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May 04, 1939 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-05-04

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TR 5P&Y, TU y\T 4, M-N



Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications,
Published every morning except Monday during the
Oniversity year and Summ r Session,
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39

Board of
Managing Editor
Editorial Director .
City Editor .
Associate Editor . .
Associate Editor.
Associate Editor . .
Associate Editor . .
Associate Editor
Associate Editor,
Book Editor . . .
Women's Editor . .
Sports Editor . u .

Robert D. Mitchell
H rAlbert P. May10
* Horace W. Gilmore
. Robert I. Fitzhenry
* . S. R. Kleiman
. Robert Perlman
. . . Earl Gilman
. . William Elvin
® . Joseph Freedman
. . . Joseph Gies
Dorothea Staebler
Bud Benjamin

Business Department
Business Manager ss. . , . Philip W. Buchen
Credit Manager . . . Leonard P. Siegelman
Advertising Manager.. . William L. Newnan
Women's Business Manager . Helen Jean Dean
Women's Service Manager. . ,. Marian A. Baxter
The editorials published In The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Delirium ..,
S OME PEOPLE can't fight ideas and
realities in the political and econ-
omic battles of the current American scene and
so they are creating a scapegoat-the alien.
Calling for the deportation and internment of
the foreign-born and for restrictions on their
civil liberties can be used effectively as a smoke-
screen by politicians who dare not face the real
issues of unemployment, civil service, relief, gov-
ernment protection of labor's right to organize,
social insurance, etc.
Quietly and unobtrusively 60 bills and amend-
ments embodying this anti-alien demagoguery
have been introduced into Congress. The Hobbs
Bill, for example, providing for detention camps
for aliens whose countries of origin will not ac-
cept them, has been approved by the Judiciary
Committee of the House. It is evident what
that would mean to the refugees from fascist
countries where belief and genelogoy determine
The Dempsey Bill calling for the deportation
of aliens advocating any change in our govern-
ment passed the House with only 26 Congress-
men present, without roll-call, discussion or
publicity, as a "non-controversial" measure.
Lurking in this seemingly patriotic law is the
very real danger that a party in power could
silence all foreign-born opposition to its policies
by labeling opposition "subversive."
Similarly the citizen-members of a minority
organization interested in peaceful change would
be throttled by another bill lest they subject
their alien colleagues to deportation. This pro-
vision could be used by a Hague in such a way
that the Bill of Rights would become a "scrap of
Necessary precautions against spies and sabo-
tage agents of hostile foreign powers must be
taken. But these Nazi-like moves in Congress are
designed to provoke conflict and hatred among
different "races" in this country-fertile field
for an American paperhanger with a command-
ing voice.
Something ought to be done.
Something is being done by a committee of
300 educators, clergymen and other national
leaders. They have called a National Emergency
Conference to be held in Washington May 13 and
14 to organize a nation-wide defense campaign
against these anti-democratic measures that are
now pending in Congress. Included in the group
that is working for the Conference are Prof.
Robert S. Lynd of Columbia, author of the
"Middletown" books, who spoke here Saturday;
the anthropologist Prof. Franz Boas; Oswald
Garrison Villard; Stanley M. Isaacs, borough
president of Manhattan; and Donald Ogden
Stewart. ,
It has been suggested that the Conference
study the facts about the number of aliens and
foreign-born citizens in the United States, propa.-
ganda inciting to racial and religious prejudice'
and the effect of the anti-alien bills on the in-
dividual, the church, the home, the school, the
trade union and the fraternal organization.
The work of this Conference deserves the at-
tention and support of everyone interested in see-
ing that what has happened in Germany and
Italy is not repeated here. Not only are minori-
ties concerned, but the great majority of Ameri-

