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October 07, 1938 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1938-10-07

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I1ngineersrive Star Legit/n:IBand To Appear .Here j e Srin
Offie Reisio 7~7~i:~T~ '7~~> -psch - Mking Dance S
e The perabexAl
u t r t TheUnion Oerto berevived dete
PlanApproval~~ this year by Mimes campus dramatic i to be
Isociety, will feature a new dance,1 tionalI
i.ontinued from Fage 1},) "The Diagonal," according to Ma 'p-m. 1r,
IHde 39. Mimes president.Li
linthrough this central author-'Te iagon"wil "we epsaid ye- Georg
Whole-hearted endorsemen'.v of thelbe stupendous. It wil be far ter tai
planwasexprsse byRobet Hrt-more than colossal. It will be great-
wel 39Z, president of Congress, who, er than the Yam, the Big Apple, or yearsc
frop his experience on the financial$> any other temporary dance craze. be in t
committee of the junior class feels t I No we don't know just what it wil be selecte
that centralizing dues-collecting acti- like yet, but it will be great." bu"but
vitbes in the single treasurer for the Hodge also announced that this will b
the ea eLire school will go a long way .
toards a. brightening .of the finan- -
ialk setup. "I think the elimination ,
of the caucuses," Hartwell said, .. ..EE ING RADiu
"which in many cases turned out to
be rank, affairs and created a con- __ __ __
sideable amount of hard feelings isWR
.a very desirable ;acquisition." W!
Hartwell Also voiced a prediction - 0Se fSf eS630 1
that the literary school would not be 630 The inid f 'A~ 1spots 7:00A
long in following the step taken by 700 vcal vaietes7:00C
the engineers to cleanse their class 7 0s:nti~~830
electionls. 800 Frst Nighte I900
Peter Ipsen, '39E, forrmer president .(.9.0 0HBllywad HAtlen10:0030
,of ,Triangles, spoke froth his own pr- ~A......* .~~~.. . :0HlyodHtl10.300
sonar experience, having been class * .*. ..GrdCetaSato110
~.*~.. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,y ~ -10:30 To be announced 11:30Z
'secretary-in his junior year, when he 11:00 News 12:00
said that under the present system, > 11 :30 Ovie Aiston's orchestra 12 :30'v
clas ofices nvermee, ad nver .~. 1'12:00 Paul Pendarvis' orchestra
sl oefyfmchrsinefvr of th n eprsd .Jneian eo ou v12:30 Dick Barri's orchestra
do'anything'. He therefore declared he J 'ChrsOe tc n e too a W W' 6:00
aill Here reet lssofier.6:00 Tyson's Sports 7:00L
W ilitolo lApeenplasofies ~ ear H reIn V arxs ity Iho 630Bradcast 7:30z
The, plan was described as a very W7:0Imofl' Shy8:0W
godie" b rdObr,' 9,Vl ___ ~ ~__ _ 730 The Black Ace 8:30I
cand ice-pyredn. sberg cllEd, G VuR - <'- -8:00 cities Service Hour 9:00E
car1cepresiatentOstbteroposied' 01l epresenLted , State and were among those received by . :00 waltz Time f9:30.i
" aIual teto otepooe 9:30 Death Valley Days 10:00I
co4llection of dues by one man, which In Civil War Reunion;J the Zouaves after this performance. 110:00 Lady Concert Serenade 10307
hre said should lead to far greater I According to the Detroit Legion ews, 1030 Violin Concert 11:00t
" r e orMac 9 ~ soeteso"fo hs w 11 :00 Newcast 11:30n
efficiency in this matter. te soe te hw rm hseto 200Panaio lu rcetr,120
obmay, '39E, also a former class The American Legion Zoaves of nationally famous bands. 112:30 weather, scores. 1 12:30I
officer i the engineering 'school,I Jackson, known for their colorful _____________________________________
plr rtedo the fact that platforms uniforms and intricate marching for- -
amendment will no longer be political performance on the, annuals Varsity ip1
ipoisations, but rather realities, Show, Oct. 18, Gilbert Phares, '3$E, 1. ...A. aia e monhlyIepots ill.e3r- anouned ysteday
(ire'd of all Engineering Council The Zouaves were detailed by State Y
rersnaie.Headquarters of the Leg n to be _____________ - - Cooking, Salesmanhip and Mei-
''r + Michigan's official representatives at FOR RENT chandising. Registration Fee Ann
ATCNM LEGE the recent reunion of the Grand Army - Arbor High Schol. For further in-
AR IEA EGE of the Republic 'at Gettysburg. They FOR RENT-Rooms,( single andi formation call 5797. 81
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre were detailed to give exhibition drills double; private shower, new inner- . .- . .. .. . .
at the reunion. srnmatessauo tihat AUDIEMUF
CommendationsatUS from Major RbeIsrn atess uoai e ANRE
Oc . 7 t~teUS aieBand andl meals if desired. Ph. 2-1196, 1022 --___ _ _ _
A. ofthe . S.armyd -_______st._ 106 LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low pie. 9
O.~..-.FOR RENT-First class single and --__ _,,J- _S VIO
1double, price reasonable. New beds LAUNDRY-Students' laundry. Shirt'
Mah Cu s D atand desks. 1117 S. Forest. 36 12c. We call for and deliver. Phonet Rea
FOR RENT-Garage fr rent.*Vicin-rI4863 for other prices. Mrs. Richards. Pho
FCiAy&S atuOYRa ln o h er ity South University, Washtenaw. _____72_________
Forest Ave. Phone 5929. 113 SILVER LAUNDRY -
DANIELLE DARRIEUX Fifteen faculty members and grad- 67Hoe Phone 5594 LETC
uante students attended a meeeting of FOR RENT-910 Packard. Nice single o07Hoee
sMathematics Journal Club in Angell room. Very reasonable. Phone 7551. Free pickups and deliveries f
ay li gHall yesterday and laid plans for acti- 111 Price List erty
tvities during the current school year. FRRN-euehuetalr All articles washed and ironed. spec
21" Shirts....D.......ouse.trai12rr21
Extra Matinee Friday 3:15 Members of the Journal Club, feet, sleeps four, owned by faculty Undershirts ... ... . ..... ... .1204 reht
which meets weekly, study and dis- mn trctv ae orwne r hrs...........0 R
TIKT ..3ccuss articles appearing in various smstrSPoe457o18 Paasuits.............. .0 GR
mathematical journals. erty_____ ________ I'ok
"; OR RENT-Rooms for boys, 2 bloc- pi...........3 Ave
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _f r o m c a m p u s , s t o r e s . O n e b l o c k H a n d k e r c h i e f s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 2
from movies. Single at $4 per week, ath Towels.... ............ .03
suite at $3.50 per week. Roomy. Call All Work Guaranteed
2-1767. 4 so special prices on Coeds lan- wayP
4c________ _ ._ __.__ dries. All bundles done separately. wa
FOR RENT-Suite of two rooms for No markings. Silks, wools or Gra
'GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY men students, comfortably turn- specialty. PIT
16Nrh o.rtAvneished, warm; continuous hot water; FOR I dre
Noth Futh Aenegarage available. 309 N. University.-FO SALE de
016pPhone 8876. 92 ____-_______.._.. __ Nea
Hiuro n Valley Building ad Savings Association Building FOfETVr trciedul FOR SALE - Underwood pral Naug
or single ,room in private home for typewriter. Excellent condition BOAR
Phonte 881]3 Ann Arbr, Mich. graduate or working girl, or teach- reasonably priced. Call 4920 between vice
er. Phone 8321, 839 Tappan. 103 6 and 7 p. m 100 1Cos
O ffers the facilities, of an organized agency LOST and FOUND
LOST-A Delta Kappa Epsilon fra-
of over sixt yearsstnig ternity pin Saturday in vicinity of IAGA
Pretzel Bell. Call 2-2547. Reward.
Eire, Windstorm, Theft, Automobile, Life, 101---------U
Personal Accident, and over thirty additional . brown leather case. Please call Betsy tBd
Barbour house office. 2-2591. 112

