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October 08, 1938 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-10-08

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Edited and managed by students of the University of,
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Publishea every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session,
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
It or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail" matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by maill, $4.50.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative

Board of Editors

Managing Editor
Editorial Director
City Editor . .
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Book Editor .
Women's Editor
Sports Editor

. . . . Robert D. Mitchell
.Albert P. Mayio
. . . Horace W. Gilmore
Robert I. Fitzhenry
. . . S. R. Kleiman
. . . . . Robert Perlman
. . . . William Elvin
Joseph Freedman
. . . . . . Earl Gilman
. . . . . ....Joseph Gies
. . . .Dorothea Staebler

.Bud Benjamin

Business Department
Business Manager . . . Philip W. Buchen
Credit Manager . . Leonard P. Siegelman
Advertising Manager . William L Newnan
Women's Business Manager . . Helen Jean Dean
Women's Service Manager .-. Marian A. Baxter
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
America Looks
AL Foreign Affairs . .
A SUMMARY of all the findings of the
American Institute of Public Opinion
on the subject of foreign affairs recently pub-
lished contains a number of striking facts con-
cerning mass America's views on Europe and the
State Department. First, although nearly every-
One is agreed that America should stay out of a
European war, 43 per cent think it will be im-
possible. A great majority are now convinced that
it was a mistake to enter the last war.
As for keeping out of war, sentiment favors
stricter neutrality legislation and a popular ref-
erendum on going to war. The public also sup-
ports the increases in the army, navy and air
force, and believes by an overwhelming margin
that the munitions industry should be govern-
All these opinions, whether correct or not,
are easily understandable in the light of the par-
ticular education the public has received in the,
past several years from press and government.
The press has solidly supported building up the
defense forces; there is scarcely a newspaper
which has not, for whatever selfish or honest
season, applauded increases in American arma-
ment. The Nye investigation led to the crystalliza-
tion of popular reaction against war in indigna-
tion against the arms makers and the wide-
spread belief that they are responsible for war.
The, education of the people to the folly of
America's entrance into war in 1917 has led to
a wave of 'shut-the-barn-door thinking, in which
the precautionary measures which might have
kept us out in 1917 are advanced as thesalva-
tion of today. Thus the sentiment for govern-
ment ownership of munitions and a strict neu-
trality law. Finally, the desire for a referendum
on sending troops overseas can be traced to the
belief in the minds of the people that after the
lesson of 1917 they won't be fooled again.
On the other hand, despite their strong pro-
clivity to think of the European scene in terms
of American peace, the people have formed decid-
ed opinions on events abroad. Germany, Italy
and Japan are blamed for the arms race, and the
same countries for the existent threat of war. And
if war does break out, only three per cent of the
people of America will sympathize with the fas-
cist nations, while about a third claim to be
neutral. Finally, Americans do not believe Ger-
many should be given back her colonies, and do
not even consider that the Treaty of Versailles
was too severe. A surprising number, 41 per cent,
think it was too easy. The reason for these be-
liefs is probably not due to any careful analysis
of the problems or facts involved, but simply to a
strong revulsion against the policies and prin-
ciples of Hitler.
An interesting point in connection with the
belief in neutrality is that the people disapprove
of shipping arms to China, in spite of over-
whelming sympathy with that nation's struggle
against Japan. It seems fairly certain that
America must be opposed to sending American
arms or scrap-iron to Japan, and even to Ger-

