N, MAY 20, 1939
Y, MAY 20, 1939 PAGE TJIftEE
IMIrI A i IW -
Michigan Leads Big
Track Field By Qualifying
By Mel Fineberg
The Social Whirl.. ..
Visiting coaches, faculty men, ath-
letic directors and the press were
cordially invited to a cordial get-to-
gether at one of the nearby country
clubs Thursday and the line-up
looked like somebody's all-American
football team. Besides Fritz Crisler,
Clarence Munn, Earl Martineau,
Wally Weber and Bennie Oosterbaan
from the Michigan coaching staff,
there was half of the four-horsemen,
Elmer Layden of Notre Dame and
Harry Stuldreher of Wisconsin, Be
McMillan of Indiana, "Bottles"
Thompson, captain in 1912, Joe Mag-
hidson, '10, Paul Goebel, end and
captain of one of Michigan's greatest
teams in 1922, Ernie Vick and a
host of othets.
The coaches had a golf tourna-
ment scheduled for the after-
noon with prizes awarded to low
gross, low net, best foursome and
high gross. Major Griffiths, high
mogul of Western Conference
athletics, won the prize for high
gross with 118. Somehow we
think that the Major shoudn't
have been awarded the prize for
the baseness of his score; it
should have been awarded to him
because he was honest enough to
admit it.
Arthur Giles Bishop, of the class
of '73, was the oldest person pres-
ent. Bishop was born in 1851, caught
on the .baseball team in 1871. He told
a few stories of the good old days
when he tore ,up "some -sidewalks
which should have been torn up long
* * *
In the department of things
not to be surprised about when
they happen: don't leave your
mouth agape in wonder when you
find that the University of Chi-
sago may at last make a few
changes in regards to athletics.
It seems that they want, among
other things, to test the reaction
of the alumni when they ease
the eligibility requirements for
prospective athletes. The coach-
ing staff will remain the same
and the whole plan may no get
beyond the embryonic stage. But
if the reaction is favorable, Chi-
cago may regain some of the
gridiron glory it knew years ago.
What, Another ? ? ?
We received a letter from "An Old
Timer" who conceals his identity with
large red numerals from one to four.
It reads:
"Dear Corner:
"I see by your column (ed. note
a surprise) that,you have chal-
lenged Phil Diamond to match
forecasts for the Big Ten track
"I am an old man who has fol-
lowed track for many years .-.
I knew Phil Diamond when he
was an undergraduate playing the
piano in his orchestra at Burkes
Pavilion at Whitmore Lake, that
was before Phil knew the dfi-
ference between a discus and a
pancake ... When he thought
the pole vault was a place to store
fish poles.
"It is with these qualifications
that I, just a common old man,
throw down the gauntlet to you
. .. a challenge to a three-cor-
nered duel of forecasts between
scholar, teacher and old age.
(Ed. note just where does This
Corner fit in this category).
"I am signing this letter with
a design and will identify myself
after the meet. If by chance,
your forecast betters mine, I will
buy the beer."
"An Old Timer 1 2 3 4."
We welcome the challenge and the
prospect of free beer but lack of space
does not permit the publication of.
the predictions. However, An Old
Timer says that Michigan will gar-
ner 59 points. For our reader's edi-
fication, Phil Diamond predicted 62
and we called 66.
Incidently, there was a misprint in
Diamond's predictions in the javelin
He expects the winner to throw 194
S* * * * .
Ted Husing will broadcast the meet
tomorrow and he better be darn care-
ful because Jim Monahan is going
to be checking on him. Monahan is
going to take a portable radio to the
meet, keep tuned in on Husing and
make sure the sportscaster is accurate.
/ l
Discus Throw
By Bill Watson
Shatters Mark
Wolverines' Captain Hits
160 Feet, 10 Inches;
BadgersPlace Eight
(Continued rrom Page 1)
last year's winning time. Al Smith,
of Michigan, sure of his qualifying
place, loafed home third in his heat.
The fireworks in the final today are
expected to be provided by Lewis and
Smith Wins Heat
Smith also qualified in the 100-,
leading defending champion John
Davenport, of Chicago, to the tape
in the first heat, but the best qualify-
ing time was Northwestern sopho-
more Myron Piker's :09.8 in the
second heat.
