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May 13, 1939 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1939-05-13

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Lentern Night Date Has Been hanged ToThursday

lay 25

_.v ____

Campus Heads
Again To Lead
Liiue Of March
Winner Of Interfraternity
Sing Is To Be Featured1
On Women' ' Program
The central committee of Lantern
Night announced today that the
date of this annual affair has been
changed from M onday, May 22 to
Thursday, May 25.
Following the practise that was
instituted last year, only five senior
women will lead the line of march.
These women were the holders of five
or thesmajor positions in campus
Leaders Are Named
Leading the procession this year
will be Jean Holland, former presi-
dent of the League; Stephanie Par-
fet, former president of Panhellenic
Association; Sybil Swartout, former
head of Judciary Council;hNorma
Curtis, former 'president of the Wo-
men's Athletic Association and Betty
Jane Mansfield, former president of
The line of march will form at
7:30 , p.m. in front of the. General
Library. The seniors, wearing caps
and gowns and carrying lighted an-
:erns, will be-escorted to Palmer field
by the underclassmen. The proces-
sion will be led by the University
The underclassmen will be dis-
tinguishable by their hair ribbons,
which will be green for the freshmen,
red for the sophomores and yellow
for the juniors.
Sing Held For Second Time
After the line of march, the Lan-
tern Night Sing will be held. All
sororities, dormitories and independ-
ent- zones have been invited to take
part tn this event. This sing, which
bids fair to become a Michigan tra-
dition, was held for the first time
last year. Featured at the sing, will
be the winners of the Interfraternity
Sing, which is to be held May 17.
In case of rain, the affair will be
held in Barbour Gymnasium.
Four For mals,
Radio Dances,
toBe Given
The second evening of the week-
end ,rolls around, making its own con-
tribution to the spring season. Many
couples will be wending their way to
theiMay Festival and to one or more
of the-six fraternity dances.
Among the dances planned tonight
is a spring formal at the Phi Kappa
Tau -house. Dinner will be served
the- members and their guests at 7
p.m., following which the dancing will
begin.. Harvey Judson and his or-
chestra will play. Chaperoning will
be Prof. and Mrs. Axel Marin and
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Vokes.
Another formal will be given by
Phi Beta Pi beginning at 9 p.m. Dr.
and Mrs. Walter Belser and Dr. and
Mrs. John Brazer will chaperon.
At the Phi Sigma -KappaI house a
radio dance will be given, at which
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Creal, Mr. and.
Mrs. F. W. Gravit and Mr. and Mrs.
Alan Meacham will chaperon. Delta
Theta Phi will also give a radio dance.
Mr. and Mrs. Baldwin Curtis and
Mr. and Mrs. Howard McCowan are
chaperoning. - .
A spring formal .will be given by
Phi Chi for which Ray Carry will
play. Chaperoning will be Dr. and
Mrs. L. A. Kerr and Dr. and Mrs. J.
Robert Willson. The weekend dance
calendar is completed with Phi Sigma
Sigma's spring formal, which will be-

gin at 9 p.m. Chaperons for the dance
will be Dr. and Mrs. Samuel Goaud-
smit and Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Knight.
Playing for the members and their
guests will be Bobbie Scherger and
his orchestra.

