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June 03, 1939 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-06-03

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a a rtHE i. V-ii i ANL1 BYATTYL

..ATURDw~A sy a JUNE 3 .. 19394/

Uniform Revision Of Highway
Markers Is Started By State

More Informative Signs
Will Simplify Traffic
Problems In Michigan
Plans to revise and unify highway
traffic signs . throughout the state
recently inaugurated by the highway
department were termed a trend
toward improvement and simplifica-
tion of our present road-side markers
by. Prof. Roger L. Morrison of the
highway engineering department.
The new program as outlined in a
highway department manual incor-
porates five major. changes in pres-
ent practices. The size of present stop
signs will be increased under the new
plan. Signs having double the size
have been shown to be almost twice
as effective according to tests con-
ducted by the highway department.
A more informative type of curve
sign will avoid much confusion
among motorists as to the relative de-
gree and safety of curves. The new
markers will not only give the direc-
tion, but also the degree of the turn
and an indication of the safest speed
at which the curve can be taken.
A boon to the summer tourist will
be two long-awaited changes in high-
way markers and direction signs.
Route markers on trunklines passing
through cities will be increased in
size, and will be placed at a uniformly
higher distance above the street in
order to be clearly visible above
parked cars.
pistance and direction markers will
now be placed at right angles to the
line of travel and a sufficient dis-
tance ahead of the intersection in
order to enable the motorist to read
the sign and react accordingly be-
fore reaching the junction.
Yellow lines marking curves and
hills will be unchanged, but will be
limited to sections where the visible

distance ahead is too short for safe
The suggested cWa,,es cannot be
carried out over-night, but will prob-
ably require several years to com-
plete. The new system will be first
tried out on U.S. highway 112.
VOL. XLIX. No. 178
University Senate. There will be a
meeting of the University Senate on
Tuesday, June 6, at 4:15 p.m. in the
Rackham Lecture Hall.
1. Hospital care for members of the
University Staff-Dr. H. A. Haynes.
2. Income tax as applying to facul-
ty-Provost E. B. Stason.
3. Remarks-President A. G. Ruth-
Louis A. Hopkins, Secy.
Graduating Classes: President and
Mrs. Ruthven will be at home on
Wednesday, June 7, from 4 to 6 p.m.,
to all students receiving degrees in
June. This includes graduate as well
as undergraduate students.
Student Accounts: Yor attention is
called to the following rubs passed
by the Regents at their meeting of
February 28, 1936:
"Students shall pay all accounts
due the University not later than
the last day of classes of eachrsemes-
ter or Summer Session. Student loans
which fall due during any semester
or Summer Session which are not paid
or renewed are subject to this regu-
lation; however, student loans not yet

due are exempt. Any unpaid accounts
due at the close of business on the
last day of classes will be reported to
the Cashier of the University, and
"(a) All academic credits will be
withheld, the grades for the semes-
ter or Summer Session just complet-
ed will not be released, and no tran-
script of credits will be issued.
"(b) All students owing such ac-
counts will not be allowed to regis-
ter, in any subsequent semester or
SummeraSession until payment has
been made."
S. W. Smith, Vice-President
and Secretary.
Apparatus Exchange: The -egcntn
%t their m eng in Marcn, 1927, au-
thorized an arrangement for tie sale
of scientific appratus by one de-
partment to another, the proceeds of
the sale to be credited to the budgetI
account of the depardnent from
which the apparatus is transferred.;
Departments having apparatus
which is not in active use are advised
to send description thereof to the
University Chemistry Store, of which
Prof. R. J. Carney is director. The
Chemistry store headquarters are in
Room 223 Chemistry Building. An
effort will be made to sell the ap-
paratus to other departments which
are likely to be able to use it. In
some instances the apparatus may be
sent to the University Chemistry
store on consignment and if it is not
sold within a reasonable time, it will
be returned to the department from
which it was received. The object
of this arrangement is to promote
economy by reducing the amount of
unused apparatus. It is hoped that
departments having such apparatus
will realize the advantage to them-
selves and to the University in avail-
ing themselves of this opportunity.
Shirley W. Smith.
Faculty, School of Education: The
final luncheon meetingof the year
will be held Monday noon, June 5,
12:15, at .the Michigan Union.