Defending champ Elmer Gedeon
coasted home in front in his heat in
the 120-yard high hurdles in :14.4,
faster than his winning time of last
year. Teammate Stan Kelley also
placed with a second behind Gedeon's
chief competition, Steve Gutting, of
Cochran Fast In 220
Indiana's sophomore flash, Roy
Cochran, turned in the day's best
220-yard low hurdles performance
with a time of :23.3, but Kelley, slow-
ing after the eighth hurdle when he
saw he was "in," tied Bob Osgood's
Michigan record of :23.5 in winning
his heat. Bobby Barnard, Wolverine
sophomore, surprised in this event
as he edged out Jimmy Smith, of
Wisconsin, for a qualifying spot.
Buckeye Les Eisenhart ran the best
time In the half-mile qualifiers but
indoor champion and favorite Art
Bodeau, of Purdue, and Tommy
Jester and Hod Davidson, of Michi-
gan, all qualified in easy fashion.
120 yard high hurdles: Gutting
(Pur.); Kelley (Mich.); Gedeon
(Mich.); Hathaway (Northw.); Smith
(Wis.); and Hanson (Minn.). Best
time: Gutting's and Gedeon's :14.4.
100-yard dash: Smith (Mich.);
Davenport (Chic.); Franck (Minn.),;
C. Teufel (Iowa); Piker (Northw.);
Lewis (OSU); C. Culver (Mich.); and
Kauffman (Wis.). Best time: Piker's
440-yard dash: Balyeat (Mich);
Howells (OSU); Breidenbach (Mich);
Billig (Iowa); Sulzman (OSU);
Shackleton (Pur.); Leutritz (Mich.);
and Faulkner (Mich.). Best time:
Sulzman's :47.8.
220-yard dash: F. Teufel (Iowa);
Evans (Minn.); Smith (Mich.);
Boyle (Ind.); Lewis (OSU); C. Cul-
ver (Mich.); Elliott (Ind.); and C.
Teufel (Iowa). Best time: Lewis' :20.8.
220-yard lows: Lostetter (Minn.);
Allen (Ind.); Kelley (Mich.); Gut-
ting (Pur.); Cochran (Ind.); and
Barnard (Mich.). Best time: Coch-
ran's .:23.3.
880-yard run: Bodeau (Pur.);
Graves (Iowa); Yarcho (Ill.); Jester
(Mich.); Buxton (Wis.); Schubert,
(Ill); Eisenhart (OSU); Davidson
(Mich.); and Petrie (Wis.). Best time
Eisenhart's 1:54.5.
Broad jump: Watson (Mich.); Best
(Wis.); Hodgson (Minn.); C. Culver
and F. Culver (Mich.); and Stout
(Ill.); Best jump: Watson's 25 ft.
5% in.
Shot put: Watson (Mich.); Hook
(Mich.); Harris (Ind.); Weber (Pur.);
Sikich (Ill.); and Malisch (Wis.).
Best put: Watson's 52 ft. 6 in. .
Discus throw: Watson (Mich.);
Harris (Ind.); Haviland (Ill.); Hark-
ness (Iowa); Rendleman (Chi.); and
Kulbitski (Minn.). Best throw: Wat-
son's 160 ft. 10% in. (New Big Ten
Javelin throw: Poorman (Ind.);
Ell and Cooperrider (OSU); Carlsen
and Siefert (Wis.); and Ryan
(Northw.). Best throw: Poorman's
193 ft. 3Y in.
Jack Barry Subdues Gopher
Nine, 5-1
Close Finish As Ohio Ace Wins Heat
Michigan Ace
Holds Visitors
To SiX Safeties
Wolverines Even Series
With Minnesota; Cling
To Chance For Title
(Continued from Page 1)
Varsity Snaps Back
I 1
-Daily Photo by Freedman
JacK Sulzman, Ohio State quarter mile ace, turned in the fastest 440-
heat of the day when he nosed out Michigan's Jack Leutritz in the Big
Ten trials at Ferry Field. Sulzman's time was :47.8.
Tennis Squad
To Face Il ini
In Meet Today
Weirmen Seeking Big Ten
Victory To Add Seventh
Match ToLong Streak
Riding high on the crest of a six-
match winning streak, the Wolverine
netmen will meet their sixth Big Ten
foe of the year when they tangle with
the Illinois netters this afternoon at
2:30 p.m. at Palmer Field.
The Weirmen defeated the Illini
last year, 5-4, and have been pointing
towards this match for quite a while.
Coach Weir expects quite a battle
from the Illini, especially since the
match might be shortened to seven
points instead of the regular nine.