ForSore Eyes .. .
AN ALARMINGLY large number of stu-
dents have been walking about cam-
pus the past few days sporting a pair of "smoked
specs." These begoggled individuals are not pull-
inga "Garbo." Except for those few unfortunates
who attempted to punch someone's fist with
their eye, they have received an examination for
glasses to aid failing eyesight.I
This calls attention to a rather serious problem
confronting the school. While no accurate figures
are available, it is known that too many students,
who come to the University with perfectly good
eyesight, have it ruined in short order. It is true,
of course, that a large percent of the blame lies
with the individual himself for his own careless
misuse of his eyesight, and to poor lighting con-
ditions in Ann Arbor rooming houses. Some of
the responsibility, however, must be assumed by
the University. Anyone who has studied for an
evening in the economics library and left wity
his eyes, red and smarting, will tell you that the
lighting facilities are far from adequate. This
despi'te the.fact that $300 was spent last year
for improvement there. The conditions in other
small campus libraries are equally as bad or
worse. Perhas it would not be feasible to install
expensive desk lighting systems such as are
found in the main and law libraries, but some
more satisfactory lighting plan is badly needed.
This is especially true since so many of books
contained in these specialized reading rooms
are printed in exceedingly fine print.
While we may criticize the University for the
inadequacy of library lighting, we can not accuse
them of neglect or indifference. The University
has repeatedly applied to the state without suc-
cess for added funds with which to completely
renovate campus lighting. The building and
grounds department has a small allotment Which
it uses for this purpose, but their budget is so
limited that they can undertake only a small part
of the necessary work. We can only hope that in
the near future the school will be granted suffi-
cient funds to remedy this unfortunate condition.
-James Frankel
The Editor
Gets Told
A Summation
To The Editor:
Prime Minister Chamberlain's desire to pre-
serve peace for this generation must be regarded
with more than the usual enthusiasm that would
be suggestive of such a seemingly magnificent
effort to maintain the status quo.
In condescending to all of Hitler's terms the
Prime Minister as good as told the German people
that their leader was all that the latter told them
he was; and that, furthermore, there was no
alignment in the world sufficently strong to offer
any physical objections, if there were any sudf7
In addition he reversed completely the formerly
worthy English formua of maintaining the bal-
ance of power in Europe as a necessary device
for real peace. It is significant to note that Ger-
many now looms as a more potent force than at
any time heretofore in the long blood-stained
annals of European history.
Bismarck currently appears as a second-rate,
at least from the point of view of results, if not
performance. The Kaiser, with an army that was
relatively greater in all respects than that of the
Chancellor, was in no way as skillful in obtaining
his objectives. Unlike Hitler, he lost control when
he viewed the possible prize and made a desperate
snatch for something that could easily have been
gained with a first-class speech of fanatic, illogi-
cal argument (I hope that I do not offend the
admirers of Mr. Lloyd George).
And what is to be the outcome of this phenome-
nal accomplishment? No one can confidently pre-
dict its full meaning but there are certain things
that fore-shadow a back-step in the progress of

civilization-with the movement being led by a
man who believes that any form of thinking con-
trary to his is diabolical and bolshevistic. It is a
certainty that free thought and the history of
ideas have come to a boundless chasm.
To think of 80,000,000 people who can never
view a work of art, read a book, or see a play
without the approval of a group of power-mad,
romantically confused critics is of inestimable
significance. To realize that the efforts of our
great contemporary philosophers and thinkers
are being continually thwarted means that, what-
ever physical loss we may have averted, will be
more than counter-balanced by the irreparable
damage to the systems of education for these
people. Remember this, that even Napoleon had
the true greatness to see the need of education
for his people, to say nothing of his other mo-
mentously successful efforts to organize the
channels of law and religion for his people.
In the last analysis, the progress of man has
been integrally bound up with his mental enlight-
Whatever else might be said for the new Ger-
man feeling of restored confidence and power
there still remains the unforgettable fact that
the potentially great Czechoslovakian democracy
has been placed in a predicament of eventual
extinction. Furthermore, this new confidence is
being sponsored by a man, who to say the least,
is admittedly dishonest. It is no secret that Hit-
ler's latest promise to keep peace in Europe was
made with one eye on Scandinavia, Denmark in
particular. The fact is that these nations are rela-
tively small and also likely would be unable to de-
pend on support from England. (There is no
reason to believe that another speech by Hers


