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May 13, 1939 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-05-13

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in contro? iof
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
aniversity year and Summ r Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrfer,
$4.00; by mail, $450.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39
Editorial Staff

Managing Editor . .
City Editor . . .
Editorial Director . .
Associate Editor . .
Associate Editor .
Associate Editor . .
Associate Editor . .
Associate Editor. .
Sports Editor. .
Women's Editor .
Business Staff
Business Manager .
Credits Manager .
Women's Business Manager
Women's Advertising Manager.
Publications Manager

. Carl Petersen
Stan M. Swinton
Elliott Maraniss
* Jack Canavan
Dennis Flanagan
Morton Linder
Norman Schorr
. Ethel Norberg
Mel Fineberg
* Ann Vicary
Paul R. Park
Ganson 'aggart
Zenovia Skor'atko
Jane Mowers
*Harriet Levy

TAONE undignified senior, this cultural center
of America was a bit bedraggled in spots
Thursday night. He was in a beer tavern, biding
time until exams, when a brother-in-the-bond
telephoned that his mother had put in an un-
expected appearance to be with her enlightened.
son over Mother's Day. At the moment the lad
may not have been wholly enlightened, but there
can be little doubt that he was considerably lit.
Two avenues of escape remained open: to fortify
himself further with drink so he could oppose
his mother's disapprobation with the urbane
flippancy of a stewed senior, or to suppress alto-
gether the evidence of alcohol. He chose the latter
course, and weaved his way down to a greasy
hamburger joint off Main street, where he began
to make practical application of a prescription
he had heard extolled among his friends-eat-
ing thick slabs of raw onion on rye ,bread and
washing the stuff down with hot black coffee.
After several such doses he realized that he
reeked suspiciously of onions, and then remem-
bered someone had told him that the perfect
antidote for onion breath was milk. Here he
made a regrettable error, for it took only one
glass of the lactic poison to send him rushing
toward the exits.
When eventually the senior appeared before
his mother, he was bathed in a cold sweat,
trembling, and ghostly pale- and the gentle
lady almost collapsed from horror-at the sight
of her cultured offspring.
IUMANITAIANISM in a world gone bar-
baric: Dominic Dascola, new proprietor of
the Esquire barber shop on Liberty street and
graduate of the University, favors laws against
cut-throat competition, according to Thursday's
Daily. Now those nervous individuals who would
evenuse an electricdrazor in lieu of letting a
barber shave their Adams' apple, fearing a sud-
den neurosis, can return to a normal routine.
* * *
Sometimes you speak; sometimes you don't
Sometimes I will; sometimes I won't.
Example: you spoke yesterday-
We couldn't pass without "Good-day!"
Today you saw me not at all;
We met on the diagonal.
(A bug, I think, flew in your eye;
You couldn't see and that was why!)
Well, I'll be frank; I am confused,
Amazed and just a bit amused.
The burning question of the week
Is: Do you, don't you want to speak?
* * *
T HAPPENED one night to three Michigan
men on the outskirts of Louisville last Friday.
Unwilling, unable and unready to accede to the
exorbitant demands for rooms in Derby town, the

