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May 06, 1939 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-05-06

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SATURpAY, MAY 6, 1939

P A G E ........... . ....6 , 1 9 3

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every pmorning except Monday during the
university year and Sum .r Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The " Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. Al
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39
Board of Editors
Managing Editor . . . Robert D. Mitchell
Editorial Director . . . . Albert P. Maylo
City Editor .' Horace W. Gilmore
Associate Editor . . . . Robert I. Fitzhenry
Associate Editor . . . . S. R. Kleiman
Associate Editor . . . . . Robert Verlman
Associate Editor. . . . . Earl oilman
Associate Editor. . . . . William Elvin
Associate Editor . . . Joeph Freedfnan
Book Editor . . . . . . . Joseph Gies
Women's Editor . . . . . Dorothea Staebler
Sports Editor. . , . Bud BenJamin
Business Department
Business Manager. , . Philip W. Buchen
Credit Manager . Leonard P. Siegeman
Advertising Manager . . . William L. Newnan
Women's Business Manager Helen Jean Dean
Women's Service Manager. . . Maia A. Baxter
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Feeding Japan's
War Machine . .
'WE WONDER how many women who
read the lead sentence of a report
of Dr. Walter H. Judd's lecture on the Chino-
Japanese war in yesterday's Daily paid any at-
tention to it.
It read: "American women must choose be-
tween sacrificing their silk stockings today or
their sons in the future to stop the Japanese
military juggernaut which, sustained by the
economic power of the United States, is crush-
ing,. the life out of China, Dr. Walter H. Judd,
declared in a lecture before 600 persons in the
Graduate School Auditorium last night."
Dr. Judd was referring not to some distant
abstraction: The American Woman, but to every
co-ed, faculty member's wife, mother and daugh-
ter everywhere. He was asking each and every
woman not to buy silk stockings. He had good
reason to pose the alternative he did.
One-third of the bombs which Japanese air-
men drop on the Chinese and four-fifths of the
gasoline which propel Japanese planes are pur-
chased from the United States, according to
Dr. Judd. They are purchased with the pro-
ceeds of Japanese exports to the United States,
chief among which is silk.
Japan is allied with Germany and Italy. It is
more than possible that we shall have to fight
this bloc someday. It is bad enough from a simple
humanitarian point of view that we alone seem
to be most responsible for China's terroristic
conquest, for the Japanese could never continue
without American gasoline and steel. But that
we' should be arming them so that they can
fight us more effectively at some future date is
simply, brutally absurd.
Senator Pittman, chairman of the foreign
relations committee has recently introduced a
bill to embargo Japanese exports, but this alone
is not enough, for the bill may be months and
even years from being enacted into law. The
time to start is now and the way is through a
boycott by every citizen, man or woman, of
Japanese goods.
We understand that at some universities sor-
orities got together and signed mutual non-
aggression pacts to the effect that their mem-
bers 'would not wear silk stockings henceforth,
and that violations by individuals would be pun-
ished with social probation. Perhaps the sorori-

ties here could do the same thing, or would it be
too inconvenient to stop helping the Japanese
carry on their Chinese adventure?
-Albert Mayio
Merit Sse
Any Congressional bill which aims wisely to
extend the merit system for Federal personnel
should be able to count on the support of all who
areinterested in good government. At the mo-
ment there is such a bill, H.R. 960, pending be-
fore the House Civil -Service Committee. The
Chairman of that Committee, Rep. Robert Rams-
peck, has thrown his support behind the meas-
ure. Indeed, the bill is praised by many organi-
zations competent to judge the efficacy of such
propositions. And there is general support for
the measure-in principle-among both Con-
gressmen and their constituents.

