Assembly Tea
Given In Honor
Of Freshmen
Three Versions Of Polo Coat Shown
407 Women Attend Affair ~
At League Yesterday;
Dance Lambeth Walk x
More than 404 women attended the
tea dance in honor of new women
students from 4 to 6 p. m, yesterday
in the Ballroom of the League, v,
given by Assembly, organization of
independent women, under the man-
agement of Marie McElroy, '39, gen-
eral chairman, and Betty Jane Mans-
field, '39, president of Assembly.
Special invitations hqa oeen sent
to women who are in the University
for the first time, but all independ-.
ents interested in Assembly were
u ged to attend by Miss Mansfield.
The committee directed by Miss
McElroy included Zenovia Skoratko,t
'40, patroness chairman, Sally Man-
thei, '40, name tag committee, Mary:
Frances Reek, '40, mixers, and the
assistant chairmen, Norma Ginsberg,
'40, Cecile Franking, '39 and Phyllis
Mcieachy, '40.
Those who poured at the two tea
;ables throughout the afternoon were'
Miss Alice C. Lloyd, dean of women,
Mrs. Mary Craig Mitchell, Mrs. Shir-
ley Smith, Mrs. Clarence S. Yoakum, ; oo eration A m
Mrs. Wilber R. Humphreys, Miss eA
Jeannette Perry, Mrs. Byrl F. Bacher,
M'rs. Arexander; G. Ruthven, Mrs. By P
Henry E. Riggs, Mrs. Harry Mott,
Miss Mary Gleason, Mrs. Ellory D. By ANN VICARY
Preston,. Miss Ruth H. Damelson
and Mrs. James Farley A plea for cooperation among sor.
Charles Zwick and his orchestra orities issued recently by the NationalI
played for the dancing. Mixers in- Panhellenic Council, is strongly
cluded a demonstration of the "Lam- echoed by the Michigan Panhellenic
beth Walk" by Miss Reek and Jeanne Association, said Stephanie Parfet,
Judson, '40, in which the guests later 39, president of the Association, yes-
participated. terday.
Guests at the tea included Dorisann Emphasizing that the basis of the
Hendricks, '42, Margaret Cotton, '42, Greek letter system is essentially a
Claire MacArthur, '42, Roberta How- philosophy of life, held in common
ard, '42 Lucille Howard, '42, Betty by the chapters of all fraternities and
Belisle, '42, Norma Vint, '40, Virginia aiming at a single objective, which is
Zaiser, '39Ed, Lucy Ann Kirkpatrick, the development of women of strong
'39, Eileenf Boorsma, '39, Catherine character and a high degree of culture
McDermott, '41 Marie Vielmetti, '39, aIgd ability, the message urges in-
Pat, Vihtelic, '40, Elaine Wood, '41, creased cooperation among women's#
and Dorothy Park, '39. fraternities.
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Open Houses, Informal Dances, Teas
Will ,Follow Chicago Football Game
nI"ae Hall Will Have house from 4:30 to 6 p.m. today. Mr. Mrs. Basil D. Edwards and Prof. and
Coffee Hour; Chi Phi JJ. Fred Lawton and George Lawton Mrs. Ernest Barker will chaperon.
, . , Wil E 'will be among the a.lumni present. An open house following the game
n Ps; Will Entertain Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity will will be held by the Zeta Tau Alpha
sorority in honor of Mrs. Gregory
With another big game today and also act as host at an open house im- House of Cleveland, O. and Mrs. Da-
many parties to follow, the Michigan mediately following the game. vid Ott of Evanston, Ill., national of-
campus will again be the scene of Theta'Delta Chi fraternity will hold ficers of the sorority. And so ends
much gaity over the weekend. Open a tea dance followed by a buffet sup-I another exciting weekend; may it
houses, informal dances and teas are per from 4:30 to 8 p.m. for their visit- have as many happy memories as the
on the list of entertainments in store ing alumni and other guests. Col. and last.
for the celebrating students.__
Alumnae Hall heads this column of
festivities with a coffee hour which
will be held from 5 to 6 p.m. today.
Out-of-town guests will include Mrs.
Earl Schaeffer and Miss Esther
Schaeffer of Flint. Mrs. E. D. Pres-
ton and Beatrice Hopkins, '39 Ed.
will pour.
The Betsy Barbour and Helen New-
berry Houses are giving tea dances
from 4:30 to 6 p.m. following today's
Fraternities To Hold Dances E
The Chi Phi and Chi Psi fraterni-
ties are having informal dances from
9 p.m. to midnight as their part of
the festivities. Mr. and Mrs. George
Andros and Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Gravit
will chaperon for the Chi Phi fra-
ternity. Chaperons for the Chi Psi
dance will be Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ran-
.OngL Sororities
A P &4dall and Dr. and Mrs. David Welton.