WASHINGTON, Oct. 7-President Roosevelt is
either a much misunderstood man or he is naive
in his unawareness of what has been and is going
on in the world of business.
When the President announces that there ought
to be no more "sabre-rattling" and no more name
calling and no more exaggerations from the ranks
of industrialists and business men, the impression
conveyed is that all such, childishness has come
from one side of our class war. Maybe Messrs.
Ickes, Hopkins, Jackson et-al really never meant
what they said in public speeches.
Actually, progress toward a better understand-
ing between business and government has been
directly impeded by the outspoken comments of
the members of the Cabinet and Administration
generally who, in the last several months, have
missed few opportunities to denounce business
men as uncooperative.
Unfortunately, there are many counts on which
business men could be convicted in a court of
public opinion, for they all too often have been so
preoccupied with their own affairs as to neglect
the sources of economic discontent which have
produced large antagonisms against them in the
political world and particularly at the polls. But
if, in the aftermath of the nation's extremely
nervous experience recently over a possible war,
an era of reason and mutual trust has been
ushered in domestically, the first requisite that
will be urged is a revival of the ancient quality
of candor.
They're Only Human
Thus, the practice of speaking through a White
House spokesman, which has lain dormant since
the old, old days of the Coolidge administration,
doesn't make for mutual trust, because, behind
the anonymity of officialdom, blanket charges
and innuendoes fall with ill grace and only pro-
voke more resentment rather than a spirit of con-
formity. Business men, like any other set of
human beings, do not like to be blamed for pro-
ducing an atmosphere of friction when it is a
well known fact that not a few of the Administra-
tion's policies have contributed to the dissension
between classes in the United States.
Thus, for example, the White House spokes-
man's reference to seven TVA's as a sort of myth
is received by utility men with nothing short of
amazement. The President's own tribunal, known
as the National Resources Committee, has out-
lined the Seven-TVA Plan, and there have been
bills introduced and supported by the same group
of Administration leaders in Congress who suc-
cessfully fostered the TVA itself. Jnder such cir-
cumstances, it is puzzling to know how business
men can suddenly, on the basis of an anony-
mous assurance about a supposed dismissal of the
Seven-TVA bogey, erase such an apprehension
from their minds.
Where Mr. Roosevelt is apparently misin-
formed, or else uninformed altogether, is on what
has been happening with respect to investors in
the utility industry. All he needs to do is to look
at the financial records or have one of his Brain
rrusters do a little research for him, and he will
find that, for some reason possibly still unknown
to the White House, the people of America haven't
invested very many nickels in the common stocks
of utilities during the last five years.
The reason, of course, is that there doesn't
seem to be much future for private investors, who,
take risks in the buying of common stock and
who now see no money at all being paid to a comr-'
mon stock holder when the Government buys a
property or subsidizes a municipality to finance
a purchase of a utility company. Likewise, Secre-
tary Ickes has the sole power to judge when and
where Government money will be put into compe-
tition to force private utilities out of busines..
Profits Still Necessary
The preachment of the Administration's ex-
perts has been that business should be financed
as much as possible not through bonds, but
through stocks. This means that the stockholder
must see a real return or profit ,coming if he is
to risk his money, and, when he sees a hard-
boiled Government competitor driving a bargain
in Tennessee and holding a gun to the heads of
private utilities, forcing them to sell, he doesn't
rush around to oversubscribe utility common
stock issues in other parts of the country as yet
untouched. The main reason why common stock
flotations of utility securities are so rare is that
the fact of Government competition is thorough-

ly imbedded in the minds of the investors gener-
If, on the other hand, the White House spokes-
man is speaking prophetically and wants inves-
tors to know that the Seven TVA's are dead and
Government competition is to be limited only to
the Sudeten areas of the Tennessee valley, then
the much-frightened investors will have to be
persuaded to put their savings in common stocks
of utility companies once more.
Maybe that was the real significance of the
White House spoke'sman's resurrection and may-
be an era of sweetness and light is now to envelop
the whole utility problem. This has been promised
so often before that skepticism is natural, but, if
business men will assume that Mr. Roosevelt has
merely been misunderstood in the past and that
he means now to make peace with the business
opposition, this is not something to hide in Hyde
Park under the cloak of the White House spokes-
man, but is real news that should be brought out
into the open so everybody can know it and re-
One of the first things dictators and com-
munists demand is the right of free speech, and
one of the first things to which an end is put
when they get into power is freedom of speech