Notes On Swart hout Concert
With the world poised on the brink of what
seems to be an ever imminent conflict, with mus-
ic in the European countries taking a back seat
in favor of'nationalistic fanaticism, war fever,
and armaments, Ann Arbor opens its annual May
Festival--a festival implicitly dedicated to beau-
ty, peace, and everything that war is not-with
the Third Leonore Overture of Beethoven. Apart
from the Overture's natural brilliance as a Festi-
val opener, its selection for the place has a
coincidental significance. In 1805, when Beetho-
ven was in Vienna writing his opera Leonore,
later to be called Fidelio, the European world
was approaching what wasstobe itsgreatest
political and international crisis of the nine-
teenth century. Napoleon, his sun rising swiftly
in the heavens, fought his way through Austria
and entered Vienna in November, 1805, only a
week before Leonore had its first performance
there. The opera's premiere was, in fact, a com-
parative failure partly because the French troops
had driven from the city the aristocratic society
that would have supported Beethoven's work.
War, of course, was not at that time the terri-
fying, personal menace to the ordinary civilian
that it is today. Yet Beethoven, for all the ivory-
tower escapism of some artistic geniuses, was
a humanly sensitive, well-informed individual,
with mre than an average interest in the more
important contemporary affairs. And, having
once revered Napoleon the Republican, the
champion of human rights, Beethoven especially
despised Napoleon the Emperor. That during
such disturbing events he could compose and
produce an opera is not an evidence of the man's
ignorance or disregard of world affairs, but
rather a tribute to the strength and optimism of
the composer, who allowed nothing to interfere
with the all-important business of musical crea-
tion. Had Beethoven, like certain modern artists,
ceased to create and become a political protag-
onist, we should have no Leonore Overture today.
Or had he even, as yet other modern propa-
gandists in art advocate, allowed the course of
natural events to directly influence the subject
matter and treatment of his compositions, wet
should still be the loser. Probably the worst
piece of music Beethoven ever wrote was the
notorious Battle of Vittoria, celebrating with
noisy imitation of cannon and battle-cry Well-
ington's victory of 1813. Those who claim music
should "express" contemporary life from its
machines to its ideologies, in minute detail, re-
fuse to realize that while external life does vitally
affect the man who composes, its influence upon
his music can only be indirect and unconscious,
having first become a part of his spirit. Good,
enduring music is the result of a purely artistic
impulse worked out along artistic lines, not of
a grafting on of external ideas.
There is nothing "occasional" about Lenore, or
Fidelio, for which Beethoven composed four sep-
arate overtures before finding exactly what he
wanted. The opera is based on a simple drama
whose hero is conjugal love, the heroic adoration
of Lenore for her doomed husband. The over-
ture known as "Leonore No. 3," now famous as
a concert piece and as an entri'acte in presenta-
tions of the opera, i not at all a curtain-raiser
to the drama, but rather a compact, intensified
version of it in symphonic form-a symphonic
poem woven out of the gloom of Florestan's pris-
on existence, the hatred and cruelty of Don Piz-
zaro, Leonore's love and self-sacrifice, and the
final rescue -and triumph of love over fear and
Treating also of love, but of love of a far dif-
ferent kind, is the Don Juan of Richard Strauss.
Not the noble, mature sentiment ofwedded hap-
piness, but the eternal, insatiable longing of a
man to embrace, in one woman, all the women
of the earth made incarnate in her-that is the
fire which drives this Don Juan, created by the
poet Lenau and transfigured in music by Strauss.
Alternately captive to passion and to satiety, ever
failing to achieve his ideal, he finally perishes
in the pit of his own frustration and excesses.
The music, earliest of Strauss' famous tone
poems and written before the composer began

to make a fetish of objectivity, is keenly sub-
jective, dynamically virile, at times tenderly sen-
timental, and indicative of the disgust as well as
the glory of passion.
From the very personal, romantic subjects of
the South, the Sibelius Second Symphony turns.
one to the more sombre Finnish North. Long
popular for his trivia, Sibelius is at last coming
into his own as the greatest of modern symphon-
ists-many claim, as the most unique and tower-
ing composer of the present,-era. His First Sym-
phony, composed just at the close of the last
century, has been called an epitome of the
romantic symphony of that century. In the
Second, dating from 1901-2, Sibelius looks for-
ward rather than backward, becomes completely
himself, and creates a work that, in common with
other great works of art, is something of a para-
dox. The Second Symphony is national, even
racial, in general character, yet developed in a
highly personal and individual idiom. It is wholly
formless in the conventional classical sense, yet
as unswerving and impelling on its own structural
logic as the Beethoven Fifth. It is simple to the
point of austerity in regard to decorative frills,
and "padding," yet taken as a whole it is as com-
plex as a Bach fugue. Similarly, modest and un-
assuming though it is in respect to orchestral
color when compared with the gaudy palette of a
Strauss, it makes use of certain instrumental ef-
fects absolutely unique. In the melodiousness
and frankness of its appeal it reminds one of
theatre music; but it holds a freshness, an un-
apparent depth -and sincerity, that grows upon
one when other music becomes stale.
the corvo f a nvnrnrmnt f.nm-.nni1i rps


