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June 03, 1939 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-06-03

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Attack On Wagner Act Analyzed;
Radio Priest Opposes Alterations


Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
Oniversity year and Sumn .r Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled .to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited.to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Pablishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938.39

Editorial Staff
Managing Editor . .
City Editor . . .,
Editorial Director . *.. .
Associate Editor . .
Associate Editor. . .
Associate Editor . .
Associate Editor . .
Associate Editor*
Sports Editor. . ..
Women's Editor . .
Business Staff
Business Manager .
Credits Manager. .
Women's Business, Manager . .
Women's Advertising Manager.
Publication Manager .

. Carl Petersen
Stan M. Swinton
Elliott Maraniss
. Jack Canavan
Dennis Flanagan
Morton Linder
Norman Scharr
Ethel Norberg
Mel Fineberg
. Ann Vicary
Paul R. Park
Hanson Taggart
Zenovia Skoratko
. Jane Mowers
* Harriet Levy

EACH DAY brings the Wagner Act into sharper
focus as the point in New Deal legislation that
lies at the center of the most fundamental prob-
lem of our times. The National Labor Relations
Act seems to epitomize two aspects of that
On the economic front, the Act symbolizes the
attempt of workers to meet their employers on
an equal plane by acting collectively (through
unions) in the bargaining relationship. On the
political side, the Act reflects labor's effort to
legally enforce (through the government) a
"right" that was an inevitable outgrowth of
large scale private industry where control of
the machine rests in the hands of a few owners.
Long before the labor board found the Republic
Steel Corporation guilty of violation, long before
the Harlan County coal operators ran afoul of
the new law, in fact ever since its passage in
1935, employers have attested to the basic im-
portance of the Wagner Act by carrying on a bit-
ter fight through the courts and through the
Both those avenues of attack have proved blind
alleys and now the battle rages in Congress, where
the attempt is being made to scuttle the Act by
passing "amendments" that will be fatal to the
real purpose of the law-the protection of the
right to organize and bargain collectively.
Certain leaders of the American Federation
of Labor, terrified at the growth of industrial
unionism, are presenting the sad spectacle of
openly collaborating with anti-labor employer
groups in the murder of the act-this despite
the repeated expression by many local AFL
bodies of the desire to preserve the Act as it
Meanwhile pressure groups and individuals
throughout the nation are lining up on one side
or the other, for there is no "objective" and
"impartial" middle road here.
Among those who have contributed to the dis-
cussion is Reverend Father Sebastian Erbacher,
President of Duns Scotus College, Detroit, who
began a recent radio talk by citing this quota-
tion from an address by the Most Reverend
Archbishop Mooney of Detroit.
" ...labor organization, sound and responsible
organization on democratic principles, is not
merely something which the Catholic Church
accepts as an inevitable development of our in-
dustrial society, it is something which she whole-
heartedly approves, something for which she has
a definite set of moral principles, something for
which her Popes have been crying for generations
like a voice of a prophet in the wilderness of
'laissez faire,' something which she earnestly
commends to worker and management alike as a
remedy for the evils of industrial life which
press upon us and as a preventive for greater
evils which threaten."