LauSaudyReadCalo NWPrompt~attention given to all inquiries 2-3189 immediately. 114*
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ LOST-Black Spaniel dog, male.
__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ license No. 1036. Liberal reward. S uD ENT
_____________________________________________________-Herbert Harley. Phone 5841 andl
__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Univ. 577. 109' for All Depai
ENROLLMENT in Public Evening
School classes Monday evening, Oct.,
FOR PICTURES YOU'LL 10th: Classes in- Shorthand, Typing,F OL
V ~Bookkeepirgr English, Mathematics
t b ~French, German, Spanish, Citizen- OL
BDE PROU:D OF* .. ship, English for Foreigners, Art,
Public Speaking, Sports, Piano,
KoikVeic~o e .l Sewing, First Aid. Home Nursing, I j MICHIGAN 60
tk't1Goe ~jmPhotography. Woodwc'rk, Drama- IUiest
adortics, Lip Reading, Mechanical Draw-f 322 S. State at N. Uiest
> ing, Interior Decorating, Aviation,
Careful Finishing. I_________ I 1
NOW -- Last Times Today - tlae off
Want your next batch of pictures to be the best yet?
,Load with Kodak Verlchrome Film. Its double coat- r -
ing guards against underexposure and overexposure -
gets the picture where other films f ail.y
When you've finished shooting, bring us the ex- Im
posed f ilm. We've the skill and experience to bring SY.I S .."..'GERAT
out the best in your snapshots. rV."AM E'i

