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February 21, 1939 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-02-21

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Track Squad Cops Lion's Share
Of Place At Illinois Relays




Back To The Grind...
COLUMNISTS shouldn't take vaca-
tions. It loosens the binds, des-
troys the perspective, and renders one
slightly incapable of surveying the
swift moving panorama of the local
scene. Back from a Florida sojourn,
and going on layer two of skin, your
chronicler is reminded of Gen. Hugh
Johnson's recent wail in his daily
column. The General, who exhibits
more than a modicum of good sense
despite occasional vitriolic outbursts,
was faced with a problem similar to
mine. He had been busy in New
York for some six weeks publicizing
and promoting the infantile paralysis
benefit sponsored by President
Roosevelt. Upon returning to Wash-
ington he complained that he had
suffered two severe setbacks.
First, he had entirely lost con-
tact with Capitol undercurrent-
the whisperings, the rumors, and
the inside information-essential
to the writing of an intelligent
column. Secondly, and more im-
portant, he had lost touch with
his most important current of
all--reader opinion. The mail
lay unopened, and the General
faced the monumental task of
getting organized.
And so it is with this reporter.
Even such important occurrences as
the Michigan swimming team exact-
ly emulating the Jan. 20 Ohio State
meet, the basketball squad getting
bopped by Chicago, and the track-
mien starting off auspiciously become
mere trivia to one basking on a Flori-
da beach under a 90 degree sun. This
department must get organized.
The slight undercurrent that has
"eached our ears to date informs us
that the 'M' club will come forward
with an important announcement
this week, one that will shed an in-
teresting light on an important topic
of the day. Also two prominent foot-
ball players will issue statements of
importance as soon as they are cer-
tain that their facts are ready for
publication. The question of eligibili-
ties will soon be decided, and the
wiseacres predict unpleasant ramifi-
cations. All of this should make life
interesting for the local followers.
,_In the mail, I find a letter from
Phil Pack, 'University publicity.
director, who is interested in
finding out why a certain sport
doesn't click. Since I share this
interest with Mr. Pack, this will
bear investigation. Also I have re-
ceived a very informative letter
from Mr. Edward Koblitz of the
Wisconsin "Daily Cardinal" with
a complete analysis of the box-
ing situation and setup at that
institution. This will be highly
illuminating to those, this corner
included, who have advocated
adding this sport to the Univer-
sity curriculum. The rest of the
'mal is filled with the usual pack
of press releases, whic must also
be perused.
Today, your reporter is homeward
bound to unload an automobile, 4,000
miles the worse for wear, and after
this brief respite, I will have to start
throwing a few punches again. This
inactivity is killing.
N THE WIRE in Baton Rouge,
La., the AP reports the death of
A.S. Pettit, who played with the
Unversity of Michigan football team
nvr what is believed to be the second
intercollegiate football game held in
the United States. The contest,
played more than 60 years ago, was
with Racine College, and Pettit re-
cently recalled that the University
won, 18 to 0.
IT HAPPENED in the Big Ten.
A cage coach was having
trouble getting a prize prospect
past the academic department.
There was a little matter of a
research paper which the athlete

had to write, and upon which
much depended. The coach, an
enterprising lad, promptly ob-
tained a finished paper for his
protege. Instead of copying it, the
damnably lazy athlete handed it
in as it was. The pay-off came
when the prof, a bit dubious of
the handwriting, asked the boy,
the topic of this masterpiece.
You guessed it, sonny-boy didn't
know and teacher promptly
pressed the button which sum-
moned the bouncer.
Courtright:22 former caddiesare
being educated at Northwestern
University on scholarships provided
by the Western Golf Association .. .
Doesn't that spell a pretty fair golf
team for the Wildcats, Ray?
Bob Considine of the I.N.S. reports'
that Husing, who made enough from
betting on Lawrin in the last Ken-
tucky Derby to keep Betty Lawford