Stereotypes: Student Poll Indicates
Propaganda Value Of Catch-wc
A survey recently completed by the Bureau of AFL .................18
Student Opinion on this campus offers some The indication seems to be the old
rather interesting leads in the study of propa- known inclination of the public to
ganda receptivity. The survey is a study of reac- liberties in general but not so stron
tions to various common words and phrases ticular. In other words, "Labor unio
which may be used as stereotype vehicles. James but we shouldn't have any strikes."
Vicary, '40, of the Bureau, made the figures A very large number of religious
public yesterday. phrases were included in the test. A
The survey cannot be considered as a reflec- rejected by 27, Heathen by 26. React
tion of student opinion in general, for only 68 rious religious denominations were a
students were included. It was, in fact, in the Greek Orthodox......2
nature of a preliminary investigation prepara- Buddhism....... .2
tory to a scientific testing of campus opinion Unitarian............1
to be made by the Bureau later in which about Roman Catholic .......1
550 ballots will be used. Nevertheless, the pres- Mohammedanism.....1
ent test has a great deal of value. The 68 stu- Jew................
dents involved were selected at random by in- Baptist...............1
terviewers. Protestant ........... 4
About a hundred words and phrases were list- Christianity .........
ed on the ballots, with instruction to mark those Zionist was marked by 24 studen
which had a "disagreeable" connotation. 20, Resurrection and Fundamental
The most disagreeable word on the list proved Miresuded ad t udenta
to be "fascism," marked by 47 students, or 69 16, the Virgin Mary byt18.Jesus n
per cent of the total. Second, by one ballot, was Bible each received 10 marks
the old propaganda wheel-horse, Un-American, A comparison e these figures wi
marked by 46 students. Next, in order, came o
other tests made in recent years wit
the following words: (figures are number of cial groups indicates that students ai
students who indicated unfavorable reactions). eral, more amenable to change, less
Anti-Christ ...........40 traditional and institutional values
Sunday Blue Laws .....42 people. They are, nonetheless, afflict
Lockout ..............37 same general tendencies, the same1
Curse ................37 action to certain words and gener
Layoff ..............36 in less degree.
Big Shot ..............33 The omission of the word "Commu
Lobbyist ..............33 the test-list leaves uncertainty as t
Industrial Disease. 33 tive name-calling values of this wor
Overdrawn Account ...33 cism" among students. The Bureau
Sitdown Strike.......32 less include it in the large-scale c
Child Labor ...........32 taken later. The figures on Capitalism
Doom .................31 ism are indicative of a relative lack
Crucifix.............30 in the form of the economic system w
Wage Cut ............29 be astonishing were it not borne out
Of these, possibilities for propaganda use are sults of many other tests. Economic
not very numerous. The only important dislikes not fought as such, however, in t
from a social or political standpoint, Lockout, arena, but under pseudonyms indic
Layoff, Industrial Disease, Lobbyist, Sitdown good or evil, depending on the allegi
Strike, and Child Labor, are fairly well estab- writer. Competition is the chief vir
lished. A surprise dislike is the word Crucifix. the present list around which econc
Strike and Monopoly were listed by 26 people; of propaganda are waged.
Divorce by 25.
Words least disliked, i.e., marked by fewest
students, also show some points of interest.
Scientific didn't get a single mark, the onlyt
word in the list to come off unscathed. Dancing iorto
received one mark. Working Class was given only
two, Partnership and Vocational Guidance only p
three. Others receiving general acceptance were
as follows:
Reform ...............4
Faith .................4
Doctrne 4Last night I had a humbing exper
Doctrine ..............4LatngtIhdaumlgexr
Business..... . . . . .4 is not such a bad thing for any colum
Evolution.............4 to the house of a friend, I found th
Brotherly Love.........4 was a playwright concerning whose c
Competition..........4 ma I had written
Liberalism .............4 is a pleasant mai
God ...................5- ful manners and,
Discipline............5 show is a succes
Profit .................7 need not toss aro
Virtue-words commonly used in propaganda t, saying to hims
include Reform, Business, Competition and Lib- didn't like us."
eralism. The conservative press invariably calls suave way, he
it "business," while the liberal and radical writ- - blade under m
ers speak of such things as "Big Interests," which which o eeio
was marked by 21 students in the survey. Dema- count of exterior
gogues love to speak of "Wall Street," which is a it was all done with such skill thatI
tremendously powerful stereotype in rural com- time to dodge the thrust before it
munities, but which was marked by only 15 too late.
students. The Liberty League, only a memory If he had said, "You big oaf, w
since the 1936 presidential campaign, was marked with my superb comedy?" I might .
by 23. the hint and put my dukes up. Inste
Socialism was given 11 disapprovals, Capital- me on with talk about the weather,1
ism 13. Inequality sounded bad to 26 students. the nation, the Kentucky Derby and
Revolution to 19, and Class Struggle to only 15. in general. He even managed to d
Unemployed was marked by 30 students. and get me talking about newspap
Interesting light on the labor news was thrown New York more than 30 years ago.
by the reactions to the following: Finds Writing Arduous W
Labor Union ..........9 There must be some touch of act
Closed Shop ..........19 this particular playwright, for he lis
Strike ................26 tentively to my anecdote as did Desd