The matter of finances may prevent
the visitors from bringing more than
five men.
Durst No. 4
The abbreviation would result in
the omission of the number six singles
and number three doubles in which
spots the Wolverines have been con-
sistently victorious. Sam Durst, who
has been alternating between fourth
and sixth spot,, will probably be in
the former spot, and the third doubles
combination of Durst and Steve Wool-
sey may not see action.
The Illini will be led by Capt. Harry
Chanowitz, who last year was defeat-
ed by John Kidwell, 6-4, 6-2. Other
members on the Illini squad who
played in last year's match are: ex-
captain Bill McCoy and John Schu-
der. McCoy played number one spot
and defeated Captain Neil Levenson,
while Schuder was defeated by Hank
An All-Important Match
Today's match will be \a decisive
factor in determining the year's out-
come for the Weirmen. A win over
the Illini, who finished fourth in the
Conference standings last year,
would mark Michigan's thirteenth in
16 matches, and at the same time
would lift the team's status in the
Conference seedings.
Linksmen Play
Indiana Team
Conference Foes Tee Off
In Play'At_7:30 A.M.
Michigan's golf squad will rise with
the sun this morning in order to get
an early crack at par, and the Univer-
sity of Indiana team, in their last
home stand of the season. The
teams will tee off for the best ball
matches at 7:30 a.m.
Coach Courtright is undecided as
to his lineup, and Jack Emery, Jim
Loar, Capt. Bob Palmer, Ly'nn Riess
and Tom Tussing will all see action
if Professor Willis brings a six-man
team. However, the Wolverine men-
tor will turn to his strong reserve
list for replacements in both the best
ball and individual matches.
Emery Leads Squad
Jack Emery will remain in the
first-place slot for the home team,
and will face Hoosier Captain Walter
Cisco from that position in the in-
dividual play.
The number two position will be
held down as usual by Jim Loar, and
he will oppose Pete Grant. The West
Virginia senior will also team up with
Emery in the best ball play against
the formidable combination of Cisco
and Grant.
Palmer At No. 3
If six men play for the Hoosiers,
Frank Penning will probably furnish
Captain Palmer his opposition in
number three position. Either Tuss-
ing or Loar will play in the next spot
against Jack Mueller. Penning and
Mueller will combine in the best ball
matches, but whether they will play
second or third is not certain.
Bob Sill and Bill Horton will be
the other two men if six men come.
They have been playing in the second
best ball matches all season, but may
be shifted for the Michigan match.
Sweeney as he attempted to field
Walt Peckinpaugh's grounder. Swee-
ney was disconcerted, bobbled the
ball and everybody was safe. Elmer
Gedeon ended the inning by flying
out to center.
The Gophers almost broke into
the scoring column in the fifth when,
with one down, Frank Knox tripled to
left center. George Boerner flied to
Pink in center and Charley threw a
nerfect strike to Beebe to cut down
Knox at the plate.
Smick Gets Single
The Wolverines added another run
in the sixth when Danny Smick
topped a dribbler down the third
base line and then beat the throw.
Lisagor sacrificed him to second and
he scored a moment later when Beebe
lined a sharp single to left. Beebe
went all the way to third when Tom
Sirany, attempting to catch Smick
at the plate, threw the ball past Fust.
Barry and Pink both grounded out to
the pitcher to leave Beebe stranded.
Michigan ended its scoring for the
day in the seventh when Sofiak beat
out an infield hit to deep short. Peck
beat out a slow roller down the third
base line and Sofiak sped all the
way to third. .Gedeon flied out to
left and Sofiak, who had gone to
sleep on the base path instead of
tagging up at third, came home
when Boerner threw the ball away
again. Peckinpaugh, who had gone
to third on the error, scored a mo-
ment later after Trosko flied out to
Barry Misses Shutout
The lone Gopher tally came in the
ninth. Sirany got a life when Lisagor
went far to his left to make a fne
stop only to spoil it by throwing the
ball over Gedeon's head. George Mas-
ologites was hit in the back by a
pitch, putting men on first and
second. Sweeney flied out to' Pink in
short center and it looked like a shut-
out when Ed Roy, pinch-hitting for
Fust, grounded to Sofiak for what
Michigan-5 AB
Pink, cf ..............5
Sofiak, ss...........4
Peckinpaugh, 3b .....4
Gedeon, lb...........
Trosko, lf............2
Smick, rf...........3
Lisagor, 2b..........