Father Erbacher continued with an excerpt
from an Encyclical by Pope Pius XI in which
were condemned the actions of those tolers of
governments who, "while readily recognizing
and patronizing similar corporations among oth-
er classes, with criminal injustice denied the in-
nate right of forming associations to those who
needed them most for self-protecton against
oppression by the most powerful."
Pointing out that "contrary to much editorial
forecasting," the Commission sent by the Presi-
dent to England to study industrial relations
"has not suggested any changes in the present
labor legislation" of this country, Father Er-
bacher goes on to consider the proposed "amend-
ments" to the Wagner Act.
Quoting from Senator Wagner, Father Er-
bacher answers the proposals to make the Act
less "one-sided." In Senator Wagner's words
these moves are "designed to destroy the equality
of bargaining power that the labor act strives
to make possible and to restore the gross inequal-
ity that existed when the isolated worker stacked
his pitiful weakness against the gigantic strength
of consolidated capital."
As for the proposal of Senators Burke and
Walsh to submit labor board decisions to the
review of the courts (even now Board rulings
are subject to appeal in the federal courts),
Father Erbacher points to the statement by Sen-
ator Wagner that this procedure "would enable
a party to shuffle every point in a case back
and forth continually between district court
and Labor Board, to the eternal delay of the
workers seeking to vindicate their rights."
Replying to the efforts of AFL officials to de-
prive the NLRB of the power to invalidate con-
tracts, Father Erbacher includes a statement
that this would "permit an employer to enter
into a contract with a labor organiztaion even
though he utilized unfair labor practices pre-
scribed by the Act, permit an employer to make
a contract with a minority union and use this
contract as an excuse not to bargain with any
other union."
Taking up finally the accusation that the
Board is "unfair" and "prejudiced," Father Er-
bacher points to the record of the NLRB in the
courts, particularly the United States Supreme
Court, where Board procedure has again and
again been upheld as sound and equitable.
Thus speaks a radio priest who understands
the needs of the people-a priest who insists that
we take no steps backward but move forward
in our social thinking and legislation.
The Wagner Act has aptly been called 'a
barometer of democracy in the United States."
Emasculation of the Act means stormy weather
ahead for the American people. Its preservation
means the strengthening of the democratic prin-
ciple in this country-one of the last influential
strongholds of that doctrine.

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the
Writers nly.
The Problem Of
Old Age Security ...
A NY FUTURE that might have been
anticipated for the Townsend Plan
was virtually destroyed last Thursday when the
House of Representatives decisively defeated the
Pension Bill. The defeat meant more than the
end of what appeared to be an illogical scheme
for insuring the security of the aged in the
United States: for thousands of elderly persons
the defeat was the end of a beautiful dream of
secure, sufficient old age.
Whether or not the Townsend Plan was illogi-
cal is not of the greatest importance; nor is the
question of whether Dr. Townsend himself be-
lieved his plan to be practical. There were un-
doubtedly many who supported the plan because
of personal selfishness, but the fact that three
million dollars in dimes were paid to Townsend
Clubs by so many of the nation's old people in
hard times is surely an indication that many of
our aged fear what is a very uncertain future.
Old age is a bleak prospect for the great major-
ity of the people. Years of little productivity are
years of little income and years of meager exis-
tence. And because it is not reasonable in a world
in which a man has great trouble living from
day to day to expect him to save enough for the
later years of life, there must be some means of
insuring old age security.
Old age pensions, as they exist in most of the
states, are unreasonably low, ranging from eight
and ten dollars to twenty-five or thirty dollars
per month. Relief roles include long lists of old
folks who have no legal claim to old age assist-
ance from the state. And there are many who,
because of ownership of personal property for
which they may have worked years, are denied
any assistance at all.
The Social Security plan has been a progres-
sive step toward establishing a sort of security for
old persons. But even that system will not be
able to offer much to the individual unless he has
enjoyed a life of great productivity, under which
circumstances he will probably have little need
for the few dollars offered him. The working
man with an average yearly income of $1,500
can expect little more subsistence.
The support given the Townsend Plan indi-
cates a great need and demand for some form of
collective security in old age. How such a security
can be assured is a problem which is from ex-
perience difficult to solve, but the need does
-Gerald Burns