and well-
favor civil
gly in par-
ns are O.K.
words and
theism was
ions to va-
s follows:
ts, Pope by
list by 17.
, Mystic to
d the Holy
tih those of
h other so-
re more lib-
attached to
than other
ed with the
type of re-
alities, only
nism" from
o the rela-
d and "fas-
will doubt-
ensus to be
and Social-
of interest
which would
by the re-
causes are
he political
ating either
ance of the
tue-word in
)mic battles
ience which
nist. Bidden
e only guest
current dra-
ilightly. He
n of defght-
besides, his
s, and so he
und at night
elf, "Broun
Still, in a
drove the
y fifth rib,
feat, on ac-
tisse. And
I never had
was much
hat's wrong
have caught
ad he lured
the state of
raw me out
ier work in
for blood in
tened as at-
emona when


+ BOOKS +:.

EUROPE ON THE EVE, by Frederick
L. Schuman. Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.
August 9, 378 A.D. Valens, Emperor
of Rome, was defeated near Hadri-
anople. It was a defeat which ham-
mered the nails in the coffin of the.
Roman Empire, and it was a defeatl
so ironic that Frederick Schuman
believes the moral of that tragic
story of Valens' defeat by the Visi-
goths is four-square with what we
could well call the "un-moral" oft
post-war diplomacy. For the Visi-r
goths, a war-like and barbarous peo-t
pl, were allowed to settle on Romant
territory, provided they defended Ro-t
man frontiers from the more primi-
tive and savage Scythians. Present-e
ly the barbarian defenders of Ro-
man culture and civilization made
demands on Valens which he refused,
and for once, according to Gibbon as
quoted by Schuman, the timorous
Roman showed unexpected bravery,
ill-advised though it was. After his
defeat by the Visigoths, it took some
70 years to go through the funeral
ceremony and finally to implant the.
casket of Rome in the good earth.
Schuman writes a brilliant prose.
No where is he more lucid or a better
stylist than when he black-borders
the twentieth century Valens' tale:
"The rulers of Western Europe in
the twentieth century of the Chris-
tian era displayed as little wisdom
as Valens and less courage . .
Two tribes of "barbarians" threat-
ened their heritage: Communists
and Fascists. They drove the van-
guards of the former back toward
the East and, having failed in their
efforts to destroy Red Muscovy,
they concluded a truce with its
masters. But when the horde-
leaders of Fascism arose closer to
home and promised protection
against the Bolshevist savages, the
men of wealth and title in the West
took them at their word and
spurned Muscovy's offers of aid
against the new danger. The bar-
baric Caesars who pledged them-
selves to save "civilization" alter-
nately offered protection (at a
price) against Communism and
held up the bogy of their own dis-
placement of bloody revolutionaries
if their own power could be men-
aced or their whims denied. The
leaders of the West therefore up-
held their power and granted their
demands. Too late they discovered
that they had thereby sealed their
own doom. That their ultimate
fate would be different from th'at
of Valens appeared improbable,
however long the years might be
before their final end."
How long it will take to bury Wes-
tern European civilization after Mu-
nich, Schuman does not say. He does
not even predict whether the final
act will be one of peace-time sepul-
ture or cremation in the oven of war.
What is so depressing is that he is as
positive as a trip-hammer that Eu-
rope is gone, and that America, if itI
s to preserve the flower of western
culture amid the withered weeds of
y fascist world must do what Europe
tailed to do. If it is to survive, it
must, like any other organism, adapt
itself to changed and changing con-
ditions. It must discard 19th cen.-
tury concepts of Property and Na-
tional Sovereignty because these grey,
.,at of a world society of isolated na
pion-states and apromising free con-
ptitive economy, and because todai,
science has made all nations inte -
dependent and all economies cor
porately monopolistic.It must, Schu
man says, "redefine Property so that
economic stability again becomes
compatible with human freedom, even
in the late capitalism of the machin
age, "and it must re-define Sover-
eignty so that effective international
collaboration becomes possible-no

