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Blunders .. .
and Hitler seem, to most of us, to be
the present world's most worthy successors to
Machiavelli. But occasionally in their diplomacy
they commit the crudest of blunders and undo
much of their ingenious plotting. At present
they are letting Argentina slip from their eco-
nomic grasp because of just such stupid fumbles.
A few weeks ago the Argentine was thrown
into an uproar when an alleged Nazi plot to
capture Patagonia, a section of Argentina, was
discovered. The police had more than hearsay
evidence and stool-pigeon accusations with which
to indict the Nazis; they found incriminating
papers and maps revealing some fantastic de-
sign on Argentina's territory.
Italy too has angered the Argentinos. The
magazine "Nosotros," published in Buenos Aires,
has for years had a rather numerous clientele
in Italy. As the editor states: "Nosotros is sent
free to many friendly Italian writers, and at
cost to the most important institutions and lit-
erary reviews."
But recently the Italian Center of American
Study in Rome subscribed to the magazine. The
first copy was returned to Buenos Aires with the
legend, "Return," and the receiving address
crossed off.
Nosotros has this to say: "We lament very
much that such pleasant relations with the in-
telligentsia are cut short; but we Argentinos do
not have easily disturbed spirits. We are con-
soled by the knowledge that our principal news-
papers never enter Italy, among them 'La Pren-
sa,' the pride of American periodicals.
"Nosotros will no longer cause any trouble to
the censors of the peninsula. This is the last
issue which we will send to our friends there..
And we shall send a copy to His ExcellencyBen-
to Mussolini who, of course, will not receive it.
Since we do not desire to play hide-and-seek nor
to spend money uselessly on stamps, we shall
break off our old relationships as soon as we are
advised that this is desired in the spheres of that
government. Certainly Nosotros is not necessary
in Italy; but we are no less certain' that the Ar-
gentine, republican and democratic, will know
how to keep to itself."
-Hervie Iaufler
-by David Lawrence-
S Board
miaging Editor'
toria Director .
y Editor. .
ociate Editor
ociate Editor
ociate Editor
ociate Editor
ociate Editor
ciate Editor ;
k Editor
'men's Editor
orts 'Editor.
of Editors
Albert P. May10
Horace W. Gilmore
Robert I. Fitihenry
S. R. Kliman
Robert Perlman
Earl Gilman
S William Elvi
*Joseph Freedman
* .Joseph Gies
*Dorothea Staebler
* Bud 'Se1jamiln
WASHINGTON, April 22.-Editorial writers
and managing editors from all parts of the
United States who were assembled here this
week for their annual meeting brought to Wash-
ington an interesting cross-section of what the
country is thinking about these days.
Primarily, it was evident that the people of
America are concerned as td whether there is
going to be a war in Europe and whether, if
there is war, the United States will be drawn in.
Next, the people want to know whether a war
psychology is being created here, or whether it
is a natural repercussion from European events.
The emphasis of interest is plainly nterna-
tional, though it is apparent, too, that the com-
plex questions affecting relief and unemploy-
ment are still as bewildering as ever.
Opinions as to the international situation
were quite clear-the desire of the country as a
whole is to avoid war and to tread cautiously lest'
any act of our own should bring involvement.
What the editors learned in their many off-
the-record sessions is, of course, not for publi-
cation, but, in the public sessions, they heard
analytical addresses by American newspaper-
men just returned from abroad who described
the remarkable strength of the totalitarian states
and the hesitancy of Great Britain and France,
with their conceded inferiority in the air, to pre-'
cipitate a general war at this time.
As to whether the Administration is unduly
exercised over European events, the editors gath-
ered here had ample opportunity to make up
their own minds. Certainly, the goings-on in
Europe, particularly the feverish war prepara-
tions in the face of repeated denials from Ber-
lin and Rome of any intention to provoke war,
cannot be accepted by our military and naval
and aviation officials at their face value. The
right theory of national defense is to be prepared
for any eventualities.
