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October 07, 1938 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-10-07

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Generally fair, not so coo to-
day, tomorrow probably rain.

YI :



Another Munich
'Plan For Spain..
Broken Promises.
And Mussolini #

VOL. XLIX. No. 11






Fete Forestry
In Celebration

zyzzogeton Succeeds Zythum
To Cinch Last Place Honors
Knott,) Former Webster's Ito be.included in the book. To do
dor e r he pointed out, trained readers
Edior, Tels Toubesreadi every issue of the Atlantic
In University Lecture Monthly and Harpers Magazine pub-
lished since 1909, one novel of each
When an Australian rodent, a of 100 authors, newspapers and many
South American Leaf Hopper and an lother categories of literature, even
ancient Egyptian beer started vying Montgomery Ward and Sears Roe-

Enjoy 35th Anniversary,
As 100 Alumni Gather'
For Two-Day Reunion
Henderson, Mulford
Give Principal Talks
Thirty-five years of progress which
have seen the Forestry school evolve
from a small division of the Political
Science department to its present
position as a special division of the
University will be celebrated at 10:30
a. m. today at a special convocation
in the Rtackham auditorium.
William D. Henderson, professor
.emeritus and director emeritus of then
University Extension Service, will
speak to the meeting on "Human
Nature and the Changing Order." The1
other address of the day, "The Profes-
sion of Forestry" will be made by
Prof. Walter Mulford, head of the
division of forestry of the University
of California, and a professor here
from 1905 to 19,11.
President Ruthven will open the
convocation while Dean Samuel T.
Dana of the Forestry School will in-
troduce the speakers.
First In 10 Years
The convocation is being held in
conjunction with the first convention
of forestry alumni to by held in 10
years. Over 100 of the school's . 7q0
alumni are expected to be present for
the two day affair.
It was -in 1881 that forestry first
became an integral partof the cur-
riculum here, but it was discontinued
in 1885. However, in 1901, at the in-
stigation of Prof. Volney'M. Spalding
and Mr. Charles W. Garfield, the
Board of Regents voted to renew work
in forestry. A special instructor was
appointed and in the fall of 1902
classes began.
A year later the program had prov-
en yo popular that a separate depart-
ment of Forestry was established in
the literary college under the direction#
of Prof. Filibert Roth, '90.
Gain Prestige '.
Under the direction of "Daddiy" i
Roth the forestry department rapidly1
gained prestige. Foresters from this
university "became conspicuous for
the breadth and thoroughness of
their professional training, their prac-
tical ability, their enthusiasm and
their high ideals."1
Upon Professor Roth's retirement inj
1923, a careful study was made oft
the future of forestry here. At thatj
time, President Burton declared "We
are at a point when a decision must
be made for or against something far
more ambitious than we have yet
essayed." The decision was to expandf
and, in the fall of 1927, a separate
School of Forestry and Conservation
was set up.

PrintingOf Student
Directory To Begin;
On Sale Next Week
'This year -you'll be able to find
out quicker than; ever where that
'fellow you met in Ec class last year
lives and you'll be able to discover, in
a indirect way, where That Girl lives
and what her telephone number is.
Lenton G. Sculthorp, '40, editor of
the 1938-39 Student Directory said
yesterday that his staff has been
working night and day to break all
speed records in assembling the fifty-
cent register of names, addresses,
home-towns and telephone numbers
of all members of the student body
and faculty.
The directory will go to press to-
morrow, Sculthorp said. It wall be
available either on the campus or in
any bookstore.

Chamberlain Gets Suppor
Of House Of Commons
Nazi Occupation Coi lt

for last place honors in the Webster
New International Dictionary, Prof.
Thomas A. Knott, former managing
editor of the book, knew his troubles
were about over.
After ten years of work on the
1934-38 edition of the dictionary, Pro-
fessor Knott said in a University lec-
ture yesterday, the editors decided
that they would wind it up in a blaze
of glory with a new and different last
ward. For many years, zythum, the
ancient Roman beer, had occupied the
the select spot, but for the new edition
the editors unearthed two even "last-
er" words, Zyzomys, the ,small Au-
stralian rodent and Zyzzogeton, the
South American leaf hopper.
Getting out a dictionary for which
the purchaser pays 20 dollars, Profes-
sor Knott told an audience of 500 in
the Graduate School Auditorium, is
a $1,200,000 undertaking. The 606,-
000 entries require about 10 years to
assemble and edit.
In addition to the mechanical as-
pects of typesetting and routine edit-
ing, Professor Knott said, there is the
job of deciding which new words are