Miss Ethel Barrymore
The magic name of Barrymore will sparkle
on the marquee of the Michigan Theatre Thurs-
day evening, May 10 and weave its spell on the
stage in Mazda de la Roche's play, "Whiteoaks."
With brother John touring the country in "My
Dear Children," and with old brother Lionel still
in filmland, and with daughter Ethel Drew
Colt organizing a stock company for the sum-
mer, the Lady of the Clan, Ethel, wends her
jaunty and profitable way to Ann Arbor.
Miss Barrymore's grosses on the road read like
bank clearings. One night stands running from
three to six thousand dollars, weeks hitting close
to the twenty-thousand bracket, which is money
in anybody's language, show every evidence that
the road is not dead when a recognized star is
presented in an established success.
Miss Barrymore made her first stage appear-
ance as Julia in "The Rivals," in 1894. A few
years later, she played with William Gillette in
England and then toured with Sir Henry Irving
with the Lyceum Company. In 1901, she was
elevated to her first starring part by Charles
Frohman. The vehicle was "Captain Jinks of
the Horse Marines"; the role, Madame Trentoni.
From that time on, Miss Barrymore was firm-
ly established as one of America's first actress-
es. She appeared successively asNora in "A Doll's
House," Mrs. Grey in "Alice-Sit-By-The-Fire,"
Rose in "Trelawney of the Wells," Marguerite
in the "Lady of the Camelias," Lady Teazle,
Juliet, Ophelia. Poftia, Sister Gracia in "The
Kingdom of God," and Sister Mary in "Scarlet
Sister Mary." More recently, she was seen with
the Civic Repertory Company as the Duchess of
Parma in "L'Aiglon" and last year in the The-
atre Guild's "The Ghost of Yankee Doodle."
In her current production, Miss Barrymore
appears as the hundred-year-old matriarch. In
her support will be Harry Ellerbe, who plays
Finch. M. Ellerbe was last seen in the roles of
Torvald and George in "A Doll's House" and
"Hedda Gabler," respectively, supporting Nazi-
mova. Others in the cast include Allan Hale,
Martha Hodge and Peter Fernandez.
Sable Cicada'
The Chinese Students' Club is putting on a
benefit show at the Lydia Mendelssohn, the pro-
fits of which go for medical aid to China. It is a
real pleasure to be able to recommend the show,
not only for the worthy cause which it repre-
sents, but also for the excellent entertainment
which the students have arranged.
The packed house that attended the opening
performance last night seemed to enjoy the
show as much as I did, and I had a really fine
time. The first part of the evening was taken
up with a stage show. But what a stage show
-no tap dancers, no acrobats, no unfunny come-
dians. Miss Yu, Mr. Hu, Mr. Tsao, and Mr. Tsu
opened the show with a little Chinese music
played on two violins, a flute, and a harp; the
instruments were weird and exotic, and so was
the music. The Misses Yang, Heo and Lu, gave
an exhibition of the Chinese version of shuttle-
cock which gave them a good opportunity to
display their agility and grace. Mr. Yang then
sang three Chinese folk songs. It is not for me
to say whether he interpreted them well, but
he has a very pleasing voice and the songs were
very amusing. Miss Caao brought the program
to a close with the playing of a Chopin Ballade.
The audience (and me) were on firmer ground
here, and we thought that Miss Caao did ex-
tremely well with a difficult piece.
The last half of the evening was taken up
with the screening of Sable Cicada, an all-
Chinese film made last year in Shanghai. When.
you remember that the Chinese have only been
producing their own films for a few years, and
that this picture was made while Shanghai was
being bombarded by the Japanese, you appre-
ciate more fully the fact that Sable Cicada is
quite an accomplishment.
The plot is old stuff and is hardly worth
worrying about, but the acting is very interest-