The Poetry Of John Holmes-

(Continued from Page 2)
complete its list of seniors for pre-
sentation to the Regents prior to
Commencement. The office also will
greatly appreciate it if the other re-
ports of students' grades are made
within five days after the examina-
tions are conducted.
It is further recommended that
grades of I and X be used more spar-
ingly than in the past. At present
about 8-10 per cent of prospective
graduates and about 600 non-grad-
uates generally receive grades of I
and X. This relatively large number
mkes it difficult for the Administra-.
tive Board, the various counselors,
and the Registrar's Office to evaluate
the work of the students concerned.
The Registrar's Office has asked me
to express to the members of the
Faculty its appreciation for the
promptness with which grades have
been reported in the past, and it is
confident that this cooperation will
continue during the current exam-
ination period.
Edward H. Kraus.
1. Adoption of the minutes of the
meeting of May 1, 1939, which have
been distributed by campus mail.
2. Discussion of reports submitted
with this call to the meeting.
a. Executive Committee, prepared
by Professor Joseph R. Hayden.
b. University Council, prepared by
Professor George R. La Rue.
c. Executive Board of the Gradu-
ate School, prepared by Professor
Floyd E. Bartell.
d. Senate Advisory Committee on
University Affairs, to be presented
orally by Professor Arthur S. Aiton.
e. Deans' Conference, prepared by
Dean Edward H. Kraus.
3. New Business.
a. Election of five members of the
University Council and two members
of the Administrative Board. Nom-
inating Committee: Professors Rob-
ert C. Angell, Chairman, and Neil H.
Williams, and Associate Professor
James E. Dunlap.
. b. Recommendation on a Naval
R.O.T.C.-Professor Joseph R. Hay-
c. Recommendations of the Ad-
ministrative Board and of the Con-
centration Advisors-Professor Jo-
seph R. Hayden.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received notice of the following
Civil Service examination to be given
by the Municipal Civil Service Com-
mission of Buffalo. Last date for fil-
ing application will be June 20, 1939,
at 12 noon.
Assistant Examiner, Municipal Civil
Servcie Commission. Salary: $2250.
Buffalo residence not required.
Complete announcement on file at
the University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information.
Office hours: 9-12 and 2-4. 201 Ma-
son Hall.
Seniors: Official Senior Class
Commencement Booklets and Fold
Announcements are now on sale at
Burr, Patterson and Aud Co., 603
Church Street.
Seniors. Interesting and instructive
bulletins are published by the Univer-
sity of Michigan several times a year.
These bulletins are mailed to all grad-
uates and former students. In order
that you may receive these ,please see
that your correct address is on file at
all times at the Alumni Catalog Of-
fice, University of Michigan.
Lunette Hadley, Director.
The Record Concert scheduled for
Saturday at 3 p.m. in the West Con-
ference Room of the Rackham Bldg.
has been cancelled, due to conflict
with examinations. The next Record
Concert planned by the Graduate
Record Club will be given on Satur-
day, June 29 after which concerts will
continue weekly throughout the Sum-
mer Session.

The Student Book Exchange will be
open to receive used textbooks from
all schools on June 7, in the North
Lounge of the Union. Students can
set their own prices on the books
which will be re-sold at the Book
Exchange next fall.
Academic Notices
Final doctoral examination of Mr.
Robert Lormer Smith will be held on
Saturday, June 3 at 9 a.m. in Room
3202, East Engineering Building. Mr.
Smith's field of specialization is
l Chemical Engineering. The title of
his thesis is "The Pressure, Volume,
ITemperature, Time, and Product-
Property Relations of Petroleum dur-
ing Pyrolysis.''
Professor G. G. Brown, as chair-
man of the committee, will conduct
the examination. By direction of the
Executive Board, the chairman has
the privilege of inviting members of
the faculty and advanced doctoral
candidates to attend the examination
and to grant permission to others
who might wish to be present.
C. S. Yoakum.
Registration Material: Colleges of
L.S.&A., and Architecture, Schools