cises in Yost Field House, the power
house whistle will be blown at inter-
vals between 5 and 5:15 p.m. on Com-
mencement afternoon.
H.' G. Watkins, Assistant Secy.
Commencement Tickets: Qickets
for Commencement may be obtained
on request after June 2 at the Busi-
ness office, Room 1, University Hall.
Inasmuch as only two Yost Field
House tickets are available for each
senior, please present identification
card when applying for tickets.
Herbert G. Watkins.
Commencement Week Programs:
Programs may be obtained on re-
I quest at the Business Office, Room 1,
University Hall.
Herbert G. Watkins.
To All Membes of the Faculty and
Administrative Staff: if it seems cer-
tain that any telephones vill not be
used during the summer months,
please notify the Business Office, Mr.
Bergman. A saving can be effected
if instruments are disconnected for'
a period of a minimum of three
Herbert G. Watkins.
Commencement, Saturday, June 17,
6: 30 p.m.
Weather Fair-
Time of Assembly, 5:20 p.m. (ex-
cept noted).
Places of Assembly.
Members of the Faculties at 5:30
p.m. in Angell Hall, Room 1223
Rhetoric Library where they may
Regents, Ex-Regents and Deans at
5:30 p.m. in Angell Hall, Room 1011,
the Regents Room.
Students of the various schools and
colleges, as follows:
Literature, Scinece and the Arts on
Main Diagonal walk between Li-
brary and Engineering Buildings.
Education on walk North, side of
Physiology and Pharmacology Bldg.
Engineering on Main Diagonal walk
in Engineering Court.
Architecture on Main Diagonal walk
in Engineering Arch (behind En-
Medical on diagonal walk between
Chemistry Building and Library.
Nurses on diagonal walk between
Chemistry Building and Library (be-
hind Medics).
Law on East and West walk, West
of the intersection in front of Library.
Pharmacy on East and West walk,
West of the intersection in front of
Library (behind Law).
Dental Surgery on North and South
walk in rear of North wing of Univer-
sity Hall.
Business Administration on walk in
front of Physiology and Pharmacol-
ogy Building.
Forestry and Conservation on walk
in front of Physiology and Pharma-
cology Building (behind Bus. Ad.).
Music on diagonal walk from Li-
brary to Alumni Memorial Hall, near

Graduate on East and West walk
West of Library entrance.
Honor Guard at Waterman Gym-
Line of March-State Street to
Ferry Field.
Weather Rainy-
The sounding of the University
Power House Siren at 5:00 to 5:15
will indicate that the exercises have
been transferred to Yost Field House.
Students will proceed directly to the
Field House and enter through the
North doors.
Members of the Faculties will enter
through the north doors and take
their places on the platform in the
Field House.
Regents, Ex-Regents, Deans andl
Candidates for Honorary Degrees will
assemble in the office in the North
end of the Field House.
To the Members of the Faculty of
the College of Literature, Science,
and the Arts:
The eighth regular meeting of the
Faculty of the College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts for the academ-
ic session of 1938-1939 will be held in
Room 1025 Angell Hall, June 5, 1939,
at 4:10 p.m.
The reports of the various commit-
tees except that of the Senate Ad-
visory Committee on University Af-
fairs, instead of being read orally at
the meeting have been prepared in
advance and are included with this
call to the meeting. They should be
retained in your files as part of the
minutes of the June meeting.
The Registrar's Office desires to
remind the members of the Faculty
that it is quite imperative that the
grades of seniorsbe reported within
48 hours after each examination has
been held. This is necessary in or-
der that the office may be able to
(continued on Page 4)

American Youth Enjoys Thrills
And Freedom In Hostel Travel

Perfect freedom of travel and the
"thrill of new trials" have been op-
ened to young Americans through the
development of the youth hostel
movement during the past five years,
according to Justine Cline, regional
director of the American Youth Hos-
tel organization.
The movement in the United States
did not start until 1934, 24 years af-
ter the origin of the idea in Europe
by a school teacher, Richard Schirr-
man. Since then, the AYH organi-
znation has established over 200 hos-
tels in eight regions and 18 states.
Outstanding in the hostel move-
ment in America have been Monroe
and Isabel Smith, who established
the first hostel'in Northfield, Mass.,
and who have continued in the ca-
paciy of national directors of the
Morgan To Attend Meet
The Ninth District of University of
Michigan Clubs will inaugurate June
8 in Detroit a series of summer con-
ferences to be held in various parts
of the nation. Mr. Robert O. Morgan,
assistant secretary of the Alumni
Association, will attend.
English Boot and Shoe Maker
* Our new repair department, the
best in the city. Prices are right.
438 South State and Factory on
south Forest Avenue.

Hostels, in America, are trans-
formed farm houses in which the
farmer folk act as "house-parents" in
allowing their premises to be used by
traveling yoath for only a very small
fee, according to Cline.
The hostels in the United States,
and those all over the world, are open
to the holders of AYH passes, Cline
said. The pass costs from one to two
. Fountain Pens
302 S. State St.
New L. C. Smith and
ington, Uderwood,
Noiseless, portables.,
Used typewriters of all makes
bought, sold, rented, exchanged,
cleaned, repaired.
314 South State Street
Since 1908 Phone 6615


Last Three Performances
Tonight and Tomorrow at 8:30
Matinee Tomorrow at 3:15
to ~~ ~ ~ ~~*:Yt :: :"?:r"rfa¢:
PaulVincent Carroll's Prize Play
with JOANNA ROOS and' ?1'
PHILIP TONGE Mr. ^"k:'i:
Prices: Eve. 75c, $1.10, $1.50
Mat. 50c - 75c
Last Performance Tonight, 8:30
1939 Dramatic Season
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
Box Office Phone 6300


. _T

---..._ -





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