ing, and the picture would be worthwhile if
only for its splendid recreation of the life,
clothes, customs, and dwellings of the upper-
class Chinese who lived in the third century
A.D. From the one Chinese play I've seen, I
expected dull, unintelligible, stylized acting. I
was wrong; Sable Cicada is funny, interesting.
and well photographed.
Miss Violet Koo, who is supposed to be the
Katherine Cornell, or at any rate the Hedy La
Marr of China, takes the part of Sable Cicada,
the little dancing girl who is instrumental in
overthrowing a despot and lightening the bur-
den of the Chinese people. The despot is superb,
and his handsome son, who eventually weds
Sable, is rather Valentino-ish.
Miss Koo sings a little song and does some
beautiful dance#. The scenery of both the inter-
ior sets is very sumptuous and very medieval
and very nicely utilized.
The Chinese Students' Club deserves a full
house at both performances today. And the
Chinese people need the money that you will
donate as admission fee.
"The whole trend emphasizes the fact that col-
lege subsidization' can be controlled, and that
the danger of 'professionalizing' college athletics
is rapidly being minimized." Cornell U. Sun.
The University of Chicago has become the
center of a movement which protests the death

k. -a Y M Y 1

I ESeems. To M'e
I have yet to Ae the New York
World's Fair, although I have ob-
served that tall turret, which I can
neither name nor spell, at a distance.
But yesterday I heard the Fair op-j
ened. To my delight it was done with!
simple dignity and loving eloquence.
Possibly these old ears deceived me,
but I thought one of the broadcasters
who came on just after the President
of the United States, betrayed a some-
what choked-up qualitive of voice in-
dicative of emotion.
I will confess that I did a little silent
weeping here at home as Franklin
Roosevelt anew pledged faith in the
bright days which can be brought by
the World of Tomorrow. I am not a
tough audience, but if I cried it was
because I believed every word he said.
It was not a performance on his part.
He meant it. Indeed, for the first
time the complete smoothness of the
Roosevelt radio delivery was missing.
Twice he stumbled over his script,
and once he got a sentence hind end
These have not been easy days for
the President of the United States.
That sharp disagreement with his
plans and policies can be expressed
even here at home is very right and
proper. But the savagery of some of
the criticism shocks me. Here is a
man of flesh and blood. Some who
love him are no doubt too idolatrous.
That is a fault. But I think it is a
lesser err than that committed by
these who believe, or pretend to be-
lieve, that our leader is actuated by
motives altogether base, dishonorable
and inhuman.
If the charge is leveled that Frank-
lin Delano Roosevelt often speaks of
ideals which are far from fruition
I see no reason why there should be
denial. But I challenge the wisdom
of those who feel that it is realistic,
always to expect the worst, and folly
to hold fast to a vision that isn't
realism.. That's defeatism. Hitler
preached the gospel of war and force,
and proudly called himself a realist.
He offered in evidence the history of
the past.
In all truth Mr. Hitler has not pon-
dered those pages quite as attentively
as he should, and yet if he were the
most profound of scholars he could
not write the pages which have not
yet been turned by human fingers.
Neither he nor any living man could
set down with accuracy a single line
or phrase of the future. The best
that comes to any man is no more
than the outline of a shadow or some
all too brief glimpse of shattering
light. We can no more look into the
future than we can look into the face
of the sun. It would blind us.
But the mortals who have done best
in predicting the shape of things to
come have been poets. In spite of
disappointments the dreamers have
not been mocked by men of blood and
iron who have vainly said, "These
things must be and surely will, be-
cause of the might and power which
lie behind them."
Gone is the Alexander who was
called the Great, and every Hannibal
comes at last to some mountain which
defies his army and his elephants.
Three kings of Orient once followed
a star, and they are still remembered
by us as the wise men. That truth en-
dures. Peoples and rulers who seek
to dominate the world through weight
of numbers or of gun metal will not
be able to trap and snare the future.
Ours has been a world of blood and
terror, and a chronology of Mars al-
most reads like a chapter of Biblical
begats. Yet not forever will human-
kind live under the spell of the ser-
pent. The old order changeth. It

seemed to me that into the tired voice
of Roosevelt there came a new note
when he said that America still
hitched its wagon to a star. There
was something electric in his expres-
sion of hope for the days to come,
of his belief in the large vision rather
than the small. His words rang out.
And so should ours. Let each of us lift'
up his voice. Let each lift up his head.