This correspondent has not observed any un-
due use of governmental power to create a war
psychology, and the recent proposals for a peace
conference have, on the contrary, focussed at-
tention on the basic desire of the government
and people of the United States to see every de-
vice of moral force and diplomacy used to turn
the attention of the world from war to peace:
If there is talk of war and a war psychology is
growing in America, it is because the Ameri-
can newspapers have been steadily reporting
happenings of such a vital character and of such
incredible proportions in Europe that anybody
alive today who was old enough in 1914 to real-'
ize what these alliances and counter-alliances
can mean will naturally become apprehensive
about the possibility of war.
Business Department
ger. . . Philip W. Buchen
r . . . . Leonard"P. Siegelman
anager William L. Newnan
mess Manager H. elenJan Dean
le Manager * IA~an A. Baxter.
The ecltorias }mbihd i 1heMcign
Da1y are written by MP 1,PMbIr act { D
staff and represent the views of the riters
New England:
'roblem No. 2 .
I F WE CONSIDER the South "the
number one economic problem of
-he nation," then New England must be ranked
ls the country's second major trouble spot. The
outhern problem, however, chiefly arises out of
the excesses of rapid industrialization combined
with the decay of an agricultural order based
upon a single crop, cotton. New England's aituR-
tion is one of a highly industrialized region al-
;uost without industry.
Agriculture in New England has never been
important; mining, virtually non-existent, New
England lumber and fish have proved a steady
source of revenue, but have never been con-
sigered of extreme importance. Textiles and
Ahoes however, have been the backbone of New
EĀ°gland prosperity.
But today the most of the mills along the
Merrimac and Kennebec are shut and many of
;thle shoe factories in Haverhill and Inn have
#en torn down and replaced by filling sta-
yiens and vacant lots. The shoe industry has
moved to the southern mid-west, textiles to the
Q8uth. WPA and other forms of relief have to
,great extent become a primary source of
The gradual decline of New England industry
can be traced to the immediate post-war period.
It was at that time that the various state gov-
erpments in New England initiated several pieces
of legislation restricting the number of looms to
be operated by one man and regulated to a cer-
twin extent the wages- and hours of women and
children working in the mills and factories. The
laws themselves were mild but quite progressive
for that period. It was at this time also that
organized labor made raid advances in New
gland. The New England employers in turn,
ed with the growth of organized labor and
regulatory legislation and confronted with the
ruthless competition of the Southern embryonic
industry, began to move South. The gradual re-
movals soon developed into a wholesale hegira
wllich left New England demoralied, confused
gnd almost destitute.
New England, today however has been making
concerted attempts to revive its industry. Groups
representing labor and business have lobbied inj
Congress for discriminatory tariffs against
Czechoslovak ian shoes and Japanese textiles,
hoping that Nw England industry could replace
t lese imports. They ignored the fact, however,
fat these imports never attained any appreci-
,ble amount in the total United States consump-;
eion. President Roosevelt's 25 per cent tariff
boost against Czecho-Slovakia after its fall now
saves New England the expense of lobbying but
,a not be expected to greatly help its shoe indus-
'ry. New England has also been one of the chief
Agitators for national wages and hours laws,
elieving that in that way,.othern opti-
tn could -be largely eliminated and that not
ery would further moving of industry to the
3outh be stopped but that some employers in
.he South seeking highly skilled labor could be
0rsuaded to move back to New England. Con-
servative Senator Lodge and Representative
'ogers were the leaders of this school of thouht
MEDIEVAL PAGEANT,by Prof. John R. Rein-
hard of the University of Michigan English
department. Harcourt Brace, New York.
Medieval Pageant is a collection of tales drawn
from the Middle Ages and told during the course
of one evening by a great number of men and
women gathered about the board in the great
hall of Pembroke castle. Although these narra-
tors lived at widely separated periods and places,
Mr. Reinhard has convoked them as interesting
personalities, each with his story to tell, each
representing in his way the Middle Ages. Among
their number are kings, skalds, French romance
writers, Irish scholars, Welsh men of letters, and
English courtiers and men of affairs. One might
expect such a diverse company to differ sharply
in sympathies, outlook, opinions, and prejudices.
