Edited and managed by students of the University of
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Published every morning except Monday during the
Oniversity year and Sumui -r Session.
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National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Reresentative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39
Editorial Staff
Managing Editor , - . Carl Petersen
City Editor . . . . . . Stan M. Swinton
Editorial Director Elliott Maraniss
Associate Editor. D Jack Canavan
Associate Editor . Dennis Flanagan
Associate Editor - Morton Linder
Associate Editor ., Norman Schorr
Associate Editor . . . . Ethel Norb erg
Sports Editor. - - . . Mel Fineberg
Women's Editor .,. . Ann Vicary
Business Staff
Business Manager
Credits, Manager .
Women's Business Manager
Women's Advertising Manager.
Publication Manager . .
. Paul R. Park
Ganson Taggart
Zenovia Skoratko
Jane Mowers
. Harriet Levy
The editorials published in TheMichigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Britain's New
White Paper ..
TJRITAIN'S new White Paper is
.[ienothing more than an open betrayal
of the promises she made to the Jews in 1917.
Chamberlain and his government can and have
offered rationalizations for their latest move,
but these excuses can only be rationalizations,
and nothing more.
It can be said, however, that Britain and its
Tory governments are consistent. They are con-
sistently struggling for the maintenance of
British imperial interests with no consideration
for the more abstract principles of justice and
human freedom
The British government is also perpetually
consistent in its foreign policy in which its moves,
seemingly on the surface an intensification of
British security, prove in the long run to under-
mine that security.
Munich was just such an instance of a near
sighted foreign policy. Palestine is another.
Chamberlain, hoping to weld the Arabs and,
therefore, the whole Moslem world solidly on the
side of the British, or at least to a position un-
friendly to the fascist poWers, welched on her
promises to the JeWs to make Palestine a
"national= homeland' and swung solidly, in line
with the extremist Arabs led by the Mufti.
Such a renunciation by Britain will surely not
win her friends. Poland with its great Jewish
problem, firmly desiring the establishment of- a
Jewish homeland to relieve her internal problem,
Will not take too much stock in British promises
and after the recent repudiation will be more
than reluctant to join the anti-aggression front.
This same situation holds true for Russia, for
the Baltics and the Balkans. In order to join with
Britain against the fascists these nations must
have faith in Britain. There can be no faith,
k owever, in a self-revealed hypocrite.
For Britain's policies, especially since the war,
have ever been hypocritical. It is that hypocrisy
under which all of Palestine was promised almost
simultaneously to both the Jews and the Arabs
which has been mostly responsible for that series
of crises that have thrown Palestine into almost
continual turmoil since the world war. It is that
hpocrisy which may well prove to undermine the
near-sighted foreign policy of Britain and the
Tory government that practices it.
-Laurence Mascott
Libel Laws
In most American states, the libel laws are so
drawn that they work to the disadvantage of
periodicals. There are many instances where
an innocent error by a newspaper is followed by
a libel suit for some vast amount. Rarely do
these cases get into court and still more rarely
does the plaintiff get any large sum; usually he
is seeking to be bought off with a few hundred
dollars. Actions of this kind will be far more
difficut ;in the future in the- state of Georgia,
which has just passed an admirable new libel
laW, one that ought to be copied widely. tinder
the present Georgia statute. you cannot bring a
suit for libel unil you have served written notice
on the publisher that you intend to do so. This
notice must contain a statement of what the
alfeged libel was, and of the true facts in the,
case. The publisher can then decide whether to
pr nt a correction. If he does so, the supposed
victim en still sue for damae h r ha ,-
Heywood Broun
I am- sorry to say that so far I have made no
plans to meet either the King or Queen. I just
can't seem to get excited about the royal visit.
This reaction implies no lack of merit. Accord-
ing to report, the young man
is somewhat diffident and
has no great flair for public
appearances. They say he
means well, and I am sure
his wife is a good woman.
But, after all, in the course
of a year or week many per-
sons of far more definite at-
tainments pass through our
portals without any particular fanfare.
