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November 10, 1938 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-11-10

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I a
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subezriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Pubishers Representatve
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39
:Board of Editors
Managing Editor . . . . Robert D. Mitchell.
i~itoria Director . . Albert P. Mayo
City Editore.tor . . Horace W. Gilmore
Associate Editor . . Robert I. Fitzhenry
Associate Editor . . - . . S. R. Kleiman
Assoelate ;Editor ~ . Robert Perlman
Associate Editor Erl GImnan
Associate Editor . . . . Wiliam Elvin
Associate Editor . . . . . Joseph Freedman
Book Editor . . - - . Joseph Gies
Women's Editor . .. Dorothea Staebler
Sports Editor . . . . Bud Benjamin
Business Department
Business Manager . . . Phlp W. Buchen
credit Manager . . . . Leonard P. Segelman
A7erisin Manager . . . . William L. Newnan
Women's Business anager . Helen Jean Dean
Wome's Service Manager .Maran A. Baxter
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Will Wall Street
Be A Dead End? *
NOT THE LEAST interesting results
of Tuesday's rather surprising Re-
publican resu'gence in the Middle Atlantic
states will be the reaction of Wall Street.,
The financial bulls and bears, since the notori-
ous exit of Mr. Richard Whitney, leader of the
pack, seem finally to have recognized in the
Washington government, the voice of a master.
And the deportment of the Street's big-wigs
accordingly has taken on a surprisingly concilia-
tory accent since last spring when Whitney, the
aggressive old line leader, was casting his portly
shadow over every administrative measure per-
taining to the financial world.
No more handsome token of the new coopera-
tive spirit between government and exchange
members can be cited than the comprehensive
reforms announced last week by the SecurityJ
and Exchange Commission and the Stock Ex-
change in collaboration. Though the new order
is tailored more to the figure of the small buyer
and imposes heavier restrictions on buying and
selling and heavier responsibilities on the brokers,
there issued not a peep of protest from Exchange
members as they set themselves to conform.
Sweeping as it was, however, last week's action
was only one item on an i}rposing catalog of
government restrictions which have concentrated
control of the Federal Reserve System in the
Reserve Board in Washington, divorced banking
from investment activities, outlawed interlocking
directorates, forbidden loans to officers and
directors, fixed minimum margin requirements,
forbidden pools and all forms of manipulation,
and caused underwriting and sales of securities
to be publicized.
The diet of restriction, thus, has been poured,
down the throat of the tycoons of finance in
abundant quantity..But it's been a reducing diet
and financial observers see a lean and hungry
look in the Steet. The bulls and bears, they say,
regard the SEC and its book of rules with jaun-
diced eye and bide their time, poised for the first
opportunity to throw off the ball and chain and
revert to the mad-glad times when . .
Election reverberations in the financial world,

then, will be worth hearing. Has Wall Street
learned to play ball finally or will the seeming
favorable election results rouse false hopes, cause
a return to the Whitney style of attack and force
the government to lock up the Street entirely
and virtually dissolve New York's financial
-Robert I. Fitzhenry
'the -G-O.P.
their victory of Tuesday at the
nation's polls, political observers and the public
in general are wondering exactly what the impli-
cations of the balloting are and will be forĀ° the
future. Far be it from the experience and know-
ledge of the student observer to know-in fact,1
far be it from the professional observer to know
at a time and place so close to the actual event.
Yet a few ideas may be running through many
minds and may accurately express some of the
intimr'et; tihns to be lced mon t 1w week's
The country-wide sweep of the Republians.
as well as the character of the returns in.-several