Third Concert
The Friday afternoon May Festival Concert of
this year, as of previous years, was probably not
designed to be of climactic importance; but curi-
ously enough, it has usually provided some of
the finest work of the entire Festival. This con-
cert was no exception. The work of the soloist,
Ezio Pinza, bass, and that of the Philadelphia
Orchestra was outstanding. The Young People's
Chorus, directed by Roxy Cowin, deserve credit
for a commendable performance even if it was
not a particularly thrilling one.
Mr. Pinza's first group comprised three of the
better known arias of Mozart. Two of them
from "The Marriage of Figaro," "Non piu andrai"
and "Se vuol Ballare" and one from the "The
Magic Flute," the beautiful "Qui adegno non
S'accende." Pinza can readily claim recognition
as one of the greatest singers of our day but he
has the addeQ distinction of being a uniquely
consistent singer. He seems always to be in
"good voice," never erratic in pitch or tempo
and fully in accord with the spirit of his songs.
This afternoon's performance convinced an
enthusiastic audience that Pinza has no peer
when it comes to singing Mozart. To say that
Pinza is to Mozart as Chaliapin is to Moussorgsky
would obscure the versatility of both singers but
more particularly Pinza who is less a stylist. His
second group included the aria "Si la Rigeur"
from "La Juive" of Halevy and the equally
famous Verdi aria "Il lacerato spirito" from
"Simon Boccanegra." The more obvious drama-
tic qualities of this group were given fullest
exposition by the masterful Pinza, who had, such
a short time before, dealt so tastefully with the
subtleties of Mozart.
The orchestral highlight of the program was
the performance of the Beethoven Symphony
No. 5 in C minor as interpreted by the ever bril-
liant Eugene Ormandy. Any orchestra and con-
ductor who attempts to revive this badly over-
worked masterpiece is laboring under odds too
great for most orchestras and conductors. That
the Philadelphia triumphed attests their supreme
skill as an orchestra. The Fifth Symphony, un-
like the other eight, is more susceptible to an.
arid interpretation due to Beethoven's economy
of harmonic and thematic material and to the
limited dynamic range. It is, therefore, necessary
that the solo passages and the tutti be rendered
with sympathetic warmth, a maximum of sonor,
ity and the skill of virtuosi. Needless to say, the
Philadelphia Orchestra meets these require-
ments as few orchestras can.
--Don Cassel
undaunted three decided to sleep in their coupe
on the edge of town. They went to bed with the
sun at 5:00 a.m. and got up from their enclosed
couch three hours later. One was touchy and'
irritable. To make conversation one of his cronies
queried, "Why so irritable, Bi11?" "Aw," replied
the grumpy one, "I got up on the wrong side of
the car this morning."
* * *
POSTSCRIPT: An uncombed fiddler in the
second row of the symphony orchestra ought
perhaps to be told that some members of the
audience attend the Festival with field glasses.

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Open Season
On Candidates .. .
DESPITE THE Gallup poll's recent
forecast that Thomas Dewey and
the revived Republican party are heading for
victory in 1940, it seems as if the season for
presidential booms is as wide open as ever.
The past few weeks have witnessed the demise
of one favorite son, Robert Taft, and the emer-
gence of three more-Stari, Murphy and Wheeler
-as possible White House residents while the
premature campaign of another, McNutt, will
soon undergo rejuvenation.
The two Republican "white hopes," District
Attorney Dewey and Senator Taft, have been
spending much of their time in Washington.
Dewey, in the words of Professor Cuncannon, is
trying to "learn national politics as fast as he
can." It has been bruited about that Dewey is
politically innocent and Manhattan's muckraker
intends to leave the opposition no campaign
Dewey has addressed the Gridiron Club, in
the presence of both Roosevelt and Taft. Again
with Taft, he spoke before the convention of the
American Society of Newspaper Editors. And,
with Taft, he became acquainted with the G.O.P.
high command. Dewey's debut was very favor-
able; the same was riot said for Taft's.
Overshadowed by Dewey on every occasion, the
Ohio Senator's Gridiron and editor's society
speeches were unimpressive. One can safely pre-
dict that Taft's Ohio rival, Governor Bricker,
will get more attention from now on. The Ohio
Senator seems to have fumbled the ball on the
'39 yard line.
First of the new possibilities is Governor
Lloyd Stark of Missouri. Stark's investigation
of Boss Pendergast of Kansas City stamped him
as a Western version of Dewey. Aided by Attor-
Rey-General Frank Murphy, the Missouri chief
executive cleaned his own house and, next
morning, found his name among those to be
heard from later. Never a rabid New Dealer,
Stark is in better favor with the Democratic
big-wigs than his isolationist neighbor, Champ
Michigan's ex-Governor Murphy has been tak-
ing the Nw Deal spotlight away from Secretary
of Commerce Hopkins. Murphy's investigations
into the connections between crime and politics
have brought him more national notice than
Hopkins' well-publicized attempts to appease
business. But, like Jim Farley, Murphy's presi-
dential ambitions may hit the same barrier of
religious bigotry that once confronted A-Smith.
Sen. Burton K. Wheeler of Montana has been
too busy with railroad legislation to run his own
boom. Wheeler, chairman of the Senate Inter-
state Commerce Committee, is the choice of
middle-of-the-road Democrats since he led the
fight against Supreme Court Reorganization.
Minnesota Democrats and "those of adjoining
states," according to the Associated Press, have
already indicated they would support Wheeler
for the White House post, if (and this "if" is
voiced frequently) Roosevelt did not want the
On June 1, Paul McNutt will retire as U.S.
High Commissioner to the Philippines so that
he can return to Indiana in time to save his two
year old boom. Much has happened to the Mc-
Nutt movement since Indiana's former governor
left for Manilla. The Hoosier Democratic Party
has split and the efforts of Frank McHale,
McNutt's Farley, to bring about harmony have
not been successful. The American Legion, of