It is true, of course, that the King and Queen
of Great Britain have an importance as symbols,
and symbols are not to be sneezed at. But Ameri-
ca frequently has had contacts with Britishers
of far more substance and power.
Of course, the regal pair constitute news and,
naturally, photographers will swing by their
toes to get a good shot of the couple. And the
trumpets will blow and the crowds swarm out to
get a look from a long distance and say, "That's
them in the back seat of the fifth automobile."
Society In A: Dither
Inevitably that loose and mysterious group
known as society will be in a dither. But no mat-
ter how thick you slice it, society still remains
a small and undistinguished element of our
population. -Indeed, I sometimes suspect that
there really isn't any such thing. Society is a
myth invented by society reporters who don't
want to go back on rewrite.
I would not leave Stamford, Conn., on a fine
day to get pushed around for the mere opportun-
ity of saying, "Here they come and there they
go." If I am to be pushed around I'd rather have
it done to me in the betting ring at the race
track. The sport of kings is more fun than the
kings themselves.
But if it happens that in my wanderings I
stumble* on the royal procession I will most
certainly clap my hands and manifest polite,
although not unrestrained, enthusiasm. I see
no reason why every civility should not be ex-
tended to our visitors.
The people who are outraged by this pilgrim-
age puzzle me even more than those who are
about to swoon. I just can't make any sense out
of the talk of the person who says, "Don't you
see this is all part of the subtle British propa-
ganda to induce us to send our soldiers to die on
foreign soil?" In the first place, where is it
subtlety and, in the second place, where is it
The lovely lady who runs the social side of
the British Embassy in Washington has already
botched things up to a fare-thee-well by snooti-
ness to reporters, society and otherwise.
* * *
Fuss And Feathers
Aside from the boys who like to do the descrip-
tive leads, there won't be an ounce of first-rate
copy in the entire tour. Before the tour is done
at least a hundred columns will have been written
in which the writers will call attention to the
easy and informal way in which Mrs. Roosevelt
travels as compared with the fuss and feathers
surrounding Queen Elizabeth. And, naturally,
the President's wife is a cinch to win the decision
on points.
Twisters of the lion's tail will have a Roman
holiday, and all the isolationists will complain
at military pomp and begin to think up new
apologies for Hitler. Since we live largely on
headlines and cartoons, we are inclined to think
of nations solely in terms of their rulers.
But Chamberlain is not all England, and Ger-
many is much bigger and more varied in its
virtues than the little man called Hitler. Peoples
sometimes are dwarfed uner the shadow of a
potentate, but in the long run it is the masses
of mankind which count. It is through the many
and not through the few that the ties of frater-
nity must be created.
The day of deliverance from the fear of war
lies in the acceptance of the fundamental like-
ness of all humankind. Neither my hat nor my
hurrahs will sail into the air for any crowned
heads, but as one American I am quite ready to
join warmly in a welcome to George and Elizabeth
as Mr. and Mrs. who are taking a brief holiday
from their home in Apartment 2C, the Bucking-
ham Palace, all modern conveniences, London,
Honor System
The Editor
Gets Told
Metamorphosis Into Fungus
To the Editor:
As one might well gather from Mr. Kiell's
blasting but just notice in Tuesday's Daily, the
debut of Giraudoux's play at the Lydia Mendels-
sohn is no great cause for rejoicing. But there is
a show at the Mendelssohn this week-an experi-
mental kind, of thing, one would judge. Mr.
Kiell's overlooking it is qfite excusable. One
doesn't ordinarly look for the show within the
covers of the program.
Someone in the dramatic season is playing
with sentences and having a rollicking good time.
Observe the subtle use of the conjunction "and"
in the paragraph commenting upon the new
"Its previous performances have been in Europe
and it has been much admired in both Paris and
Budapest. Its author is in the French diplomatic
service and has been intrusted with any number
of important missions and was the first author
to be decorated by the French Legion of Honor
immediately following the World War. By that
time he had a number of important novels to his
credit and a popular play, 'Siegfried'."