o er -lni rps the upreme Court
fight and the purge, the AAA and the effects of
tie international scene-all seem to have played
an important part in the decision of the voters.
Indeed, in several of the important states these
were the dominant points of contest. It can be
quite clearly and accurately said that these were
the real issues in Michigan, for beside the fact
that Michigan was only one of several states
swept by the Republican tide, it is doubtful
whether Governor Fitzgerald, although capable,
proven, and respected, could have ousted an
incumbent why was also strongly liked on the
purely local issues of the campaign.
To the Republican party the Tuesday ballot-
ing was a far greater victory than the numerical
result of the governorships, senatorships and
seats in the House won by the party. It was first
of all a revival, the return of the party to a posi-
tion of importance and respect in the national
and state scenes. It meant that the party would
have the strength and moral enthusiasm to take
a real and valuable part in Congressional and
state affairs during the next two years and would
be able to offer important and vital -issues for
the voters in 1940. It was the signal for added
strength and vitality in the future, rather than
for a slow disappearance from the national
scene, as it promised otherwise to be.
But the main implication-that brought out
by the large returns from the small cities and
rural areas-is that the Republican party was
in Tuesday's election the standard bearer for
the middle classes, the small town merchants,
manufacturers, professional men and farmers.
In the old G.O.P. the wealthier classes had a
dominant voice; in the Democratic party labor
and the lower income classes have had theirs. In
the rejuvenated Republican party, the middle
classes have and may continue to find their
As far as the political situation goes, the
Republican victory will bring a strong opposi-
tion party into the national scene for the first
time since 1932, and there will be a clearer defini-
tion of New Deal and anti-New Deal issues than
in the past six years. The defeat of the LaFollette
Progressive party and the Farmer-Labor party
in Minnesota ends for the time being the possi-
bilities of more than two parties of any impor-
tance in national politics. Most important of all,
the victory means astrong opposition party for
1940. Defeat for the Republicans would have
meant the complete disorganization of New Deal
opponents and an ineffectual groping and re-
aligning for many years to come.
But to the writer, the Republican victory can
be given one further and far-reaching implica-
tion, perhaps not apparent on te surface and
perhaps not concurred in by others. That impli-
cation is that the victory revitalizes democracy
in the United States. The continued dominance
and invulnerability of one party over all others,
the stress upon the problems of certain classes in
the country, however worthy those problems in
themselves may be, and the lack of a medium of,
expression for those who were not on the one
hand extreme conservatives or on the other
hand "100 per centers," presented to the youth
about to enter into active citizenship af
frightening spectacle of Democracy strugglingl
under the onslaught of two definitely opposing
We have long been frightened by a drift toward
new political alignments-those represented by
the terms Fascism and Communism, which in
final analysis in this country do not represent
concrete political alliances so much as the
extremes of political thought. The first of these
indicates to us in general the wealthy class
dominating all others for its own perpetuation
and interests, and the second is understood in
general as the rule of those lowest economic
classes in the body politic, who, never having
had anything, are not prepared to rule wisely.
Between these two extremes is that great group
of the population that carries the industries of
th country, provides its social and intellectual
balance, and asks only to have representation
over the affairs vital to its members. This group,
as represented mainly in practical terms by the
merchants, farmers, and other middle class
groups mentioned earlier, has spoken in this
election definitely to give the mandate for future
governmental direction. This vote gives every
indication of being a very healthy reaction to
the extremists in political thought.
This is why it may be said that there are

implications for American democracy as well as
the obvious implications for the Republicans in
the victory. For there will now be a strong, two-
party political system once more, a medium of
give and take. The doubts as to the drift toward
European governmental philosophies are tempor-
arily dispelled. A new Grand Old Party which
may be the means of expression for the interests
of all the people appears to have been born and
to be strong enough to exert a definite influence
on the immediate future of American politics.
-Robert Mitchell
Gets Tol...
Dejected At Street Renaming
To the Editor:
It was a ,sad day for me indeed, when I read
in one of your issues that two of our streets
are to be renamed. South University Avenue,
and East University Avenue have been accused
of creating superfluous confusion. It taxes the
mentalities of incoming freshmen and the peren-
nial influx of graduate students to distinguish
north, east, south and west. The present ar-
rangement is the most logical, not only because
they do bound the University on the north, east.
and south sides but because they serve as help-
ful signposts on and about the campus. To most
students their names represent something tan-
gible-the University itself, which , is ar more

--by David Lawren ce-

,,,, ,,,

y Sec Terry

You of M

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at th office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30: 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

