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May 06, 1939 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1939-05-06

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Varsity Nine Beats Illini, 3-1;Trackmen Clash With H(


Spick Tamnsu
In Three -Hit
Pitching Job
3-1 Win Places Michigan
In Contending Big Ten
Spot- Steppon Triples
(Continued rrom Page 1)
gave Michigan a 3-1 lead which was
never relinquished.
For the first five innings both
Smick and Zeller were practically un-
touchable. Alternating the fastest
straight ball he has thrown all year,
with a sweeping curve, and using his
baffling underhand delivery only in
spots, Danny allowed only one safety
in the first six innings, that a lucky
blow off the end of Zeller's bat which
happened to find its way between
Gedeon and Lisagor.
The lone Wolverine bingle up until
that time was Steppon's scorching
single in the second, which inciden-
tally was the slugging sophomore's
first one base knock of the season.
However in the sixth the Fishermen
grabbed the lead when Smick beat
out a single to deep short and little
Charley Pink proved that he is more
than a bunter, when he laced one of
Zeller's fast ones for a clean single
to right to put Danny on third. A
bad throw by third sacker Al Vitacco
on Mike Sofiak's grounder then
scored the Michigan hurling star.
Smick. let up in the seventh to al-
low the Illini to tie the score but
after Steppon's blow had put the
Wolverines back into the lead, Danny
settled down and held the visitors
hitless for* the remaining two in-
nings. Tom McConnell, Illinois cap-
tain tagged one of Dan's pitches for
three bases in the seventh, and count-
ed on Chet Ziemba's scratch single.
McConnell's blow, to deep right, ri-
valed Steppon's as the longest hit of
the game.
The game was featured by brilliant
fielding on the part of both outfits.
Center fielder Bill Hapac robbed
Smick of at least a triple when he
ran back some 30 feet to make a bril-
liant catch of Danny's lusty clout. In
the 6th, with Sofiak on 1st and Pink
on second, second sacker Ernie Ca-
vallo made a backhand stab of Walt
Peckinpaugh's liner which turned a
sure single into a double play.
Barry's opponent in today's game,
scheduled to start at 3:15 p.m. will
be Coach Wallie Roettger's sopho-
more star, Al Grant, who beat Ohio
State 8-1, in his last start.
Indiana Meet
Opens Season
Hoosiers Have Individual
Stars, But Weak Team
(Continued from Page 1)
conjecture, the giant Hoosier sopho-
more is so erratic that prediction of,
his fate against Watson is futile.
But there are plenty of good races
on tap. Every one, from the 100-yard
dash with Allen of Indiana vs. Smith
of Michigan, right up through the
half-mile with Davidson, Jester, and
Hogan of Michigan, and Trutt and
Hoke of Indiana participating in a
battle-royal, will put up a good race.
Our Dope Sheet