Architecture; Schools of Education,
Forestry and Music: File change of
address card in Room 4 U.H. before
June 1. Blue prints of records and
other information will be sent im-
mediately after examinations to you
at the address given in February un-
less change of address is filed. Failure
to receive your blue print because of
faulty address will necessitate a
charge of $1 for the second copy.
R. L. Williams,
Assistant Registrar,
Candidates registered in the Univer-
sity Bureau of Appointments and Oc-
cupational Information should re-
port changes of address before leav-
ing school. Registrants intending to
stay for the summer session should
come to the office and make out lo-
cation blanks as soon as course work
is definitely scheduled. Any regis-
trant who has not reported his sec-
ond semester courses should do so at
once. It is important that each
candidate report immediately to the
Bureau every change of address, ac-
ceptance of position, courses taken,
and degrees, certificates and honors
received. Hours: 9-12 a.m.; 2-4 p.m.
201 Mason Hall.
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information.
Scholarship in Landscape Design.
Notice is hereby given of the offer
of a scholarship in Landscape De-
sign, offered by the Bloomfield Hills
Branch of the Women's Farm and
Garden Association. This is open to
a young woman who is a resident of
Michigan and who has had at least
two years of college work in any de-
partment of the University or in any
accredited college or junior college.
It carries with it a stipend of $150
a year for three years, a total of $450.
Any young woman who is interested
in this scholarship offer should con-
sult with me at Room 402 South Wing
to obtain further information as to
the requirements.
H. O. Whittemore.
Notice to Seniors and Graduate
Students majoring in Sociology or
Education. Opportunity for practical
experience and six hours graduate
credit at the University of Michigan
Fresh Air Camp is opened to 40 quali-
fied students, June 19 to Aug. 19.
For further information and appli-
cation forms, call at the office of the
Summer Session or the Camp Office
in Lane Hall.
To. All Students Having Library
Books :
1. Students having in their posses-
sion books drawn from the Univer-
sity are notified that such books are
due Monday, June 5.
2. The names of all students who
have not cleared their records at the
Library by Tuesday, June 6, will be
sent to the Recorder's Office, where
their semester's credits will be held
up until such time as said records are
cleared, in compliance with the regu-
lations of the Regents.
Wm. W. Bishop, Librarian,
ME. 14 Final Examination in Room
203-301 W. Engineering Annex on
Monday, June 5, 8-12 a.m.
Final Examination in Education
FI, General Hygiene will be given on
Friday, June 9, 2 to 5 p.n. in Room
23 Waterman Gym.
Botany I, final examination Sat-
urday, June 10, 9-12 a.m. Room As-
A-L, Room 25, Angell Hall.
M-Z, Room 1025 Angell Hall.
Zoology 32 (Heredity): I will be in
my office Monday, June 5, 2-4 p.m.,
not on the date previously announced.
A. F. Shull.
History 48. Final examination

Thursday, June 8, 2-5 p.m. Arm-
strong-Frayer, 1035 A.H. Grannatale-
Wunsch, C Haven Hall.
English I: Final Examination
Schedule, Tuesday, June 6, 2-5 p.m.
Bader 6 A.H.
Baum 103 R.L.
Bertram 103 R.L.
Cassidy 1020 A.H.
Chang 201 U.H.
Dean 205 M.H.
Eisinger 205 M.H.
Ford 1209 A.H.
Green 229 A.H.
Greenhut 35 A.H.
Haines 302 M.H.
Hart 18 A.H.
Helm 16 A.H.
Helmers 35 A.H.
Knode W.Phys.Lect.
Martin 203 U.H.
McCormick 103 R.L.
Ogden ?209 A.H.
O'Neill W. Phys.
Robertson V.Phys.Lect.
Schroder W.Phys.Lect.
Walker 2054 N.S.
Weimer 202 W.Phys.
Weisinger W.Phys.Lect.
Wells 3231 A.H.
Williams 1018 A.H.
English 1:
f Arthos 215 A.H.
S Hathaway E H.H.

and Occupational
Mason Hall, Office

Information, 201
Hours : 9-12 and

THE POET'S WORK by John Holmes, N.Y.
Th publication in 1937 of Address to the Living,
a first volume of poems by a poet already familiar
to the magazine readers, drew immediate recog-
nition to its author as an authentic and rich
lyricist. With the appearance of his second
volume-this one about poetry-we have an
opportunity for pausing to survey the accomplish-
ments and prospects of an already widely recog-
nized poet.
John Holmes has found a wide success in the
better magazines-JPoetry, The Yale Review, The
Atlantic, Harper's-and has' served for some
years as the Poetry Critic for (Mr. Eliot's) Boston
Evening Transcript. Last year he was awarded
the Annual Golden Rose offered by the New
England Poetry Association for the most dis-
tinguished volume of poetry of 1937 by a New
England Poet-an award that has been held by
Robert Frost, Archibald MacLeish and---alas,
Robert P. Tristam Coffin.
In the foreword to his first ' volume, John
Holmes defined for himself that experience
which is poetry:
Poetry is what sight would be to the'blind,
speech to the dumb, walking to the crippled,
and life to the condemned: but you and I
see, speak, walk, live, and we have poetry.
And his work has remained true to that. It is
the poetry of joy for the best of reasons-that of
being alive. It catches one in the title poem-
Address to the Living:
We are the living on this keel of earth,
Who hail the convoy stars across the night,
Or feed joy's bird, and stroke his folded
Then fling him flying toward the stream
of light.
We are the living; daylight in our eyes;
Earth under heel; and in the mouth a word;
Fire in the fingers; question in the mind;
And round the throat a slowly tightening