Michigan's traveling tracksters re-
turned to Ann Arbor from the Illi-
nois Relays with five titles, eleven
gold wrist watches, two plaques, and
sundry medals.
Elmer Gedeon repeated his win of
last year in the high hurdles and
Stan Kelley won the low stick event.
Bill Watson lost his shot-put to El-
mer Hackney of Kansas State but
came through in the broad jump.
The Wolverines also won the mile
team race and the shuttle hurdles
team repeated its win of last year.
Relay Disappoints
The biggest disappointment for
Wolverine followers came in the mile
relay when Michigan finished third
behind Ohio State and Indiana. Al-
though Ohio State's winning time of
3:18.2 was remarkably fast the ex-
planation of the failure of the highly-
touted-Michigan quartet may be that
the race was lost in the locker room
before the meet.
Phil Balyeat, running second for
Michigan, broke his glasses just be-
fore going out for the race and, at
the end of his stint, the close tim-
ing necessary in passing .the baton
was missing because Balyeat's sight
was impaired and Doug Hayes failed
to get it from Balyeat. The dropped
baton meant that Michigan had no
chance to overtake the Buckeyes and

Although the incident of the
dropped baton cost Michigan a
chance for victory, Coach Charlie
Hoyt is offering no alibis. "Ohio has
a great team," says Charlie, but adds,'
''and so have we."
Michigan will get two more cracks
at the Ohio State team indoors, how-1
ever, in their dual meet at Yost Field
House and at the Big Ten meet at
Sprinters Look Good
Most encouraging to Coach Hoyt
was the performance of sprinters Al
Smith and Carl Culver. They finished
third and fourth respectively in the
75-yard dash in doing so shut out
John Davenport, Conference indoor
champ. Both Smith and Culver
showed a lot of improvement, ac-
cording to Coach Hoyt, who, inci-
dentally, refereed the meet.
Michigan will now train its sight
on Notre Dame, the team that gavej
Michigan its greatest competition at
,Champaign. The Irish invade the
Field House Friday night for the sec-
ond dual meet of the local indoor

Another Mericka Bids
For Athletic Laurels
Another Mericka has broken into
the sporting circles, but this time it's
boxing and not wrestling.
George Mericka, 18-year old broth-
er of Jim Mericka star 136-pound
University of Michigan wrestler,
reached the semi-finals of the Grand
Rapids Golden Gloves tournament,
only to be outdecisioned by Archie
Allen of Flint.
George fought in the 147-pound
open division. He had previously won
top honors in that class in his home
town, Port Huron.
All scholastically eligible can-
didates for the Varsity baseball
team should report to me in the
Field House any day this week.
Batting practice will start March
1 and all players must have bat-
ting assignments before that time.
Ray Fisher, coach.
Indiana 45; Iowa 40
Illinois 35; Purdue 26
Ohio State 30; Northwestern 26

Defensive Play Of Lowly Maroons
Defeats Hard-Playing Wolverines

Michigan's basketball team came
home Sunday victims of a rangy Chi-
cago team that finally learned howl
to play a full 40 minutes without7
fading near the finish.
As all Wolverine cage fans are now
tryingato forget, the last-place Ma-
roons staged a last half rally Satur-
day night which brought them their
second win of the season 34 to 29 and
further added to the woes of Coach;
Bennie Oosterbaan who has long
since forgotten Michigan's pre-con-
ference victory string.
There was one bright spot in the
dark picture and that was a re-evi-
dencing of fighting spirit.
"Those kids fought awfully hard,"
says Bennie. "I was especially pleased
with that. They had the height ad-
vantage and I believe that was per-
haps the deciding factor.
"Of course our shooting was not
so good," he admit. "Both Eddie
Thomas and Danny Smick missed
quite a number of shots and with
the Chicago zone defense function-
ing, that hurt."