-by Daid Lawren;ce-


N ,,

The inauguration of the fall semes-
ter here at Michigan concurs, un-
happily, with the beginning of the
theatrical season at America's theatre
world, New York City. Thus. the
theatre-goer before returning to cam-
pus is forced to be satisfied with at-
tending the hits that have survived
the summer months or wait until
Christmas-time to satiate his show-
going appetite. But between Septem-
ber and Christmas-what?
Of immediate concern is the season
begun in Detroit. Last Monday eve-
ning the Federal Theatre opened at
the Lafayette Theatre with the Liv-
ings Newspaper play, " ... one-third
of a nation . . ." Still showing to
capacity houses in New, York, the
play deals with the housing situation
in that city. telling in vivid and
startling form the unnecessary living
conditions thousands are forced to be
a part of. My Detroit confreres gave
all due credit to Arthur Arent, the
author, and Vernon Haldene, who
directed the tremendous cast of 186.
If the production comes anywhere
near the quality, of the New York
presentation, by all means make the
trip into Detroit to see it.
Oct. 9th heralds the opening of the
Cass Theatre to the accompaniment
of Clifford Odet's prize-fighting play,
"Golden Boy." The Group Theatre
is doing right by us, for they have
sent out their original Broadway
company. This time it is not merely
advertising, for Luther Adler, Fran-
ces Farmer, and Morris Carnovskyt
all have their original roles, plus the
fact that many of the supporting cast
are regular members of the Group's
acting company. When this depart-
ment saw theshow last Christmas, it
stated that Odets' play was the best
that Broadway had to offer at that
time. With but few exceptions, that;
opinion is still valid.-
In case you don't know, "Golden
Boy" is the story of a youth torn
between two loves: his violin and box-
ing. The latter wins out, but the vic-
tory is only temporary for death over-
takes him in the end. In staccato
blackouts, Odets tells his tale with
some of the most beautiful charac-
terizations our contemporary stage
has ever witnessed. He knows his
people, for he is of them and under-,
stands them. If we are going to have
a "must" list, however trite, then
put this down.
Of unknown calibre is Katherinej
Cornell's new show, "Herod andt
Mariamne," coming to the Cass the
week of October 30. It is a German
importation, and more about it later.-
Miss Cornell's appearance wherever
she plays is always an event; to all
manifestations this promises to be thei
high-mark of Detroit's theatrical sea-
The Detroit Town Hall offers an?
interesting series of twenty programst
this year. The opening attraction at
the Fisher Theatre at 11 a. in., Oct.t
12, will be Lincoln Kirstein's cele-'j
brated company, The Ballet Caravan.
The troupe will offer three ballets:
"Yankee Clipper," "Filling Station,"t
which boasts music by Virgil Thomp-
son and choreography by Lew Chris-
tiansen who also dances the leading1
role, and Ravel's "Promenade."
Although the season this year isn't
too promising, what we do have is of
the best, which is in agreement with
this department's views. " . . . one-1
third of a nation .. ." "Golden Boy,"
"Herod and Mariamne." and The Bal-
let Caravan are all a good beginning.r

Pulication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
W aiversiy. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
util 3:30; 11:40 .mi. on Saturday.

(Continued from Page 2)
will be held on Monday, Oct. 10 and
Tuesday, Oct. 11, from 3:30 to 5:30,
in the Michigan League for all per-
sons interested in joining the Glee
Club. Old members please re-register
during these hours. The first regular
meeting will:be held Wednesday,
~Oct. 12, at 7:30 p.m. in the League.
Attendance is compulsory.
The Graduate Outing Club will meet
at the northwest corner of the Rack-
ham Building at 3 o'clock Sunday,
Oct. 9. The group will leave prompt-
ly for Peach Mountain where there
will be hiking and a wiener roast
The group will return at about 7 p.m.
Freshman Round Table: Professor
Howard McClusky will speak on "The
Development of Desirable Personality
Traits" at the Freshman Round Table,
Lane Hall, 4 p.m., Sunday. All fresh-
men are welcome at the Round Table
Student Senate will hold its next
meeting Tuesday, Oct. 11. at 7:30
p.m. at the Michigan League. The
room number will be posted on the
bulletin board. The meetipg is open
to the general public.
Notice to all graduate students: The
notice of the Assembly on Saturday,
Oct. 8, which was issued to the grad-
uate students at the time of regis-
tration, should have read Wednes-
day, Oct. 12, at 7:45 p.m. There will
be no meeting on Oct. 8.
All freshmen interested in choral
singing are cordially invited to at-
tend a social meeting of the Fresh-
man Glee Club in Room 305 of the
Michigan Union at 4:30 p.m. on Tues-
day, Oct. 11.
A Book Fair, sponsored by the Amer-
ican Association of University Women,
will be held in the Michigan League
Oct. 15 from 10 a.m. 'to 10 p.m. and
Oct. 16 from 2 p.m. to 9 p.m.
The Christian Student Prayer
Group will hold its regular meeting
at 5 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 9, in the Michi-
gan League. Please consult the bul-
letin board for the room.
From Monday to Saturday at 7:30
p.m. special messages will be given'
for students by Doctors Zoller of De-
troit and Pease of Jackson at the Ma-
sonic Temple, 327 S Fourth Ave. Stu-
dents are urged to take advantage of
these services.
United Peace Committee will holdj
its first meeting on Monday, Oct. 10,
1938 at 7:30 p.m. at the Michigan
League. All organizations affiliated
with the U.P.C. are expected to send
two delegates. The general public'
is invited. The agenda will include
the financial report, plans for the
fall regarding lecturesesymposiums,
forums, etc., and a report on the
thrust into our hands a pamphlet on
whose cover was painted a forebod-
ing scene of Mother Nature on a
rampage, with the word, "Warning,"
scrawled in broad lightning strokes.
Before we could object, he unburd-
ened himself of a reverent spiel of
kingdom come, then asked us point
blank, "Do you have religion?" Wed
said, "Yes," consolingly, but he turned
upon us with scorn. "You know what
religion is?" he stormed. "It's tradi-
tion, and that's the trouble with us
"Just then Crosetti hit a home
run off Dizzy, and we (the victim of
another ill-advised wager) felt the
need of moral uplifting, all right, but
the loss of half a dollar preyed upon
us and made us a bit impatient per-
hops. "What are you selling?" we
inquired sourly. "Christianity," he
boomed, then launched another ser-
Bill Reed, who was reading Stephen
Crane's "Maggie, Girl of the Streets,"