longer on a world scale, for the world
community is already broken into
fragments, but on a scale co-exten-
sive with the Western hemisphere."
If one, after reading this absorb-
ing though anticipatory epitaph of
Europe, looks with taciturn cynicism
on Chamberlain's and Daladier's tac-
tics even today in the face of their
apparent reversal of policy with re-
gard to Hitler, he must be excused.
For Schuman's book is a thorough-
going 'expose of French and English
complicity in the growth of Nazi and
Fascist barbarism.
The tragic destiny of the policy of
appeasement is fully developed. There
is no mistaking the central point that
Schuman makes-that if the collec-
tive security policy of Barthou and
Litvinov had been followed on the
part of the democratic and non-fas-
cist states, there would have been no
Ethiopian war, no Austrian Anschluss,
no Fascist Spain, no Munich. But
Barthou was assassinated by mistake
Oct. 9, 1934, when King Alexander of
Yugoslavia was killed in Marseilles,
and French foreign policy passed in-
to the hands of a new school, "the
disciples of knavery or folly."
Schuman believes in the "Munich
plot." This has been attacked as too
simple an explanation, but if after
one reads the hundreds of pages of
Schuman's descriptions of the pre-
lude and preparation for Munich, if

(Continued from Page 2)
will be held on Friday, Saturday and
Monday, May 5, 6 and 8. Please
make appointments in 1204 Angell
Hall immediately.
The Michigan Real Estate Associa-
tion has made available a grant of
$200 for the year 1939-40, known as
the J. G. Lloyd Alexander Fellow-
ship in Real Estate. Candidates for
this Fellowship must be enrolled in
the School of Business Administra-
tion or the Graduate School with a
specialization in the field of real
estate or land economics.
Inquiries may be addressed to Pro-
fessor Richard U. Rateliff, 208 Tap-
pan Hall.
Education School Seniors: All Sen-
iors in the School of Education who
have not paid their class dues as yet
may do so Thursday and Friday when
they ordei their Senior Announce-
ments. Orders for the Announce-
ments will be taken all day Thurs-
day, and on Friday from 2 to 5 p.m.,
on the first floor of University High
Academic Notices
June Candidates for the Teacher's
Certificate: The Comprehensive Ex-
amination in Education will be given
on Saturday, May 20, from 9 to 12
o'clock (and also from 2 to 5 o'clock)
in the auditorium of the 'University
High School. Students having Sat-
urday morning classes may take the
examination in the afternoon. Print-
ed information regarding the ex-
amination may be secured in the
School of Education office.
To All Candidates for the Teacher's
Certificate for the Present Academic
Year: The fourth annual Convoca-
tion of undergraduate and graduate
students who are candidates for the
Teacher's Certificate will be held in
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre on
Tuesday afternoon, May 9, at 4:15'
o'clock. This Convocation is spon-
sored by the School of Education;
and members of other faculties, stu-'
dents, and the general public are'
cordially invited. Faculty members,
and students who are candidates for
the Teacher's Certificate are re-
quested to wear academic costume.
President Ruthven will preside at the
Convocation and Professor Charles'
Scott Berry, of the Ohio State Univer-
sity, will give the address.
Carillon Recital: Sidney F. Giles,
Guest Carillonneur, will give a recital
on the Charles Baird Carillon in the
Burton Memorial Tower, this evenirg
at 7 o'clock.
Exhibition of Six Paintings by
Three Mexican Artists-Rivera, Or-
ozco, and Siqueiros-and water colors
by Alexander Mastro Valerio, under
the auspices of the Ann Arbor Art
Association Alumni Memorial Hall,
North and South Galleries; After-
noons from 2 to 5 until May 13.
Museum of Classical Archaeology:
A special exhibit of antiquities from
the Nile Valley, the Province of Fay-
oum, and the Delta of Egypt from
early Dynastic times to the Late Cop-
tic and Arabic Periods.
Dr. Murray B. Emenea will de-
liver a series of lectures May 4 and
5, on the "Religions of India Today,"
as follows:
"Daily Rites: The Cult of Ascetic-
ism," today, 4:15 p.m. at the Rack-
ham Amphitheatre, Lecture.
"The Cults of Vishnu-Krishna and
Shiva," May 5 at 4:15 p.m., Natural
Science Auditorium, Lecture.