-by David Lawrence -
WASHINGTON-Although the Na-
tional Labor Relations Act was ac-
cepted by many members of Congress
hopefully as a means of diminishing
strikes and labor disputes, the fact
remains today that, notwithstanding
the many fine opportunities offered
labor under that law, a strike damag-
ing to the public interest has been
going on for several weeks and now is
being forced to end by the strong
hand of government itself.
Thus does the principle made effec-
tive in Nazi Germany and Fascist
Italy come into use in America be-
cause of the arbitrary use of ec-
onomic power by private groups of
employers and unions. In Italy and
in Germany, "sit-down" strikes ard
other labor disturbances resulted from
the fact that economic groups over-
reached themselves and the national
government in each case intervened
to compel productive processes to be
Tendency Toward Fascism
This is not to suggest that there is
anything fascist in the action taken
by the administration in threatening
to take over the mines and force op-
eration, but that the conditions which
brought on fascism abroad are being
repeated in America, so that the de-
mand for government action here
results precisely as it did abroad from
the damage done to the public in-
The issue in the coal strike was a
form of the closed shop, or, to put it
another way, the right of a union to
exclude a competing union from se-
curing members. The issue was by
no means settled by the insistence of
the federal government that the
miines be reopened Wy as many opera-
tors as already have the so-called
"union" shop in actual practice. The
latter is the type of union-shop which
permits existing non-union employes
to continue to work, but prohibits
the employer from taking on any-J
body new except union men.
The underlying desire of the Unit-
ed Mine Workers is to perpetuate
their authority and jurisdiction. This
is not something peculiar to the min-
ers. The idea of compelling employ-
ers to force their new employes to
become unionized is upheld tenacious-1
ly by many labor organizations in
other industries, too, as essential to
their very existence., The theory is
that, if an employer cares to do so,
he can take on non-union men in
such numbers as to overturn the ma-
jority of union men employed who
have the exclusive bargaining rights.
So, to protect the majority status,
the unions want to compel employers
to agree that, as a condition of em-
ployment, men will become members
of the majority organization. This
is directly contrary to the principle in
the Wagner Law which says that em-
ployers must not advise their em-
ployes about union matters or coerce
them into joining or staying out of
But the Wagner Law also has a,
provision which says it is not illegal
for labor unions and employers to
make contracts whereby workers must
join unions as a condition of em-
ployment, provided the existing union
wants it that way. In other words,
the Wagner Act says that employers
must not advise employes about union
members unless they advise them one
way-namely, that, as a result of
contractual agreements, minority em-
ployes must join unions. Thus, by
saying a closed shop is not illegal,
Congress has encouraged disputes on
that subject.
Doesn't Prevent Strikes

