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June 03, 1939 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1939-06-03

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-- Immommom

Of MiceAnd Men ...
This is the story of an athlete named Irvin who managed to overcome it.
Twenty and some odd years ago, Irvin Lisagor was hustled into this
world in a town he claims was in the South. The name of the city eludes
us at the moment but it is unimportant. A few years later, this Irvin
fellow gave hints of the iconoclasm that was to mark him in his young
manhood when he perverted Horace Greeley's advice and went North to
another small town. This name doesn't elude us-it was Chicago.
So he stayed there awhile probably hanging around street corners, play-
ing baseball and learning long words that nobody but Webster and he had
ever heard of. High school came and went and Irvin played
amateur ball around Chicago, went to night school and kept
on learning big words. Until finally he decided to come to
Michigan and that is the part of the story that concerns us.
First of all, Irvin was a freshman. Even he couldn't
avoid that.
Next year, Irvin was a sophomore and at that juncture
.---his dual personality began to develop. He became, at one
and the same time, a ball player and a writer on The Daily sports staff. It
is said that Irvin once wrote letters to the editor and the editor couldn't
understand the long words that he asked him to report post haste and in a,
hurry as well to explain them.
So Irvin developed another name as a result of this little incident. He
has always claimed that it was modesty that caused him to call up a night
editor and change his by-line to Pete but certain of his friends are almost
certain that it was his one big chance to cast off the fetters the name Irvin
had bound him with for so long. So he became Irvin to sports readers and
Pete to sports fans.
He got his big chance as a sophomore when Don Brewer, the regular
shortstop was injured and docile Pete was called on to fill he gap. He did
a fair job for a sophomore-that is, he stopped the passage of the balls but
he either had trouble seeing first base or else he thought it was ten feet
farther back than it was. There were times at bat when he got a foul and
these were times of great jubilation.
At the end of the school year, there was a shortage of juniors on
the sports staff and so Irvin became the first sophomore tap be sports
The next year made Irvin a junior (how the years pile on) and then
the festivities began. He was by now, a fast friend of Webster and his
vocabulary was increasing so fast he even understood some of the words he
wrote. But there was other work besides the pursuit of the large word; there
was the football season and the' coaching situation and Irvin had the ath-
lete's viewpoint. With charges and counter-charges being flung about semi-
hysterically, Irvin, with the aid of Pete, was able to sift the wheat from the
chaff and score a scoop of Harry Kipke's removal.
But all was not milk and honey. Irvin's discussions of the University's
poliey in regard to subsidization was not greeted with "well done" by
some. Some people in the administration regarded.Irvin as a, subversive
element and usually referred to him as.."that., person Lisagor." They
even thought that "that person" had started circulating the recent
"50 athletes" letter when. it was well known among the athletes that he
had never even signed the letter.
But we submit, 'tis all a mistake. A milder fellow than Irvin the Pete
Lisagor could probably be found but not without . much search. He didn't
even get mad when, last year in a baseball game with Minnesota, Andy
Uram claimed that Lisagor had pushed him and then the football star triec
to* pick a fight with him.
If Irvin is noted for these things on the sports page, he is known for
three things on the baseball field-that is,. three things besides his' wise
cracks. He wears his cap at an impossible angle; he once hit a homer in his
junior year and then, about twenty feet from home, launched a headlong
slide for the plate while the right fielder was stumbling along on his knees
after running in to field the ball (many people claim that Pete expected to
be tagged out at each base and then fell down from the shock when he
rounded third); he hit two homers in his last game for Michigan (the game