raised his head long enough to inquire
about the score. Vic Heyliger, sleeping
on the Chesterfield, stirred as the
visitor struck a martyred pose in his
routine. "We don't want any," decided
Vic, but our apostle wasn't discour-
aged. "For five cents, I'll leave this
book with you, and throw this in for
nothing," he declared, tossing us an-
other pamphlet entitled, "Consolation
-A Journal of Fact, Hope and Cour-
age. sBargainsalways did appeal to
us, so we started fumbling for a
nickel, whereupon he brought up an-
other book. We slipped him the nickel,
eased the door shut--and felt instant-
ly saved.
Almost drenched, I sought for shelter
'neath '
An Awning-and beside me there,
She stood, in rain-soaked dress, a
lovely sight;
And I thought: "We'd make a happy
The rain had ceased; I offered her
my arms,
Which, with quiet grace, she took.
We walked; a moon appeared and lit
our love-
This happened, yes-but only in a

World Youth Congress held at Vassar
College during the summer.
Alpha Lambda Delta: There will be
a meeting of all Alpha Lambda Delta
members initiated last spring, on
Wednesday, Oct. 12. at 5 p.m. in the
League. Room will be posted on the
League bulletin board. Promptness
is requested of all members.
Tau Beta Pi: Dinner meeting Tues-
day, Oct. 11, at 6:15 p.m. in the
Union. Professor McCluky will speak.
Eta Kappa Nu meeting Sunday, Oct.
19, at 7 p.m. in the Union. Room to be
Phi Delta Kappa Members: A busi-
ness meeting at which all members
should be present will be held Monday,
Oct. 10, at 7:30 p.m. in the West Con-
ference Room on the third floor of
the Rackham Building. This meeting
is for the elect on of several officers
and the consideration of important
amendments to the constitution.
The Lutheran Student Club will
nmeet at 5:30 p.m. Sunday at Zion
Parish Hall for an informal meeting
and supper. The forum at 6:45 p.m.
will be conducted by Rev. Yoder and
Rev. Stellhorn. Pictures of the Na-
Stional Lutheran Student Ashram will
be shown. All Lutheran students and
their friends are invited.
Disciples Guild (Church of Christ)
10:45 a.m., Morning worship, Rev.
Fred Cowin, minister.
12 noon, Students' Bible Class.
Leader, H. L. Pickerill.
5:30 p.m., Social Hour and Tea.
6:30 p.m., Miss Helen Topping will
address the Guild on "The Coopera-
tive Movement in Japan." The public
is invited.
First Baptist Church and Roger
Williams Guild, 9:45 Sunday. All
students of this group are invited to
a special class at the Guild House,
503 E. Huron. Mr. Chapman is the
teacher. The course will be a survey
of the origin and growth of the Bible.
It will be a factual study.
10:45 a.m. Morning worship at
church. Rev. Hugh W. Stewart, of
Stratford, Ont., will be the preacher.
His topic will be, "The Hidden Sources
of Joy."
6: p.m. Roger Williams Guild meet-
ing for all students at the Guild
House. Special singing. Mr. Chap-
man will give a brief talk on Adoni-
ram Judson. Social time and re-
freshments follow program.
First Church bf Christ, Scientist,
409 S. Division St. Sunday morning
service at 10:30.
Subject: "Are Sin, Disease, and
Death Real?"
Golden Text: Jermiah 30:17.
Sunday School at 11:45.
First Congregational Church: Cor-
ner of State and E. William. Minister,
Rev. Leonard A. Parr, D.D. .
10:45 Morning Worship. The sub-
ject of Dr. Parr's sermon will be "The
One False Word of Life." Miss Mary
Porter ,organist, will play Impres-
sion No. III by Karg-Elert, and "Chor-
al-Varie" by Garbet. The chorus choir,
under the direction of Mr. Donn
Chown will sing "Bless the Lord, Oh
My Soul" by Ippolitoff-Ivanoff, and
Mr. Chown will sing, "The Lord's
Prayer" by Mallot.
6:00 There will be a meeting of
the Student Fellowship at six o'clock
at which time supper will be served,
and after a short meeting the group
will proceed to Hill Auditorium, to
hear the lecture to be given by Lloyd
C. Douglas.
First Presbyterian Church: 1432
I Washtenaw Ave.
9:45 a.m., a class for students on the