If ildeat Netmen, Defeat W olverines, 7-2



(EDITOR'S NOTE: The Column this week is being written by applicants for the
sports editorship next year. Today's article is contributed by Dick Sierk.)
"HTARLEY HOYT'S stop watch clicked and exactly 14.5 seconds later it
clicked again. In' that short space of time a lanky youth had leaped
from his starting blocks, had traversed 120-yards, and en route had skimmed
over 10 three-and-a-half foot hurdles.
Charley glanced at the watch and it corroborated what he had seen
as that hurdler, running all alone with no one to push him (it was an
early practice session and none of the other hurdlers had shown up yet)
sped over the first flight of hurdles he had run in nearly a week and only
the third flight he had run outdoors this year. And what he had seen
prompted Charley to sigh, with an obvious note of regret in his voice,
"What a man." That "what-a-man," Elmer Gedeon, had run exactly the
same time, :14.5, in winning the Big Ten high hurdles crown last year at
The note of regret that tinged Charley's simple three-word tribute
crept in, no doubt, as he thought of "what might have been." And it gave
us the idea for this story. What could Gedeon have done had he chosen to
stick with track in the spring instead of dividing his time between base-
ball and track with the division all in favor of baseball? .
Charley was quick with his answer, and just as emphatic. "I have
no doubts that Elmer could have run under 14 seconds for the high
hurdles if he were able to give it the necessary time and work. You
know," he continued, "we've had some great hurdlers here in the past
few years; Egleston, Ward, Osgood, all of them great names in track.
Why, Ozzie's 14 flat in the Big Ten meet here on this track two years
ago is still the listed American 120-yard high hurdles record. But this
fellow Gedeon has more on the ball than any of them."
Gedeon has the ideal build for a hurdler. His 190-pounds are well-
distributed over his 6 ft. 4 in. frame. Possessing a quick start, great natural
speed, and what Coach Hoyt terms "perfect" action of his front leg in
clearing the hurdles, Gedeon has hit no more than half-a-dozen hurdles
in the many races he has run as a Wolverine. And what is even more im-
portant, he is a fine competitor, never tightening up in the pinch.
Just how cool a competitor he is was demonstrated in this year's Indoor
Conference meet. Going over the last hurdle, Elmer, the defending champio
was trailing both Steve Gutting, of Purdue, and Ed Smith, of Wisconsin.
Yet in the five remaining yards, refusing to tighten up, he made up the
deficit and successfully withstood the challenge to his Big Ten supremacy.
Olympic Material. . . BUT .. .
Elmer has equalled or bettered three American high hurdles records
indoors. He is better over the highs but he is also the only one, before or
since, to match the great Jesse Owens' :07.2 for the low hurdles in Yost
Field House.
Ged has been forced to make one of the greatest decisions of his
life just because he is such a good hurdler. With the Olympics com-
ing up in 1940, he would be a cinch to make the trip for Uncle Sam.
But his first love is baseball and to that love he will yield. '
That love for the diamond sport is probably traceable to two things.
First, Elmer prefers "team" games. He is essentially a team player. Track
meets are usually run off as team affairs but the efforts are largely indi-
vidual. Baseball calls for closer cooperation among all the players an
that is what Ged prefers. Second, environment has been a powerful factor.
Back in Cleveland, Elmer's home is on top of the hill that overlooks Brook-
side Stadium, one of the centers of Cleveland sandlot baseball activity. It
was there he played his first baseball and it was there that the love of the
game was instilled in him.
In high school he doubled in track and baseball in the spring after
playing football and basketball in the fall and winter. But in Ohio high
school track takes precedence over baseball and Elmer had to run with
the track team whenever there was a conflict in schedules. It just wasn't
proper that a state hurdles champion, should play baseball when there was
a track meet on, even though he preferred base hits to blue ribbons. That
is why he came here with a dislike for track. It was two years before he
came out for track. And when he did baseball got preference in case of
conflict because he still likes baseball better and because Charley Hoyt can
get long better without him than can Ray Fisher.
He's going to be a Big League ball player if determination, love of
the game, and ability can make him that. Ray Fisher describes him as
"the most improved player on my squad." Scouts have been on his
trail all year and he has offers from more than one major league club.
That's why Elmer isn't going to wait for 1940 and that free trip to
Europe. And that's why he'll go to work in some bush league in June.
Good young baseball players are at a premium and Gedeon fits that
description to a T.
Today Elmer will be making his first start of the outdoor track season.
Then he will trot over to the baseball field and hold down first base for Ray
Fisher. Go down to Ferry Field and see him hurdle-then watch him play
baseball. In him you will see a great hurdler who likes to play baseball and
who is willing to forego an Olympic berth next year in the hope that base-
ball will give him more. Only time can tell whether his decision is correct.
Here's hoping it is. -R.W.S.

Tangle Today
At Columbus
Sam Durst And Doubles
Team halk Up Only
COLUMBUS, O., May 5.-(Special
to The Daily)-A powerful Northwes-
tern tennis team overwhelmed the
Michigan netmen, 7-2, here this
morning. The only Wolverines to
score victories were Sam Durst play-
ing in the sixth spot in the singles,
and the third doubles team of Steve
Woolsey and Sam Durst. Each won
in straight sets, Durst winning 6-2,
6-1 over Bob Coyle, and the doubles
team winning 6-1, 6-4, over Coyle,
and Gene Richards.
John Kidwell, playing fifth for the
Weirmen, put up a terrific battle,
but lost out to Gene Richards, 10-8,
6-4. The two sets were featured by
long vollies and excellent lobbing on
the part of both players.
The only match to go, three sets
was the second doubles match which
Jim Tobin and John Kidwell dropped
to O'Neill and Clifford, 6-1, 7-9, 6-3.
Frank Froehling romped through
Steve Woolsey, 6-0, 6-0.
Tomorrow morning the Wolverines
will wind up their two-day stay here
when they meet the Ohio State Ten-
nis team.
Singles: Wachman (NW) defeated
Percival (M), 6-2, 6-1. O'Neill (NW)
defeated Tobin (M), 6-2, 6-2. Clif-
ford (NW) defeated Morris (M), 6-0,
6-2. Froehling (NW) defeated Wool-
sey (M), 6-0, 6-0., Richards,, (NW)
defeated Kidwell (M), 10-8, 8-6. Durst
(M) defeated Coyle (NW), 6-2, 6-1.
Doubles: Wachman, Froehling
(NW) defeated Percival, Morris, 6-1,
6-2. O'Neill, Clifford (NW) defeated
Tobin, Kidwell (M), 6-1, 7-9, 6-3.
Woolsey, Durst (M) defeated Rich-
ards, Coyle (NW), 6-1, 6-4.