Such is,, indeed, the case. Southerners, like
Chretien de. Troyes, clash with Scandinavian
skalds, the English differ from the Welsh, and
the Irish disagree with everybody. These alter-
cations never go beyond a heated exchange of
words, except when two desperate Irishmen lay
by the heels that genial rascal, Giraldus Cam-
brensis, and fling him into the castle's moat.
Aside from serving as interesting sidelights
upon the narrators, these conversations embody
a tremendous amount of information regarding
the mediaeval period. Love, literature,,war, super-
stitions, food and drink, happiness, travel, medi-
cine, law, feudalism . . . all are treated by ap-
propriate anecdote and scholarly allusion. These
pointed conversations further serve as a matrix
out of which come the tales, each in perfect keep-
ing 4 with the talents and tastes of its narrator.
Finally, in addition to this internal continuity,
there is that larger unity of the entire work, a
unity which governs the most dignified sympos-
ium and the rowdiest bull-session alike and leads
from the Order of after-dinner to the inevitable
Chaos of half-past four in the morning.
The stories themselves have been drawn from
the entire range of the Middle Ages and from a
dozen languages. To one who is acquainted with
the vast body of mediaeval fiction and its possi-
bilities, it is evident that Mr. Reinhard, as a
story-teller, has been at pains to choose his
materials judiciously, preferring always the best
of what is still unfamiliar. A number of these
stories now appear in English for the first time,
among them being The Sad End of Peter the
Dicer,, told by Bandello, The Vespers of Monreale,
told by Giovanni Villani, and Camden's anecdote
of the Graf von Gleichen. There are tales of all
types, tragic, satiric, sentimental, humorous,
heroic, gruesome; tales involving soldiers, kings,
knights, fair ladies and others that are no better
than they should be, toss-pot ecclesiastics, mad
lovers, werewolves. King Richard eats a boiled
Saracen, Saint Peter shoots craps, Anastasius is
buried alive, Lancelot licks his weight in demon
Scholars and students alike should be grateful
for this effective demonstration that the Middle
Ages was peopled with men and women who lived
as completely and as violently as in any other
period of the world's history. Mediaeval Pageant,
in addition, should help lay that old ghost which
is responsible for the persistent rumor that be-
tween the fall of the Roman Empire and the
discovery of America nothing ever happened.
Finally we all should be thankful to the author
whose scholarship and humanity have made this
a sound piece of work and an interesting one.
THOSE people pessimistic as to the
future for young men in a world
seemingly drained dry of possibilities
would do well to take a lesson from
a young lad making his temporary
headquarters at one end of the En-
gineering Arch. There he has set up
a table made from a carton cardboard
upon which are placed a few new
pencils with signs of "$.04" and "$.02."
The young businessman seats himself
behind the makeshift counter and
gives each passerby a personable'
smile. After we had recovered from)
our first impression of "cute," a grim
thought hit us: perhaps this same?
lad would be selling pencils 10 years
from now, but not in the Engineering'
Arch with a personable smile, but
rather on some busy street, with a{
shabby cap dumped in his legless lap.
* * *.
DEPARTMENT of collegiate decay:
From the registrar's office of
Stanford University came a letter
with this address:
Phi Sigma Delta
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, Maine.
* * *
DEPARTMENT of Broken-down
Mentality: Two members of the
Daily sport staff were walking on
State St. when one spots a parked
car and pipes to the other "Say, look
at that license plate. Where is this
Pass Exposition going to be held?"
(with no apologies whatsoever to the
late Mr. E. A. Poe, of Baltimore. who
should have known better than to write
things which lend themselves so well
to parodying.)
Hear the Tower with the bells-
Iron bells!
What a world of noisiness their melo-
dy foretells!
Hear the clangor, clangor, clangor,
In the icy air of night!
While the stars that oversprinkle
All the heavens, seem to twinkle
As if to hide from the sight:
Keeping out-of-time,
Oh, that roaring bombilation that un-
musically wells
From the bells, bells, bells, bells,
Bells, bells, and I do mean bells
From the janging and the clannging
of the bells.