The power of the Wagner Act to
compel recognition of majority units
has had much to do with the present
coal dispute, so that it can hardly be
claimed that the law in its present
form can prevent strikes. There'
have been, on the other hand, similar
strikes before the Wagner Law was
passed. What is important to note
is that the law has by no means put
an end to the fundamental issues,
namely, the right of organized groups
to shut down operations unless em-
ployers agree to cooperate in forcing
men into union membership.
The merits of compulsory unioni-
zation are by no means a simple case
of right on one side or the other, but
it is clear that, if unions and groups
of employers are to wield hereafter
the vast powers over production ex-
ercised in the coal strike, or "lock-
out," as Secretary Perkins calls it,
they cannot continue to do so with-
out bringing on a certain measure of
ernmentalregulation. Thus, the
railway mediation act, if applied to
industry generally, would have pre-
vented the coal strike or "lock-out."
Operations could not have been sus-
pended while discussion was going on.
And provision for submission of the
issues in an orderly way would have
prevented the stoppage of produc-
tion during the negotiations. Clearly,
Congress, which has before it the
matter of revising the Wagner Law,
may find more instructive testimony
in the coal dispute than in the hear-
ings going on before Senate and
House committees.

(Continued from Page 2)
maintenance and transportation be-
tween Chicago and camp, as follows:
July 3 to August 31:
Dietitian-house manager (woman
with dietetics training).
Typist (woman with commercial
Dramatics (either man or woman;
experience in story acting, story tell-
ing, puppetry).
Nature lore (man with science
July 3 to August 3.
Dancing (woman with experience
and training in creative, square, folk
and tumbling).
2 group leaders (women).I
August 2 to August 31.
8 group leaders.
For further information regarding
the camp, call at University Bureau
of Appointments and Occupational
Information, 201 Mason Hall; Office.
Hours: 9-12 and 2-4.
"PsychologyMaster's Comprehen-
sive Examination" will be held to-
day at 2 p.m. in Room 3126 N.S.
Students in Naval Architecture 6,
please see Drawing Room Bulletin
Board for an important announce-
Graduate Stdents in Education:
All individuals desiring to take the
preliminary examinations for the
Ph.D. in Education to be held on
May 25, 26 and 27, must leave their
names in my office, Room 4002
University High School, before May
- Clifford Woody.
Senior Lit Class Dues will be col-
lected on Wednesday, May 17, in both
the League and the Union. It is im-
portant that these dues be paid be-
fore Commencement Invitations are
Literary Seniors: The Cap and
Gown Committee has chosen the
Moe Sport Shop as official cap and
gown outfitters and advises im-
mediate placement of orders. No de-
posit required.
Assembly: Petitioning for Assembly
positions for next fall will be reopened
to those interested on Saturday and
Monday, May 13 and 15. All Inde-
pendent women are urged to pe-
Seniors. Interesting and instructive
bulletins are published by the Univer-
sity of Michigan several times a year.
These bulletins are mailed to all
graduates and former students. In
order that you may receive these,
please see that your correct address is
on file at all times at the Alumni
Catalog Office, University of Michi-
gan. Lunette Hadley, Director.
Academic Notices
Candidates for English 197, Honors
Course for Seniors: All candidates de-
siring to read for Senior Honors in
English (1939-40) must file their
names with the secretary of the De,
partment not later than 4 p.m. on
May 15. At the time of filing their
names they will leave transcripts of
their academic records, including
their records for the first semester of
the present year and their elections
for the second semester. At the same
time they will make their appoint-
ments for conferences with the Com-
mittee in charge of Honors in English.
Conferences will be held on the eve-
ning of May 17. Bennett Weaver.
Examiner in Languages for the Doc-
torate: Mr. Vernam E. Hull will be
available for consultation with gradu-
ate students wishing information on
the adequacy of their knowledge of
the languages required for the doc-
torate. He will also be in charge,
for the Graduate School, of examina-
tions in these languages. His office is