Turbans Popular Ftr Summer W ear

.t YM S

4 N' 4

. q



Matursity Of StiR-e!1is 1prese
By Past Decade Of bis eity
By DEBS HARVEY May 3, 1929 issues as follows: "Each
In the carefree days of your youth, year the seniors of The Daily takel
back inthespringof'28,when their oversized blue pencils and step
sprig o , when we into the lower depths of the paper
'were just getting used to our first to give the lower classmen a lesson in;
pair of long pants or high heels, col- practieal -journalism. ' This is the
lege life was quite a bit different than star issue . . . Hope you like it."
it is today, if The Michigan Daily files On the front page of that issue, un-
of that period are a true reflection. der a banner headline reading: "8
000,000 Chinese Face Starvation" were
Politicai 'and economic' security the'fbllowigsi-ed:
th olwing sub-heads:
were clearly so taken for granted that Daily Deaths Do
they demanded no thought, leaving i Dire,-Devastating
the student's mind free for such Dolorous Damage
weighty matters as pep rallies, sports Coolies Cat6h Cold;
and general good tines. Co hing Constantly
Hungry Hankerings Hater Happy
Seldom did the front page run more k. Homelife; Honeyed "°Hams
than one story on national or inter- Hinted Helpful
naina rs. Tp of a ve- One of the chief worries on the part
point limited strictly to campus in- of the authorities early in May, 1929,
terests is the fact that a pep meet- was the conduct of the students dur-
ing in Hill'Auditorium was made the ing Swing-Out. An editorial, a wom-
lead story-on the front page for three en's page column and a front page
consecutive days. And the editors threat" by the University Discipline
apparently anticipated a very success- Committee and the Student Council
ful pep rally, for one of the headlines were -a devoted to a united effort
read: fnrrTnn+, fl~#

Houses Urged
To Plan Booths
For Senior Ball
F-atlermt Les Are B eq i redl
To PurehAase 1- (Tickets
For Privilege Of Booti
With Senior Ball tickets going on
sale Wednesday, fraternities are urged
to start plans for booths which they
wish to have at the dance, which is
to be held June 16 in the Intramural
Building, William Greer, '39, general
chairman. announced. Any fraternity
buying 10 tickets to the dance before,
they go on - general sale to under-
classmen is entitled to have a booth,
if they will provide their own furni-
Fraternity members are asked to
get in touch with Frederick Olds, '39,
after they have bought 10 tickets.
The bids are $3.75, and may be bought
from Betty Shaffer, '39, from 10 a.m.
till 5 p.i. Wednesday in the League,
and from Waldo*Abbot, '39, from 7:30
a.m. till' 6 p.m. in the Union. They
may be obtained either in blocks or;
Bob Crosby's band is playing forl
eniior Ball this year.
Other Central Commitee members
are Jack Wilcox, '39, chairman of fi-
nance and publicity; Abbot, ticket
chairman; Betty Spangler, co-chair-
man of publicity; Charles Jacobson,
'39E, secretary and in charge of build-
ing; Peter Ipsen, '39E, music chair-
man; Jerome Mitchell, '39F&C, co-
chairman of music; Miss Shaffer, pa-
trons and favors, Roberta Chissus,
'39A, decorations chairman; Olds,
booth chairman; Jean Bleeker, '39,
project chairman; and Frederick
Wiest, '39M, co-chairman of decora-
Sports Club Plans
Hike, Treasure Hunt
The Outdoor Sports Club is plan-
ning a hike and treasure hunt for
their meeting at 4:15 p.m. Monday.
This club has been formed for the
purpose of interesting more women
in participating in outdoor group
activities. A different program is
planned for each of the weekly meet-
ings. Thus far the club has sponsored
a canoeing narty and a bicycling
party. Planned for future meetings
are steak roasts, roller skating parties
and outdoor suppers.

"The real secret of successful stage
designing lies in being able to so inte-
grate and subordinate the physical
aspects of the play that the audience
is not conscious of them as such,"
declared Emeli he Clark Roche, scenic
designer and technical director of
the Dramatic Season plays.
Between telephone calls to Detroit
for materials, and borrowing records
for the sound man to experiment
with, Miss Roche managed to add
that though the problem of achiev-
ing this balance is often difficult, it
is always interesting.
Lighting Effects Discussed
For instance, in the first of the
Season's plays, "No War In Troy,"
Miss Roche has the problem of creat-
ing for the audience a Mediterranean

N and .

