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April 23, 1939 - Image 9

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1939-04-23

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Bright Outlook
For Business
Seen In 1939
'Production Higher Now'
Says Horrocks, Noting
Need For More Capital
"Industry's outlook in the United
States is exceedingly bright for the
last half of 1939," Arthur C. Horrocks
of tl~e Goodyear Tire and Rubber
Co. told 800 foremen yesterday at the
luncheon meeting of the first Michi-
gan-Ohio Foremen's Institute spon-
sored by the Extension Service.
For the first months of this year,
he said, production has been 30 per
cent higher than during the same
period in 1938. Prices are stiffening,
steel production is increasing and
building industries are prospering.
The chief present need is capital for
the replacement and normal expan-
sion of productive possibilities.
Unemployment A Problem
Unemployment is undoubtedly a
problem for industry, Mr. Horrocks
admitted, but stressed that industry
cannot assume the full burden. Half
the nation's manufacturing is con-
centrated in six states while in many
states where there are great num-
bers of unemployed, there is no in-
dustry to absorb the idle workers.
Our economic advances during the
last 150 years have been the achieve-
nients not of the' government nor the
politician, but of free enterprise and
our capitalistic system, S. Wells Ut-
ley, presiden of the Detroit Steel
Casting Company, said in his talk,
"Individual Initiative versus Planned
Economy," which opened the morn-
ing session.'
Those who advocate scrapping o-
free economy and substituting gov-
ernment regulation cannot deny the
advances free enterprise has made,
Mr. Utley declared, pointing out that
ve are the richest nation on earth
because our industries have had free-
dom of development.
Denies, Wealth Concentration
He denied the claim of free indus-
tiry's opponents that the wealth of
America is concentrated in the hands
of 60 families, citing the finding of
Senator LaFollette's Congressional
committee that 83.5 per cent of the
national income in 1934 went for
salaries and wages, to the small
business nman, the laborer and the
Play Receipts
To Aid Chnese
Profits Of 'Sable Cicada'
To Provide Medical Aid
Funds raised through the show-
ing of the Chinese moving picture,
"Sable Cicada," will be used for medi-
cal relief in war-torn China, accord-
ing to Bob Yee, Grad., committee
chairman of the project.
The funds will not be used for the
purpose of war, Yee pointed out, but
for medical aid only. Profits will be
sent to the Society for Medical Aid
to China in NeW York, headed by
col: Theodore Roosevelt, Jr. This
society, which keeps in touch with
the immediate needs of the Chinese
people, will purchase hospital sup-
pl es in this country awlc send them
"Sable Cicada," starring Violet Koo,
will be shown at 8:30 p.m. Friday,
May 5, and at 2:30 p.m. and 8:30
p.m. Saturday, May 6 at the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre. Tickets may
be purchased for 50 cents at the
League, the Union, the Internatioinal

Center or from any member of the
-Chinese Students Club, which is
sponsoring the program.
Kratis And Slawson
To AttendMeetig
Dean Edward H. Kraus of the lit-
erary college and Prof. Chester B.
Slawson of the 'minerology depart-
ment left yesterday to attend the
three-day meeting of the Gemological
Society of America in the Stevens
Hotel in Chicago.
Professor Slawson spoke yesterday
on "Determination of Gem Stones."
Dean Kraus will speak tomorrow on
a research paper compiled by him-
self and Professor Slawson, "The
Practices of Gem Cutting," recon-
ciling the actual practice of cutting
diamonds to the crystallographic the-
ory and the atomic structure of the
Professor Slawson will also speak
tomorrow on the general topic of
"Experiences in Teaching Scientific
Procedures to Gem Dealers."

Anniversary Of Alumni Building
Recalls Fight For Its Erection

F'l Fl



Early in April, 1909, a small group
of men gathered in the old alumni
room. on campus for a long and
stormy two-hour meeting. When
they emerged their smiles betrayed
the successful outcome of their mis-
sion. This group was the Alumni
Memorial Committee. The occasion,
of their meeting was the conclusion
of their successful drive to raise funds
to erect a building dedicated to the
Michigan men who fought in the
Civil and Spanish-American wars.
When this little group, appointed
at an Alumni Association meeting in
June, 1903, began its task of raising
the $100,00 necessary to begin the
project, the obstacles were many.'
However, the members of this
memorial Committee, ranging from
the Class of '59 to the Class of '78,
succeeded in enlisting the support
of nuinerous campus organizations,
notably the Union.
Money donations poured in from
all over the United States. One al-
umnus, Ezra Rust, Saginaw, con-
tributed $10,000,.+
The $100,000 figure was finally
reached. Early in June, 1908, during
Commencement Week, the corner
stone of Alumni Memorial Hall was
laid. This stone now forms the south-
Survey Shows
Religiom Aide
T o Collegians
The religious education of the stu-
dent is of great aid in making a sue-
cessful transition at college, accord-
ing to a recent survey conducted by
the Institute of Human Relations
under the direction of Prof. Hugh
Hartsborn of the Yale Divinity School,
Case histories of more than 3,000
boys in high school and college were
written following the student from
the senior year in high school through
the four years in college.
Dr. Edward W. Blakeman, Univer-
sity Counselor in Religious Education,'
assisted in this research with his re-
ports of 23 boys at the University.
Of the 23 studied, 18 graduated and
five are doing graduate work here.
Dr. Blakeman described the method
of research which required that stu-
dents pay weekly visits to faculty ad-
visors who compiled reports on the
basis of personality tests, health tests
and food and study habits as well as
school grades. The reports of 40 .col-
leges and universities were published
in a book "From School to College,"
which has recorded experiements on
the behavior of students in secon-
dary schools and colleges.+
The study which was carried on
through the years of 1933 to January,
1939, recommends a counseling plan
and suggests the need for an in-
tegrating factor to combine the va-
rious elements which bring success in
college. The study reports that, "It
seems to be a fact that, for many
students this integrating principle
has been contributed by his religious
training and experience."
NYA Activities
T v114 A... w
Boom in Flint
Program I cludes Plans
For lImprovemlenits
National Youth Administration
activities at Flint reached a new high
as Yale Seifer, Genesee County Sup-
erviser, revealed plans recently to
make Flint's playgrounds the best
equipped of any city in the United
Mr. Seifer announced that the
NYA will furnish the labor, while