Hear the ringer play the bells,
Noisy bells!
As he plays the Minuet in G,
With a false note every three
(Or Verdi's II Trovatore
With a false note every four,
Or a lot of silly jive
With a false note every five,
Or a piece composed by Bix
With a false note every six,
And I could keep this up indefinitely
if I had time and the Daily had
And on Saturday afternoons
In Ocotbers or in Junes (thank
heavens for that word June-
it rhymes with everything)
I try without success
To listen to Bizet or Verdi or Don-
izetti or
Tschaikowsky, but this is getting
to be too much like Ogden Nash,
so I'll end
this line before I get in too much
of a mess,
While that gol-durned carillon
makes all kinds of noises
To annoy girls and boyses,
So why doesn't somebody try to do
something to stop it?
As for me, I'd glady swap it ,
For one used razor blade
Or a hot lemonade I
Or even one half of a movie ticket
Or a labor-walkout picket
Or an amateur at cricket
Or an iron croquet wicket
(I'm getting monotonous, better
get something else)
Or a rotten pear
Your cosy chair
(At parties where we sang Sweet.
And burning toast and prunes
(Which still rhymes with Junes
but I don't see how I can bring
that into the conversation at
this point)
But, as I was saying,
,Don't listen to the bells
And the reason is simple: They smells.
(Which is bad grammar, but the heck
with you. I needed a rhyme and that
made sense)
Let us get up a petition
To say that we're wishin'
They would confine the playing of
the carillon
To two dates a year, which best
would fall upon (Boy! I never
thought I'd get a rhyme for that
The thirtieth of February and the
thirty-first of June
And let's say that the tune
Must be restricted to The Music
Goes Round and Round,
Bei Mir Bist Du Schon,
And other so-called ,songs that
u4 vwould have driven
Bach insane
(If he wasn't already, and to hear
his pseudo-music I think he was)
And let's ret rid of these Professors
The Editor
Gets Told
(Continued from Page 3) C
Geoch will give an illustrated talk onE
"Music Appreciation."t
J. Raleigh Nelson.I
Men's Glee Club: No rehearsal to-
day. Regular meeting next Thurs- 1
day night. All bills outstandingt
should be turned in this week.
The Graduate Outing Club will meet
at the Northwest door of the Rack- l
ham Building at 3 p.m. They will<
hike along the river for two hours
and then gather at the Isfand where
they can play baseball and other outc
door games. Supper will be a weinerf
roast around the fireplace. Thel
group will return about seven o'clock.i
All faculty and graduate students are
Hillel Foundation: Dr. Hans Gerth
of-the department of Sociology will
speak at the Hillel Forum to-?
night at 7:30 p.m. The subject of
the Forum is "Jews in Nazi Ger-
The Lutheran Student Club will
meet at Zion Parish House, today at
5:30 for social hour and supper. At
6:45, Dr. Clover will speak and show
pictures of her trip along the Colo-
rado River.
Coming Events
Physics Colloquium: Professor Leon
Brillouin of the College de France
will speak at the Physics Colloquium
on Monday, April 24. His subject
will be, "Hyper Frequency Waves and
their Application in Transmission
Across the English Channel." "The
colloquium will bc in Room 1041 E.
Physics Bldg.,at 4:15.
German Table for Faculty Ilem-
bers: The regular luncheon meeting
will be held Monday at 12:10 p.m.
in the Founders' Room of the 'Mich-
igan Union. All faculty members
interested in speaking German are
cordially invited. There will be a
brief informal talk by Mr. Frank X.
Braun on "Der Volksdichter Gustav
Applicants for Summer Field
Courses in Geology at Camp Davis,
Wyo.: Students, planning to enroll
in the summer field courses, are re-
quested to attend a meeting in Room
3065 Natural Science Building at
7:30 p.m., Tuesday, April 25. Infor-
mation regarding the necessity for
early payment of tuition, field equip-
ment, typhoid immunization, etc.,
will be given at this time.
Navy Pilot Training: A represen-
tative of the United States Navy will
talk to students interested in flight
training, Wednesday, April .26, at
730 p.m., in Room 142 East En-
gineering Building.