University Lecture: Dr. August
Krogh, of the University of Copen-
hagen, will give a lecture, illustrated
with lantern slides on "The Regula-
tion of Circulation in Man in Rela-
tion to Posture" today at 4:15 p.m. in
the Natural Science Auditorium un-
der the auspices of the Department
of Zoology. The public is cordially
invited to attend.
Biological Chemistry Lecture: Sat-
urday, May 13, 10:30 a.m., East Lec-
ture Room (Mezzanine Floor), Hor-
ace H. Rackham School of Graduate
Studies. Dr. Eliot F. Beach of the
Children's Fund of Michigan will lec-
ture to the students of biological
chemistry and to all others interest-
ed on "Studies in the Chemical Com-
position of Proteins with Especial
Reference to the Hemolytic Residues
of Erythrocytes."
Dr. Russell M. Wilder, Professor of
Medicine at the University of Minne-.
sota, will give a talk in the Hospital
Amphitheatre, on Saturday morning,
May 6, at 11 o'clock. All Junior and
Senior medical students will be ex-

"Experiences in Popular Lecturing on
Astronomy." Tea will be served at
4 p.m.
Zoology Seminar: Miss Hilda T.
Harpster will report on "The Gaseous
Plastron as a Respiratory Mechanism
in Certain Adult Aquatic Coleoptera"
and Mr. Joseph R. Bailey on "Some
Aspects of the Systematics of the
Genus Pseudoboa and Allied Forms"
today at 7:30 p.m. in the Amphithe-
atre of the Rackham Building.
German Journal Club will meet
this afternoon at 4:15 p.m. in Room
302 Michigan Union. Professor Ernst
A. Philippson will read a paper on,
"Rassenkunde und germanische Re-
La Sociedad Hispanica: The last
meeting of the current school year,
at which officers for next year will
be elected, will be held this evening
at 7:30 p.m. in the League. Also on
the program will be a short movie of
Puerto Rico, and refreshments. All
members are expected to attend.
A War Department Flying Cadet
Board will visit the University of
Michigan to examine applicants for
appointment as Flying Cadets, U.S.
Army. Applicants may interview
members of the Board at R.O.T.C.
Headquarters today beginnngi at 10
Archery Club: There will be a meet-
ing of the Archery Club at 4:15 to-
day on Palmer Field. All members
are urged to attend.
Merit System Committee: There will
be a meeting at 3:30 today in the
League. All present members and
those interested in working on the
committee are urged to attend. If
unable to come please call Roberta
Dance Recital. Dance Club and Play
Production will present dance pro-
gram tonight at 8:30 in the Mendel-
ssohn Theatre. The general public
will be admitted to the balcony, ad-
mission free.
Assembly: There will be a meeting
of Assembly today at 4:15 in the
The Interior Decoration Section of
the Faculty Women's Club will
meet at 3 o'clock this afternoon
in the Michigan League. At-
torney William M. Laird will discuss
"The Legal Responsibilities of the
Home Owner." Mrs. Jacob Sacks will
take bus reservations for the trip to
Michigan Dames: The Charm Group
will meet at the Rackham Building
today at 8 p.m. with a talk and
demonstration on cosmetics by Pa-
tricia Michael Colling, representative
of Facial Security Inc. and the Donno
Lo Cosmetics. At this meeting the
group will also elect a chairman for
the coming year.
Coming Events
The Extension Service of the Uni-
versity of Michigan has arranged a
showing of new educational films in
the Lecture Hall of the Rackham
Building on Saturday, May 6. The
Faculty and students are invited to
9 a.m. Children's Films. An Air-
plane (Erpi). Three Little Kittens
(Erpi). Navajo Children (Erpi).
9:45 a.m. Education. Bring the
World to the Classroom (Erpi).
French U (Gaumont British).Pro-
gressive Education (March of Time).
10:45 a.m. Health. Cancer, Its Cure
and Prevention (March of Time).
Moving X-Rays (UFA). Heart Dis-
ease (March of Time).
11:30 a.m. Sound Film Strip.
12:15 p.m. Luncheon.
Michigan League. 75c. Reservations