ro Fraternity To Hold Seholarship Awards
roker In Union Today Md oSuet
independent Negro men stu-
are invited to attend a smoker (Continued from Page i)
given by Omega Phi Psi, na- -- -- -------
Negro fraternity, today at eight Clair Beebe. '39 and Irving K. Fox,
i th Uno .14 .K r T.L o h rt '3 ,w sth5 as W all. Grad.; Bill Polk, '40; 'Forestry school representative.
;e Goddard. Grad.; and Robert American Indian scholarships were
Grad., are in charge of the en- won by Ralph West, Marian Powless,
nment for the evening. '41, and Arthur Biggins.
-.-. Recipients of tile $330 Seth Harri-
opera, contrary to custom, will son scholarships which are' availarble
the foim of satire. "We haven't only to descendants of the donor were
ed a script as yet." Hodge said, Cecil F. Charlton II, '41, Priscilla
wze know pretty much what it Abbot, '39, Waldo M. Abbot. jr.,' '39-
> like." and Bethany L. Wilson.
Stop and Go -
Exciting Moments
Organ Recital
George Olsen's orchestra
The Crimson Wizard
Dick Jurgens' orchestra
European News
Curtain Timef
Canadian Club Reporter
The Nation's Playhouse
Sammy Kaye's orchestraS
Where, When and What
Day in Review"
Benny Kyte orchestra Sup e rior D
The Lone Ranger32SOT SAE
Maurice Spitalny orchestra 3 OT TT

Dictionary Editor
Tells His Troubles

(Continued from Page 1)
because the word appeared in Web-
ster 's as a cold remeriy and t: w Aus-
tralian government held that since
it was in Webster's it was a regular
English word and consequently the
Lambert Co. could not have trade-
mark rights. A letter from the edi-
tors to the Australian. government
proved the validity of the company's
claim and from now on expensive in-
vestigation of aill words which could;
posibly :be trademarks is matte Ie-
fore the dictionary is, publisheu.

quart brick of full-flav-

yed ice cream containing
7anilla, Pepper-mint Candy,
id Lemon Custalrd.


!ti -%Y'"\ A eY

1T -. Y 'ti. 1 - h

airy Stores


If I Had A Chance
Paul Martin orchestra
March of Time
Design for Dancing
The Ink Spots
Will Osborne orchestra
Maurie Baker orchestra
Aussa, the Arab-
Frank Novak orchestra

is -. - - - -. -- - .-.--- --.---------_________________________


S-SEND. your weekly laundry,
home by handy RailwayExpr~ss

Latest Dance Records
Victor and Brunswick 40c
Decca and Blue Bird 20c
RRAY, 736 S. State Ph. 2-1777
A STEIN-Experienced typist.
sonable rates, 706 Oakland.
)ne 6327. 10I
e ~
OUR STAFF of 14 experienced
ators serve you. Alice Thors
eeler is available at the E. Lib-
rSt. shop. 1 'or men, Don Rogers,
ializes in hair cutting and scalp
ttment at the So. University Ave.
p. Permanents of Distinction.
St., Phone 377; 1203' So. Univ.
Phone 4818. 105
IED SAND and Gravel, Drive-
gravel, washed pebbles. Killins
vel Company, Phone 7112. 017
ATE NURSERY school for chil-
z 2-4 yrs. Limited enrollment.
,r campus. Call Frances 'Mac
ighton 5837. 99
.D--$5.50 per week. Table ser-
delicious Southern coking.
;e to campus. 1022 Forest. 107
INS in
you prefer
Bob Graham, Mgr.
te unchan~ged .,but these
q had met too late!

i il


Right from your college rooms and return, conveniently. o
economically and fast, with no bother at alLl. ust phone
our local college agent when to come for the bundle. He'll
call for it promptly-whisk it away on speedy express
trains, to your city or town and return the home-
done product to you-a-ot u'hqui extra charge-the
whole year through. Rates for this famous collegg
service are low, Graav on can send collect~ you know,
(only by Railway Express, by the way). It's a very
popular method and adds to the happy thought.
Phone our agent today. He's a good man to know.
Ann Arbor RR. Depot. 420 S. Ashl~ey St. Pq. 7101
Depot Office. Mich. Central RR.z
Phxone 5714, Ann' Arbor, Mich.


"'"" '.

Swift's Drug St

340 South State Street

PHONE 3534'


Pack 500-le,
They'reexcellent quality -- tout
yet soft. Should be a limit on

.gh, tintless,
ni this sale.
t *&
'in . 59c
. .59.c
Rub 31c
Zn ' for 51 C
lutes 89c

Dependable Cough Syrup
Rexilana 100 Boyers Aspir
SPleasant fla- 75Lieie
vor. Positive 75Litrn
A Rr~ POP~taction. .35C Vicks. Vopo I

Acts four
0 ways to give
kt,&.i vROC :', quick relief.


50c Pepsodent A
septic *. .
100 Had~ver Oil
25 A. B. D.G. Caps

-. I

full~gi szeko'n/Iee* ±.ovelyAdrienne
rjOoTTLE Fwd
j o lignMade in one Sfcigg
sf~ piec so itAdds imuch5
... pice s it to your love-
R..a PRO. ,;' 50 can't leak lines
R : O f~ulillCASCADE
5cProphylactic PUin7, Cads
Tooth Brushes. . . 37c Godqaiy
Tek Tooth Brushes .. . Stand a lot of "'4
2Zfor. .. ....51c shiuffling. " A PACK



50c lpana Tooth
Paste. .. ....39c
50c Williams Shaving
Creeam . . . . 39c
25c Williams Talcum 19c
Yardley Shaving Bowl $1

-A9 E/ectre/t
Room Neater
just right for 2
quick heat on
cold mornings. 0@





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