Deutscher Verein. The Deutscher
Verein wishes to call the attention of
its members and friends .to the fact
that Dr. Otto Graf's lecture on "Musi-
kalische Reise duroh Deutschland,"
which 'was scheduled for Tuesday
night, April 25, has ,been postponed
two weeks and will be given ow Tues-
day night, May 9 instead.
German Play: The Deutscher Vere-
in will present "Die Gegenkandida-
ten," a satire on party politics by
Ludwig Fulda at the Lydia Mendel-
ssohn Theatre, Monday, April 24 at
8:30 p.m. Reserved seats are 50
cents, unreserved seats 35 cents. Box
oice open from 10 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
on Monday, April 24.
Botanical Journal Club, Tuesday,
7:30 p.m.. Room NS. 1139, April 25,
Reports by:
Gregario Velasquez: Contribution
to the Knowledge of the Natural His-,
tory of the Marine Fish-Ponds of
L. H. Harvey: Phytogeography of
Disjunct Areas.
Mary Mooney: The Role of Ter-
restrial Algae in Nature.
S. S. 'White: Life and Works of C.
G. Pringle..
Evelyne Eichelberger: The Garden
of Pinks: L. H. Bailey.
Chairman: Prof. H. H. Bartlett.
La Sociedad Aispanica: Dr. N. W.
Eddy, of the*Departi ent of Romance
Languages, will present the final lec-
ture of the current series sponsored
by La Sociedad Hispanica on Wed-
nesday, April 26, at 4:15 p.m., in 108
R.L. Dr. Eddy's subject will be Pio
Baroja, contemporary Spanish novel-
ist. This lecture (in Spanish) will
be open free of charge to all those in-
All Graduate Students in History
and their wives (or husbands) are
cordially invited to a reception in
honor of the History Faculty, Tues-
day evening, April 25 from eight to
ten in the Assembly Room of the
Rackham Bu jilding, Semi-formal.
Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University.
Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30 P.M.:
11:00 A.M. on Saturday.
cle Francais will present "Ces Dames
aux Chapeaux verts," a modern
French comedy in one prologue and
three acts by Albert Acremant, at the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, Friday,
April 28 at 8:15 p.m.
All seats are reserved. Tickets will
be on sale at the box-office Thurs-
day, April 27 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
and Friday, April 28, the day of the
play from 10 a.m. to 8:15 p.m.'A
special reduction will -be made for
holders of the French Lecture Series
International Center Movie: Mon-
day evening at 7 o'clock there will be
a technicolor motion picture shown
by the courtesy of Mr. A. J. Wiltse of
the Ann Arbor Press. The film will
show a moose hunt in the Canadian
wilderness. All foreign students and
their American friends are invited.
Pitch and Putt Club: Important
meeting Monday at 4:15 at the Wom-
en's Athletic Building.
League House Presidents will meet
Tuesday, April 25, at the League at
3:30 p.m. Presidents must be there ,
since Officers will be elected, and.
there is other very important busi-
ness to transact.
Faculty Women's Club: The Play
Reading Section will meet op 'Tue-
day afternoon, April 25,at 2:15, in
the Mary B. Henderson Room of the
Michigan League.
Monday Evening Dramatic Club:
Faculty Women's Club, Monday night
at the Union at 7:30.
Michigan Dames: The Drama group
will meet at the Michigan League
Monday evening at 8:15. All Dames
are invited.
Stalker Hall. Wesleyan Guild meet-
ing at the Methodist Church at 6 p.m.
A student panel will present the Par-
ley theme: "The Student Views the
40's." Fellowship hour and supper
following the meeting.
First Methodist Church. Dr. C. W.
Brashares will preach on "What is
Better than the Good."
First Baptist Church, 512 East Hu-
ron. Judge E. J. Millington, of Cadil-
lac, President of the Michigan Bap-
tist Convention, will speak at the
morning worship hour, 10:45 am.
Sunday. His subject will be, "ot
God's Way, but God." The Church
School meets at 9:30, Mr. Wiessler is
The Roger Williams Guild, 503 E.
