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May 06, 1939 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-05-06

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Film Program
Will Complete
AET Meetings
Extension Service Shows
The Value Of Cinema
As Educational Medium
(Continued from Page 1)

Statue By Fairbanks
Shown At World's Fair

declared that "people are today tak-
ing their view of the world in part
rom the motion picture theatre."
Commercial companies, he added,
in their so-called educational pic-
tures, which are usually historical,
spread as much misinformation as
they spread information, and people
ae prone to accept more of what they
see in the moving pictures than of
what they hear through other media.
While some of the pictures, such as
"Emile Zola" and "Louis Pasteur,"
are truly educational, many more,
with "Henry VIII" the prime ex-
ample, are highly misleading.
Showing how the cinema molds
public opinion, he cited the example
of "Birth of a Nation," which, he
said, has probably been seen by more
people than any other picture, and
which did muchto stir up animus
against the Negro.
Pictures Prove Educational
He pointed out how the govern-
ment is using motion pictures as an
educational medium, and gave as ex-
amples "The Plow That Broke the
Plains" and "The River," both Fed-
eral projects, which showed many
people the value of conservation.
In the last lecture of the Inter-
national Relations Series, Robert H.
McDowell, research associate in Meso-
potamian Archeology for the Museum
of Classical Archaeology, explained
that the present imperialistic duel
between the Slavs and the Germans
dates back to the 17th century when
competition arose over newly founded
trade routes to India.
Mr. McDowell attributed later
clashes between the Slavs and Ger-
mans to their natural situations and
cramped quarters. The Drang Noch
Osten of the Reich is an old, in-
evitable process, he observed, and the
Slavs in turn have always tried to
gain an outlet to the sea.
Under these conditions, he de-
dlared, the Turkish Empire fell into
a state of decadence, from which it
has only recently revived. Today
Turkey is busy building an industrial
economy. The form of state socialism
which has been adopted, however, has
hone of the ideologies of other social-
ist groups.
Explains Arab-Jewish Problem
Mr. McDowell explained the Arab-
Jewish troubles in Palestine as the
result of a clash of promises which
England made during the World War.
The Jews were promised a national
homelnd and the Arabs were as-
sured their independence. He did not
believe that .this was "double-deal-
ing" on England's part, but that two
divisions of the government has made
separate promises to the two groups.
Prof. Donal H. Haines of the our-
nalism department, giving the last
talk of the literature series, "The
Modern Short Story," declared that
the subsidizing of artists in Finland
is in marked contrast to America's
handling of artists.
The Finland plan, he explained, re-
leases the writer from market pressure
which causes American authors to
write hurriedly and mechanically. If
the young writer intends to have his
work accepted by commercial maga-
zines, he suggested, he must pay at-
tention chiefly to two things-the
publisher and the public.
In the last lecture of the Music

University Deans.
Attend Conferences
Three University deans are attend-
ing educational meetings throughout
the nation this week:.
Dean James B. Edmonson of the
School of Education will spend three
days beginning today at-the Educa-
tional Policies Commission meeting
in Atlantic City. Dean Edmonson and
Dean Clarence S. Yoakum of the
School of Graduate Studies attended
the meetings of the-American Coun-
cil of Education in Washington, D.C.,
Thursday and yesterday.
Dean Edward H. Kraus of the Col-
lege of Literature, Science and the
Arts and Dr, Lloyd S. Woodburne,
assistant to the dean, are attending
( ;he Conference of the Deans of Liber-
al Arts Colleges of the State Uni-
versities of the Midwest in Madison,
Wis., yesterday and today.
New Institute
Fo r Law ers
Meets June 22
(Continued from Page 1)

'The Inferno,' Winning Michigras Float

* * *
The life-size statue, "Nebula," by
Prof. Avard Fairbanks of the depart-
ment of fine arts is being exhibited in
the Contemporary Arts Building at
the New York World's Fair.
The statue has been selected by
critics as one of the finest examples
of Professor Fairbank's works. Two
other pieces are on display at the
Stevens Hotel in Chicago.
Professor Fairbanks has also been
selected by the American Physician's
Art Asociation to give a demonstra-
tion lecture at the American Medical
Association meeting at St. Louis May
18, which has been designated Avard
Fairbanks Day. The lecture will con-
sist of a stage demonstration of how
a sculpture is made.
Professor Fairbanks will also lec-
ture at the University of Hawaii and
the Honolulu Academy of Arts this
summer. His work at the University
will include a course in sculpturing
and an exhibit and lecture at the aca-