Bible will be led by Dr. W. P. Lemon.
10:45 a.m., "The World Within" is
the subject of Dr. Lemon's sermon at
the morning woi'ship service. The
student choir directed by Palmer
Christian will take part in the service.
The musical numbers will include:
Organ Prelude, "Mediation" by Bu-
beck;nAnthem, "God is my -Guide" by
Schubert; Anthem, "The Woods and
every sweet-smelling Tree" by West;
Organ Postlude, "Fantasia" by Bu-
5:30 p.m., the Westminster Guild
supper and fellowship hour to be fol-
lowed by the meeting at 6:30. Rabbi
Bernard Heller of the Hillel Foun-
dation will speak on the topic "The
1 Contribution of the Old Testament
to Religion." All Presbyterian stu-
dents and their friends are invited.
First Methodist Church. Morning
worship service at 10:40 o'clock. Dr.
C. W. Brashares will preach on "The
Way of the Christ."
Stalker Hall. Student Class at 9:45
a.m. Prof. Carl Rufus will lead the
discussion on "Shintoism and Pa-
triotism in Japan."
Wesleyan Guild meeting at 6 p.m.
I Prof. George E. Carrothers will speak
on "Training the Mind for Today's


You of M
By Sec Terry

FROM furtive campus sources comes
a report that several of Michigan's
bold, burly athletes are really nothing
more than Nijinskies in disguise, or
misguided disciples of terpsichorean
art. At the risk of inviting an un-
gentle melee in someone's dark alley,
we feel impelled to tell about it.
It seems that every Tuesday night
in the Women's Athletic Building,
such stalwarts of the arena as Ed
Christy, Phil Balyeat, Mike Rodnick,
Harold Nichols, Jack Brennan, Russ
Dobson and Butch Jordan gather for
laboratory work in a course called
Community Play. They learn dainty
little parlor games. When not hopping
and skipping about the premises, with
female Phys Eds clinging unabashed-
ly to them, they play guessing games.
For instance, the fellow who is "it"
stands in the middle of the group and
says. "Icky, Hocky, Poky, Poo," while
the person whose turn it is tries to
figure out the name of his neighbor.
If he fails, he becomes "it."
It requires a stress of the imagina-
tion to picture Brennan (who once
inscribed on a photograph sent to his
girl friend. "I'm yours, every muscle")
bellowing, "icky, hocky, poky, pog,"
and Jordan or Christy traipsing along
like Clifton Webb impersonating Bea-
trice Lillie. But these are dynamic
times, and though, as they say on the
sports pages, "anything can happen
in a ball game," we'd hate to hear
Michigan's quarterback whip out of


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