-
rganization of a floor show for the Detroit allotted . their time to bet-
Night of Hillelarity" to be held ter advantage than the Michigan lems of the respective vocational
'Om 9 p.m. to midnight Saturday, squad, commented Prof. Robert fields. Today's forum will cover den-
ec: 3,' in the Lane Hall it. was an-. Brackett of the engineering English tistry. All students interested in this
ounced Tuesday at an open meet- department, adviser to the squad. field are invited to attend.
ig o~f the Players in the Hillel Foun- The negative squad was composed
ation. of Mark Meer, '40E, Harry Fischer,
The floor show is to be composed '40E, Hadley Smith, '40E, and.Rex-
f independent original acts which ford C. Burnham, '40E.. Judges of
ill be presented by selected stu.- the contest. were Morris Hill, Grad., Winter carbureter adjustment
ents. Complete acts are not neces- William. Young of the University of charge Enjaywinter drivig with
ary yet, and anyone 'with an idea Detroit,. and Donald H. Currie of
)r entertainment is asked to attend Wayne 'Uniersity. Please phone or stop by for an;
Le auditions which will be held from wait in line.
:30 to 5 p.m. today and' tomorrow , ath Club 1earsPaxton
Sthe Hiille 1 Founidation. 7LU
Harold Goldman, '40; Robert Dr. E. W. Paxon; of Wayne Univer-
latt, '39; Shirley'Brawerman, '39. sity, addressed members of the Math- BATTERY AND E
elma Chibnik, '40; Hugh Kopel, 'ematics club last -night at thdir No-
9, and Lorraine Mantler, '39, mem- vember meeting held in the graduate 112 South Ashley Street
ers of the committee in charge of school. The " club is composed of ~
he auditions, are also requested to be faculty members and graduate stu-
resent. dents and meets monthly.

rer said., "Previously the press at-r
tache of the British Foreign Office
had told my husband and I that at
last Britain, which always seems to
get a second chance after it makea
a blunder would stand firm. Every-
one at the party was gay. A night-
before-the-war tension prevailed.
One of the service (news service) men
was called to the phone. He came
back laughing and said there was a
wild rumor Chamberlain had gone to
Scotland. A few minutes later the
other men were called to the phone.
~It was true!"
The next day a "haggard-faced"
press attache read the journalists the
British government statement. But
Benes indignantly rejected the Fran-
co-British plan, Mrs. Mowrer de-
'lared. He wired the Czech French
ambassador his decision ."but the
wire was deliberately held up." The
and exhaust gas analysis without
more miles per gallon of gasoline.
appointment so you won't have to

Hill Auditorium

Christmas Cards
Christms \ --d


Phone 8908



C lassified Diretor



OR RENT-Room in modern home
in southeast section. Use of Stein-
way piano for musical student if
desirable. Call 6814 during the day.
OR RENT-Suite with private bath
and shower for three. .Also newly
decorated double, steam heat, con-\
tinuous hot water. Garage available.
Phone 8544, 422 East Washing-
ton. 204

TYPING-Experienced. Miss ,Allen,
408 S. 5th Avenue. Phone 2-2935.
or 2-1416. 79
LOST-Studio couch cushion on
State between Kingsley and Pack.-
ard. Phone 4244. '198
LOST-Fraternity ring-left in base-
ment of Natural Science building.
A Call Woodison 2-2551. Reward. 19
LOST-Black Shepffer pen without
cap, . on campus. Reward. Call
2-1080 and ask for Sid. 202
WASHED SAND and Gravel, Drive-
way gravel, washed pebbles. Killins:
Gravel Company, Phone 7112. 17
PAPERHANGEFr-Craftsman, cap-
able fine paper work. Dial 7209. 181
WHY FLUNK .Mathematics? Tutor-'
ing in 'mathematics. Call W. E.
Smith at 7309 after 7:00 p.m. 194
WANTED-Apartment or rooms with
bath for winter months. Write H.
J. Donovan, Oseoda. Mich. 200


G oves

Suede Jackets
Wool Jackets,

To 'be follo wed by:
November 30
December 7
January 10

your snapshot collection and pick out a favorite -

Send personal Christmas cards this year.

Go over


bring the negative to us and we'll do the rest.

We have

Mittens Corduroy Coats

a wide assortment of cards and envelopes from which
to choose. For prompt delivery, be sure to let us have

'OR RENT--Completely:
7-room income house for:
8679, 2216 Packard Rd..

rent. Cal

Ear Muffs

January 25


your -negative early!

Wool Hosiery


AUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low prices. 9
YPING--Experienced. Reasonable
rates. Phone 5689. L. M. Haywood.
YPING at reasonable rates. Mrs.
Howard, 613 Hill St., dial 5244. 176

February 15
February 27
March 9
Tickets at'




324 South State

8118 South S t.itc


1st Nat'l Bldg,










At Your Union




high kick routines an
on Friday night only

. . .Friday Night
40, will give a program of
d tap dances at intermission
TABLES located around the ballroom may be
reserved by calling the Main Desk of the Union.



and His Melody Men will

bring you the best sweet and swing music.




- -. . - .

A --- aa r% 14-iA ,. f --. tO




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