-Daily Photo by Freedman
Belching forth clouds of smoke and dragged by poor "sinners,"
scourged by Beelzebub himself, "The Inferno," Sigma Chi's winning
float depicts tortured Souls .in purgatory as an advertisement for their
"house of horrors" at the Michigras.
Weddin Rins Ad Overcoats
Discovered In Lost And Found


Society Takes
35 Chemists
Prof. Maier To Give' Talk
At Initiation Banquet
(Continued from Page 1)
recipients will be Robert S. Hansen,
'40, and David G. Cushing, '40E. {
The Graduate students who were
initiated last night include Frederick
Albaugh, M.S., Ralph G. Atkinson,
B.S., John W. Beamesdorfer, B.S.,
Norman Bell, B.S., Marvin Carmack,
M.S., Alwin B. Chen, B.S., Vance R.
Cooper, A.B., James K. Davis, M.S.,
Harold F. Dawe, B.S., Carl R. Dutton,
M.S., Louis Gordon, M.S., Robert A.
Gregg, A.B., Ernest H. Hollingsworth,
B.S., James J. Jang, B.S.
The list continues: Stephen S.
Jones, B.S., Merton H. Keel, Charles
0. King, M.S., Shannon D. Lientz,
Jr., B.S., Marxton F. Murray, B.S.,
Amos S. Newton, B.S., Frank E. Pav-
lis, B.S., John H. Secrist, M.S., Allen
S. Smith, Ch.E., Charles B. West,'
M.S., Fred Whitehead, M.S., Otto B.
Wurzburg, B.S., J. Louis York, B.S.
Seniors initiated were Raymond A.
David,.'39E, Charles H. Ditz, '39E,
George H. Hanson, '39E, Edward G.
Opdyke, '39E, Walton A. Rodger, '39E,
Willard F. Sheldon, '39E; Donald J.
Vink, '39E, Charles Weinaug, '39E.
This year marks the 30th anniver-
sary of the Delta chapter of Phi
Lambda' Upsilon on this campus and
the 40th anniversary of the ,national
organization. The society now has
I 36 chapters and a total membership
of over 9,000.
Three Given Accounting
Fellowships For Summer
Recipients of three accounting fel-
lowships for the Summer Session were
announced yesterday by the business
administration school.
The scholarships were awarded to
Jack B. Sluiter, '40BAd, Arthur P.
Bartholomew, '39BAd., and William
Knight, '39BAd.
Mary Smith Wins Award
Mary Elizabeth Smith, Grad., has
been awarded a $250 Ella Victoria
Dobbs fellowship by Pi Lambda The-
ta, national educational honorary so-
ciety. The award, one of four, was
for a paper entitled: "Relationship
Between Educational and Social
Trends as Shown by Analysis of Re-
cent Research and Literature."

Wiltse Replies
On Local Union
(Continued from Page 1)
no more power to disestablish it thari
Joshua had to make the sun stand
still. Regarding back wages to strik-
ers, a settlement of the case was
made with the union by the Ann
Arbor Press.
"The complainants withdrew their
charges and requested a dismissal by
the Board several months ago. Our
contention is that where there is no
complaint there is' no case."
In handing down its decision the
Board quoted from a book published
by Wiltse on "The Abundant Life"
in 1937 comparing collective bar-
gaining with piracy, Jesse James'
banditry and Capone's racketeering.
"Collective bargaining,",'the Board
.uoted Wiltse, "is based on the force
Df numbers and not on the force
of justice. If encouraged it will break
down all law and ruin all govern-





and Art Series, on "Why Modernism
in Painting?" Prof. Walter W. Gores
of the architecture school stressed
that to fully appreciate modern art,
one must be able to distinguish be-
tween a work of art and a work of
nature. "One must eliminate sub-
ject matter," he stated, "to get the
true artistic idea."
Illustrating his lecture, Professor
Gores traced the development of
painting from ancient times to the
present, pointing out the great diver-
sity of art that has resulted today
because of its varied background.
This present age, he contends, is the
beginning of the greatest era of artis-
tic creation since the Renaissance.
Prof. Paul M. Cuncannon said in
his lecture on Fiorello La Guardia
that despite La Guardia's 14 years in
Congress, and his six years of serv-
ice as Mayor of New York City, he
is not likely to be nominated for
the presidency in 1940.
Children To See Chinese
Film At Reduced Rates
Children under 12 will be admit-
ted to the matinee performance to-
day of "Sable Cicada" at half-price,
Utah Tsao, chairman of, arrange-
ments, announced yesterday.
The matinee is at 2:30 p.m. and the
final performance is at 8:30 p.m.
today. Admission is 50 cents, 25 cents
for children at the afternoon per-
formance. "Sable Cicada" and an
accompanying all-Chinese stage show
is being presented as part of a drive
to raise funds for medical aid to