Staging For Dramatic Season
Plays Of fers Varied Problems



atmosphere-a setting which sug-
gests "a hot, bright sun, and a general
effect of sultriness. This she does
through a series of intricate lighting
arrangements, using heats of various
intensities to achieve the desired re-
sult. Miss Roche is an electrician
among other things.
Costumes for "No War In Troy"
presented a rather unique, problenj
to Miss Roche, for she not only had
to spend approximately a month and
a half of research on Greek and Tro-
jan fashions in order to give an ac-
curate portrayal, but also had to find
some way of achieving a subtle dis-
tinction between the, barbaric cos-
tumes of the Trojans, and the more
sophisticated dress of the Greeks.
Brilliant, raw colors in the suits of
the Trojan soldiers, and more sub-
dued tones in those of the Greeks
was her answer to this problem.
Costume For Play Described
Phillip Merivale's costume in "No
War In Troy" Miss Roche regards as
one of the most beautifully con-
steructed of its kind. The suit is made
of heavy quilted leather and had to
be carefully cut so that the weight
would fall around his shoudlers,
where he could carry it, instead of
hround his ' neck. Under the tunic,
Mr. Merivale wears a henna pleated
,Tool kilt. Long leg greaves are done
in henna and black leather, and his
helmet' is also made of leather.
Bowling Meet Planned
The women's bowling team will
hold a telegraphic meet Friday, May
18. Their opponents in this long dis-
tance contest willbe the women's
bowling team of the University of
Illinois. The Women's Athletic
Building will be the scene of Michi-
gan's part in the meet.
two years, she has been a member of
the staff of the University Bureau of
The marriage of Mary Louise Wide-
mann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Theodore W. Widemann of Birming-
ham, to James G. Brien, '37, took
place last Saturday at the home of
the bride's parents.
Mrs. Brien attended the University
and is a member of Alpha Phi so-
rority. Mr. Brien is a member of Chi
Psi fraternity.

of a

Jest Pubf*sie d!






Alumni To Be Honored
Members of Theta Chi will enter-
tain their alumni at a steak roast to-
night and a banquet tomorrow. Acacia
wil hold a Founder's Day dinner to-

Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin H. Anibal
of Bloomfield Hills, announced the
engagement of their daughter, Elea-
nor Christine, '38, to Stark Ritchie,
'38, son of H. T. Ritchie of Battle
Creek, last Thursday. At the same
time, the wedding date was set for
June &8, to take place at the Anibal
Miss Anibal is affiliated with Kap-
pa Kappa Gamma sorority. Mr.
Ritchie, who is now enrolled in the
law school here, is a member of Psi
Upsilon. He was a member of Sphinx
and Druids, was class president in his
sophomore year, and was on the var-
sity football team.
The marriage of Ann Epley, daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Epley of
Louisville, Ky., and Samuel Bousky,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bousky of
Grand Rapids, took place yesterday
at the bride's home. Mr. Bousky is a
graduate of the college of engineer-
ing.. .
The engagement of Phyllis Horr,
'35, to Robert E. TenEyck, of Flint,
was announced yesterday. June 12
is to be the wedding date. Miss Horr
is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Loyal
W. Horr of Jackson. For the past



Stella Brunt Osborn



On Sate at



Singing And
Spieeches To
Initiate Rliot
A Daily tradition, now extinct, is
explained on the editorial page of the
Linen, Cotton Replace
Sweaters And 'Shirts
°The classic sweater and skirt does .
not solve the campus clothing prob-
lem for summer students.
Pastel dresses of nubby cloth will
be seen in great abundance on cam-
pus this sunmer. One particular dress
that should be just the thing for all
day wear in hot weather has a sky
blue blouse and a pleated mulberry
tone skirt. It is collarless and has
short puffed sleeves.
Coarse homespun linen of soft blue
has been made into a very attractive
dress that has the monk's cloak in-
fluence clearly evident. The shoul-
ders are set in raglan style and the
dress benefits by an absence of collar.
It hangs in full lines from the neck
and is gathered at-the waist with a
woven raffia belt of deep burnt

o convnce t e student body that
they could keep a straighter line if
they were sober.




. .


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