WASHINGTON, Nov. 9-There's a new major-
ity today in the House of Representatives which
can be mobilized against certain types of New
Deal policy.
This is the true significance of the national
election just held. For it has been evident during
the last six years that certain members of the
House and Senate, classified for party reasons
as Democrats, do not see eye to eye with the
New Deal and on vital questions are recorded
against the administration.
The majority on such issues as the Reorgai-
zation Bill in the House or the Supreme Court
packing bill in the Senate has been narrow. As a
result of the election this week, the majority
has been considerably increased.
To find out the real majority in the House of
Representatives against the Administration on
vital issues involving property rights and human
liberties, it is necessary to add the knew Republi-
can total to the independent bloc of Democrats
in both houses. This group includes about 100
Representatives and 22 Senators.
How is the independent bloc made up? In
order to ascertain just who should be included
in such a tabulation, "The United States News,"
published here, looked up the records of all the
Democratic members of Congress in the last six
sessions since the New Deal began and found
that in the first two years there were only four
Senators and 14 Representatives of the Demo-
cratic Party who voted against the Administra-
tion with any degree of consistency, but that in
the next two years the number had risen to 16
Senators and 66 Representatives, while in the
last two years the number went up to 22 Sena-
tors and 100 Representatives..
New Deal Can Be Blocked
Thus, if the Republican, membership by the
final voting were shown to be a minimum of
125, there could be added 100 Democrats on cer-
tain vital issues which would make a total of 225,
and that's 7 more votes than necessary to pre-
vent the passage of New Deal legislation. -
Anything above 125 merely assures even more
definitely the existence of a new majority.
During the first two years of the New Deal,
the number of votes cast in either the Senate
or the House against Administration measures
were few because of the tendency of the people
to give the benefit of the doubt to new proposals.
But gradually the opposition rose on such issues
as renewal of the NRA, the AAA and the recipro-
cal trade agreements. The Utility Holding Com-
pany Bill, with its so-called "death sentence,"
the Guffey Coal Act and the Wagner Labor Rela-
tions Bill all furnished opportunities for sharp
differences of opinion in the second two years.
Finally, in the last two years, the Supreme
Court issue in the Senate and such measures as
the Wage and Hour Law, the TVA, and the plan
to reorganize the executive departments and
agencies developed lines of cleavage so deep that
the President's campaign, called the "purge,"
which he waged in the Democratic primaries in
various states, arose 94t of a feeling that opposi-
tion inside the party was growing rather than
diminishing and had to be restrained by an p-
peal to the party voters.
Republicans Are Cohesive
The Republicans, on the other hand, though
possessed in the last two years of only 88 votes,
have been fairly cohesive, and the additions to
their ranks will not only encourage greater op-
position to the Administration, but will produce
a. certain amount of timidity among the Demo-
crats in the House and Senate who come up for
reelection in 1940. In other words, if the politi-
cians think a trend has been established of
opposition to Roosevelt policies, they will natur-
ally examine the reasons for it very carefully and
develop a more independent course themselves.
The Administration leaders, on the other hand,
will seek to overcome this nervousness by point-~
ing out that Mr. Roosevelt was not on the ballot
in 1938, but may be in 1940, and that his per-
sonal popularity has not wane,
Most important of all results flowing from
the election, however, is the effect on the immedi-
ate business situation. Elections always cause un-
certainty and hesitation. When they are out of
the way, planning for the future and adjustment
to the new political line-up takes place very
quickly. Business has shown signs of an upturn
for several weeks.

but because we appreciate the logical superiority
of arrangement which they represent.
It is in truth an unhappy occasion when new
students, undergraduate or graduate, lack the
mental alacrity to distinguish north, and south.
And to any individuals who must have a street
named 'in their honor to perpetuate their names
in history goes my utmost sympathy. Truly great
men crave not cheap notoriety, and true university
students can learn the points on a compass.
-P. C.
'Masher' Foiled
To the Editor:
We view with alarm the dastardly letter of
"M. L. Craig" in yesterday's Daily. It should be
clearly evident that this is a pernicious attempt
of a clever "masher" to beguile the flower of
Michigan womanhood to a fate worse than death.
The pathos meant to be expressed will be seen
by the careful "reader between the lines," to be
only a diabolical and monstrous scheme to get
into his clutches the pure and innocent girls of
our campus.
The entire tone of the letter rings false to our
sensitive and practiced ears. It .is plainly modeled
after the Lonely Hearts columns which have
lured many an innocent maid to her undo ng.
To thi11k tha thr Dail, our ustcrr harbinger
of current events should become a" imw ttmr
tlr ~ ii th-i hands 0tf hi:s 'arN11-fIC1d wh no c