Huron. Sunday, 6:15 p.mDr. How-
ard McClusky will be the speaker.
Installation of officers will be held.
The social hour with refreshments
will follow.
First Presbyterian Church, 1432
Washtenaw Ave.
10:45 a.m., Morning Worship Serv-
ice. "Adventures In Contentment"
is the subject upon which Dr. William
P. Lemon will preach. Palmer Chris-
tian at the organ and directing the
The. Westminster Guild: 6 p.m.,
The Westminster Guild, student
group, will meet for supper and a fel-
lowship hour. Prof. Albert Hyma of
the Histry Department of the
University will speak on the topic
"Can The Church Save Europe?"
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church:
Seryices Sunday: 8 a.m. Holy Com-
munion; 9:30 a.m. Junior Churci;
11 a.m. Kindergarten; 11 a.m. Morn-
ing Prayer and Sermon by the Rev.
Frederidk W. Leech; 7 p.m. Student
Meeting, Harris Hall, Speaker, Prof.
John L. Brumm, Topic, "On Being
College Bred."
Unitarian Church, corner State and
Huron Streets: Sunday, April 23, 11
a.m., "Fruits of a Tangled Heritage"
by John Brogden, minister of Uni-
tarian Church at University of lli-
The Ann Arbor Friends will hold a
meeting for worship at 5 p.m. on
Sunday, April 23, at the Michigan
League. At 6 p.m. Professor Howard
McClusky will speak on ."The Com-
munity as a Fellowship."
First Church of Christ, Scientist,
409 S. Division St., Sunday morning
service at 10:30. Subject: "Proba-
tion After Death." Golden Text:
Psalms 23:4. Sunday School at 11:45.
'First Congregational Church. Rev.
Leonard A. Parr. 10:45 a.m. Morning
Worship, Dr. Parr will preach on:
"Unused Spices."
Student Fellowship will meet at six
o'clock. Following the supper hours
Dr. Mary C. Van Tuyl will speak on
"Why the Student Fellowship?"
On Air Strength
To the Editor:
Recently an editorial appeared that referred
to Ken, the great anti-Hitler and anti-Mussolini
magazine. It is not my duty to defend Hitler or
Mussolini, but I believe that the interpretation
made by Mr. Bogle is somewhat vague.'
It is perhaps true that a great number of the
German planes are inferior to American craft,
but we must consider that after all it is not the
craft that is dangerous, but the material itcarries
and by whom it is handled. It is evident that a
poor craft in the hands of an experienced pilot
is far more useful than a good plane manoeuvered
by a new pilot.
The article claims that the German planes
are capable of making flights of about fifteen
hours. If this were true, what about the German
and Italian planes in South America? In South
America one can find a great number of Ger-
man planes that are capable of flying more than
fifteen hours. Also the Germans iave an dir
service between South America and Germany
which would be of no value if German planes
would suddenly drop out of the sky after a fifteen
hour trip. Italy not long ago received permission
from Argentina to build a new air base. If her
planes could not fly to South America and return
there is no use .to build a new base. These bases
in the southern half of our hemisphere' seem to
worry us, regardless of the fact that Ken says
that German planes are of no value.
German planes have been flying between
Canada and the Azores for some time and have
yet met with no great disasters on their scout-
ing parties. The European air routes are prac-
tically all connected and run with some Ger-
man and Italian planes, and we seldom hear of
any great plane troubles.
As for the Ken reporter making a statement
concerning Hitler's intention of long range
planes, I believe he is mistaken, because Hitler
does not control the German air force and knows
very little about flying. In Italy it is a different
problem, because both the members of the high-
Fascist Government and the high-Members of
the House of Savoy can fly, thus putting both
ruling powers on the same plane about the air-
It is my. belief that the Ken magazine is at-
tempting to establish a half-baked confidence in
the Americans, by telling them that we are safe
because our few good planes are better than
Germany's large number of poor planes. During
the Ethiopian crisis, Italy armed some old planes
and asked for a suicide squad to helo destroy the
M111 has little
f wn'