AFL Approves
ITU Delegates'
Disputed Seats
Convention Heeds Green's
Plea; Votes Probation
In Dues Non - Payment
HOUSTON, Tex., Oct. 6-(A')-The
American Federation of Labor con-
vention hurdled a constitutional cris-
is today by approving the disputed
credentials of the International Typo-
graphical Union delegates, and then
began preparations for the fight to
win amendments to the Labor Rela-
tions Act.
Responding to the plea of President
William Green not to force the print-
ers' union out of the Federation, the
58th annual convention voted unani-
mously to seat the ITU delegates "on
probation" until they decide by a
membership referendum whether they
pay up a special assessment levied a
year ago as an aftermath of the split
with C.I.O.
Later in the day the convention
voted to continue the "war chest"
assessment of one cent per member
a month.
The A. F. of L. constitution pro-'
vides suspension of membership for
any affiliated union three months
>r more in arrears on dues or assess-
went payments.
To avoid an arbitrary setting aside
of the constitutional provision, Green
and Claude G. Baker, new president,
of the ITU, appealed to the convention
to seat the delegates until the refer-
endum recently initiated by the Chi-
,ago LT.U. local settles the long stand-
ing controversy over payment of the
special assessment.
The credentials committee recom-
mended seating the I.T.U. delegation,
and Green threw his force behind
temporary setttlement by shouting to
the convention :

buck catalogues. When these readers
came across a word which looked un-
familiar to them they looked it up
in the last revised copy of Webster's
and if it didn't appear, they made a
note of it,and its context for inclusion
in the nw edition.
In new words, Professor Knott de-
clared, H. G. Wells, Arnold Bennett,
Joseph Conrad and Willa Cather were
very rich. The newspapers and Zane
Grey contributed practically nothing.
The importance of the dictionary
to us, he continued, is that it pro-
vides a short cut to a fuller knowledge
of this "printed book civilization" in
which we live. Since the invention
of the printing press in 1450 great
contributions to knowledge have been
made and practically all have been
made through the medium of the
printed word. Thus, he emphasized,
a dictionary is necessary for a com-
plete understanding of these contri-
The inclusion of slang expressions
in the dictionary, Professor Knott
pointed out, hinges upon two criteria.
First, the expression must be at least
10 years old. Second, the expression
must appear in a book which will be
sure to be read in 1944. The average
life span of slang expressions, he in-
dicated, is about three months, an
for that reason the editors must make
their selections carefully.
Many problems arise, he said, over
the inclusion of trademarks as regu-
lar words. The Lnibert Chemical
Co. once was refused trademark
rights on "Listerine" in Australia
(Continued on Page 2)
ROTC Reportst
Big Enrollment
Membership Increase Ist
More Than 13%
The largest enrollment in the his- I
tory of the University of Michigan
Reserve Officers Training Corps,e
representing an increase of 13.8% overt
last year, was indicated yesterday byk
Lieutenant Colonel Basil D. Edwards,
comianding officer of the corps. The
enrollment of the corps' five militaryC
units has reached 925, which becomese
1000 when augmented by approxim-
ately 75 members of the band whoP
are R.O.T.C. members.t
When asked about the probablet
cause of increase, Colonel Edwardsc
stated, that it could hardly be at-o
tributed wholly to the troubled situa-t
tion in Europe, because it is not strik-t
ingly greater than the increase of for-x
mer years. It is very probably, how-t
ever, that some of the increase is
due to the European situation, as thet
percentage of' increase in 1937 wast
only 9.1% and this is fairly represen-.i
tative of former years.r
The Infantry unit leads the enroll-1
ment with 488, the corps of Engineerst
being second with 157. The enroll-
ment of the other three units is: Ord-j
nance, 104; Signal Corps, 99; and
Medical Corps, '75. Divided into
classes, the freshmen lead as usual,
460, the sophomores having 283, the
ju iors 116 and the seniors 66.