Room 120, ground floor, in the east
wing of the Rackham Building. Mr.
Hull's office hours are 1:30 p.m. to
4:30 p.m. Tuesday, Thursday and Fri-
day. Telephone Ext. 2128 during of-
fice hours; other periods, Ext. 331.
The usual procedures as previously
announced by the Departments of
German and French will be con-
tinued for the present year and the
Summer Session of 1939.
C. S. Yoakum.
Biological Chemistry Seminar:
Saturday, May 20, 10-12 a.m., Room
319 West Medical Building, "Some
Recent Vitamin Studies Concerned
with the B Complex" will be dis-
cussed. All interested are invited.
May Festival Concerts: The 46th
Annual May Festival will be held in
Hill Auditorium, May 10, 11, 12 and,
13. The Philadelphia Orchestra will
participate in all six concerts. The
general programs are as follows:
Fifth Concert: Saturday, M~.ay 13,
2:30. Georges Enesco, violinist, so-
loist: Saul Caston and Georges Enes-

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University.
Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until :30 P.M.;
11:00 A.M. on Saturday.


doors will be closed during numbers.
Holders of season tickets are request-
ed to present for admission only the
coupon for each respective concert.
Exhibition, College of Architeture:
An exhibition 'of pottery and other
work in ceramics by leading Michi-
gan artists in that field is being
shown in the ground floor cases,
Architectural Building, through May
13. Open daily, 9 to 5, except Sun-
day. The public is invited.
Exhibition of Six Paintings by Three
Mexican Artists, and Water Colors by
Alexander Mastro Valerio, under the
auspices of the Ann Arbor Art Asso-
ciation. Alumni Memorial Hall,
North and South Galleries. Last two
days, Saturday and Sunday, May 13
and 14, afternoons from 2 to 5.
Lectures -
Biological Chemistry Lecture: To-
day at 10:30 a.m., East Lecture Room
(Mezzanine Floor), Horace H. Rack-
ham School of Graduate Studies. Dr.
Eliot F. Beach of the Children's Fund
of Michigan will lecture to the stu
dents of biological chemistry and to
all others interested on "Studies in
the Chemical Composition of Proteins
with Especial Reference to the Hemno-
lytic Residues of Erythrocytes."
American Chemical Society. Prof.
G. W. Scott Blair will lecture on
"New Aspects of Colloid Science" at
4:15 p.m., Monday, May 15, in Room
303 Chemistry Building. All those
interested are invited:
Professor Blair is head of the chem-
istry department of the University of
Reading, England, and part-time lec-
turer in colloids, Sir John Cass Tech-
nical Institute, London.
Events Today
Student Senate luncheon will be
held this afternoon at 12:15 p.m., at
the Michigan Union. The room will
be posted on the bulletin board in the
Union. All Senators are requested to
call Dworkis, 3779, or Scharann,
4929, for reservations: The luncheon
is open also to interested students
and faculty members. All reserva-
tions must be in by Saturday at 11
The Girls' Cooperative House is
holding a tea from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m.
today at 517 East Ann St. All girls
interested in Cooperatives are cordial-
ly invited,
Coming Events
Faculty Tea: President and Mrs.
Ruthven will be at home to faculty
members and residents of Ann Ar-
bor on Sunday, May 14, from 4 to 6
American Association of University
Professors. The annual dinner meet-
ing of the local chapter of the Ameri-
can Association of University Pro-
fessors will be held Monday, May 15,
at 6 p.m. at the Michigan UniOft.
There will be opportunity to discuss
the report of the Chapter committee
which has been considering the prob-
lem of the objective evaluation of
faculty services. Because of the wide-
spread interest in this subject, this
will be an open meeting to which all
members of the faculty, whether
members of the chapter or not, are
cordially invited.
Pharmaceutical ConfeFene, College
of Pharmacy: The Annual Pharma-
'ceutical Conference sponsored by the
College of Pharmacy will be held at
the Michigan Union on Tuesday, May
16, at 2:30 p.m. The guest speaker
will be Dr. Wortley F. Rudd, Dean of
the School of Pharmacy, Medical