Even so short a flight is deserving of notice;
but when the writer swoops through a whole
program with the same delicate feeling for con-
nectives, the result is breath-taking-and I do
mean breath-taking.
That, however, is not so new. Secondary school
students tamper with that sort of thing. The
program writer deals in great subtleties. For
example, note the careful distinction in the use of
the relative pronouns here:
". ..war is between those nations which have
every reason to be friends, but who can not fore-
go their national pride."
Again, there is a skillful avoidance of repeti-
tion in the use of the noun stage:
"Philip Merivale, who is starred in 'No W,
in Troy!' is a famous English actor, who is as.
much at home on the New York stage as on the
London one."
The writer gives us an interesting insight into
the mental habits of Edith Atwater, who seems
to wake up in the oddest of places.
"On tour she had a good role in 'Springtime
for Henry' . . . and then she found herself with
Ruth Gordon in Wycherley's classic, 'The Coun-
try Wife'."
To walk into "The Country Wife" with both
eyes wide open is distressing enough, but to
wake up and find oneself in such a predicament!
Well, Miss Atwater, how did-it feel?
The dangling participle no longer holds terror
for the undergraduate. The program writer, too,
shows a sublime contempt as he leaves one of the
poor things gasping:
"Then Mr. Addy played with Leslie Howard
in 'Hamlet' and, having that recent training in
Shakespeare, Miss Margaret Webster picked
him at audtions for membership in the Maurice
Evans Company.
Either Miss Morris is perpetrating a joke or
the writer is flaunting the personal pronoun in
our faces. One might ponder the following:
"Miss Morris enjoys greatly the difference in
treatment of Hecuba which Giraudoux employs.
She feels she has a definite Trojan background."
These little hints are enough to convince the
average reader that something is afoot. But for
the connoisseur, page thirteen gives two exquisite'
and conclusive proofs of the powers of this lurk-
ing genius. One is a nameless group of things far
superior to the sentence, since it does duty for
two or three of them:
"The great stars-Maude Adams, Richard
Mansfield, Mrs. Fiske, Otis Skinner and many
others of like rank played for the metropolitan
audiences and after the run of their plays was
over went on tour from one part of the United
States to another, and the other great American
cities-Boston, Chicago, San Francisco, and the
places along the routes of these stars knew that
they were destined to see the great players in
their great parts : the stars were counting on the
road audiences to give them the money and aug-
mented audiences, as well, for their next season's
Broadway engagement."
Try that on your trumpet! The second proof
is in the nature of a triumph over the simile, long
tortured and humble. It is the third act curtain
to a linguistic performance as noteworthy fors
its daring as for its charm:
"But the theatre is like the Phoenix, it arises
from its own ashes and the cities and towns
found special theatres springing up in their
vicinities, like mushrooms."
So, wth a graceful allusion to classical mythol-
ogy (quite in keeping with the "classical inspira-
tion" of Giraudoux's playA the American theatre
is metamorphosed into a fungus!
Bow Or Not To Bow
The cares of state seem. to be forgotten in
Washington as the official and social sets pre-
pare to meet King George and Queen Elizabeth.
But brows are furrowed, nonetheless, as the
chosen ones ponder the momentous question:-.
To bow, to curtsy, to back away, or to shake
hands with an American "how do you do?"
The State Department, whose experts diplo-
matically answer many a delicate question, is not
becoming involved in this international discus-
sion. It is just as well.
-St. Louis Star-Times
conceivable, also. that the situation might ulti-
mately exist where students could leave the{
room and converse with fellow students during
WPA-As Mayors See It
Waste and corruption in the Fed-.
eral relief program emphasized be-
fore the House WPA Committee by its
own investigators were described by
non-partisan Mayor Reading, of De-
troit, as "only flyspecks on a great
picture." Mayor Tobin, of Boston,
was sure 95 per cent of WPA woik-
ers would "jump at the chance of a
private job." Mayor Burton, a Re-
publican elected by the city of Cleve-
land on a non-partisan ticket, testi-
fied that at the outside not more than
10 per cent of WPA workers could
be called chiselers and shovel leaners.
