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November 10, 1938 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1938-11-10

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Moping On The Mall
By Meandering Minnie
Well, the Union has went and done it-admit women to that sanctur
sanctorum. In other woids, the Union Coffee Hour. And from all reports, i
was a killer, what with charades or something put on by Mimes and every
one being smooth all over the place.
Jim Palmer was there, and Jim Halligan with Ma'rgo Thorm, Pau
Brickley and Don Beldon, the latter two prexy and secretary of the Union
were there. Jean Hastie, Poodie Pomeroy, Day Dies and Hadley Smith-
in fact over 100 individuals attended. George Canning, another committe
member was officiating, Betty Spangler, Lois Masse, Chuc
Campbell and Genevieve Spurgeon, sipping some brew tha
was either coffee or chocolate and many others engrossed
O in watching the fencing exhibition put on by Mimes.
Assembly Banquet was held Monday night, with the
League Ballroom jammed with women of all sizes an
shapes. Winners of the scholarships were Gertrude Fre:
who had 31 hours of straight "A" last year, and Florence
Krenzler who not only had 31 hours of "A", but four hours of "B" thrown
in. Understand same is a major in' science and math, too. Esther Gross
psychology major, also-had 31 hours of "A". Tsk. You know what people
like that do to the class average. Makes the whole struggle seem futile
somehow, don't it?
At the W.A.A. tea the other day were Mrs. Stewart Hanley, the gals' gol
instructor, sitting on a table swinging her feet and imbibing tea, Joan Bev
ington sitting next to her, and Sally Orr sprawled out on a couch joining
in the conversation spasmodically. Dr. Byron Hughes dropped in for a
spot after taking measurements of the girls for use in a physical anthropol-
ogy research problem, and Sally Connery, Mary Richardson, Frances Ander-
son and Florence Deyer came in before tottering out into the cold to play
Jordan Hflal Is Winnah!!.
Jordan Hall defeated Alpha Gamma Delta 28 to 27 in a snappy volley-
ball game yesterday. Among Jordan players were Margaret Cotton, Jan(
Toemhild and Dorothy Davis. For Alpha Gamma Delta were Frances Kahrs
Mary Allen, ElaineKehl, Sue Vogt, Marian Wight, Dinna(,
Miles, Edith Buttler, Dixie Jackson and Margaret Harris.
At 5:10 p.m. Alpha Delta Pi, after a hard struggle,
beat Gamma Phi Beta. The Gamma players were June
Roberts, Mary Vonderheidt, Barbara Bassett, Virginia
Schweigler, Harriet Dean, Jane Lord, Mim Finkeldey and
Barbara Griffen. Opposing them were Joanne Taylor, Phy
Hoffmeyer, Mildred Perkins, Patty Main, Marian Weiss,
Marian Conde and Fran Hubbs.
Many fascinating characters came out for the tea
dance yesterday afternoon. Evelyn Dock was there, Stephanie Parfet in a
ping angora sweater, Dick Knowe, Jim Hines, Betty Baldwin, Peg Pulte, Betty
Mandel and Betty Kepler of the Kappa menage, Enora Ferriss, Bill Miller
and Lib Allington, to mention a few. Other goons there were Jim Collins,
Bob Isgrigg with an awful shirt, Web Cook, Perry Nelson, on the prowl,
George McCain of golfing fame, Bob Summerhays and Neil McKay who
was dancing in a ihost intricate and suave manner.
- = - W.A.A.Board Meets-As Usual ..


The W.A.A. Board met again,
Allen, Buffy White, Beth O'Roke, F
Corkum, Martha Tillman, Betty G
cutie, Peedo Ortmayer, Dottie Ma
The swimming club is to be
year, it seems, and the girls cho
this week. There will be a meeting
Union Pool and a meet with the Y
acters) will be held in the near future. However, t
word is received from Wipesy.
Enough from the anemic mouse for this week.

and present were Virginia
Betty Lou Witters, Florence
ross, Harriet Sharkey, the
ul and Norma Curtis.
an invitational affair this
sen will be asked to join
g at 4 p.m. Monday in the
Vpsi gorls, (very fine char-
he date won't be set until

Panhellenic To Hold Mass Meeting Nov.