IIdentification Cards
Necessary For Game
Student identification cards for
the coming year are now available
in Room 4 University Hall, it was
announced yesterday by the office
of the Dean of Students. All stu-
dents must call for their cards to-
day or early tomorrow, it was
stressed, as it will be necessary to
present them at the stadium gate
in order to gain admittance to the
Chicago game tomorrow.
Silence Period
For Rushees
Is Ushered In
Five Hundred Men Choose
Fraternity House Today
At Student Dean's Office
Silence period for over 500 men in-
terested in entering membership in
Michigan's 40 general fraternities
started at 8:30 p. m. yesterday, and
today the prospective pledges will
make their choices of houses at the
office of the Dean of Students.
Rushees should be sure to take
their receipts for payment of their
fraternity registration fees with them
to the ffice in Rom 2 Univ rsity
Hal, It was pointed ot' as these re-
ceipts must be shown before pref-
erence lists can be obtained. Once
the lists are obtained, they may eith-
er be filled out at once or taken home,
but must be turned in' by 4:30 p. m.
Preferences must be numbered in
order, if more than one choice is giv-
en. The office will be open at 8 a. m.
Silence period will last until 12 noon
Monday, during which time there is
to be no contact whatsoever between
the rushees and members of the vari-
ous houses. Notification of the pledges
will be sent to both the rushees and
to the fraternities on Monday, and
the pledging ceremonies will take
place at 6 p. m. Monday in each of
the chapter houses.
Any rushee may wait until later in
the year to pledge. Freshmen may not
be pledged until the second semester
in this case, however, while other
men who have been on the campus at
least a semester are eligible at any
FDR May Name
Commission For
U. S. Labor Study
HYDE PARK, N. Y., Oct. 6-(-
Heywood Broun and Morris Watson
of the American Newspaper Guild
said today after a talk with President
Roosevelt that he was considering
setting up a special non-partisan com-
mission to study domestic labor con-
The commission would survey the
entire American labor situation and
make a report. Although it would not
make recommendations, Broun said,
the mere availability of such a com-
plete report might make it possible
to effect peace between labor fac-
A group of business men and labor
leaders recently inquired into Euro-
pean labor laws and the relations of
workers there with industry, making
a detail report to the President.
Fighting Reopens
On Spain War Front
HENDAYE, France (At the Spanish
Frontier), Oct. 6-(tP)-Spanish Insur-
gent forces were reported today to
have hammered unavailingly at gov-

ernment positions on a sierra of the
Ebro River front.

BERLIN, Oct. 6-(A')-Both Ger-
man and Czechoslovak sources indi-
cated tonight their countries might
settle the issue of Sudetenland areas
with 'mixed populations without re-
sorting to a plebiscite.
The question of the mixed areas is
the next to be solved in the progres-
sive realization of the terms of the
four-power Munich accord.
That accord marked out four zones
in Czechoslovakia to be occupied by
tomorrow by German troops-and the
last of the zones was in process of
occupation today.
It also empowered the Internation-
al Commission now functioning in
Berlin to determine the remaining
territory.of preponderantly German
character to be occupied by German
soldiers next Monday:
The Commission defined this area
last night and it was estimated that
it and the four zones granted at Mun-
ich would give Germany approximate-
ly 5,000 square miles.
The next step for the International
Commission under the Munich accord
would be to determine territories
which would vote in a plebiscite for
union with Germany or for staying
with Czechoslovakia.
But so favorably have negotiations
progressed since yesterday's resigna-
tion of Eduard Benes as President of
Czechoslovakia that prospects bright-
ened every hour for settling the ques-
tion of the mixed areas without the
necessity of a plebiscite.
Czechs Charge Violation

Sudeten Mixed Populace
Question May Be Solved
WithoutTaking A Vote
Nazis To Ignore
Czech Pretests

Ex-Czech President
Sent Teaching Bid
By Eastern School
PROVIDENCE, R. I., Oct. 6-(A)-
Cechoslovakia's resigned president,
Dr. Eduard Benes, has been offered
a visiting professorship at Brown Uni-
versity, Dr. Henry M. Wriston, head
of the school, said tonight.
Dr. Wriston said the University had
offered Benes, who resigned as his
nation's leader Wednesday, a posi-
tion as visiting Professor of Interna-
tional Relations. The University also
offered to pay Benes' traveling ex-;
penses, Dr. Wriston said.
The offer, Dr. Wriston explained,
was made through Stephen Duggan,
director of the Institute of Interna-
tional Education, who cabled to Benes
from New York. ,
No reply has been received from
39 Recipients
Of Scholarships
Are Announced
No'yes Awards Presented
To 17; Professional,
Veterans' Awards Made
Scholarship awards to 39 students
were announced yesterday by the
President's office.
LaVerne Noyes grants were made to
,17 students who fulfilled the require-
Inent of having fathers who servedj
in the World War.
They were Elizabeth J. Burridge,
Lambertson H. Chaille, Emily A.-
Ericsson, Betty J. Fariss, '42, Barbaraj
J. Fisher, Margaret H. Hulbert, Claire,
E. MacArthus, Betty Jane Mueller,-
'41, James A. Orbison, jr., 140M, Ralph
Poskitt and Warren R. Robinson.
Others were Donald H. Shiley, '39E,
Leland G. Swart, '40, William M. Teet-'
er, '39E, Donn W. VanDerVort, '42,
Merle E. Webb and John Zytkewick
U. S. Army veterans' scholarships
of fees and tuition went to Merrill R.
Wiseman, Edward G. Trigg, William
H. Long, Roy E. Kimbrell Jr., Grad.,
and James G. Staley, Grad.
Arthur Grau received the John
Blake Memorial award.
Eight professional school grants
were made. In the Law School the
recipients were Arthur P. Boynton,
'39, Russell L. Carr and W. P. Allen.
Myron Van Leeuwen earned a scholar-
ship in the dental school. The educa-'
tion school was represented by Leo
(Continued on Page d)
Ticket Exchange Opens
Tomorrow In Union
The Union football ticket exchange
will be operated tomorrow from 9 a.
m. to 2 p. m. at the bus ticket desk
in the Union lobby,' James Halligan,
'40, announced yesterday. Tickets will
be held for sale or exchanged. Sale
or exchange of student tickets is for-
bidden by the University,