These mayors, who might have
been the ones to criticize the WPA,
joined with New Dealers and pro-
gressive mayors in asking for its con-
The United States Conference of
Mayors has long been one of the chief
supporters of WPA and advocates
of more generous Federal expendi-
tures for relief purposes. These are
the men on whose shoulders the bur-'
den of a collapse of the Federal re-
lief system would fall most heavily.
As they told the House Committee,
they have been scraping the bottom
of their local financial tills for many
months. In some cities tax collec-
tions are far below normal and un-
less the Federal Government, with itsR
wider tax resources, takes care of the1
needy, they won't be cared for. 1
Cities have been spruced up with
WPA labor. "Chicago's great outer
drive wasn't built by men leaning on
shovels," Mayor Kelly told the Com-
mittee. Naturally he likes the WPA
and so do other mayors who are not1
100 per cent New Dealers. And they1
do not want it turned over to their
governors who often are tools of po-
litical machines.
The testimony of the mayors of the
nation's largest cities, coming on top7
the Committee's revelations on highf
costs, radical influence, and bureau-f
cracy in WPA, will help to establish
a fair perspective in this first inde-
pendent congressional inquiry into
the WPA experiment.
-Christian Science Monitor.
The Arts
"The Arts" have obtained a sort oft
sanctified stigma after generations of
intercourse with slightly suspicious
college men. They have represented a
strange thing called "culture" ob-
tained in voluntary or involuntary
doses. It has been the old business of
students as inactive consumers and
professors as persisent producers.
The Carolina Arts group, recently
formed and already the source of
several good speeches, presents James
Boyd Monday night. Students are
reaching out to this thing called "The
Arts" and bringing it do vn to campus
level. A small group interested in
various cultural genres get together,
pick a speaker, and present him for
the interest of the school. And if
little campus interest is displayed
the blame must dump itself in quite
unpretty fashion right back upon the
student body.
Members of the faculty-particu-
larly the humanities-sometimes be-
moan student disinterest in their
subjects. Now no classroom pressure
is being applied, no marks are being
given, no assignments are being met.
"Student disinterest" is bringinga
James Boyd to the campus Mondayt
night. And the least that the humani-
ties men could do would be to openly
encourage campus reception. It willI
serve as their medium of acknowledg-
ing support of a cultural movement
often supinely sighed for.
"The Arts" will lose the false stig-
ma of slow decay when they begin to
find representatives in uncoerced stu-
dent interest. The Carolina Arts
group is at least attempting to be
-The Daily Tar Heel
Settlement With Mexico
It would be premature to antici-j
pate a settlement of the Mexican oil
controversy wholly satisfactory to the,
American and British companies;
whose property was expropriated. But
there are numerous signs that a rea-
sonable compromise may be worked
out which will remove the strain on
relations between Mexico City and
Donald Richberg, counsel for the
oil companies, has conducted negotia-
tions with President Cardenas of
Mexico and apparently some progress
has been made. The tentative plan,
calls for recognition by the oil com-
panies of the sovereignty of Mexico,
but the restoration of oil company
operation of the properties under
strictly regulated agreements. .
If the compromise goes through, it
should benefit both the United States
and Mexico. It will restore world
markets for Mexican oil and relieve
the Cardenas government of the ob-
ligation of selling chiefly to the totali-
tarian states of 'Germany, Italy and,
Japan, which Cardenas likes as little
as we do. It will give the oil com-
panies something more than an emp-
ty sombrero to show for their in-
LaVerne Noyes Scholarships. Hold-
ers of LaVerne Noyes Scholarships
now in the University are reminded
that if they desire to be considered
for scholarship assignments next
year, they must file an application.
Blanks for this purpose will not be
sent out, but may be obtained from
Dr. Frank E. Robbins, Assistant to the
President, 1021 Angell Hall, and
should be returned to him after they
have been filled out.
