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February 21, 1939 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1939-02-21

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Suggested For Papaacy_ eral and Teaching Divisions of the J with the Bureau of Appointments and not meet th
I I i T T fitVRtliry .lali of A ltfl 4v,-' Pl rCn/+ TI }_n1A n n n .ira f .am an:n, c a>

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University.
Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30 P.M.;
11:00 A.M. on Saturday.

TUESDAY, FEB" 21, 1939
VOL. XLiX. No. 100
To University Employees in Ad-
... ministrative, Secretarial, Stenograph-
ic, Clerical and Similar Positions:
The Business Office desires to know
what individuals would be desirous of
participating should the Regents find
it possible to open to employees of
the above classifications the oppor-
tunity to purchase old-age annui-
ties on exactly the, same terms and
conditions that they are now pur-
i chased by.members of the academic
faculty. These terms and conditions
are, in brief, the payment by the in-
dividual of 5 per cent of his or her
annual compensation as premium up-
on an old-age annuity with addi-
tional, equal payment by the Univer-
sity for the same purpose. In all
cases premium payments by the
University as well as premium pay-
ments by the individual, plus inter-
est, are the permanent possession of
the individual under the terms of the
contract with the Teachers Insurance
rancesco Cardinal and Annuity Association. In case of
glani (above) is death before reaching retirement age
in cardinals sug- all accumulations go into the estate
sible successor to of the individual.
ears old. It should not be understood that
this offer is being made to employees;
imp Film the purpose of this notice is, rather,
to find out how many would take
iown Here advantage of the offer if made and
Ithus to know whether the plan is de-
sired, and if so to enable an esti-
s taken at the mate of the cost of putting the plan
nps will be shown into operation, if decided upon.
in the Union. Cards have been prepared and are
tudy at first hand available in the offices of the Deans,
L1 problems, these and other principal University of-
d near the coal fices, on which interested employees
omotive industry, may file, in the Business Office, by
roppers, near the Campus mail or otherwise, their de-
at other strategic sire to participate in such a plan if
students who live established. Replies are desired by
e, study their prob- the Business Office not later than
i and do construc- Feb. 28, 1939.
cpmmunity. Shirley W. Smith.
sted in attending Certificate of Eligibility. In order
specially invited to to secure eligibility certificates for the
second semester, first semester report
cards must be presented at the Of-
fice of the Dean of Students. First
E semester eligibility certificates are
valid only until March 1.
- Free Delivery
Closing hours for women students
I G Son Tuesday, Feb. 21 will be 1:30 a.m.
Phi Kappa Phi, Graduate Fellow-
HMERE ships. Graduate Fellowships, each
ION and an with a stipend of $500 for one year,
e bottle for have been established by the Honor
Society of Phi Kappa Phi and will be
administered in accordance with the
following regulations:
1. The Phi Kappa Phi Fellowships
shall be awarded each year to under-
graduate mmebers of Phi Kappa Phi,
each of whom wishes to enroll as a
candidate for an advanced degree in
a graduate school in some American
College or University. A student regis-
tering in a professional school such
IS Ie e t as Law or Medicine is not eligible.
2. The recipients of these Fellow-
ut to the ships shall be selected from among
be simple a list of applicants as prescribed be-
Those eligible to apply for one of
obtained these Fellowships shall include mem-
Ahout any bers of Phi Kappa Phi who, during
usually the year preceding the proposed grad-
ability to uate study, were elected to member-
students. ship in the society as seniors.
To be eligible for consideration, ap-
plicants-for these Fellowships shall be
filed on or before the 15th of March
with the Secretary of the Society
Chapter in which the applicant was
OMPANY elected to membership, on blanks pre-
pared for the purpose.
Each Chapter of Phi Kappa Phi
shall select each year one applicant.1

In selecting the most worthy appli-
cant, each Chapter as well as the Na-
tional Committee of Award, shall give
primary consideration to the appli-
cant's promise of success in graduate
work as revealed by previous scholas-
tic record, testimonials from teach-
ers and merit of proposed plan of
graduate study.
The successful applicants shall be
notified by the Secretary General of
the Society not later than June 1.
3. It is expected that those accept-
ing these Fellowships will devote their
full time to graduate study through-
out the academic year and will not at
the same time hold other remunera-
tive scholarships or Fellowships, nor
any salaried position. This restriction
will not be construed as prohibiting
the acceptance of a remission of tui-
tion or other fees provided no return
service is requqired.
R. S. Swinton, Secy.
Union Membership Registration:
New students and those who did not
register for Union Membership the
first semester register at the Student
Offices of the Union on week days
from 3 to 5 p.m. or Thursday from 7
to 9 p.m.
Candidates registered in the Gen-


Effective as of February 14, 1939
12c per reading line (on basis of
five average words to line) for one
or two insertions.
10c per reading line for three or
more insertions.
Minimum of 3 lines per inser-
We have a Quick Delivery Serv-
ice at your disposal if you wish to
have your ad picked up (10c
For further information call
23-24-1, or stop in at 420 Maynara
FOR RENT-Single room for gradu-
ate girl in apartment. Shower ad-
joining. Two blocks from campus.
Tel. 2-2139 between 5 and 6:30 or
Saturday afternoon. 412
FOR RENT-California Style, most
artistic, furnished apartment near
campus. For a couple or two
women. Phone Mrs. Giefel, 2-2571
or 2-2102. 421
FOR RENT-Large single, for male
student or instructor, excellent
study conditions, shower available.
521 Elizabeth. 6638. 417
FOR RENT-Single room for man
Modern, private entrance, private
lavatory. Call 3761. $2.50 per week,
FOR RENT-Well furnished front
rooms for men. 1 single, 2 doubles.
Very reasonable. 335 E. Jefferson.
Phone 6044. 414
FOR RENT-A large double or single
room for boys in quiet house. Nice
location. Phone 7856. 395
FOR SALE-RCA Magnavox Phono-




- and one that
cannot be . .
The most 'Personal gift
within your Power to



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