Math, 4, Sec. 3, 208 U.H., Craig
ath. 7, Sec. 1, 301 U.H., Elder
Math. 37, Sec. 1, 229 A.H., Wilder
Math. 37, Sec. 2, 201 U.H., Anning
Math 51, Sec. 3, 304 U.H., Nesbitt
Math. 212, 407 M.H., Nyswander.
Political Science 1. Final examina-
tion Saturday, June 3, 2 p.m. Room
25 A.H. (all sections).
Political Science 2. Final examina-
tion, Saturday, June 3, 2 p.m.:
Cuncannon's sections, 1025 A.H.
Dorr's sections, 1035 A.H.
Kallenbach's sections, C Haven
French's sections, 205 Mason Hall.
Perkins' sections, 1025 A.H.
Pollock's section, C Haven Hall.
Final Examination in Aeronautical
"Aero. 1, General Aeronautics, Mon-
day, June 5, from 2-6, in Room 1042
East Engineering Building.
Aero. 3, Theory and Design of Pro-
pellers, Thursday, June 8, from 2-6,
in Room 445 West Engineering Build-
Aero. 4, Sec. I. Airplane Structures,
Wednesday, June 7, from 8-12, in
Room 2300 East Engineering Build-
Aero. 6, Experimental Aerodynam-
ics, Saturday, June 3, from 2-6, in
Room 1042 East Engineering Build-
Aero. 27, Applied Aerodynamics,
Tuesday, June 6, from 2-6, in Room
1042 East Engineering Building.
Aero 2, Sec. 1, Theory of Aviation.
Tuesday, June 6, from 2-6, in Room
2300 East Engineering Building.
Aero. 2, Sec. II, Theory of Aviation,
Tuesday, June 6, from 8-12, in Room
1213 East Engineering Building.'
Summer Employment: John C.
Winston Company are looking for
young men and women who want
summer employment. If interested,
please leave name and address at
University Bureau of Appointments

And I am rich with life that I remember,
Thinking of letters, hedges, lamps at night,
Thinking of sun, of empty churches, autumn,
Long hair let down, shining and softly
Add to these a sure instinct for the right, the
fresh and surprising word, and you lave a genu-
ine poet. The words are given work to do and do
it amazingly well:
The dawn, enchanted and unchallenged hour,
Widened to day. The air of morning stirred
So fresh across my face that I was well,
And glad to be outdoors awake. I heard
Till noon the bells that quartered every hour.
Working, I wasted hope and words and hate.
Although my windows faced the timeless sky,
A.calendar insisted on the date.
I have had the pleasure of following John
Holmes' work since his first volume-some of it
in the magazines and much in manuscript-and
the advance it shows is sure and positive. With
no loss of his early vitality he has broadened
and deepened. To the first quick lyricism he
has added a surer, harder sense not only of his
own world, but of every man's world. And he has
been able to do it with no loss for the simple reas-
on that he is a poet, and will die a poet, and
realizes all things through, the poet's eye.
It is this which lends validity and value to the
Poet's Work, a book about poetry, for it is his
life that he is writing in each of the five sections:
The Poet's Worlds, The Poet's Knowledge, The
Poet's Difficulties, The Poet's World, The Poet's'
Nature. Or rather it is his own life plus the most
memorable expression of the lives of great writers
of all time, for each section consists of an essay
by the author plus a compilation of quotations
from widely varied sources-Menander to Robert
Frost, and Christopher Morley to John Donne.
It is no mere collection of excerpts however.
Years of careful reading and marking of those
memorable passages where an author breaks the
vital surface of life upward have gone into it, and
each section is bound together by an essay written
in a distinct, quick prose, flavored by the ghost
of hard New England idiom. The whole adds up
to a book that will open up new ranges to the
beginner and recapture for those who have
once found it the meaning of poetry. Whether one
reads it through or dips in at random, it is a book
to own and keep and re-read, and another valu-
able item on what one suspects will be a long
and honorable shelf of books by this author.
Our Fading Isolation
Quietly, with little public attention, a dramatic
event occurred recently. The Yankee Clipper,
American designed, American built, American
flown, completed the first regularly scheduled