VOL. No. XLIX No. 155
Faculty Tea: Due to the fact that
President and Mrs. Ruthven are out
of the city, the faculty tea will not
be held on Sunday, May 7.
University Council. There will be a
meeting of the University Council
on Monday, May 8, at 4:15 p.m. in
Room 1009 Angell Hall.
Report of the University Commit-
tee on Theatre Policy and Practice-
J. A. Bursley.
Report of the Committee on
University Lectures-L. M. Eich.
Report of -the Committee on Co-
operation with Educational Institu-
tions-E.V. Moore.
Report of the Committee for the
Bureau of Appointments and Occu-
pational Information-G. E. Myers.
Report of the Committee on Cor-
respondence Courses-W. G. Rice.
Subjects Offered by Members of
the Council.
Reports of the Standing Commit-
Program and Policy-Edmonson.
Educational Policies-Duffendack
Student Relations-Vedder.
Public Relations-Allen.
Plant and Equipment--Gram.
Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary.
Candidates for English 197, Hon-
ors Course for Seniors: All candi-
dates desiring to read for Senior
Honors in English (1939-1940) must
file their names with the secretary
of the Department not later than 4
p.m. on May 15. At the time of filing
their names they will leave tran-
scripts of their academic records, in-
cluding their records for the first
semester of the present year and their
elections for the second semester. At
the same time they will make their
appointments for conferences with
the Obmmittee in charge of Honors
in English. Conferences will be held
on the evening of May 18.
Residence Halls for Men: Student
personnel positions. Men students
who will be studying for advanced
degrees (in professional schools or in
the Graduate School), and who wish
to apply for positions as Proctors in
the Residence Halls during the year
1939-1940, may obtain application
blanks in the Office of the Director
of Residence Halls, 208 Angell Hall.
A limited number of applications will
be accepted from students who will
be seniors during 1939-1940; but sen-
iors will be recommended for ap-
pointment only under exceptional cir-
Students who have already made
application will please come to - this
office to arrange for interviews.
I should like to transact all busi-
ness connected with Proctorships be-
tween 2:30 and 4:30, Monday through
Friday, and would appreciate it if
applicants would call in person dur-
ing these hours. Those who are un-
able to do so may phone 4121, Exten-
sion 2129, to arrange for appoint-
Karl Litzenberg, 208 Angell Hall
J.W. Glover Scholarship in Actuari-
al Mathematics: Any student expect-
ing to have his bachelor's degree by
the end of this year and planning to
study actuarial mathematics here
next year is eligible for this scholar-
ship. Complete information and ap-
plication blanks may be obtained at
the office of the Department of
Mathematics, 3012 Angell Hall. Ap-
plications must be turned in at that
office by May 13.
Interviews for students who have
applied for admission to the Degree
Program for Honors in Liberal Arts
will be held on Friday, Saturday and
Monday, May 5, 6 and 8. Please
make appointments in 1204 Angell
Hall immediately.

Unidentifiable mail is being held in
Room 1, University Hall, for the fol-
Dr. Homer Adkins
E. B. Blakely.
Ann Catherine Harris
Prof. E. Washburn Hopkins
Dr. Charles E. Kossmann
Bruce MeNaughton
Herbert Smalley
Joel Wild or Weld
Literary Commencement Announce-
ments will be on sale in Angell Hal]
Lobby at the following times:
Saturday, May 6, 9 to 12 a.m.
Monday, May 8, 9 to 12 a.m.
1 to 4 p.m.
Tuesday, May 9, 9 to 12 a.m.
1 to 4 p.m.
All seniors are strongly urged to
get in their orders before the dead-
line, Tuesday, May 9.
Girls' Cooperative House: All girls
interested in living in the Girls' Co-
operative House next year should fil
out applications in the Office of :the
Dean of Women immediately. For
further information call 22218 =be-