r0THIS department has come an
inkling of considerable dissatis-
faction rife among Michigan stu-
dents because, as one correspondent
writes, "they've sure given us a rotten
selection of seats ,for the Northwes-
tern game." It seems that the under-
rads have been relegated to obscure
positions in the corners or end sec-
tions of the Michigan Stadium, and
although Athletic Director Fielding
H. Yost contends that youcan see a
dollar from any seat in the house, the
students resent-for various reasons
-their remote vantage points. One
student, who had been consigned to
the outer reaches of the big oval, pro-
duced the printed rules regarding
football tickets, which are passed out
at registration time, and pointed in-
dignantly to rule No. 6. It read
"Students applying for one seat
without other purchased seats ad-
jacent will be allotted seats in a
Special Students' Section located
in the center of the West stand."
Then he showed us his seat, in sec-
tion 27, if memory serves us correctly.
Why? he demanded to know in tones
which threatened immediate extinc-
tion if we didn't tell him. Frankly,
we haven't the slightest idea. Our
own seat is in section 20, along the
10-yard stripe. 4
At any rate, the fact that the stu-
dents got poor seats has given rise to
the general impression that the Stadi-
um will'have an S.R.O. sign hanging
Saturday morning. It followed natur-
ally that all those shunted into the
corners would jump to the erron-
eous conclusion that the choicer seats
had been sold, and they were unfor-
tunate in being assigned the resi-
Actually, there won't be any more
than 50,000 spectators on hand, unless
someone injects a hypodermic needle
into the current sales. And it is high-
ly probable that people, believing all
good seats gone, have shied away from
the whole affair-a regrettable state
considering that for the first time in
five years the Wolverines are accord-
ed a chance to win themselves a title,
or at least to get a pudgy finger in
Ithe pie.
Of course, we realize that the bond-
holders get a block of 50-yard line
seats, that the football players get a
choice selection and that the oppon-
ents receive a number of better duc-
ats. But are even the 10 and 20-yard
line benches exhausted after that?
The ticket situation merely serves 'to
confirm a long-standing opinion of
ours that football is notlonger a ca- s
pus affair; it belongs to big business
now, and our callow friends must re-
sign themselves to it.
In the interest of a capacity attend-
ance, however, we beg to report that
seats-plenty of them-are still avail-
IN DETROIT late Election night.
a man-on-the-street broadcast
was conducted, and this is a tran-
scription of it, taken verbatim in
our cryptic hand:
Announcer-It's a bitter coldf
night here in downtown Detroit.
Election throngs are milling
about our mobile unit, and I'm l
going to get the observations and1
comments of Mr. and Mrs. Detroit
on this great election. Here's a
man . . . wha0's your name,
Man-on-the-street-Louis Le-
Announcer-What is your oc-
cupation, sir?
Man-on-the-street-I have a
dental laboratory.
Announcer-Mr. Levine, toI
what do you attribute the heavy
voting today?'
Man-on-the-street -< Oh, I
don't know.
Announcer-Would you say, sir,
the widespread interest is due to
the progress of civilization.
Man-on-the-street-Yes, I be-
lieve so.
Announcer-And do you think{

radio has contributed a large
Man-on-the-street-Yes, I do.
Announcer-Thank you very
smuch, sir. And now here's a little
lady. What's your name, madam?
Lady-on-the-street--Jean Ma-
Announcer-Could you give us
the feminine slant on the election
-your impression of it?I
Lady-I don't know (nervous
Announcer-Haven't any im-
pressions? (-eak laugh). It's
rather cold waiting for a bus,
isn't it?
Announcer-Thank you kindly.
And here's another young lady.
What is your name, please?
Lady No. 2--Mary Gould.
Announcer - What do you
think of the election? Your obser-
Lady No. 2--(Giggling) I haven't.
Announcer--(Ha Ha) Do you
think good looks means anything
in elections?
Lady No. 2--Huh uh. I don't
think so.
Announcer-Thank you. Ladies
and Gentemen, we have been
i'revnt ,ag the opinions of Ar.
and 1 Mr . it roil othis elec-in
iight. Thi Cross-scea *tiom of De-