International Center: Any student
interested in going to Germany as
an exchange student for next year
should call or communicate at once
with the Counselor to Foreign Stu-
dents at the International Center.
J. Raleigh Nelson.
Women Students, House Heads. At-
tention of women students is called
to the ruling that the semester is of-
ficially over 24 hours after a stu-
dent's last examination.. Unless spe-
cial permission is obtained at the Of-
fice of the Dean of Women, all un-
dergraduate women students, except
seniors, are required to leave in ac-
cordance with the above ruling.
Michigan Federal Art Projects in
Rackhim Building Exhibit Rooms on
mezzanine floor. Hours: 2-5 p.m.
and 7-9 p.m. daily. Saturdays 9 a.m.-
5 p.m. and 7-9 p.m.
Coming Events
Graduating Classes: President and
Mrs. Ruthven will be at home on
Wednesday, June 7, from 4 to 6
o'clock, to all students receiving de-
grees in June. This includes gradu-
ate as well as undergraduate stu-
The Michigan Christian Fellow-
ship will hold its regular Sunday af-
ternoon meeting at 4:15 in the Fire-
place room of Lane Hall.
Students who heard the lecture last
Saturday night by Dr. Smith and
would like to discuss the question of
"The Bible-To Believe It-Or Not"
are invited to attend.
Notice is given to members and
friends of an election of officersfor
the fall season. Also, those who are
planning to attend summer school
are notified of the continuance of the
group's meetings.
First Baptist Church, Sunday, June
4, 10:45 a.m. Dr. John Mason Wells
will speak on the subject, "Sons of
God." The Church School meets at
9:30 a.m.
Roger Williams Guild, Sunday eve-
ning, June 4. Mr. and Mrs. Chap-
man will be at home from 5 to 7 p.m.
in the evening to welcome students
who may care to drop in. Refresh-
ments will be served.
First Presbyterian Church, 1432
Washtenaw Avenue.
10:45 a.m., Morning Worship Serv-
ice. "God and The Unexpected" is thge
subject upon which Dr. W. P. Lemon
will preach. Palmer Christian at thge
organ and directing the choir.
7:30 p.m. Vesper Communion Serv-
ice is the main auditorium. The Ses-
sion will convene at 7 o'clock for the
Reception of New Members.
Disciples Guild (Church of Christ).
10:45 a.m., Morning worship serv-


-- Aside Ldines -

Arrested for speeding, a Toledo man said he
was hurrying to get to a safety meeting. He
learned the lesson, anyhow.
** *
Pennsylvania has put through an anti-fire-
works law. A safe law-for the administration.
Kids can't vote.
Spurred by the Pulitzer prize play, movie
studios are rushing pictures on the life of Lin-
coln. Imagine the sight of three Lincolns eating
lunch together at the Brown Derby.
* * *
Mexico, too, is going to have a world's fair in
2940. Still taking over United States oil.

And again in The Green Door where
breathless imagery leaps to such lines as:
And violins invented for a music


Like sunlight on a line of swirling swords.
There is no trickery here. It is the first rich
lyricism of a young man who writes and feels:
"I visit earth, a tall delighted stranger." It is this
constant freshness of perception, this ability to
find poetic delight in every contact, combined
with a fully matured gift of language and music,
4-U 4 . ... ... 4-.. .... 4 .1 - L - - n - - -

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