Gerald Osborn will be held on Sat-
urday, May 6 at 2 p.m. in Room 309,
Chemistry Building. Mr. Osborn's
field of specialization is Chemistry.
The title of his thesis is "Rate of
Dissociation of Pentoarylethanes."
Professor W. E. Bachmann, as
chairman of the committee, will con-
duct the examination. By direction
of the Executive Board, the chair-
man has the privilege of inviting
members of the faculty and ad-
vanced doctoral candidates to attend
the examination and to grant per-
mission to others who might wish to
be present.
C. S. Yoakum.
Reading Examinations in French:
Candidates for the degree of Ph.D.
in the departments listed below who
wish to satisfy the requirement of a
reading knowledge during the cur-
rent academic year, 1938-39, are in-
formed that examinations will be
offered in Room 108, Romance Lan-
guauges Building, from 2 to 5, on
Saturday, May 20, and Aug. 12. It
will be necessary to register at the
office of the Department of Romance
Languages (112 R.L.) at least one
week in advance. Lists of books
recommended by the various depart-
ments are obtainable at this office.
It is desirable that candidates for
the doctorate prepare to satisfy this
requirement at the earliest possible
date. A brief statement of the na-
ture of the requirement, which will be
found helpful, may be obtained at
the office of the Department, and
further inquires may be addressed to
Mr. L. F. Dow (100 R.L., Wednes-
days and Saturdays at 10 and by
This announcement applies only to
candidates in the following depart-
ments: Ancient and Modern Lan-
guages and Literatures, History, Ec-
onomics, Sociology, Political Science,
Philosophy, Education, Speech, Jour-
nalism, Fine Arts, Business Admin-
Exhibition of Six Paintings by
Three Mexican Artists-Rivera, Or-
ozco, and Siqueiros-and water colors
by Alexander Mastro Valerio, under
the auspices of the Ann Arbor Art
Association Alumni Memorial Hall,
North and South Galleries; After-
noons from 2 to 5 until May 13.
Sculpture Exhibition: Opening
Tenth Annual Exhibition of Sculp-
ture, Michigan League Building,
Monday evening, May 8th.
Sculpture Exhibition Dinner: For-
mal dinner, Monday, May 8, Michi-
gan League, 6:30 o'clock. Please
make reservations Saturday, May 6,
Michigan League, 23251.
University Lecture: Dr. Wilhelm
Credner, Professor of Geography in
the Techinsche Hochschule, Munich,
and Carl Schurz, Professor of Geog-
raphy at the University of Wiscon-
sin, will give an illustrated lecture on
"The Evolution of the Cultural Land-
scape in Germany" at 4:15 p.m., Tues-
day, May 16, in the Rackham Amphi-
theatre under the auspices of the De-
partment of Geography. The public
is cordially invited.
Biological Chemistry Lecture: Sat-
urday, May 13, 10:30 a.m., East Lec-
ture Room (Mezzanine Floor), Hor-
ace H. Rackham School of Graduate
Studies. Dr. Eliot F. Beach of the
Children's Fund of Michigan will lec-
ture to the students of biological
chemistry and to all others interest-
ed on "Studies in the Chemical Com-
position of Proteins with Especial
Reference to the Hemolytic Residues
of Erythrocytes."
Dr. Russell M. Wilder, Professor of
Medicine at the University of Minne-
sota, will give a talk in the Hospital
Amphitheatre, on Saturday morning,

May 6, at 11 o'clock. All Junior and
Senior medical students will be ex-
cused from classes in time to attend
this discussion. Members of the Staff
and Internes at University Hospital
are cordially invited.
Lecture, College of Architecture:
A talk on "Shelter and Mobility" by
Corwin Willson of Flint, will be given
Monday afternoon, May 8, at 4:10, in
the Ground Floor Lecture Room,
Architectural Building. The lecture
and discussion should be of especial
interest to those following changing
techniques in building. The public
is invited.
Events Today
The University Choir'will have its
regular rehearsal at Lane Hall to-
night from 7 to 8 o'clock.
The Graduate Record Club wil!
1 meet this afternoon at 3 p.m. in
the West Conference Room of the
Rackham Building. Records of the
orchestral works to be played on the

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University.
Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30 P.M.;
11:00 A.M. on Saturday.




Chinrese Bishiop
See$* Japa)(nese
The new united China has one
leader, one program and one gov-
ernment, the Most Rev. Paul Yu-Pin,
Chinese Bishop of Sozusa and Vicar
Apostolic of Nanking, said in an in-
terview yesterday following his talk
on "A Picture of China Today" at
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
China's leader is Chiang Kai-shek,
her program is that of Dr. Sun Yat-
sen, founder of the republic, and her
government the national government
in contrast to the separate provincial
governments, Bishop Yu-Pin ex-
plained. This is the first time in his-
tory, he stated, that all China has
been united.
China's war with Japan, the Cath-
olic bishop predicted, will be over
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