Tigers Defeat Wes Aen, Don Canham To Try
RedSox, 8-5 Comeback AfterLong Layoff
Greenberg Hits Eleventh; At about 11 o-clock Sunday morn- pre-season favorite in the National
Cronin Homers Twice ing two high jumpers, one a veteran Collegiates. For Wes it will mean the
____ _ wic the other a highly regarded sopho- returning of hi, former confidence,
DETROIT, June 2.-(IP)-As if more, will hit the comeback trail un- the most essential feature in this
preparing for the impending battle der the watchful eye of Coach Char- trade. Ever since he sustained a re-
with the Yankee howitzers, the De- ley Hoyt. For both of the boys the current injury to his knee the Cleve-:
troit Tigers indulged in some pretty land junior has had to fight against
fair heavy-hitting exercises today to the possibility of loss of confidence.
come out ahead of the Boston Red The sophomore, Don Canham, will
Sox, 8 to 5, and square the series. also be trying to overcome the jinx
When the laborious struggle was which has been following him since
over, five pitchers had seen duty, four he hurt his ankle. Don went over six
balls had been slugged out of the park feet five inches while in high school
for home runs, 27 hits had bulged the and the recovery from his injury
batting averages, and young Al Ben- should find him coming back to form.
ton had won his first game as a Tiger. - - As an added incentive for both,
The Tigers, who receive the Yan- - Coach Charley Hoyt has indicated
kees here Sunday, smashed three Red that he will take them to the National
Sox hurlers for 13 hits, including
Hank Greenberg's eleventh homer of .
sational batting streak of Pinky Hig- -
gins. Pinky slapped a homer -ncd two -
smte d otNEW YORK, June 2.-(IP)-Joe Ja-
Isthe " mis of ti B o cl cobs spoke emphatically, and as clea -
stick around against an equally heavylyatehcenedortedout
assault from the Sox for a bit more end of a long cigar would permit.
than eight innings, but rommy " r ' d
Bridges had to come to his rescue in ha licked bohe declared, in the
the ninth with Boston dangerous.
While most hands of both teams: - ^tomght."
made merry at the plate, Flit Cramcr 3Little Joe, whose remark naturally
of the Sox was the one who never got wanrejudicenm, s h
out. Cramer collected five straight brages ony fixe ntoy wit
hits-a double and four singles................ bright brown eyes fixed vacatyo
hits-adube__nd ______in___s._ the ring where Lou Nova had becnl
was declared winner ove'r Max Baer by a
s against the Old Timers wth Ray WES ALLEN technical knockout a few short min-
So that is Irvin, alias Pete,- alias utes before.
Black Peter, alias "that person," Lisa- results of their efforts will be of the Workmen started dismantling the
gor who never got his name on the greatest significance. arena, the bang of hammers provid-
sports page because he ran the sport The veteran, Wesley Allen, will be ing an overtone to the clackety-clack
page.u i .trying with everything he has to re- of typewriters. The lights, except
Requiescat in pace, gain the form which had made him a for the brilliant glare over the ring,

Gallagher Sent To Minors
CLEVELAND, June 2.-(RP)--In a
move designed to strengthen the New'
York Yankees' pitching staff the club
today sent outfielder Joe Gallagher
to Newark in the International
League on option in exchange for
lefthander Marius Russo. Upon be-
ing informed of the deal Gallagher
immediately announced that he would
not report to the Bears and left for
his home at Buffalo, N.Y.
Collegiates if they perform satisfac-
torily. A good showing at the Col-
legiates would make Canham and
gAllencandidates for the Big .en
squad which will oppose the Pacific
Coast contingent the following week.
Both Coaches Hoyt and Doherty
feel certain that the recovery from
their injuries will enable Wes and
Don to recapture their old form.

In The Majors
American League
Washington ....110 300000-4 112
Chicago .......110 020 12x-7 8 1
Haynes, Appleton and Ferrell; Lee
and Tresh, Rensa.
New York ....700 250 030--17 18 2
Cleveland .....100 000 310- 5 11 1
Donald and Dickey; Allen, Dobsoa,
Broaca and Pytlak.
National League
Cincinnati .....000 000 000-A 10 0
Boston.........000 000 000-0 9 0
Moore and Lombardi; Shoffner and
St. Louis ........000 020 000-2 6 4
New York .......500 000 03x- .8 8 1
Davis, Dean, Brown, Cooper and
Owen; Melton, Lohrman and Dan-
Only games scheduled.

Picks His Two-Ton Tony

went out, leaving Yankee Stadium a
vast, black void. Still he sat there.
He might have been trying to visual-
ize what will happen on the same
spot when his Tony meets Joe L)ouis
June 28.
He had taken the halter off Tony
for the evening, and the Big Orange
from Orange, N.J., had enjoyed a field
day at the ringside, his squat, blimp-
like body and round head bobbing
around as he greeted friend and foe.
He waddled into the ring for an in-
troduction, standing there stroking
his pumpkin paunch like a man fresh
up from a Thanksgiving dinner. He
greeted Louis.
"I wished him luck," he explained

Joe Jacobs again broke his reverie.
"Nova looked bad and Baer looked
terrible," he said. "I said before the
fight that Baer must win inside of
five rounds if he won at all. As soon
as he came out of his corner I knew
he was finished. Instead of coming
out swinging with a wild flurry of
punches like he used to do, he took
one or two swings and let up.
"I had tried to get Baer to meet
Galento in Philadelphia. I told him
the bout would draw $500,000 there.
But no, he wanted Nova. Said Nova
was a soft touch. And look what
happens. He takes a beating, and
the fight doesn'tdrawa ahundred

- - - --


I E. - I












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