It was this same zone defense
which proved puzzling to the high-
powered attacks of Minnesota and
Indiana and the Maroons used it ef-
fectively against the Wolverines.
After Michigan had pulled several
fast breaks' early in the game to beat
the defense to the punch, Chicago be-
gan to desert their offensive board
and race back to set up the defense-a
procedure which stopped the fast
break in a hurry. The Wolverine of-
fense then bogged down as long shots
failed to drop and the passing attack
didn't materialize.
Physically, the squad rates a "fair
diagnosis. Leo Beebe, Eddie Thom-
as and Dan Smick are in good shape
but forwards Tom Harmon and Char-
ley Pink are still bothered somewhat
by colds which hampered their per-
formance in Chicago. Center Jim
Rae who didn't make the trip is still
on the sidelines.
The squad began drill yesterday
I for this Saturday's battle with Pur-
due at Lafayette.


Varsity Meets
Gophers' Tank
Squad Tonight
Swimmers Out To Break
Marks Ins Three Events
At Intramural Building


(Continued trom Page 1)

for the hundred-which is plenty
The only other free style relay mark
listed in 100-yard legs is at 400-yards.
Said Matt Mann: "that one's ours.
We'll leave that 'til next year."
The dual meet with Minnesota will
not be without its excitement. The
team as a whole is mediocre but has
its individual stars.
Leading the Gophers will be Capt.
Lyman Brandt, who finished third in
last year's Big Ten meet. His dual
with Michigan sophomores Beebe
and Barker should show the strength
of the Wolverine dorsal stars as com-
pared with the rest of the Confer-
In the distances, Minnesota's chief
threat will be Sylvester Jablonski.
Jablonski, a converted sprinter,
whipped Irv McCaffery in both 220
and 440 last Saturday when the
Gophers whipped Northwestern, 46-
38. According to Matt, "anyone who
whips McCaffery must bear watch-
John Sahlman is the invader's hope
in /the breast stroke while Sheldon
Lagaard and Phil Broderson will
lead the sprinters.
Matmen Clash
With Buckeyes
Ohio Threatens Wolverine
Record Saturday Night
After polishing off the Michigan
State Spartans with apparent ease
last Saturday night for their fourth
straight triumph of the current cam-
paing, Coach Cliff Keen's Varsity
grapplers have now turned all eyes
toward their first Big Ten dual meet
of the year Saturday night at the
Field House. The Buckeyes of Ohio
State, who will furnish the opposition,
loom as a definite dark horse in the
path of a possible undefeatedmWol-
verine season.
The Ohio State grapplers, coached
by "Spike" Mooney, who knows all
the tricks of the trade, are a strong
outfit this year. They have lost but
one dual meet this year, that to Illi-
nois, and have three men who will be
risking unbeaten1recordsdSaturday,
at 121, 145 and 165. pounds.
The Wolverine squad came right
back yesterday and continued where'
it left off Saturday night, with stiff
practice matches the order for the
next three or four days.
Won Lost Pf Pa


Neatly Laundered
For On ly,
"in the Student Bundle"
RISP, CLEAN SHIRTS are the first requisite
personal appearance of the well - dressed U
man. And at this low price, you cannot afford tc
least unkempt.

Not only is the saving available on shirts, but or ALL
your laundry. We strongly suggest that you use the Student
"ROUGH DRY" Bundle, in which Shirts, Handkerchiefs,
and Socks are completely finished to please the most criti-
cal . . . Underwear and Pajamas are washed and folded
ready for wear-all at the modest rate of ten cents per
pound, with charges for extra finished laundry marked ac-
Why pay for delivery charges alone in express to your
home when it costs only a few cents more to make use of
this highly satisfactory service.
P-hone 9495 3 Shirts
6 Handker
3 Pa i rs of S
SWA= *- a Rough-Dry-

Weidig, 121.... ....2 2
Sawyer, 128 .. . .......0 3
Mosser, 128. . ......0 1
Mericka, 136... .....4 0
H. Nichols, 145 .......4 0
Combs, 155.... ......1 0
Turner, 155.........1 0
Lardner, 155........0 1
Morgan, 155 ..........0 1
Morgan, 165 .........2 1
Tasch, 165 ..... ,.....0 1
D. Nichols, 175 .......4 0
Jordan, H.W... ...4 0



Phone 4185
1l A r% 4 m Uwm A 3 NI E

Team record . .

.22 10 82


. . . .


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