Faculty, College of Engineering:
There will be a meeting of the Facul-
ty on Monday, May 22, at 4:15 p.m., in
Room 348, West Engineering Build-
ing. The agenda will include: Nom-
ination of Panel for Executive Com-
mittee; Election of University Coun-
cil Member; a Progress Report from
the Committee on Coordination in
Teaching; Report of Committee on a
Standard for English Composition;
and Routine Business.
Library Committee Meeting: There
will be a meeting of the Library
Committee on May 25. Members of
the Faculties wishing to lay requests
before the Committee are asked to
have them in the Librarian's office by
noon of Wednesday, May 24.
All Seniors: Please note the time
set for Swingout has been changed
from 4 to 4:30 Sunday afternoon.
Please be prompt. In case of rain,
the Seniors will meet in Hill Auditori-
The official senior booklets and an-
nouncements can no longer be se-
cured through the several 'senior
classcommittees but they may be
ordered for a limited time from the
Burr, Patterson and Auld Co., 6037
Church Street.
Degree Program for Honors in Lib-
eral Arts: The students named below
have been accepted for admission to
the Degree Program for Honors in
the fall of 1939:t
Helen A. Breedt
Ralph G. Congert
Jean E. Fairfaxt
Barbara J. Fishera
Howard A. Goldmanr
Maya D. Gruhzit
Jane E. Higbee
John A. Huston
William G. Jackson
Harriet Jawitz
Helen E. Jimersont
Karl G. Kessler
Jane L. Krause
Jeanne La Forge'
Robert J. Levine
Kenneth B. Marble
Robert Marks
Laurence E. Mascott
Mary F. McConkey
Milton Orshefskyt
Harold D. Oosterweil
Joan Outhwaite
Ellen F. Rheaj
Neal Seegert
L. William Sessions
Samuel H. Sheplowt
Yvonne Westrate
Notice of a reading list for the-sum-
mer will be included in the Daily
Official Bulletin in the near future.
Seniors. Interesting and instructive
bulletins are published by the Univer-
sity of Michigan several times ayear.
'hese bulletins are mailed to all
graduates and former students. In
order that you may receive these,
please see that your correct address is
on file at all times at the Alumni
Catalog Office, University of Michi-
gan. Lunette Hadley, Director.
Men's Cooperative Houses are now
receiving applications for member-
ship for the summer and fall terms.
Forms are obtainable at the office of
the Dean of Men; The Robert Owen
Cooperative, 922 S. State; The Roach-
dale Cooperative, 640 Oxford Road;
and The Congress Cooperative, 909
E. University.
Academic Notices
Sophomore, Junior, Senior and
Graduate Students in Aeronautical
Engineering: Announcement is made
of a Civil Service Examination for
Engineering Draftsman. Applications
must be filed with the Civil Service
Commission by June 12, 1939. Those
interested may examine the an-
nouncement concerning this position
which is posted on the Aeronautical
Engineering Bulletin Board.
Qualifying Examinations for Direct-
ed Teaching will be given this af-
ternoon at 1 o'clock in the auditori-
um of the University High School.
Comprehensive Examination in Ed-
ucation will be given today at 9 o'clock
(and also 2 o'clock) in the auditorium
of the University High School.
All Speech Concentrates and Grad-
SATURDAY, 1MAY.20, 1939
VOL. XLIX. No. 167
Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University.
Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30 P.M.;
11:00 A.M. on Saturday.
inclusive at the regular class hour
on Monday, May 22.
John S. Worley.
Physics Colloquium: Mr. Harold S.
Howe will speak on "Micro Waves,
Wave Guides, and Their Use in Ab-
sorption Measurements" at the Phy-
ics Colloquium on Monday, May 22,
in Room 1041 E. Physics at 4:15.
Final Examination, German 1, 2,
31, 32. June 7, 2-5 p.m.
German 1.-
25 Angell- Hall. All sections.
German 2.-
1025 A.H. Schachtsiek, Sudermann;
West Lecture Physics. Willey, gy-
der, Diamond, Gaiss.
101 Economics. Philippson, Eaton.
B Haven Hall. Striedieck, Graf.
German 31.-
C Haven Hall. All sections.