Golfers Seek
T RepeatJVi.
Still smarting from the 10-8 defeatj
by Michigan State that ended a streak
of seven consecutive wins, a power-
ful Wolverine golf squad will seek to
resume its winning ways against Ohio]
State here today.
The Michigan team has already'
chalked up a 20-4 win over the Buck-
eyes this season, beating them at Co-
lumbus to wind up their successful
spring trip south. The teams will tee
off at 8:30 this morning for their best
ball matches, and at 1:30 pm. for the
individual play.
The Wolverine lineup will remain
unchanged, with Jack Emery filling
the tough number one spot against
Charles Carl. Emery defeated Carl
2-1 in their first meeting this season.
Jim Loar, who has come out on the
winning side in most of his matches
will oppose Charles Evans in the num-
ber two position. He took all three
points from the Bucks' second man
when they met at Columbus in April.
Loar will team up with Emery in the
best ball competition against Carl
and Evans.
In the number three slot for Coach
Courtright, Capt. Bob Palmer will try
to win his ninth match in as many
starts when he faces Frank Bellino.
At Columbus, he met Sam Bartschy
who will play in the fourth place to-

Johnstown Is Derby Favorite

(Continued from Page 1)
Woodward colt will ao to the post as t
top-heavy favorite to annex the race
of the year and it doesn't look asc
though any horse has the stuff to
stop him. The son of Jamestown, win-
ner of the Wood Memorial last Satur-
day. appears to be the only shining
light in an otherwise mediocre field.
He is a horse that can sprint like the
El Chico that was unbeatable at six
and seven furlongs last year and in
addition he appears to be able to run
the full mile and a quarter.
But there is "the other horse" in
the field. Technician, out of Insco as
was the 19:38 winner Lawrin., may
drag his tremendous finishing kick
out in time to overhaul the fast-fly-
ing Eastern horse. If Jockey Adams
can keep him up near the front in
the early stages, 'his backers might
be rewarded.
The hunch horse tomorrow is going
to be Challedon. Surprisingly ob-
scured in pre-race calculations, this
gorse has received sudden and strong
support from unknown sources. Like
Technician, the W. L. Brann pride
is best in the last quarter. And if
the track turns to mud, then this
horse should win.
El Chico, the winter book favorite,
is a horse who may "come back" to-
day, and beat him 3-0. Lynn Reiss
will be Bartschy's opponent this time.
Palmer and Reiss will play in the
best ball match against Bellino and


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Michigan 3 ABR H 0 A
Pink, cf .............3 0 1 1 0
Sofiak, ss..............0 0 3 2
Peckinpaugh, 3b.....4 0 0 1 2
Gedeon, lb ..........3 1 0 10 1
Trosko, If...........3 1 1 3 0
Steppon, rf.........3 0 2 1 0
Lisagor, 2b ..........3 0 0 3 5
Beebe, c.............30 1 50
Smick, p ............3 1 1 0 3
Totals ...........28 3 6 27 13



Cavallo, 2b


Drechsler, If...... .
Drish, rf .........
McConnell, c.
Ziemba, 1b
Pyrz, ss........
Vitacco, 3b......
Zeller, p ..........
*Farrington .......
Alexander, p ......

....3 0
. .. ..4 0
3 0
3 1
3 0
4 0
...3 0
. ..2 0
. 1 0
. 0 0






One-mile run:
Trutt, I. He'll trutt home ahead.
Hedges, I. Is Michigan in this
Barrett,sM.-Ah, here's one.
440-yard dash:
Breidenbach, M. New dual meet
record, 48 flat.
Cochran, I. Watch him, Warren.
Faulkner, M. Could be first.
100-yard dash:
. Smith, M. Second in Indoor Con-
ference 60-, first today.
Allen, I. Look out for Smith's
heels, Jim.
Boyle, I. He came all the way
from Jacksonville, Fla., to run
for the Hoosiers, he deserves 3rd.
120-yard high hurdles:
Gedeon, M. Elmer will win it on
his way to first base.
Kelley, M. The two of the ald
Denny, I. The Kid from Kokomo
gets a break.
880-yard run:
Davidson, M. The broken-down
miler scores one here.
Hoke, I. This is no hoax.

Totals..........30 1 3 24 10
*Batted for Zeller in 8th.
Michigan..........000 001 20x-3
Illinois............000 000 100-1
Errors: Sofiak, Peckinpaugh, Vitac-
co. Runs batted in: Steppon 2, So-
fiak, Pyrz. Three base hits: Step-
pon, McConnell. Stolen base: Mc-
Connell. Sacrifice hit: Sofiak.
Double plays: Lisagor to Gedeon:
Smick to Lisagor to Gedeon; Co-
vallo to Pyrz. Left on bases: Michi-
gan 4, Illinois 6.
Bases on balls : off Smick 4, off
Zeller 1. Struck out: by Smick 5,
by Zeller 4, by Alexander 1.



3. Hall, M. Has to beat teammate
Bobby Barnard.
One-mile relay:
The winnah, Michigan! And why not?
Shot put:
1. Watson, M. New Ferry Field rec-
2. Harris, I. Three feet back.
3. Hook, M. He's a comer.
Discus throw:
1. Watson, M. First place number
2. Harris, I. In high school he was
3. Penvenne, M. Paul comes through.
Broad jump:
1. Watson, M. And he calls it a day.
2. Allen, I. Nearly 23 ft.
3. Culver, M. Guess. Is it Carl or
High jump:
1. Canham, M. Bad ankle and all.
2. Mikulas, I. No better than six
3. Pyszynski, M. He could use that


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3. Jester, M. Maybe you should be
first, Tommy.
220-yard dash:
1. Elliott, I. Third in. Conference
last year.
2. Smith, M. Might change places
with Elliott.
3. Allen. I. He's in again.

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