Beebe, c............
Barry, p .............
Totals ...........2
Minnesota-1 AM
Knox, 2b .............
Boerner, cf ...........4
Grossman, rf..........
Kundla, lb ...........
Sirany, if ............
Masologites, 3b .......
Sweeney, ss ...........
Fust, c ...... .. .. .2
*Roy ................1
Schultz, p...........
**Bruhn .............
Totals ...........31
*Batted for Fust in 9th
**Batted for Schultz in
Michigan .........002
Minnesota ........000
Errors: Lisagor 2, Sirany 2, Sween-
ey, Fust. Runs batted in: Pink, Beebe,
Gedeon, Trosko. Two base hit: Peck-
inpaugh. Three base hit: Knox. Sac-
rifices: Lisagor 2, Gedeon, Trosko,
Barry. Stolen bases; Trosko, Lisagor.
Double plays: Peckinpaugh to Lisa-
gor to Gedeon; Pink to Beebe; Lisa-
gor to Sofiak to Gedeon; Sweeney to
Knox to Kundla; Sirany to Fust.
Bases on balls: off Barry 4, off
Schultz 5. Struck out: by Barry 1,
by Schultz 2. Hit by pitcher: by
Barry (Masologites). Umpires: Knode
and Linsay.,
should have been a double play end-
ing the game. Sofiak threw to Lisa-
gor, forcing Masologites at second,
but Lisagor threw the ball into the
dirt in an attempt to complete the
double killing. Sirany scored on the
error. Bob Bruhn ended the game a
minute later by popping up to Smick
in short right.
* * *
Plate umpire Knode, who played
ball here for Ray Fisher in the early
twenties, got a laugh and a big hand
.from the crowd when he told the
Michigan bench to shut up. It sound-
ed as though Knode said, somewhat
belligerently, "I'll call 'em."
50 2 5 1'
2 0 0 8 0
20 0 2 0
31 1 2 0
2 1 1 5 2
3 0 1 4 0
2 1 0 0 1
7 5 8 27 12
4R H O A
3 0 2 4 2
4 0 2 2 0
4 0 1 1 0
4 0 0 9 0
4 1 1 6 1
2 0 0 0 1
3 0 0 0 2
2 0 0 2 al1
1 0 0 0 0
3 0. 0 0 4
1 0 0 0 0
1 1 6 24 11
Fritz Receives
AlumniiAwar d
Soph Guard Commended
For FineSpring Play
(Continued from Page 1)
five men received honorable mention.
Included in this group were two fresh-
men, center Bob Ingalls and tackle
George Ostroot, who gained recog-
nition because of their aggressiveness
and hard work.
Among the other three were Capt.
Archie Kodros, center, who last year
became the first lettermen to win the
trophy, which had until then always
gone to a freshman. Ed Frutig, 'sopho-
more end, who won his letter last fall,
and sophomore Harry Kohl, who won
a reserve award as a quarterback.
This was the second year that Kohl
received honorable mention, and
Morton said, "If he could add more
weight to that 150-pound frame, his
fighting heart would make him a
great back."
Earlier in the spring training sea-
son end coach Campbell Dickson stat-
ed that Frutig was one of the most
improved lettermen on the squad,
and a fellow who should turn in great
performances next fall.
Foe In Second
Wolverine Boxer's Win Is
Second In Pro Career
DETROIT, May 19.-(Speoial to
The, Daily). Don Siegel,. { former
University of Michigan tackle, to-
night won over Ray Slachta:of.Sagi-
naw by a technical knockout in the
second round of a scheduled four
round bout at Arena Gardens.
Siegel weighed in at 2142 and
Slachta 240%/,
Slachta, started fast but after a
brief flurry in the first round. it was
all Siegel. The Wolverne giant
floored his Saginaw opponent with
a right cross near the end 'of the
first round, but Slachta was saved by
the bell.
Slachta hit the canvas once in the
second round, with Siegel hitting him
at will. Don'continued his barrage
of blows until the referee walked in
and stopped the bout at 2:30.
The victory was Siegel's second in
two starts as a professional boxer,
both of which were by a knockout.
your vacation, or if you find
If you're having trouble get-
ting a "Yes" out of your
favorite number, here's a tip
-take her here to a delicious
dinner. Mellowed by tasty
food, impressed by perfect
deferential service and con-
vinced of your thought and
correctness-why, we practi-
cally guarantee the result.
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