THURSDAY, NOV. 10, 1938 Architecture. Open daily except Sun-
VOL. XL:IX. No. 40 day, 9 to 5, through Nov. 14; third
floor exhibition room, Architectural
Notices u Building, The public is invited.
Aeronautical Engineering Students:
An announcement concerning the' Lectures
United Air Lines Scholarships, forr
study at the Boeing School of Aero- Um sinyDiector of Warn I.
nautics, Oakland, Calif., has been Thompson, Director of Warner In--
auisOalnClfhsbe stitute for Therapeutic Research
posted on the Bulletin Board of the (formerly Professor of Pharmacology
Department of Aeronautical Engin- { at they U rsity o Maryan wlg
eering. at the University. of Maryland) will
lecture on "The Chemistry and Phar-
macology of Ergot" on ,Thursdlay,
To Members of the University of Nov. 10, at 4:15 p.m., in Room 165
Michigan District of the M.E.A.: The Chemistry Building, ulder the ausui-



following is the result of the prefer-
ential mail ballot for officers of the
President, George E. Carrothers
Vice-President, ,Odina B. Olson~
Secretary, Olga K. Wright
Treasurer, Robert L. Williams
Delegate to the Representative As-
sembly, John M. Trytten ('38-'40)
Members of the Executive Committee,
Edith L. Hoyle (also first alter-
nate) ,
Harlan C. Koch (also second al-
Ira M. Smith.
Registration for Positions, Teaching
and General: The Bureau of Appoint-
ments will be open to registration by
students Thursday and Friday of this
week, Nov. 10 and 11. Blanks may be
obtained at the office, 201 Mason Hall,
hours 9-12 and 2-4.
Both seniors and graduate students,
as well as staff members, are eligible
for the services of the Bureau. Feb-
ruary, June and August graduates
are all urged to register at this time,
as this is the only general registra-
tion to be held during the year. There
is no charge for this service, but after
Nov. 11, all students taking out blanks
are subject to payment of $1.00 late
registration fee.
University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Infor-
mation. 201 Mason Hall. Office
hours, 9-12 and 2-4.
Academic Notices
IHistory 47: Midsemester. Thursday,
Nov. 10, 10 a.m. Sections 1, 2, 3,
Room C, Haven Hall. Sections 4, 5,
6, Room 231 Angell Hall.,
Verner W. Crane.
Marriage Relations Course: The
third lecture in the series will be given
by Dr. Raymond Squiers at the Mich-
igan League Ballroom' tonight, 7:30
p.m. No extra tickgets are available.
Faculty, College of Literature, Sci-
ence and the Arts: Midseinester re-
ports are due not later than Satur-,
day, Nov. 19. More cards if needed
can be had at my office.]
These reports should name those
students, freshman and upperclass,
whose standing at midsemester time
is D or E, not merely those who re-
ceive D or E in so-called midsemester
Students electing our courses, but
registered in other schools or col-
leges of the University, should be re-
ported to the school or college in
which they are registered.
E. A. Walter, Assist. Dean.
Candidates for the Teacher's Cer-
tificate: A tentative list of candi-
dates 'in the School of Education,]
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts, College of Architecture, and ,
Graduate School to be recommended
for the Teacher's Certificate in Feb-
ruary and June 1939 has been post-
ed on the bulletin1 board in Room
1431 U.E.S. Any student whose name
does not, appear on this list and who
wishes to be so listed should report
this fact at once to the Recorder of
the School of Education, 1437 U.E.S.
Chamber Music Series. A series of
four chamber music concerts, made
possible through the sponsorship of
Mrs. R. B. Canfield, Mrs. H. B. Can-
field, Mrs. H. B. Earhart and Mrs.
James Inglis, will be given by the
School of Music at 4:15 o'clock on
Nov. 14, 17, 21 and 28, in Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre. Admission will be
by ticket. A limited number of tick-
ets are still available and will be given
out in the order of personal requests
at the School of Music as long as they