German 32.-
301 University Hall. Scholl.
West Lecture Physics. Diamond.
201 U.H. Wahr.
C Haven Hall. Van Duren.
101 Economics. Eaton.
101 Economics. Philippson.
306 U.H. Reichart.
West Lecture Physics. Gaiss.
B Haven Hall. Graf.
Events Today
School of Education Luncheon at
the Michigan Union this afternoon
at 1 o'clock. This will be an all-
School of Education luncheon for
Staff Members, Graduates and Un-
dergraduates. Following the luncheon
there will be an appropriate enter-
tainment. Tickets are now on sale
at the office of the School of Edu-
Graduate Outing Club: The annual
spring overnite will be held at Camp
Takoma, Clear Lake, from 3 p.m.,
Saturday, May 20 to 3 p.m., Sunday,
May 21. There will be canoeing, hik-
ing, swimming, baseball, etc. All
graduate students and faculty are in-
vited. Call 8995 by Saturday noon
for reservations.
Michigan Dames: All members and
their families are invited to a picnic
to be held today at 4 o'clock at
the Island. In the event of rain, the
picnic will be transferred to Lane
Hall. For further information call
Mrs. Riley 3839.
Coming Events
Chemical Engineers: The A.I.h.E.
banquet, terminating the year's ac-
tivities with the installation of of-
ficers, will be held in the Union,
Wednesday, May 24, at 6:15 p.m. Mr.
McCarroll of the Ford Motor Co.
will be guest speaker. All chemical
and metallurgical engineers are in-
Glee Club: The annual installation.
banquet will be held Thursday, May
25, at 6:15 in the Union. Reservations
should be made with the manager be-
fore next Tuesday.
All University Women: There will
be a biking party on Monday after-
noon, May 22, leaving the Women's
Athletic Building at 4:15. Please
sign up in Barbour Gymnasium or at
the Women's Athletic Building, or
all Jane Brichan at 6944.
German Table for Faculty Members:
Special notice. Mr. Frank G. Ryder's
talk on "Ernstes und Heiteres aus der
Etymologie" scheduled for May 22,
will b6i given May 29. In his place
Dr. Wolfgang Liepe, formerly pro-
fessor of German literature in the
universities of Kiel and Frankfurt will
give a brief informal talk on, "Faust
vor Goethe." This regular luncheon
meeting will be held Monday at 12:10
p.m. in the Founders' Room of the
Michigan Union. All faculty members
interested in speaking German are
cordially invited.
Graduation Recital. Grace Wilson,
mezzo-soprano, will give a recital in
partial fulfillment of the require-
ment for the degree of Bachelor of
Music, Monday evening, May 22, at
8:15 o'clock, in the School of Music
Auditorium on Maynard Street. The
general public is invited to attend.
The Michigan Christian Fellowship
will hold its regular Sunday after-
noon meeting in the Fireplace Room
Lane Hall at 4:15. There will be
singing, a short talk by a graduate
student, and refreshments.
Members and friends are requested
to keep in mind the coming lecture
by Dr. Wilber M. Smith Saturday
night, May 27 on the subject, "The
Bible-To Believe It-Or Not." The
meeting is to be held in the North
Lounge of the Michigan Union at
Annual hillel Banquet will be held
at the Michigan Union this Sunday
at 6 p.m. All members of the Foun-
dation are cordially invited. Reser-
vations should be made hv ealing thA
At many colleges, notably Princeton and the
University of Virginia, traditional honor systems
are -in force. Already students of two schools at
Cornell have established similar systems. Othier
schools might well follow the examples set by the
Hotel School and the School of Civil Engineer-
In the winter of 1937. an honor code was
officially adopted by the Hotel School in an.
attempt to wipe out cheating in examinations.
Since then, both students and faculty have pro-
claimed the system's worth. The School of Civil
Engineering also has established an honor system,
and the degree of success achieved has been
shown by a greater decrease in cheating.
Since the system is working successfully in
the Hotel School and the Civil Engineering
School, it would seem feasible to extend the
honor system to other schools. However, the
success of the system depends to a large extent