Japs Advance
In North China
Start Attempt To Encircle ,
EighthRoute Army
SHANGHAI. Oct. 7-(Friday) - A
=Japanese spokesman -announced to-
,ay that four strong Japanese columns.
were converging on the Wutai Moun-
tains of northeastern Shansi Prov-
ince in a drive to crush the Chinese
Eighth Army.
It was described as the largest en-
circling operation yet attempted to
wipe out the Chinese Communist
force which for more than a year
had created havoc behind Japanese
lines in North China.
This was the northernmost fight-
ing in the 15-months-old war. Othert
principal centers of conflict included
the Hankow front where Japanese'
forces reported a one-mile advance
today up the Yangtze River and the
South China province of Kwangtung, '
thus far the target only of Japanese
There was considerable excitement
in Canton over rumors of an impend-
ing South China invasion. These were
heightened by unusual aerial activ-,
ity, including three bombardments of
Murphy Restores
Economy Slashes
LANSING, Oct. 6--(A---overnor1
Murphy said today he had ordered a
restoration of economy reductions in
State funds for aid to dependent chil-1
ei rp"n


PRAGUE, Oct. 6-(P)--The Govern-
tment of Czechoslovakia learned today
that sacrifices far surpassing its ex-
pectations were required of the
dwindling republic in the cession of
the fifth Sudetenland zone to Ger-
- The Czechoslovak delegation to the
League of Nations declared in Geneva
that the fifth zone awarded to Ger-
many was in contradiction to the let-
ter and spirit of the Munich accord.
German officials in Berlin indicat-
ed that the Czech protests would be
ignored and that Nazi armies would
occupy the rich region this week-end.
UAW Forms Club
Supporting Murphy
DETROIT, Oct. 7 --( )- Homer
Martin, president of the United Auto-
mobile Workers Union, announced to-
day the formation of an "I'm for
Governor Murphy Club" among UAW
In a letter to UAW locals Martin
said the movement would be financed
by the sale of Murphy buttons to
Union members.
Union observers said the move ap-
parently was the outgrowth of dis-
agreement of a portion of the UAW

Message From Fuehrer
To Former P re m i er
Causes Paris Uproar
General Election
Will Not Be Held
LONDON, Oct. 6-(P)-The H use
of Commons today overwhelmingly
ratified the Government's peace policy
which Prime Minister Neville Cham-
berlain said saved "Czechoslovakia
from destruction and Europe from
Even as he wound up the four-day
debate on the settlement of the Ger-
man-Czechoslovak crisis with a call
to the legislators recognize that
he had saved peace, Chamberlain an-
nounced further preparations'for war.
The House by a vote of 366 to 144
registered its confidence in his policy,
after it had rejected by 369 ,votes
to 150 a Labor motionof disapproval,
and then adjourne until Nov. 1.
No Election
In his final speech, the 69-year-old
Prime Minister rejected Proposals for
an immediate general eection,fo
conscription of the nation's man-
power and for a world pol tico-econ-
omic confergnce.
He disclosed the Government al-
ready had "ordered that a prompt
and thorough inquiry should be made
into the whole of our preparations,
military and civil, in order to see, no
matter what happens during these
hectic days, what other steps may be
necessary to make good our defenses
in the shortest possible time."
In the voting, the House approved,
in the words of the motion, the
policy of His Majesty's Government
by which war was averted in the re-
cent crisis".and supported "efforts
to .reach ,a lasting peace."
Eden Silent
It was understood 20 Government
supporters abstained from voting.
They includedformer oreign Secre-
tary Anthony Eden; former First
Lord of the Admiralty Alfred Duff
Cooper; and Winston Churchill.
A group of Opposition members
also abstained from voting including
George Lansbury, veteran Laborite.
The weary Chamberlain left tonight
fbr Scotland with frs. Chamberlain
for a sorely needed rest.
Hiter 'Thanks' Flandin
PARIS, Oct. 6-(P)-The Chamber
of Deputies Foreign Affairs Commit-
tee was thrown into an uproar today
by the reading of a telegram addressed
to former Premier Pierre Etienne
Flandin and signed with Adolf Hitler's
name. The message thanked Flandin
for his efforts to avert war over the
Sudeten issue.
Flandin, a leader of the 'ight in
the Chamber, admitted the authen-
ticity of the telegram, saying, "Per-
mit me to ignore this incident. " He =
'consistently had advocated French
refusaf to honor the pledge of the
Franco-Czechoslovak mutual assist-
ance treaty.
Hitler's Message Read '
The telegram, dated Oct. 2, was
"read by the Socialist Deputy Solomon
Grumbach. It said:
"I thank you sincerely for the ami-
%ble felicitations which you transmit-
ted to me in your telegram. I hereby
assure you of my thanks for your
energetic efforts in favor of an en-
tente and complete collaboration be-
tween France and Germany. I have
followed them with sincere interest.
E hope they have wider effects.
"With my best regards,
Auto Strike Vote