The Ann Arbor Art Association pre-
sents two exhibitions, water colors by
Jane Stanley, and Guatemalan tex-
tiles, in the galleries of Alumni Mem-
orial Hall. Nov. 9 through 23, daily,'
2-5 p.m.
Exhibition, College of Architecture:
Drawings made by groups of students
in Architecture and Landscape Design.
at, the University of Illinois, Ohio-
State, Cincinnati, Michigan, Armour
Institute, Iowa State College, in com-'
petition for tie Ryerson Scholarship
which is offered annually for travel
abroad by the Lake Forest Founda-
tion for Architecture and Landscape
ner. While i1esidhents of Ihi, vicmiii
and Detroit marvelle at the moon':.
eclipse Monday night, Dean B. Mc-

", u +V M
ces of the College of Pharmacy. The
public is cordially invited.
University Lecture: Professor Olav
Janse, Director of the Expedition for
the Paris Museums and the French
School of the Far East, will give an
illustrated lecture on "Excavation in
Indo China: Ancient Chinese Cul-
tural Finds" on Thursday, Nov. 10 at
14:15 p.m. in the Rackham Amphi-
theatre under the auspices of the In-
stitute of Fine Arts. The public is
cordially invited.
University Lecture: Thomas Doe-
sing, Director of the Public Library
Administration of Denmark, will give
a lecture on "Folk High Schools in
Denmark" on Thursday, Nov. 17, at
4:15 p.m. in the Natural Science Audi-
torium under the auspices of the
General Library and the Department
of Library Sciences. The public is
cordially invited.
Events Today
Observatory Journal Club will meet
at 4:15 today in the Observatory Lec-
ture room. Dr. Victor A. Goedicke
will speak on "The Binary Star VV
Cephei." Tea will be served at 4 p.m.
"Psychological Journal Club will
meet tonight at 8 p.m. in the East
Conference Room of the Rackham
School of Graduate Studies. Topic:;
"Recent Studies of Emotion" reviewed
by R. Kleemeier, N. Glaser. A. Steb-
bins, and F. J. Shaw. Comments by
Professors C. H. Griffits and W. C.
The Engish Journal Club will meet
in the West Conference Room of the
Rackham Building tonight at 8 p.m.
Dr. John Arthos, of the English de-
partment, will discuss "The Relation
of Poetic Diction to Scientific Lan-
guage." Faculty members and Grad-
uate students are invited to attend,
Graduate Students in Education:
Election of' representatives to the
Graduate Council will b'e held today
at 4:45 p.m., in the Elementary School
Parapsychology Club: Important
business meeting 8 p.m. tonight in
the West Lecture Room of the Rack-
ham Building, after which Dr. Gre-
ville will describe the "EP round
table" held recently in Columbus and
Mr. Kossack wil report on the work
of Hans Bender, German parapsy-
chologist. Anyone interested will be
Institute of the Aeronautical Sci-
ences: There will be a very important
meeting this evening at 7:30
p.m., in Room 1042 East Engineering
Building. Plans for an inspection
trip to Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio;
the Curtiss-Wright :Corp., Buffalo,
N.Y.; or the Air Transport Meeting
in Chicago, will be discussed. All
members and prospective members
are urged to be present. Refresh-
ments will be served.
Varsity Glee Club: Rehearsal at
7:30 tonight. A full attendance is
necessary because of an approaching
concert engagement.
Reserves, Glee Club: Regular re-
hearsal at 4:30 p.m.
Giaduate Students, Mechanical and
Industrial Engineering: Election of
Graduate Cotmcil representative will
be held this afternoon from 1 to
4 p.m. in Room 221, W. Engi. Bldg.
See bulletin board for further in-
Architecture will be the subject of
a discussion led by Dean Bennett of
the College of Architecture today,
from 4:30-5:30 p.m. in the small ball-
room of the Michigan Union. All men
and women interested in any phase
of architecture are invited.

Meeting of Graduate Students in
Mathematics for the purpose of elect-
ing representatives to the Graduate
Council will be held this afternoon at
4 o'clock in 3011 Angell Hall.
Juniwr A.A.U.W.: Interior Decora-
tion group meets tonight at 8 p.rh.
at the League.
Progressive Club: There will be an
hexecutive meeting of the Michigan
'Chapter of the A.S.U. today at 4 p.m.
at the League.
'Dormitory Board meeting today at
Q pt. in the I r'ag1ue,
T1he MticIian 1niw Wwok ruinun

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