legal institutes have been held in
many parts of the country, the ini-
tiative for most of them has come
from the bar associations.
The work for the institute will con-:
sist of discussions of specific prob-
lems in the' three subjects offered.
Prof. E. Blythe Stason, 'who has been
appointed to succeed Dean Henry M.
Bates who retires at the end of the
current year, will lecture on taxation.
He will be assisted by Mr. Morrison
Shafroth of Denver, Colo., former
General Counsel of the Internal Rev-
enue Bureau, and Prof. Paul G.
Kauper, editor of the Michigan Law
Meder To Discuss Labor
Mr. Albert E. Meder, member of the
firm of Beaumont, Smith & Harris,
Detroit, and Prof. Russell A. Smith
of the Law School, will discuss labor
law.. The lectures on wills and trusts
will be given by Prof. Lewis M. Simes
of the Law School.
Present plans are to have sessions.
on each of three days on each subject,
starting at 8:30 a.m. and continuing
to 3:30 p.m.:
Baek To"Law School
This new departure in institutes,
Professor Tracy explained, consists in
bringing the lawyer back to the law
school and away from his office. It
will be interesting, he said, to see
whether advanced legal education
actually has a strong enough attrac-
tion to pull the lawyer away from
his business for a short. time. How-
ever, Professor Tracy indicated, these
sessions may show that the law
schools have- a function to perform
in continuing the education of the
practising lawyer.
Officers Are Elected
Jack Gelder, '40, last night was
elected president of Toastmasters,
oldest University honor society. Rob-
ert Golden, '40, was elected secretary-
New members initiated Were Bruce
Elleson, '41, Grant Armstrong, '41,
and David lue, '39.
Disciples To Hold Banquet
The annual Disciples Guild ban-
quet will be held at 6:45 p.m. today in
the Union. theservations must be
phoned to the guild house immediate-

The collective carelessness of
Michigan students and faculty has
netted the University's lost and found
department a large assortment of
articles ranging from wedding rings
to zipper fasteners and from tie clips
to overcoats.
The collection is contained in a
closet and nine filing drawers in the
business office in Room 1 University
Hall. Students are urged to call for
their cherished belongings before
June, when the files will be cleared.
The stock seems to disprove the
legend that professors misplace their
umbrellas. A check of the supply re-
veals that most of the lost umbrellas
are of the feminine variety.
Diogenes might have been grati-
Students Meet
Gov. Dickinson
Political Science Group
Sees State Legislature
Ninety-one Michigan students were
given the opportunity to. meet Gov-
ernor Dickinson and several.members
of the State Legislature Thursday
during the annual political science
field trip to Lansing. '...v
The group, which was *aeoempanied
by Joseph Kallenbach, Daird M.
French, and John Perkins of the po-
litical science department, was in-
troduced by Rep. J. C. Town of the
lower house, but was prevented by
an executive order from being pre-
sented to the Senate.
Before their inspection of the "leg-
islature work" the students went on a
tour of Michigan State College at
East Lansing. They later visited sev-
eral governmental agencies including
the State and Treasury departments
and the Department of Welfare. At
a dinner in the evening Supreme
Court Chief Justice Howard Wiest,
Senators McCallum, Dotch and Brake
and Representatives Nichols and
Hamilton addressed the visiting stu-
dents. Other state officials who spoke
were Leslie Butler, the Governor's
secretary, C. W. Lucas of the High-
way Department, F. F. Fauri of the
Welfare Department and State Treas-
urer Dunckel.

fied in his search for an honest man
to find in the lost and found a small
for une in bills turned in during the
last month. Even buttons have been
turned in by conscientious persons.
Articles most frequently mislaid are
scarfs, rubbers and gloves. The stock
of lost hats is 'doing well along with
that of fountain pens, pipes and re-
versible overcoats.
Among the unusual articles turned
in are several antique snapshots dat-
ed from The Hague and an old picture
locket. And if someone owns a wrist-
watch case that has been separated
from its better half, he may find a
visit to the lost and found depart-
ment fruitful.
The carelessness of students who
fail to write their names in books ac-
counts for the large stock of fiction
and text books being held by the
bureau. Owners are-notified by mail
whenever the book contains identifi-
Unclaimed articles are held for at
least two months. After this period
they may be claimed by the finder.
Of the remaining articles, books are
turned over to the Student Lending
Library and miscellaneous articles are
distributed by the director of social
service at the Univprsity Hospital..