Threatened On G.M0
FLINT, Oct. 6-( P)-Jack Little,
president of Local 156 of the United
Automobile Workers Union, an-
nounced today that a strike vote would
be taken in the Buick Division of
General Motors Corp. Saturday "un-
less General Motors in Detroit does

Revision Of Foreign Policies
Predicted On European Scene

As the world recovers its composure
after the war-scare of last month it
becomes evident, in the opinion of
Prof. Howard M. Ehrmann of the
history department ,that the conse-
quences of the four-power Munich
Accord will result not only in further
changes in both European territories
and boundaries, but will also entail
the re-orientation of the foreign pol-
icies of most of the powers involved.
Confronting the delegates at Mu-
nich was an immediate threat of war,
Professor Ehrmann said, and it is
natural that the first comments on
the efforts of the diplomats at Mu-
nich were exclamations of relief from
an overwhelming danger. But it is
clear today that the solution of the
present crisis and the creation of a
new frontier between Czechoslova-
kia and Germany are but further
stages in a complicated process of re-
constructing the map of Europe and
perhaps the world. Although no one

resents a substantial increase in pop-
ulation, brin . the rich granaries and
mineral resources of the region un-
der the control of the Reich, and pre-
pares the way for the economic sub-
jugation of the rest of Czechoslova-
kia to Germany. Hitler is now in a
position to extend German economic
expansion into the entire Danubian
area. In addition, Professor Ehr-
mann said, Herr Hitler once more
stands before his people as the con-
quering strong man, and his prestige
at home is enhanced tremdously.
The consequences of the accord
upon the Czechoslovak Republic are
obvious. The process of progressive
withdrawal from the Sudetenlands
goes on, and even as a bewildered
populace departs new demands are
made on the artificial, war-created
democracy. Poland has already re-
ceived territory in the Teschen area,
Professor Ehrmann indicated, and
Hungary has been promised a set-
tlement of its minority claims. Re-


Plan To Abolish Class Officers
Meets ,Approval Of Engineers

Unanimous endorsement of the En-
gineering Council's proposed move to
abolish all existing class offices and
reorganize student government in the
engineering school according to
classes, was voiced yesterday by lead-
ing campus engineers in a survey made
by the Daily.
The new plan embodied in the
amendment unanimously passed by
the Engineering Council at its last
meeting Thursday, Sept. 28, is at
present under consideration by the 15
honorary engineering societies whose
approval is necessary before the
amendment can go before the engi-
neering students in a final referen-
dum vote.
The amendment, which has already
received the approval of Eta Kappa
Nu and Triangle, provides for the elec-
tion of two students every year from

tennis team and former class treas-
urer. expressed complete approval of
the plan yesterday. "I've never been
in favor of the way class elections
have been conducted up to now," he
said, "because in most cases they
have been run by politics rather than
by ability. When they are conducted
'on that basis, they cease to become
a special honor."
Fred Luebke, '39E, president of the
Men's Council, expressed enthusiastic
approval of the p]pn, calling it ".ene of
the best ideas that's been suggested
around here in a long time. I heartily
endorse it."
If this plan be adopted abuse will
be eliminated from class elections,
since the elective class positions will
be held to a minimum, Wes Warren,
'39E, president of the Council, said.
Warren also claims that more compe-
tent representatives will be main-

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