DeltaSigma Delta fraternity will
nhellenie Cuncil celebrate with an informal dance also.
Harvey Judson's band will play for
the dancers. Dr. and Mrs. Louis C.
With the increasing proximity of Schultz and Dr. and Mrs. Corwin R.
pledge day, cooperation becomes a Wright will chaperon. Delta Upsilon
vital issue. To quote the views of the will give a dance after the game from
Commit'ee on Interfraternity Coop- 5 to 8 p.m. Chaperons will be Mr.
eration, "Panhellenism, based upon and Mrs. Cornelius Gabler and Mr.
Eand Mrs. John C. Dauffman.
cooperation rather than upon compe-CMshrJdaHveOnHoe
Mosher-Joroan Have Open House
tition. is not just a beuatiful ideal; it Jordan Hall is havirg open house
is sound, practical sense. from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. today. Vir-
Rivalry Is Inevitable ginia Aziser, '39Ed., Betty Jane Mans-
"Competition in the acquisition of field, '39, Margaret Norris, '39 will
new members and in the striving for pour.
[f .
awards is inevitable and what is more
it is healthy, if, that competitive spirit
does not degenerate into a selfish
scramble for power and prestige to
the department of the strength and
prosperity of other competitors.
"Temporary triumph on the part
of a few chapters, which leaves the
others starving for membership, is a
two-edged sword whichseventually
cuts the victor as well as the van-
quished by bringing about a badly
balanced, unhealthy Panhellenic con-
dition in which no one can long pros-
Praises Quota System
Discussing the prdblem of the quota
system, the communication added
that the overlarge chapter causes as
much concern to fraternity leaders as
the undersized. The undeniable as-
sertion that the Greek letter system
is, no stronger than it's weakest link,
lends import to attempts to establish
the quota system.
The partial success of quota system
methods seems to indicate that the
only way of effectively dealing with
the problem is by educating the
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Kappa Delta Rho fraternity will
have a radio dance and bridge party
from 9 p.m. to midnight today. Prof.
Walter Lay and Prof. Franklin Everett
will be the chaperons.
The Keusch House is having an
open house from 4:30 to 6 p.m. Lamb-
da Chi Alpha will entertain their
members and friends at a tea from
4:30 to 6 p.m.
Mosher Hall is holding open house
atrthe Michigan-Chicago game
from 4 to 5:30 p.m. Mrs. Frederick G.
Ray, social director of the dormitory
and Miss Angelene Maliszewski, as-
sistant social director, will preside at
the tea table, assisted by Jean Hol-
land, '39, and Barbara Epstein, '39.
Phi Alpha Kappa fraternity is hav-
ing a radio-dance from 8:30 p. m. to
midnight today. Dr. and Mrs. Martin
Batts and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Kooistra of Ann Arbor will chaperon.
Phi Beta Delta Will Entertain
Phi Beta Delta fraternity is giving
a buffet luncheon at 12:30 p.m. for
their alumni, membgrsand guests.
Following the open "house after the
game, a dinner will be given At 6:15
p.m. for members and guests. Phi
Kappa Psi fraternity is having a
dance from 9 p.m. to midnight. Mr.
and Mrs. Nat Rogers and Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Oaks will chaperon.
Phi Kappa Sigma is also having
an informal dance from 9 p.m. to mid-
night today. The chaperohs for the
dance are Dr. Mack Durfee and Prof.
and Mrs. Norman E. Nelson.
Phi Sigma Kappa will celebrate the
game with a buffet supper and radio
dance from 5 to 9 p.m. Mr. and Mrs.
P. H. Hennin and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil
0. Creal will chaperon. Phi Sigma
Delta fraternity is having a radio
dance from 8:30 p.m. to midnight.
Dr. and Mrs. Everett Olenick and Dr.
Bernard Heller will act a chaperons.
Triangle fraternity is also having
an informal dance as part of the
Michigan-Chicago aftermath. The
dance will be held from 9 p.m. to
midnight. Mr. and Mrs. John Mc-
Quaid of Detroit and Mr. Granville
Conrad will chaperon.
Trigon fraternity is having open
Greeks to an intelligent awareness of
their joint responsibility in the Pan-
hellenic affairs of their campuses.
Each of the 23 groups which make up
the National Panhellenic Council has
its strong and weak chapters, the
problems of each being capable of
duplication in the others.
Pledge Day Is Oct. 15
Pledging takes place on this cam-
pus starting at 12:15 p.m. Saturday,
Oct. 15. Until that time comes, the
message of the National Panhellenic
Council committee holds a special
significance for Michigan's fraternity
women. Again we quote-"Intelli-
gent, cooperative Panhellenism will
bring balance and stability and guar-
antee the security necessary for the
Greek letter groups to serve their
community and their members to the
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League Ballroom
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