should be in the Extension Office by
Friday, May 5.
Speaker: Dr. Edgar Dale, Ohio
I State University, Columbus, Ohio.
1:45 p.m. Literature and Art. Cover
to Cover (Strand). From Clay to
i Bronze (Harvard). Shakespeare (Gau-
mont British).
3 p.m. Natural and Physical Sci-
ence. The Amoeba (Gaumont Brit-
ish). The Ant City (UFA). Liquid
Air (UFA). Fuels and Heat (Erpi).
The Water Cycle (Eastman).
4:15 p.m. Social Science. Juvenile
Delinquency (March of Time). A
Backward Civilization (Erpi). This
Was England (Gaumont British).
5:15 p.m. Sports. Dashes, Hurdles,
I and Relays (Erpi). Glenn Cunning-
ham (University of Kansas). Flip
Flops (tumbling) (Western Reserve).
Varsity Glee Club will meet at 7:20
Friday night in the club room in the
The Suomi Club will hold a special
I meeting Friday evening, May 5, at 8
in the Conference Room at Lane Hall.
A discussion of Finnish music with
particular emphasis on Sibelius will



PrubilzcjtiorI" i.the iiilcui lc :" iju_ v,&c uc ti< -Ja i mebs of c~the iUniversity.
Copy received at the iflIce ofz ins -Istant to thee s~ident iuntlii '.0 PM-;
ll:w0 A .W c; at txcay.



After years of questionable success, the Trojan
Amazons' slavery racket-better known as the
activity point system-has degenerated into the
university's prize timewaster. Today, dangling
an activity point in the face of a gullible coed
has no equal in inducing labor.
Feasibly, a potential Amazon may have worked
at least 75 hours per semester for four semesters
before being qualified to petition for member-
ship in the organization--and then there would
be no guarantee of her admission; the odds
against her, in fact, would be two to one.
It doesn't appear logical that a student's ability
to type lists or to sell candy or magazines is a
criterion of her intelligence, character, or re-
liability. Neither does it indicate the value of
the contribution she might eventually make
to the Trojan Amazons.
But why should the student officer or Student
Union office worker type letters, tabulate lists,
or sell candy when there are willing activity
point-hungry coeds to oblige? If coeds aim to
be laborers, with activity points as their wages,
they might even supplant the secretaries in the
administrative offices, or the waitresses in the
Student Union, or the campus gardeners and
carpenters, or the coliseum gatemen.
This is not to disclaim the value of serving the
university, for every educational institution
should expect to profit from the multifarious
contributions of its students. But rather these
contributions should be diverted into channels
more productive, both for the individual and for
the university.

Othello was strutting his stuff about his exploits
in far countries. With mock modesty he apolo-
gized for the fact that he found writing an
arduous task, and he admitted that sometimes
it took him as much as a year to compose a light
three-act comedy. I was properly sympathetic.
"You newspaper chaps are so prolific," he
added wistfully. "I suppose that you write as
much as one or two thousand words every week."
Swallowing the bait, I boasted that in 32 years
of mass production I had set down at least 21
million words, whether they happened to be hot,
cold or tepid.
Suddenly, for reasons not then known to me,
the interlocutor paid a brief tribute to the mem-
ory of Ralph Waldo Emerson. But he immediate-
ly came back to newspaper work and made some
inquiries as to the output of the late Arthur
Brisbane. He said he assumed that it must have
been prodigious. Neither of us cared to venture
an estimate as to the lineage, but I hazarded
the guess that the words of Brisbane, if laid end
to end, would girdle the earth many times.
'A Gorilla Could Lick Them Both'
"And," suggested the snake in the grass, "he
wrote on very many subjects. Current events,
science, religion, morals, business, politics-every
conceivable theme." I nodded. And the matador
struck home.
"Out of this encyclopedic flood just what that
Mr. Brisbane wrote still lingers in your memory?"
Gulping twice, I answered lamely, "A gorilla
could lick them both' and something about New
York real estate being a good investment. And
I think he also mentioned the climate of Califor-
nia from time to time."
My tormentor nodded. "It's very strange, is it
not" said the nlaywright "how little the nimher




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