College of Virginia, who will speak
on "Some Present . Pharmaceutical
Problems, Socialized Pharmacy, and
Working Conditions in Retail Phar-
macy." Other speakers will include
Dr. Frederick F. Blicke, who will
speak on "The Introduction and De-
velopment of Antiseptics," and Dr.
Malcolm H. Soule, who will speak on
"Methods for the Evaluation of Anti-
The Evening Meeting will be held
at 7:45 in the Amphitheatre of the
Horace H. Rackham School of Gradu-
ate Studies andewill be addressed by
Dr. Carl V. Weller who will speak
on "The Pathology of Syphilis as a
Public Health Problem." All those
who are interested are cordially, in-
vited to be present at the Conference.
Ann Arbor Independents: There will
will be a regular meeting Tuesday,
May 16, 4:30 at the League. There
will be song rehearsals Monday
through Friday in the game room of
the League from 4 to 5 p.m.
German Table for Faculty Mem-
bers: The regular luncheon meeting
will be held Monday at 12:10 p.m. in
the Founders' Room of the Michigan


The Editor Gets Told...
In Re Allen-Runmsey Table Manners

To the Editor:
Mr. David Wiens in his most excellent letter
to The Daily neglected to mention several rather
important facts about our eating habits. In 'the
first place we not only come to dinner without
our coats but we come stark nude! In the second
place we usually cap off our meals by throwing
plates at the waiters and thereby killing (or
seriously injuring) two or three of them! The
members of the dormitory with whom I have dis-
cussed the situation seem to feel that it would
perhaps be best for Mr. Wiens to transfer to
Purdue University which he seems to regard so
-Eugene Geniesse, Jr.
To the Editor:
The letter of David Wiens printed in the
Michigan Daily issue for May 10 was, I am
sorry to say, gross understatement. I feel it is
now time for a few true facts to be brought
At Allen-Rumsey we have two dining rooms.
In each a long trough runs the entire length of
the floor. Into this is thrown all of our food. The
waiters must make their exit and leave at least
fifteen minutes margin before the expected
entrance of the boys. If a few should linger about,.
their general fate is to be thrown into the
trough along with the other food. Waiters make
lovely fare tasting quite a bit like veal. Last week
we accounted for three who were rather new and
did not leave in time.
There is also an element of danger for the
person eating. He may be caught in the rush that
ensues the ringing of the dinner bell and
trampled to death; or if he doesn't .come sup-
ported by several friends he is most liable to

follow in the footsteps of the aforementioned
hapless waiters.
Eating we will admit is rather messy, so we
find it helpful to eat without clothes. Some'
bashfuf few come in loincloth but the general
trend is toward nudity. The boys are really very
happy in their "back to nature" element, and
we have absolutely no cause for complaint. Mr.
Wiens may be complaining because he was just
lucky enough to crawl from the trough before
being consumed. He was truly fortunate' and'
should remain silent in his happiness. I hope no
one got the wrong impression from his letter.
-A-R Gourmets
To the Editor:
As residents of Allen Rumsey we would like
to defend ourselves against the caustic attack of
one of our fellow residents.
In case any person is really interested in the
question, let him drop into our dining rooms un-
expectedly. It is true that he may find manners
not befitting an Emily Post gathering but he will
also find food not fit to be served to a chain-
gang. The majority of our table manners can
be directly laid to the discontent of the resi-
dents with their meals. At the table, one of the
few opportunities we have for conversation to-
gether, the sole topic of discussion is the food and
not a few disparaging remarks are passed.
But let me say they are well deserved. Com-
plaints are passed from pereson to person until
the complainers are discouraged. So here let
me speak for the majority of Allen Rumsey. If
the Union or the University is willing to give us
digestible food in proportion to the board that we
pay, then can they expect a little respect from
their idignant customers.
-Some of the Residents of Allen Rumsey

Daily llini Calls For Labor Truce


It has long been a characteristic of industry
-call it economic royalty, capitalism, or what
you will-to fight within its ranks when compe-
tition was worth while, but to team unmercifully
in any conflict with labor. Capital's efforts to
combine have been curtailed as "in restraint of

leaders have insisted on maintaining their rivalry
between craft unions in the American Federa-
tion of Labor and the industrial groups of the
Committee for Industrial Organization.
A year and a half ago, an attempt to bring
the two groups together failed miserablv. Now

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