When Bob and his mule
invade England...
& Britannia waives



East University at Oakland. Dial. 3779 Theodore Schmale,
Dr. Isaac Rabinowitz, Director. 432 South Fourth1
All-Week United Jewish Appeal Drive. 9:30 A.M. Church
Sunday, 3 P.M. Dr. Manfred Arie will speak 10:30 A.M. Worship
on "Austria Under Hitler, at the Lydia Sermon: "The O
Mendelssohn Theatre. All welcome. Purity."
Friday, 7:15 P.M. Orthodox Sabbath Services. 6:00 P.M. Student1

J 'A ' -
~j , 1'


Classified Directory

Classified Rates
The classified columns close at five
o'clock previous to day of insertion.
Box numbers may be secured at no
extra °charge.
Cash in advance lie per reading line
for one or two insertions. 1Oc per read-
lng line for three or more insertions.
(on basis of five average words to line).
Minimum three lines per insertion.
Telephone rate-15c per reading line
for two or more insertions. Minimum
three lines per ins'ertion.
10% discount if paid within ten days
from the date of last insertion..
Phone 23-24-1


FOR RENT - Double and single
rooms, bath, garage, board or cook-
ing facilities. Plymouth Road,
Phone 812F3. 630
TYPING-Reasonable rates. L. M.
Heywood, 414 Maynard St., phone
5689. 271
TYPING-Experienced. Miss Allen,
408 S. 5th Avenue. Phone 2-2935
or 2-1416. 79
LOST-Class ring with sapphire of
St. Cecelia Acadamy. Initials F.J.W.
Sentimental value. Thompson near
Catholic chapel. June Hughes, Uni-
versity Ext. 2145. 624

WANTED - Kitchenette apartment,
June 24 to August 20, two or three
rooms near campus for two gradu-
ate women; communicate by mail
with Bernice Conley, 15590 Charles
Road, East Detroit, Mich. 631
WANTED-For summer or longer,
young, quiet and responsible Ann
Arbor faculty couple wish well
located house. Phone 2-1498. 627
WANTED-Any Old Clothing. Pay $5
to $500. Suits, overcoats, mink, Per-
sian lambs, diamonds, watches,
rifles, typewriters and old gold.
Phone and we will call. Cadillac
9458. Ann Arbor 6304. 388
colored woman desires position as
cook in fraternity now or next fall.
Good references. 834 Green St.
Phone 2-1592. 626
LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low prices. 9
WASHED SAND and Gravel, Drive-
way gravel, washed pebbles. Killins
Gravel Company. Phone 7112. 17

Victor Payne Jennings presents
by Mazo de la Roche - with Harry Ellerbe
SEATS NOW 55,$1*10, $1.65, $2.20, $2.75 (Includ. Tax)
DAILY 2 - 4 - 7 - 9 P.M. - Feature2.30.-4:30-7:3b -;9:35

Avenue Dial 8498
bligation of Personal


e" 1 IA1FJ71C

Tinie for love... Grand! Gay.. Comedy!
time for laughter! I


State and Washington Streets
Chas. W. Brashares, Minister.
Earl Sawyer, Minister
9:45 A.M. Young Married People's Class
10:40 A.M. Church School for beginners and
primary department.
10:40 A.M. Worship Service. Dr. Brashares'
subject will be "Uniting Methodists." The
choir under the direction of Achilles Talia-
ferro will sing "Bow Down Thine Ear, Oh
Lord," by Dickinson.
A solo will be sung by George Cox.
6:00 P.M. Wesleyan Guild at the Church.
Installation of new officers.
1432 Washtenaw Avenue. Dial 2-4466
William P. Lemon, D.D. Minister.
Palmer Christian. Director of Music.
9:30 A.M. Church School. Classes for all
age groups.
9:30 A.M. Sunday Morning Levee of the Mr.
and Mrs. Club.
10:45 A.M. Morning Worship Service.
Sermon by the Minister. Student Choir.
10:45 A.M. Nursery for small children during
the Morning Worship Service.

7:00 P.M. Young People's League.
Corner East Huron and State.
Announcing a series of Sunday morning May
forums at 11 A.M. -
Subject: "Washtenaw Clinic" -Program
of recorded opera and symphony music to
precede discussion.
409 South Division Street.
10:30 a.m. Sunday Service
11:45 a.m. Sunday School for pupils up to the
age of 20 years.
7:30 p.m. Wednesday Evening Testimony
Free Public Reading Rooms at 206 East
Liberty St. open daily except Sundays and
holidays from 11:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
512 E. Huron.
John Mason Wells, D.D., Stated Supply.
Dr. Howard Chapman, University Pastor.
ol.,,A A S 'P hn . . i C,.I. ,C






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