Group Policies
- Will Be Topic
aOf Discussion
- Actives, Pledges, Alumnae
'e Urged To Participate;
Dean LloydWill Speak
The first mass meeting of Panhel-
e lenic Association in the history of the
d Michigan organization, will be held
y at 5 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 22 in the Ly-
e dia Mendelssohn Theatre, i was an-
a nounced yesterday by Stephanie Par-
, fet, president of Panhellenic Associa-
e tion.
e All active members and pledges of
all sororities as well as any alumnae
f or alumnae counselors are urged to
attend this meeting, Miss Parfet said.
This is the first time that such a
g meeting has been attempted on the
a campus for the purpose of open dis-
- cussion of Panhellenic policies.
Dean Lloyd To Speak
Y Dean Alice C. Lloyd will address the
group, and open discussion will be
held at the conclusion of her talk. It
is hoped that through this meeting
more suggestions will be made for the
- solution of existing Panhellenic prob-
e ems on this campus.I
Formerly, Panhellenic Banquet,
held early each fall, was the only
event at which all sorority women
were able to meet in one group. Miss
Parfet said that cooperation from
each house in having a 100 per cent
attendance would be necessary to
make the meeting a success.
Opinion To Be Aired
Panhellenic Association, which is
the governing body of the sororities,
represents only two opinions from
each house, she said. The mass meet-
ing will allow a fuller expression of
sorority opinion from the campus as
a whole. Miss Parfet will preside at
the discussion.
It is hoped that the meeting will
stimulate a closer feeling between
sororities and that suggestions for
the further development of the as-
sociation will be offered.
Barney Rapp's
Vocalist Likes
Collegiate Life
Irene McKenna, petite blond singer
who appears with Barney Rapp's or-
chestra, likes Ann Arbor. She likes
to sing to college audiences, and she
loves the collegiate atmosphere, but
-she didn't like the Penn game. The
reason-she hails from Pittsburgh.
Five years ago, while 21 year-old
Irene was still-in high school, she be-
gan her musical career by singing with
high school dance bands, and occa-
sionally in night clubs. Her first
break came when the band leader at
a prominent night club asked her, as
a special request, to sing "Stardust."
Two weeks later she left on a tour
with the band.
"A musician has to love his work
in order to stick it out," Miss Mc-
Kenna said. "During the years which
followed that first big chance there
were times when I wanted to give it
up, but time after time I came back."
Noticing a diamond on her left
hand, we couldn't resist that trite
question, "Do marriage and career
mix?" The answer was, "No!" "Is
there ary social life for a singer
whose evenings are devoted to work?"
Answer: "Dinner datespand late, af-
ter-work suppers-no proms."
Originally a "sweet singer of bal-
lads," Miss McKenna now sings swing
tunes, and she likes it much better.

She thinks the 'younger generation'
likes it better, too. Theatre work is.
more fun than club engagements, be-
cause the audiences are more respon-,
sive, she said.
Earl Holloway Wins
Cook Book Contest
A set of Wedgewood dinner plates,
First prize in the Michigan Alumnae
°cok book naming, was presented yes-
:crday to Earl Holloway, Jr., '40BAd,
,f Flint, Mrs. Robert Briggs an-
Prof. Margaret Elliott Tracy of the
economics department made the pre-
entation at 3 p.m. yesterday in the
Horace Rackham School of Graduate
Studies. The winning title out of the
eferal hundred submitted was "The
3luebook of Cooking."

To Head

League Fair

ELLEN CUTHBERT, '39 w ase " "vea [in Ln " "i"u"y "joining
ballroom. HAT..
Miss Cuthbert has been named Two more of the tea dances are
general chairman for the League planned for the near fixture, Miss
Fair, which will be held. in coc- Stowe said. The purpose of inaugu-
junction with Sophomere Cabaret rating them was to foster friendship
Friday and Saturday, Dec. 2 and among fraternity and sorority mem-
Fidyan S a a bers, with special attention being
3. She is a member of Senior So- IJpaid to freshmen. Name tags were 613 EAST WI
ciety and acted as a junior night 1 handed to the guests to aid them
editor for the Daily in 1937-38. in identification.


.K.. 0 v-;;

by Brewster
Flattering new version of the
derby-type hat to help you look
trim and sleek. Wear it with
equal grace to the game, to
town or country. Soft, fine felt
in Rust, Brown, Black.
Other attractive styles by
Brewster at $5.00

_ ..__.____ _._m___._.____

Have ar Y oatscwf in this Feminine Season
Have a Coat with a Muff

Tuck rosy-tipped fingers into the
warmth a quaint muff provides.
Pin a bunch of flowers to its soft
surface and look as gay as you
feel. Add glamour at night..
carry your muff with your furless
evening coat.
Nubby boucke wools, warmly inter-
lined, in blue and brown . . . fash-
ioned into slim-fitting coats that
give you a dainty, fragile
look. Squirrel, sheared
beaver and skunk for
flattering collars, and
muffs that double as
' handbags.


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