the city and other interested agencies
provide the materials for an intensive
spring program of building to keep
Flint children out of the city streets.
Another innovation in Mr. Seifer's
office has been a series of weekly
broadcasts, designed to aid the young
job seekers of Flint and neighboring
cities. This feature, "Youth Seeks Its
Place" may be heard on Saturdays
at 12:15 p.m, and will consist of in-
terviews with prominent Flint busi-
ness and professional men on the
best methods of landing steady em-
Band Clinic To Hold:
S o Jl 2

west' corner base of the building. In-
side the stone is a sealed box con-
taining every important document
leading to the success of the project.
The task was not completed, how-
ever. In order to erect a building
worthy of comparison with the few
others of its kind then in existence,
an additional $150,000 had to be so-
licited. This was finally attained
in April, 1909.
Alumni Memorial Hall was for-
mally dedicated May 11, 1910, with
impressive ceremony. Principal speak-
ers on the dedication program were
Judge Claudius B. Grant, chairman,
of the Memorial Committee, Presi-
dent James B. Angell of the Univer-
sity, Mr. Rust, largest individual con-
tributor, and Curtis Guild, formerly
governor of Massachusetts.
University Takes Over
The building was then turned over
to the University by the Memorial
Committee to be used as a permanent
home for the University of Michigan
Alumni Association.
Now housed in the building are the
executive offices of the association,
editorial offices of The Michigan Al-
umnus and the alumni filing office,
which has on record the names and
addresses of about 92,000 Michigan
Numerous valuable works of art
now decorate the building. One of
the most imposing of these is a life-
size bronze tablet of Dr. Angell, pre-
sented to the University by the late
Regent Arthur Hill. This tablet was
unveiled in June, 1910. Shortly af-
terward, a similar bronze table of Dr.
Henry P. Tappan, first prsident of
th University, was placed on the wall
opposite that of Dr. Angell.
Other valuable art objects now in
the building include a reproduction
of the statue "Victory," the original
of which stands in the Louvre in
Paris; a model of the Laocoon Group
sculpture, donated by the class of
1857; a vat taken from the ruins of
Pompeii and a bust of Cicero.
Home Of Fine Arts
University courses in the History
of Fine Arts are given in Alumni
Hall also. A.special reading room fo1
art students is also maintained. The
three large galeries in the building
are often utilized for local art ex-
The Alumni Association itself, as it
now stands, was started in 1894 and
was incorporated in 1897.
From its small beginning, it has
gradually expanded, until now it in-
lues a large organization of over
200 Michigan alumni groups scattered
all over the world. It was this or-
ganization that was able to attract
10,000 alumni back to Ann Arbor for
the University's centennial celebra-
tion in 1937, and to send out the re-
cent world-wide Michigan Birthday
Shands Heads Engineers
Frederick L. Shands, '4E, was re-
cently elected president of the Stu-
dent Chapter of the American In-
stitute of Chemical Engineers. Other
officers chosen were Cruzan Alex-
ander, '40E, Enginnering Council
representative; David 0. Cushing,
'40E, first vice-president; M. Robert
Berman, '40E, second vice-president;
Harry C. Fischer, '40E, seetary;
and Norman J. Fey, 40E, treasurer.

Substituting for President Roosevelt, Vice President Garner throws out the first ball as the New York
Yankees and the Washington Senators open the Big League season in the Capital. Left to right are: Senators
Robert LaFollette (Prog., Wis.), Charles L. MNary (Rep., Ore.), and Carter Glass (Dem., Va.); Garner,
Bucky Harris, Senators' manager; Postmaster General Jomes A. Farley, and Joe McCarthy, Yankee manager.
The Yankees won 6 to 3, before 32,000 fans.

When duty calls England's soldiers to assignments away from home,
their wives and children often follow them. Here's Gordon Forward,
16-months old, getting busy with a broom on the troopship, Nevassa, as
she left Southampton for Malta.



.,. a e
see" ;, s ,. "' ' .

Laughter and song held sway when Marian Anderson, Neg-recontralto,
and New York's Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia held a tete-a-tete at a New
York reception ion Marian. The fbyor called her "one of America's
greatest artist ."

MahIke Heads Socity
Clinton D. Mahlke, '40Ed, last
night was elected president of the
local chapter of Phi Epsilon Kappa,
national honorary physical educa-
tion fraternity. Mahlke, a graduate
of Ann Arbor High School. succeeds
.ToA'nh W. Cole. '39Ed.

Musical instruction for high school
band members will be provided this
summer at the fourth annual High
School Band Clinic to be held here
from July 10 to 29. The clinic will.
be conducted under the auspices of
the University School of Music.
Prof. William D. Revelli, conduc-
tor of the University Band, will be
chairman of the clinic. Also included
on the staff will be Prof. David Mat-
tern of the School of Music and guest
conductors from xnidwest school.



The zipper closing extends
to the waistline, with a hook-
and-eye arrangement direct-
ly above. The combination
results in a wonderfully
.1 lr ,


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